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Luck "Questionable" week 4 vs. Jacksonville


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I think they are really, really downplaying this.  


Of course they are, the Colts always do. I wouldn't be surprised if Luck was already banged up before the Titans game. They would never admit it, especially since he wasn't listed on the injury report till this week.  As for Sundays game, if Luck misses, the Colts will have there hands full and could easily lose the game.  They have not looked like a good team to begin with and Hasselbeck looked terrible in preseason and hasn't started an NFL game in 3 years.

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I would proceed with caution if it were my call... I'd probably just not start him to begin with and hope (but not really expect) MH and the rest of the team would TCOB.

Assuming he starts:

Use short passing game and if Luck is being hit a lot, pull him.

If we get an early lead of more than 2 scores, pull him. Really, if we are up by more than a TD at halftime, pull him.

The beauty of playing in this bad division is that we can overcome early adversity... I would have no problem dropping one to the Jags if it secures the health of the franchise...

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Well. We felt comfortable with the O-Line we had. And we felt comfortable that our young guys were going to develop you know. There wasn't any sense in signing a big name guard or nothing like that this past offseason. But yeah. Grigson is like.... The smartest GM ever. Penciling in Lance Louis to start at LG was just the most rational move I have ever seen anyone ever make period. I mean he's so much better than all the other guys we could have possibly had.

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Make no mistake about this, this is still a must win like last week was. We cant go 1-3 and expect to have any chance at HFA. If we can start Luck and get an early huge lead than maybe we can take him out and rest him. That would be a win/win for everyone. Luck keeps his streak alive regarding never missing a start and will get credit for the win too as a starter+ he will be healthy for Thursdays game at Houston. Because it's a quick turn around and our next game is Thursday is the reason why if we get up by 17 or more I would pull him and put Hasselbeck in.

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What should be questionable, is all of the horrible choices our expert OL man Ryan has made. If I was Luck when the contract is up, I would go to a team where I can win with a good OL and all around strong team.. Hello Bruce in Arizona perhaps.

. I agree let him go to the Cowboys, which have one of the best offensive lines. Wait Romo is out again with a good offensive line. It's unfortunate, but it is football. Anybody can get hurt at any time.
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. I agree let him go to the Cowboys, which have one of the best offensive lines. Wait Romo is out again with a good offensive line. It's unfortunate, but it is football. Anybody can get hurt at any time.

I know, Luck has won much more than Romo has % wise LOL. He even has more Playoff wins in 3 years. Luck isn't going anywhere and will be a Colt for life IMO. Romo gets injured and has a great Line is what people need to realize. Stuff happens.

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. I agree let him go to the Cowboys, which have one of the best offensive lines. Wait Romo is out again with a good offensive line. It's unfortunate, but it is football. Anybody can get hurt at any time.

except this excuse that it's football don't work romo is prone to injury has been for awhile now luck would be a master behind his line
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. I agree let him go to the Cowboys, which have one of the best offensive lines. Wait Romo is out again with a good offensive line. It's unfortunate, but it is football. Anybody can get hurt at any time.

Agreed.  None of us know when Luck was hurt.  I agree all the shots he's been taking hasn't been helping and it's very possible that the injury came on one of those plays but it's also very possible it came when he threw the pick and went low to make the tackle.  If that's the case then the o-line wasn't to blame for it all and it was Luck's mistake (as he could have thrown that ball away) that caused the injury.  So again, I get why people are upset about the o-line and again I agree the way they aren't playing hasn't been helping but as you pointed out injuries happen.  The good news is that this doesn't seem to be too serious of an injury (if there is a chance he could play Sunday it's not major).  So hopefully it's just a bruise or some soreness and Luck is good to go Sunday. 

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Why do some people just automatically assume since Luck is hurt he's going to be packing his bags and leaving??  Big Ben is hurt, is he leaving the steelers?  Romo is hurt, is he leaving the cowboys??  Rodgers got hurt last year, was he looking to leave Green Bay??  The answer to all those questions is a resounding NO !!!  IMO, Luck will be a Colt for life !!!  We need to provide him with a better O line, I agree on that, and that falls on Grigson. But Luck is going no where !!!

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Why do some people just automatically assume since Luck is hurt he's going to be packing his bags and leaving??  Big Ben is hurt, is he leaving the steelers?  Romo is hurt, is he leaving the cowboys??  Rodgers got hurt last year, was he looking to leave Green Bay??  The answer to all those questions is a resounding NO !!!  IMO, Luck will be a Colt for life !!!  We need to provide him with a better O line, I agree on that, and that falls on Grigson. But Luck is going no where !!!

I agree. No way can I see him leaving. As far as I know he gets along with Irsay and Irsay will offer more money than anyone else as well. I wouldn't be surprised to see Andrew signed here shortly to another long deal eventhough the media keeps saying we are going to wait until the season is over.

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Whether or not Andrew plays, for the love of god the game plan HAS to be, RUN the ball and SHORT throws! Especially to the TE's. Whether it's Matt or Andrew, keep the strain off our QB. Let Gore take a majority of the game. I'm not too worried about the Defense just as long as they stay fresh. So RUN the ball. Keep the drives going, and keep the Jags D tired. When the game starts, if I see the team constantly throwing the deep ball through a QB with a depleted arm, i'm officially giving up on Pep (unless, y'know, it works. Then good on you Pep). We can still do this! Pittsburgh just beat a much better team with Mike Vick under QB. We can do the same! Go Blue!

Yeah, uhm.... no they didnt ;)

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I would proceed with caution if it were my call... I'd probably just not start him to begin with and hope (but not really expect) MH and the rest of the team would TCOB.

Assuming he starts:

Use short passing game and if Luck is being hit a lot, pull him.

If we get an early lead of more than 2 scores, pull him. Really, if we are up by more than a TD at halftime, pull him.

The beauty of playing in this bad division is that we can overcome early adversity... I would have no problem dropping one to the Jags if it secures the health of the franchise...

A short passing game crossing routes a little scheming to get the ball to playmakers with a running game mixed in. Then take the shots downfield off of play action. Why hasn't this been the plan all year. Oh yeah Pep's our OC probably the least qualified in the league and it shows Sunday after Sunday.

Hasselbeck is not very good. Anyone watch the preseason? It would be a roll of the dice if he is the starter. Especially if we get hit at CB again.

Luck needs to start if he can. Pep needs to start helping the guy out with better game planning and play calling.

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. I agree let him go to the Cowboys, which have one of the best offensive lines. Wait Romo is out again with a good offensive line. It's unfortunate, but it is football. Anybody can get hurt at any time.

I don't think anyone is saying that football isn't risky. Yes, you can get hurt with a good offensive line. But I think all of us fans know and many of us have been saying that it was just a matter of time before Luck got hurt behind this offensive line which has been subpar for years. This offensive line has led the NFL in QB hits for 3 straight seasons. It's a down right shame that a better group of blockers could not have been assembled by now.

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Remember if he doesn't play (Which he probably will) We have a capable veteran backup in Hasselbeck. And also btw. We're playing the Jacksonville Jaguars. One of the 3 major laughing stocks of the NFL.

I don't think Hasselbeck can beat the Jags. That probably seems dumb of me to say but he has zero accuracy. I think we will need Luck to beat them, even an injured one.

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"Protect 12".... Lot of good that little post-it note did there, Grigsy boy. 


I say start the Hasselbeck for this game... Lots of quick timing routes, pure west coast type offensive game plan.  That's what MH does best. 


If they start Luck I fear his shoulder injury will continue to nag him and his performance throughout the season will continue to be very sporadic.

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I don't know if we can even handle the Jags without Luck.  Hasselbeck has not looked good in pre-season at all.  Looks like he has nothing left in his arm.


The only good news is that Tanny is not on the active roster which they would need to be if they where going to shut Luck down.


This for the record is exactly the reason I think we should pay for a top backup in FA rather then draft some rookie in the late rounds.  We could be startting Matt Cassel or Fitz or Moore or Stanton and I would be fairly confident about winning this game.

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"Protect 12".... Lot of good that little post-it note did there, Grigsy boy.

I say start the Hasselbeck for this game... Lots of quick timing routes, pure west coast type offensive game plan. That's what MH does best.

If they start Luck I fear his shoulder injury will continue to nag him and his performance throughout the season will continue to be very sporadic.

Agreed... Time to sit Luck so it doesn't nah him all year. And, we have the short week. I'd rather play him against Houston.

I'm unsure on Grigson. Yes, we don't have a great offensive line, but with the way Luck holds on to the ball, I'm not sure a better line would be a huge boost to the offense.

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This is GREAT news. Hopefully this is the slap in the face this organization needed

Grigson to realize he's awful at scouting offensive line talent

Pep to realize he NEEDS to change his play calling

Pagano to realize he should've been told Pep his play calling stinks

Ah, life is great. Just be patient, and everything will come to the light


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Play Hassleback. It's a short week after the Jags with a Thursday night game against the Texans. If we can't beat the Jaguars at home without Luck then it'll be a wake up call to Irsay about Grigson, who should be on the hot seat over Pagano.

J.J. Watt is going to abuse Luck anyways, so you might as well make sure Luck is at least 100%.

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Play Hassleback. It's a short week after the Jags with a Thursday night game against the Texans. If we can't beat the Jaguars at home without Luck then it'll be a wake up call to Irsay about Grigson, who should be on the hot seat over Pagano.

J.J. Watt is going to abuse Luck anyways, so you might as well make sure Luck is at least 100%.

Contrary to belief, we usually play pretty well against the Texans. Watt may make a play here or there but he never really wrecks the game like he does against other teams

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Contrary to belief, we usually play pretty well against the Texans. Watt may make a play here or there but he never really wrecks the game like he does against other teams

Even if we hold him in check for Sacks, I think he'll hit luck a lot. Especially since he's in a 3-4 where he's listed as a 3-4 DE, but they move him around a lot. We might see him one on one with Louis at times

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Remember if he doesn't play (Which he probably will) We have a capable veteran backup in Hasselbeck. And also btw. We're playing the Jacksonville Jaguars. One of the 3 major laughing stocks of the NFL.

That may be so, but they've beaten is numerous times over the years. They are also better than they have been in the past. They could beat us and I wouldn't be surprised.

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One thing I'll say about Hasselback is he'll take his check downs, and he has no problem with getting rid of the ball quickly if it needs to go short.  Obviously he's not on Lucks level by any means, but he's experienced enough for the above. Up tempo short passing game is all he ever did under Mike Holmgren.  If he plays against Jackson ville he's probably going to have to do that a lot because I suspect they'll load the box daring us to show what he has left as a passer. 

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Jacksonville is gonna be po'd as is. The way Luck has played, Matt cant really playe worse. Sad to say. Might be best to give him a wk off amd be ready for Hou. Lael Collins would've been a good pick, oh well.

You can say that to every team in the league.  NO ONE drafted Collins, and there was a reason.  Grigs supposedly tried to sign him as an UFA.  Hindsight is 20/20....... but don't act like prognostication is.

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One thing I'll say about Hasselback is he'll take his check downs, and he has no problem with getting rid of the ball quickly if it needs to go short.  Obviously he's not on Lucks level by any means, but he's experienced enough for the above. Up tempo short passing game is all he ever did under Mike Holmgren.  If he plays against Jackson ville he's probably going to have to do that a lot because I suspect they'll load the box daring us to show what he has left as a passer. 

Jags are awful. Hasselbeck will be able to win that game as you say as long as he plays smart and takes what the defense gives him.

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So here's my question: if Luck can't stay healthy behind that line, what do they think is going to happen to 40-year-old Matt Hasselbeck?



Maybe they'll adjust the scheme. (I'm joking, we all know Matt will be taking 7 step drops and throwing 40 times)

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