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Gordy signs tender, Costa retires (won't get any money) [Merge]


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Are you serious?      You're going to use this to bag on Grigson?    Like he should have known all along?


This is getting embarrassing.      You seriously have issues.     People here are only defending him against the know-nothings who think he did something wrong?     Sound familiar?    Look in a mirror recently?


You sure you're a Colts fan?


Learn to read, first of all. Where did I blame his retirement on Grigson? I didn't. What I said is, that the signing was a waste even before he retired. But now he's back at square one because Holmes backup plan is already bowing out. There is egg on his face. He had no control over it, but there is egg on his face. Costa was his main move on the offensive line in free agency to this point. How is there NOT egg on his face, especially considering the uncertainty already surrounding the offensive line? It's not a headliner type blunder, but I'm sure he isn't happy he wasted time signing a worthless player who never played any snaps for us 

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We still have Thomas Austin. I know nothing about him, but he's on the roster. And signing a lower level guy right now, or drafting someone late in the draft, or even a UDFA, makes sense. But I don't see center as a draft priority, definitely not at #59. I made a full scale argument against it in another thread, then ended with the realization that Grigson might very well draft someone like Marcus Martin in the second. I disagree with that strategy, but I don't know anything about how he's going to draft. I never do. It just doesn't make sense to me to spend a high pick on a center when we haven't even given Holmes a chance yet.

I think you're right.  It won't change our draft strategy.  A versatile lineman as BPA was always a possibility...still is.  Costa on the roster or not.  That a lineman (like Bitonio) might be able to play center will be a bonus, not a determiner of his draft value.  


There are so many lineman that can play center....who will be the back-up is mostly much ado about nothing (see McGlynn poster child)

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My frustrations with Grigson's handling of the offensive line (among other things) are well documented. I feel like he's overly aggressive when he should exercise patience (Richardson trade) and other times (like now) he's inactive when he should probably be aggressively looking to upgrade a particular unit (O-line). I've basically disagreed with the majority of his moves since we first traded Jerry Hughes. I think he and Pagano have done a good job overall rebuilding the team, but they're starting down a path that could eventually come back to bite us. We've been fortunate to win as many games as we have these past 2 years. My only hope is that we eventually have enough talent to overcome whenever our fortune does finally turn and the ball no longer bounces our way. We haven't played good football that much, despite the wins. Statistically, we've been outmatched by our opponents both years (outscored.) Eventually, that luck is going to run out and we're going to have to look at our roster for what it really is. 


I'm not critical of anyone of likes Grigson, i'm usually the one who gets the backlash after making a disparaging remark about Grigson from someone who doesn't like it. I just don't understand why I have to be a fan of the GM and his every decision in order to be considered a Colts fan. That's how it comes off around here sometimes. 



Anyways, as for Holmes, I don't have a problem with him starting. I do have a problem with the coaches not playing him AT ALL last season, to at least prepare him to start. He's an unknown, surrounded by a 2nd year player still trying to find his way and a guard who is less than a year removed from a tendon tear and a muscle tear in the same off season. That should be cause for alarm to anyone rooting for the Colts.


With all the questions we have on the offensive line, I still think we're better off now than we were last season. Satele and McGlynn being gone is a big deal.


Looking at the roster for what it is is all I've been doing since after the 2012 season. I've been pointing out that we are way ahead of schedule with our relative successes, and that the team still has a lot of room for improvement. The roster has several holes, and/or unproven areas. We have a hole at SS right now. I think, at this point, the offensive line qualifies as an unproven area, not a hole. The young players we have there have promise, and we still have some decent veteran depth there. I think Reitz and Nixon are better than McGlynn was last season, and while people seem to have a problem with Thornton, I think he has the physical ability to be a lockdown lineman for a long time. His inconsistencies in 2013 aren't surprising, but he did show his ability at times, and had a couple of really good games. Getting him back to RG will help. I'm cautiously optimistic about our young linemen, but I think that it only makes sense for us to give them a chance.


A radically different strategy would have been to sign a starting caliber center, and tell Holmes to get in where he fits in. The cost approach and the draft approach would have been far different, now and into the future. How this relates to not playing Holmes in 2013 is not worth even discussing, IMO. First, rookie centers play right away all the time. Secondly, just because Holmes didn't play doesn't mean he can't play in the future. Third, the primary reason he didn't play is that his injuries put him behind schedule. That's a good reason to have veteran depth, but really, the goal and the hope is for Holmes to anchor our offensive line for the foreseeable future. Whether it's Costa or Goodwin backing him up, that doesn't change what Holmes can/will do.


You saying that Grigson is Teflon is being critical of anyone who doesn't think this is his fault. That's how it's taken, and not just by me. You could have just left that part out...

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We still have Thomas Austin. I know nothing about him, but he's on the roster. And signing a lower level guy right now, or drafting someone late in the draft, or even a UDFA, makes sense. But I don't see center as a draft priority, definitely not at #59. I made a full scale argument against it in another thread, then ended with the realization that Grigson might very well draft someone like Marcus Martin in the second. I disagree with that strategy, but I don't know anything about how he's going to draft. I never do. It just doesn't make sense to me to spend a high pick on a center when we haven't even given Holmes a chance yet.

I think Marcus would be a great pick @59, He was actually my first pick on the Colts draft contest. I think he will be picked because for one,He might just be the BPA by time we pick, and Two, he can play center and guard. But, you never know how the draft will unfold.
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Goodwin isn't injured. Just a free agent. I don't know what the Niners have in mind, but they're obviously prepared to move on.

I hear they are going with Kilgore getting younger saving a little coin. Goodwin is available he is not injured has started all 56 games including playoffs for 49ers since they signed him in 2011 not sure why he isn't here maybe Grigs wants to make sure Holmes wins the job??


I have read that Goodwin is expected to be selective in FA"s a could retire if the right opportunity wasn't there not sure how snapping to Luck for a season or two couldn't be a good option.

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Wonder what the reason for Costas retirement really is.

Sure we'll get a replacement for him.


One thing I just don't get, is the notion that we'll be fine with Holmes at Center. Based on what? Blind faith in Grigsons ability to spot a solid NFL starter in the 4th round of the draft? We didn't really shine on O-line/Center last season, but still no sign of Holmes. At all. But now, he's ready to take on the big guys in the NFL? What has he been eating since last season, and where can I get some?

But apparently there's no need to take someone who's an "average NFL Center" - Well, I guess I wouldn't really mind having an average NFL Center starting for us, especially over a 4th rounder who was never actually played a game as a Center in the NFL.

You might even argue that "an average NFL Center", would be a pretty solid upgrade over what we have had lately.


If Holmes turns out to be a superstar Center, that's just great. I just don't buy it.


Everyone knows that if there is one thing this team really needs, it's to upgrade our O-line. So far, you would have to be blinded by your faith in Grigson to claim that we have fixed that. We actually look worse at O-line now, than what we did when the season ended, and that's actually both very impressive and very worrying.

The only possitive, is that Donald Thomas should be back.


Just to clarify, I don't blame Grigson for Costa leaving the game. I'm sure that he never saw that coming.

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Learn to read, first of all. Where did I blame his retirement on Grigson? I didn't. What I said is, that the signing was a waste even before he retired. But now he's back at square one because Holmes backup plan is already bowing out. There is egg on his face. He had no control over it, but there is egg on his face. Costa was his main move on the offensive line in free agency to this point. How is there NOT egg on his face, especially considering the uncertainty already surrounding the offensive line? It's not a headliner type blunder, but I'm sure he isn't happy he wasted time signing a worthless player who never played any snaps for us 


I read just fine.


Here's how much HATE you have for Grigson.


You wrote that fans here were going easy on Grigson and then made the crack that Grigson could trade Luck for a bag of skittles and fans would continue to have faith in him.      I read just fine,  thanks very much.


And now in THIS POST you write (and I can't believe it)  that there's egg on Grigson's face.   You acknowledge that there was no way for Grigson to know about this,  and yet you insist that there's egg on his face.   "How could there not be?"


Easy.    Because Grigson did nothing wrong.    This would be like you writing (which you didn't) that it would be Grigson fault whenever someone gets injured.    Is it Grigson's fault that Thomas got hurt?     Stuff happens.    Costa retiring unexpectedly falls under the heading of "stuff happens"....


There's no egg on Grigson's face.    And you insisting that there is shows how completely irrational you're being here.


You've got so much hate boiling up inside you I'm not even sure you're aware of what you're writing anymore.   Logic has completely abandoned you.    Hate will do that.

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I read just fine.

Here's how much HATE you have for Grigson.

You wrote that fans here were going easy on Grigson and then made the crack that Grigson could trade Luck for a bag of skittles and fans would continue to have faith in him. I read just fine, thanks very much.

And now in THIS POST you write (and I can't believe it) that there's egg on Grigson's face. You acknowledge that there was no way for Grigson to know about this, and yet you insist that there's egg on his face. "How could there not be?"

Easy. Because Grigson did nothing wrong. This would be like you writing (which you didn't) that it would be Grigson fault whenever someone gets injured. Is it Grigson's fault that Thomas got hurt? Stuff happens. Costa retiring unexpectedly falls under the heading of "stuff happens"....

There's no egg on Grigson's face. And you insisting that there is shows how completely irrational you're being here.

You've got so much hate boiling up inside you I'm not even sure you're aware of what you're writing anymore. Logic has completely abandoned you. Hate will do that.

I don't hate Grigson. I don't like many of his moves lately but i still think he's done a good job overall. I've explained my post already so I'm not gonna repeat myself. If anyone hates anyone around here, you hate me. Go take a nap and stop following me. Lol

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I'm not worried about the O-line as long as we get guards in the draft for depth. Guys from other teams will be put up for trade or released after the draft. But I'd rather address the defensive pass rush with our second round pick.

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I will say this if they take a C in the draft it would be someone capable of playing multiple positions ,because that adds depth across the line.They already have people capable at C such as the guy who played for the Bears ,not great with names lol but hes still young and wasn't bad although he took a lot of blame for the line there acouple years ago. Lance Louis :thmup:

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I will say this if they take a C in the draft it would be someone capable of playing multiple positions ,because that adds depth across the line.They already have people capable at C such as the guy who played for the Bears ,not great with names lol but hes still young and wasn't bad although he took a lot of blame for the line there acouple years ago. Lance Louis :thmup:

Louis must have been pretty decent since Jared Allen hit him with a cheap shot (20K) that knocked his knee to shreds.  If you cannot get by someone you tend to get frustrated and some (Allen) result to stupid things.

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Louis must have been pretty decent since Jared Allen hit him with a cheap shot (20K) that knocked his knee to shreds.  If you cannot get by someone you tend to get frustrated and some (Allen) result to stupid things.

Ironic Allen is now a Bear, Tammy wasn't happy about this.

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This is a poor reflection on Gridgson. Costa only played 6 times in the last two years. You would think that evaluating Costa's motivation would have been a key factor in signing him. Gridgson dropped the ball on that one and we are going to pay for it. We need competition at center and now we donn't have it. Is the office evaluating these players on more than their physical capabilities?

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Call Goodwin right meow, and get him in the Colts facility. Today.


I'm fine with Holmes being starter, but Grigson likes to get a bunch of "competition" in training camp, so O-Line should be absolutely NO exception. 


Using one of our limited draft picks on a another Center in two years would be an utter travesty.


Grigson even said it himself, there are numerous starting centers that go UDFA, so he better get ready to dig for them as soon as the draft is over. 

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Call Goodwin right meow, and get him in the Colts facility. Today.


I'm fine with Holmes being starter, but Grigson likes to get a bunch of "competition" in training camp, so O-Line should be absolutely NO exception. 


Using one of our limited draft picks on a another Center in two years would be an utter travesty.


Grigson even said it himself, there are numerous starting centers that go UDFA, so he better get ready to dig for them as soon as the draft is over. 

I guess it is too early to give you a LIKE.  Once again...I shall return.  :)

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Costa retiring--another case of addition by subtraction. Glad we didn't have to waste 2 years, like we did with McGlynn and Satele, deciding he wasn't going to add much. Was he better than some we had? Yes. But we need one more truly O lineman that is good now--not hoping to be good to protect Luck, so he isn't killed before his time.

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Per ESPN; Colts will have to pay nothing, including the guaranteed money since he decided to retire.  so at least that is positive news.  Must have really been a significant issue for him personally to retire out of the blue like that....  wish him the best i whatever life has brought him.




INDIANAPOLIS -- Center Phil Costa wasn't even around long enough to be asked about dating Hulk Hogan's daughter let alone possibly hike the ball to quarterback Andrew Luck with the Indianapolis Colts.

Costa, in a surprising announcement, has decided to retire.

"Phil feels it's in his best interest to retire from the game," Colts general manager Ryan Grigson said in a statement released by the team. "We certainly understand and wish him nothing but the best."

The Colts signed Costa to a two-year, $2.7 million contract that included $450,000 guaranteed last month.

UPDATE: The Colts do not have to pay Costa any of the guaranteed money he was scheduled to make since he decided to retire.

The idea was for Costa to compete with Khaled Holmes for the starting center position, but I got the sense that the Colts were hoping Holmes would win the job. Costa, who started with the Dallas Cowboys in 2011, was beat out by rookie Travis Frederick last season.

Holmes only played 12 snaps and was a healthy inactive 11 times last season as a rookie.

Now the Colts are in serious of need of adding another center to the roster. This isn't a position they should be in with their franchise player Luck. The little bit of good news out of Costa telling the Colts he was retiring is that he did it now and not after training camp had already started. It gives Grigson some time to try to find another center to add to the roster.


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When I saw that Costa retired on the headlines on NFL network I was kinda mad.  Guy signs a new contract with us and then retires at age 26?  What's that about?  We where counting on him to come in and compete. 


At least we don't have to pay him.  Don't understand why he's retiring.  Guy could have probably just sat on the bench for 2 years and got his contract money.  

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