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Sio Moore Ticketed for Reckless Driving


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At least at this point, there's no report of alcohol or drugs being involved.


That's the good news.


He'll get a sizable speeding ticket along with reckless driving,  etc.    


But I don't think this rises to an offense where the team cuts him due to this...........


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1 hour ago, jaybird95 said:


They're not payed to be smart, athletes are some of the dumbest people on the planet


Actually,  in the world of modern sports.  very few athletes in most any sport are among the "dumbest people on the planet."   


I'm actually surprised that you think that here in 2016.      Sports are much more complex than they were even 20 years ago.


Most athletes are pretty sharp guys....    not all....   but certainly most....


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1 hour ago, RockThatBlue said:

Its amazing how stupid professional athletes are sometimes. 

How many time have you driven on I-65 north or south out of Indy? There are cars doing 100 MPH pretty regular. I would estimate that 75% of people who drive that stretch average 80-85 MPH most of the time. That's the soccer moms, farmers and everyone else. The State Police in Indiana pretty much just watch the flow of traffic and if you are not recklessly lane changing they don't pay much attention to the speed. So if you want to lump just what you call stupid professional athletes into that category you are wrong in assuming that. You should go around I-465 sometime. You will find out real quick you will get run over trying to do the speed limit. Matter of fact the fastest cars out there are the cop cars. The State Police's attitude is it is safer to let the flow of traffic do it's thing rather than to sit on the side of the interstate and risk an accident by rubber neck people who want to see what's going on.

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1 hour ago, jaybird95 said:


They're not payed to be smart, athletes are some of the dumbest people on the planet

Wrong. There is a pretty high percentage of pro athletes who are above average intelligence. You take the total amount of pro athletes and the percentage of those who get into trouble, it is lower than average people. You just read about those that do get into trouble because they are pro athletes. Regular people do not get story's written about them.

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39 minutes ago, HungarianColtsFan said:


I don't blame the OP, because the article's title stated that Moor was arrested.


TBH I had a clutch in my stomach when saw this tread...relieved that Moore was 'only' speeding.


I know, had the same feeling myself. 


I don't blame anyone, just stating the title doesn't match the story, no big deal here..

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4 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

How many time have you driven on I-65 north or south out of Indy? There are cars doing 100 MPH pretty regular. I would estimate that 75% of people who drive that stretch average 80-85 MPH most of the time. That's the soccer moms, farmers and everyone else. The State Police in Indiana pretty much just watch the flow of traffic and if you are not recklessly lane changing they don't pay much attention to the speed. So if you want to lump just what you call stupid professional athletes into that category you are wrong in assuming that. You should go around I-465 sometime. You will find out real quick you will get run over trying to do the speed limit. Matter of fact the fastest cars out there are the cop cars. The State Police's attitude is it is safer to let the flow of traffic do it's thing rather than to sit on the side of the interstate and risk an accident by rubber neck people who want to see what's going on.

Speed limits on Indiana interstates need to be raised by at least 20 mph. Nobody goes 55 mph on 465, it's just unrealistic.

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I'm more concerned they will let him go for on the field performance. Some of the games they did not let him play in were head scratchers to me. Especially that last game against Tennessee with much of nothing on the line. Also the Jacksonville game with Mcnary starting over. Maybe he did not learn enough of the D.

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Future hall of fame hockey player Teemu Selanne, early in his career, was stopped in Finland for excessive speeding.   He became somewhat famous for his affinity for fast cars and fast driving.   It's stupid and reckless, but it did not detract from his hall of fame career / on ice effectiveness.   


So Sio got ticketed for driving fast and recklessly.  Dumb, but it should not impact his standing with the Colts, other than him getting a reprimand and being on a shorter leash.  

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It's not just athletes that speed... Just a simple jaunt down I-74 can turn into madness as people fly past well over 90 mph. A lot of athletes have vehicles that can handle going that speed... Whilst Mr. and Mrs. speedikins are trying to get to McDonalds in a record fashion driving... an old Buick.


Going the speed limit in Indiana feels like going 60 at the Indy 500.

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1 hour ago, buccolts said:


Now, there's a generalization of a stereotype at it's finest. 

He's not terribly wrong. I don't think he meant it in terms of intelligence. I think what he meant was that a lot of athletes make boneheaded moves, which is true.


Granted speeding is something that millions of people do, but as an athlete you know you're held to a higher standard because of the media presence, so you have to always be careful.


Sio specifically needs to be better because there were rumors about character issues with him in Oakland, and he's already had very little playing time so he really needs to be on point.

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18 minutes ago, CR91 said:

It's just speeding. We've all have done it

It's true that we've all done it.  I was on 294 driving through Chicago recently.  Speed limit was 60 and I was driving 75 and getting my doors blown off.  It's like the autobahn up there.  Driving more slowly puts you at risk like a tractor on the expressway is not a good idea.


However, 100 is really high.  Not sure my car can go that fast and I'm not sure regular car should.  Most people never drive that fast.


I do wish they would find a way to enforce speed limits on 65 and 465.  Accidents all the time  it's dangerous and generally speaking I avoid them as best I can

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9 hours ago, adubb84 said:

Yeah just saw that too. How dumb do you have to be? That's the last thing we need heading into the offseason.....more negative attention 



Oh come on, like you've never sped before in your life.....


this is a non-story, he was speeding, big whoop.  Anything over 15mph, the officer can write a recklesss driving ticket, anything over 25 mph is automatic and the cop must write it.  So he was doing 100 mph, automatic reckless.   But this is a non story, he'll get a fine, probation on his license and 4-10 points assigned, depending on the exact IC charged with, assuming it doesnt plea down to just speeding, which if it does, it'll be even lighter than that.


I got nailed once for 95 in a 55 at 17....guess what, I paid a fine and it was off my record in 3 years

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14 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Sio specifically needs to be better because there were rumors about character issues with him in Oakland, and he's already had very little playing time so he really needs to be on point.


everybody speeds, I don't care if its a priest, theyve sped at some point before

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