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Luck Retires/ The timing of it all... (merge)


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1 minute ago, Chloe6124 said:

That isn’t the issue. You do this before camp. Not two weeks before the season.


Everyone thought before camp he was going to be healthy. Even after the injury coaches, players, the owner, even Andrew believed it was minor and was nothing more than a week. Its spanned over 2+ months since. So now you want them to be fortune tellers too? Yeah okay.

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Just now, Nadine said:

i keep thinking of someone i know that's been dealing with pain for years.  Been to so  many doctors tried so many therapies and it's just getting worse and worse. It's beaten her down mentally as well.  


Andrew took a beating here.  He says he has pain and had to take time to deal with it and let the team move forward. I believe him.  


None of us wanted this but, that's life.

Exactly. Hopefully we can move on quick. He isnt coming back.  Once this is done , its over.  Can't come back now.  

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1 minute ago, GoColts8818 said:

He said tonight the injuries have taken away his love for the game.  He’s not the first player to have that happen to them, heck he’s not even the first Colt to have it happen too.  Pat McAfee walked away for pretty much the same reasons.

Pat did it in January. Not on the eve of the season

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7 minutes ago, ThatOneColtFan said:

The best part of all this is seeing some people true colors.


Proof Luck made the right choice.


Josh McDaniels is thinking he dodged a bullet this year the same way Colts fans thought last year. Reich didn’t ask about Luck last year and hence is THE right man then and now.


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It's his life.  As fans we think we matter, but we don't.  They don't play for us the play for themselves.  He put in 7 hard years.  The majority of those years with a dysfunctional gm and an inept coaching staff.  Got beat to s#*+ and lost his love for the game (or this franchise).  No surprises there.  Bottom line is for all the hype and talent hes chosen that being just a blip one the radar on NFL history outweighs going thru the pain and struggle to have his head bronzed in canton.  Time moves on, people outraged here (believe me I'm one of them) still have to work on Monday, pay mortgages, raise kids, go about the business of dying, basically deal with real life.  If luck plays or doesnt play I'm still gonna wake up with cancer tomorrow.  Sure I was hoping for a few good colts seasons before it consumes me but nothing about my real life changes, Luck or no Luck.  Be disappointed fans, we cant help how we feel, but try to keep it in perspective.  This guy has to live his life the best way he knows how and so do we.  Plus we get to see how good Reich really is now.  We'll all move on.  Good luck colts (no pun intended).

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2 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Retirement is tough.  How many of us work with people that come to work everyday that should retire? They put in minimal effort and complain every day. U can't do that in a game like football.  U r either all in or not.  I think it took its toll on Luck and this ankle injury just wasn't right.  I truly believe he wanted to play but woke up and said to his wife, I'm done. Can't blame just got to wish him luck.  He could have been one of the greats.  I cant think of another qb going thru what he has been thru over his career and still being able to  play at his level.

My parents worked with a couple of teachers that were “retiring” for almost ten 

    The School Corporation had to end a program to get one to retire 

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Well Reich said he would have us a decision on who would be starting after the Bears game.  Just didn't think it would go down like this.  I think Andrew probably informed them a bit of time before the Bears game to be honest. 

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Yeah this hurts alot but I'm still a Colts fan for life.  At the end of the day I will support my team.  Luck is still my guy and his pictures will remain in my man cave.  Luck left 58M on the table so for whatever reason he left I respect.  He could had stuck around not playing and screwed the cap space but he was man enough to walk away.  He only did it today because it leaked out.  Can u imagine having to make this announcement knowing u let down millions of fans and your teammates....I imagine this was very hard on him.  So to all of us real Colts we will cry, get drunk or whatever we need to do to get by....come week 1 we will support our Colts.

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Just now, DEColtsLover36 said:

Who said that team mates and/or co workers should be more important than health? However, when you make a decision to focus on one over the others, there are ways to make a much smoother exit that does not result in complete chaos. This wasn’t the way.

I can't blame him at all.  I doubt he woke up today and said I  am done.  I think this has been going on for a bit. The front office....Irsay and Reich probably knew awhile back.  That's probably why he wasnt practicing.  They were giving him sometime to sort things out in his head.  All were hoping his  latest injury would heal much faster than it was.  I think he wasn't  healing and decided to pack it in. He probably knew if he played this year it was only get worse and mayb needing surgery in the end 

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1 minute ago, KB said:

It would be funny if we beat the Patriots this year. Jacoby does what Luck couldn't. 

That would make my year, however, only way we’d do that this year is in the playoffs. We don’t play them during the regular season

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2 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

Man. Y’all remember when the Browns tried to trade for Luck? 


We had a chance to stick it back to them for the Richardson deal, but here we are. 

Is it too late?  They are pretty stupid (historically not recently) 

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2 minutes ago, KB said:

It would be funny if we beat the Patriots this year. Jacoby does what Luck couldn't. 

That would make my year, however, only way we’d do that this year is in the playoffs. We don’t play them during the regular season

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5 minutes ago, shastamasta said:

Could you imagine if Florio was right...and the Colts end up giving big money to Brissett? 

That's okay if he earns it.  This is the Perfect Storm for Brissett.  He knows the playbook and he has a great team now.  I can see the team really rallying around him.  And if he should falter I think we are so lucky to have Kelly on board.  He is definitely an NFL QB.  This is not a lost season by any means. 

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I get that Luck was in pain with his ankle and frustrated with it.  What's curious is that a lot of people said he looked pretty lively in recent drills at training camp.  I'm not sure how one pulls that off with a significant ankle injury.

But given that the pain was real, why not just go on IR?  If the ankle isn't better by the end of the season, then that's the time to retire.

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The football gods can be cruel but they also give blessings in disguise. Bledsoe & Green had to go down before Brady & Warner could rise from the ashes.  We were all saying Ballard was building a great “team”.  Let’s see if JB or CK can step in & step up?

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

That would make my year, however, only way we’d do that this year is in the playoffs. We don’t play them during the regular season

I really thought we played them around mid season. Here is to hoping for the play offs.

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12 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

But he's got to rehab whether hes playing or not, right?

If he's in pain..he needs surgery whether he plays or not....


He's giving up maybe 5-10 years of playing the game he loves..


He pretty much said he doesn't love football anymore. Hes not coming back.

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4 minutes ago, presto123 said:

To be honest, I have felt in my gut for a long time now that Andrew Luck would never reach his potential. Just felt it for a long time now. Hate being right about it.

I always got the impression he liked to play the game but he wasn't consumed by it.  The great ones live and breath it.   This is a rare occurrence a guy quits in his prime but it is not unprecedented. 

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Look, I will miss Luck. So will our team and our fans.


But at the end of the day I feel for him as a person.


In a league where teams cut guys for multiple reasons and guys get hurt and cut, I would never begrudge this man for walking away when he said "enough is enough" with the injuries.


Truth be told, if I were newly married and about to be a new dad and had millions of dollars and I kept getting hurt and was miserable going to work every day and I could afford to walk away, I would. And that is all this guy is doing here.


It sucks for fans. But he is also walking away from potentially a lot of money. And he thanked almost everyone under the sun and broke down a lot. This isn't some quick decision.


I can only imagine the mental torment he's been going through along w the physical.


And quite frankly if he is not in it mentally, he is smart to get out now before he gets even more hurt physically.


We have been spoiled with Manning and Luck. Now we get to see what it is like to build around lesser talent at the position.


It can be done and done well. Teams ramp up and win around QBs on their rookie contracts. So we will have to see how this shakes out going forward.



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4 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

You missed the point.

No I got your point. You’re ignoring the point myself and others are saying. It’s not the why that has people angry. It’s the timing. It’d been completely different if he said he got news that the injury was worse and has decided to retire. No, he said he’s been thinking it for a while. Which means he lied to fans just days ago when he said his love for the game was back in full. So he’s a liar and a quitter, 

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13 minutes ago, Stillen said:

People are on here acting like he isn't a human being because he gets paid millions of dollars.


The post game interview, he stated that over the past 4 years hes been dealing with pain during the season and throughout the offseason and continuously rehabbing.


I'm sure these same people can hardly get through a whole day with a headache, let alone 4 years of continual pain and rehabbing.


You act like you know this mans life and how he feels and everything should be okay because of money? Nah that ain't it. I'd bet that 99% of people that are in pain all the time would trade all the money in the world to be pain free.

I guess the pain wasn't that bad when he signed that contract extension.

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