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Smonroe last won the day on May 14 2023

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  1. Yeah, it was probably just an off the cuff response. We all know he meant you don’t take away what makes a guy special. AR addressed it, he knows he has to run smart for the success of the team. Mahomes is a great example, he runs when he sees an opportunity and rarely gets hit doing it.
  2. Yeah, I get that. But my point, or my question is - can you really evaluate him until it’s a real game? Practice and preseason don’t present the same decisions for a FS as does a real game. Stroud and Love aren’t the best QBs to face OTJ training. In my mind, the logical thing to do is to reduce risk by bringing in a proven veteran and letting Cross compete with him. Worst case is that he learns, best case is that he beats him out. Either way, there’s some depth at that spot.
  3. Yes, even if Cross is the answer that position is ultra thin. There will be injuries, and at some point there will be very little experience back there. That guy is going to be picked on. I thought they’d try Simpson at FS, he played some in college. Faced some really good SEC receivers. I won’t be surprised it they sign a veteran S soon.
  4. Serious question, specifically about Cross. Personally I believe he has all physical tools to play FS. But can you really evaluate how well he plays just in practice? That’s maybe the most instinctive position (requiring football instincts) on the D side of the field. Preseason games are also not exactly good indicators, play is vanilla with no scheming. In practice you know the receivers, their tendencies and their routes. Will the coaches know if Cross has the goods prior to facing Stroud and Love?
  5. Why are people complaining about bringing in a guy who at least has experience and will provide competition? Let’s just hope Ballard continues building up the back of the roster at a few other positions, mainly the DBs.
  6. Looks like Lammons starts on PuP, but physicals were still ongoing as I wrote this.
  7. A few teams had multiple players on PuP. They can come off any time so it's probably a roster manipulation thing, so if a player is really still recovering he can start the season on PuP. Smith is the main candidate. Even though Flowers said he's ready, sometimes they still need time to get into football shape. I'm hoping Hull is ready, the RB room is pretty thin.
  8. A lot of guys train in Florida. I think it was Bowen who said they may do that next year since that's AR's home base. This is pretty common for a lot of NFL players. It's not like they're going through the play book, they're just training together.
  9. He must be helpful on the sidelines and in meetings, sort of like Sorgi. IDK, maybe it's because Ballard drafted him. He's in the last year of his contract, he's cheap, and he (hopefully) knows the offense. But I can't see them paying him next season. Number 3 QBs are a dime...
  10. If he can play STs, I think he can (not) play as well as Elhinger. But I'm not sure it's necessary with the Emergency QB rule. I don't think the E-QB has to be active on game day, but I'm not sure.
  11. I noticed a few teams had several players on the PuP list. Are there any Colts that won't participate at the start of camp? I don't think Branden Smith did the OTA's, and I think Pierce missed some practices.
  12. The LBs are pretty solid but you’re right about the DBs. Kenny and Blackmon are the only proven vets. I expect them to bring in a vet S and wouldn’t mind them making a curtesy call to Gilmore. If AR and JT stay healthy the O could be special. Shane showed he can win with anyone.
  13. MPJ is really taking leadership duties. JT is a quiet guy, as is AR. Great to see so many of the starters were training together.
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