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ChuggaBeer last won the day on April 15 2023

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  1. Me too for the game on Sundays. But had a driver to get me home Hit me up in a couple hours after a few more beers. Hell I may even sponsor this thing. HA!!!!
  2. Wish I were closer I would. But 2 hours down and two hours back and that would be after drinking with @IndyD4U so I'd have to stay over HAHA
  3. AR is basically the same size as Cam Newton. Cam 6-5 247 lbs Luck. 6-4 240 AR 6-4 around 250 according to Q
  4. looks like it needs mowed to me
  5. 53??? I have socks older than you. HA
  6. HAHA. You all are funny. At least it was something to talk about HA
  7. He's not signed, there is nothing else to talk about and I am bored.
  8. I'll be at quite a few of them. Just look for the guy drinking beer
  9. Wow. I am gonna love this kid. Just wish they wouldn't have done that interview on a boat in choppy water, he has to be about seasick with all the waves rocking him back and forth.
  10. Yes it would I forgot they had 4. Mine was about 4 hours. Wife and I are considering sleeves
  11. Curious do you have a tattoo? They can be painful. Most of the time a tat that size could take weeks, because of the pain I admit I have never heard about being put to sleep but then again my last one was in the early 80's.
  12. Yep. I would also guess they look at someone. Maybe Simmons but I would not be surprised if it is someone like Gipson
  13. Yes agreed Well Deserved! I have been hoping that Granson can turn into a player like Clark
  14. #10 is gonna make a huge difference on offense!!!
  15. Am I the only one that doesn't think that Shane goes into a game not knowing what Bradley is going to do???? Do you all not think that all game plans are run through SS? Do you not think that SS knows the limitations of last yrs D as far as personnel? Bash Bradley all you want BUT the head coach signs off on all of this. Bradley has more talent this year Up to SS to decide now
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