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Jason_ last won the day on December 1 2021

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  1. Yes, BUT, you have to keep in mind that the veteran safeties that could come in and provide a definite upgrade aren't gonna want to come here to compete. They're likely going to hold out until an obvious/guaranteed starting spot opens
  2. Just curios, what general are you at? I'm in the middle of a home search right now
  3. 200k is a bit on the low side for all that you said. Depending on the area of course, but in the better parts of indy you'd have to get kinda lucky to find one at that price.
  4. This was a trash post
  5. I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but it's not what I was responding to. I mean, the biggest problem is not having a PROVEN franchise QB. Once AR proves himself (assuming he does) then I think FAs will be far more interested in coming here. Until then though, we don't really have all that much to offer.
  6. I slept on Hull once. Now he has a restraining order against me. A bit of an overreaction imo but it is what it is.
  7. I'm getting sick of the blame every time Ballard doesn't sign someone. It's a way to complain about Ballard for not signing any FA without anyone being able to prove that player had any interest in signing here in the first place unless there's a report on twitter that confirms it. See how that works.
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/Colts/s/hcam0a31jL
  9. So the Mannings will get involved at some point? I'm honestly just trying to make sense out of what you're trying to say.
  10. I'm sure you did. It just wasn't very clear.
  11. that's just what he does Hunter had the opportunity to come here this year for more money than Houston offered. He still chose Houston because that's where he's from. Maybe try again?
  12. I asked 2 questions. Was your response nope that the Mannings don't get to decide when Arch becomes the starter? Or, nope the coaches at Texas don't have say in it?
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