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Report: Irsay spent 10 hours with Gruden in Texas.


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Would definitely not mind Gruden being the coach of this team. Everybody knows that he loves Luck and it would definitely bring about a culture change for this team (which in my opinion is much needed). Get a guy, who has won a super bowl, to fire up this team and get us back to where we need to be. 


But in likelihood, it was probably exactly what it sounded like: conversation. I really doubt Gruden is a confirmed thing. Irsay was probably just out there throwing a feeler. 

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I'm not entirely sure what the main topic of this thread is anymore haha but in case it could be about Irsay meeting with Gruden, then keep this in mind:


Maybe Irsay just wants some input and counseling on how Gruden see the development of Luck and how Gruden thinks Colts could get the best out of Luck, including offense philosophy, system and scheme.


Chud and offense play calling leaves a lot to be desired and no doubt Irsay can see the same. So an honest guidance from Gruden on what he would change is not out of the question. That doesn't mean Gruden is interviewing for HC.  

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Yeah.....     except that's what people in the NFL have said for roughly more than 50 years.     And what a shock,  they're all white.       Sorry,  your resume isn't good enough.    


The Rooney Rule helps to open doors.     I don't know what you're objecting to?


In today's world, no one would dare pull a racist act like not interviewing a minority doing to race. Also, there's nothing but downside to not interviewing or hiring them anyway. If you refuse to interview them, it will get out and become a public media nightmare. If you refuse to hire a minority coach and they turn out to be really good somewhere else, you are only hurting the team as a GM. Every GM and owner knows there's no upside to doing this anymore and wouldn't dare do it in this day and age, whether they are racist or not.

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4 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

@twfish was seen coming out of his private jet at A Doritos factory. Sources say he was meeting with them for ten hours. 

He was plotting revenge against the cheetos cheetah for shooting a cheeto in his mouth with a slingshot. Ever since then, his love for cheetos is no more. Now he plots revenge against the cheeto industry as his lifes calling.

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6 hours ago, dgambill said:

Let's be honest. Not many teams owned by a minority...and I think one of the few has a minirity head coach. It shouldn't be but people like to surround themself with people that look and sound like them. Thus I think why we still have so many white coaches and retreads. That said actually if you follow through with what you just said then Vance wouldn't have got the Denver job likely. Kubiak was Elways choice 1,2, and 3. So thank God for Vance he took the "token" interview and did the most with it. Great for him and great for Elway actually listening and getting something out of it as well. It might not work as it needs to but at least it's working a bit. Clearly the NBA does a better job of this process so maybe they could work with them on this process.


The bolded bolsters my point. While Vance Joseph's interview with Denver appeared to be meaningless two years ago because it was clear that Kubiak was going to get the job, it actually turned out not to be meaningless. Elway got to know someone he may never have considered for head coach and then hired him two years later. That is why the rule exists. 


BTW, which team are you referring to that is owned by a minority owner? 


As for Gruden, I have never liked him. You never know, but John Harbaugh may become available next year. I cannot think of a coach I like more than him. I would like him for your Colts.

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12 hours ago, Larry Horseman said:


I'm sure he does, but if I were Gruden, I  wouldn't take the meeting without being on the same page as my wife. So take that for what it is worth. 

he wouldnt have a wife for long if he didnt

11 hours ago, #12. said:

500k tax and about 3 million in bad publicity.  Much better to comply.

9 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

He still has to abide by the rule or pay the penalty.   

I'm sure the fans would gladly pay that price for mr Irsay

11 hours ago, Ja'Crispy said:

Same Bondus guy just said it wasn't true.



Haha, all I can do is laugh

10 hours ago, dudley dawson said:

It means the Colts/Irsay are trying to keep this under extreme wraps until an agreement is in place or falls through (at which point they will deny everything).

Very possible


8 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

IDK what the heck is going on but I will say Irsay could end all the spec by coming out and saying something.  He isn't, so people are gonna spec and keep on doing it until he speaks.  Until then, all we have are "sources" without names.  I think the interesting thing here is that it would be EASY to say something if he was content on just keeping status quo.  Why wouldn't you?  He was quick to do that last year.  But this keeps the possibility open that he is at LEAST exploring possibilities for change.  And that, to me, is exciting.


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At this point I think it's basically confirmed that Irsay is looking for a change. He can be unorthodox at times, but even he would not create the PR nightmare that he has in Indy just because he feels like he can. If it were as simple as bringing them back he would have said so. The guy isn't hiding underneath a rock. He knows people want answers. 


Something is in the works but who knows what it is. He could be talking to Gruden and someone else about about a GM job since the two go hand in hand. But I think for anyone on the board to try and dismiss anything is naive at this point. Sure no one has any solid facts, but there's nothing wrong with speculating when you know something is up.

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12 hours ago, MightyLucks said:

He will be announced as our new coach tomorrow. 

Where is this information coming from?  Are you being serious or just presumptuous. If you know for sure, OK, but don't pull at our fragile heart-strings like that if you don't know for sure.  Things are a bit touchy right now.

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2 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

At this point I think it's basically confirmed that Irsay is looking for a change. He can be unorthodox at times, but even he would not create the PR nightmare that he has in Indy just because he feels like he can. If it were as simple as bringing them back he would have said so. The guy isn't hiding underneath a rock. He knows people want answers. 


Something is in the works but who knows what it is. He could be talking to Gruden and someone else about about a GM job since the two go hand in hand. But I think for anyone on the board to try and dismiss anything is naive at this point. Sure no one has any solid facts, but there's nothing wrong with speculating when you know something is up.

Well said^

1 minute ago, chrisfarley said:

Where is this information coming from?  Are you being serious or presumptuous. 

he's being presumptuous

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2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

In today's world, no one would dare pull a racist act like not interviewing a minority doing to race. Also, there's nothing but downside to not interviewing or hiring them anyway. If you refuse to interview them, it will get out and become a public media nightmare. If you refuse to hire a minority coach and they turn out to be really good somewhere else, you are only hurting the team as a GM. Every GM and owner knows there's no upside to doing this anymore and wouldn't dare do it in this day and age, whether they are racist or not.


If I`m an NFL owner and already know who I`m going to hire, why should a be forced to do a token interview? It`s disrespectful to the guy not getting hired and a possible fine for the owner if he doesn`t do the token interview. The NFL is comprised of 65% Black players and 90% White fans in the stands. The Rooney rule is a joke! Please, don`t turn this into a racial thing! Just my 2 cents!

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Not interviewing multiple people for ANY job, irrespective of race, is just lazy management. I have done dozens of interviews in my line of work, and there have been several times where the 'certainty' has been outdone, and lost out to the 'no hoper'.


This should not even be a discussion.

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:sarcasm: see I can be a highly paid fox 59 reporter too.   :lol:

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13 hours ago, Superman said:


Just had a discussion with someone else about that yesterday... The Rooney rule has its merits on several levels, but in a situation where you want your guy, it just gets in the way.


That is simply not true even if you already know who want. It gives the candidate an opportunity to hone his skills and learn what he needs to if he seriously want to be a HC in the future. This could be invaluable for him. Even if he realizes that he's being interviewed only due to the rule, if he interviews well that owner will remember him and possibly recommend him to other owners. I wouldn't consider it a waste of time because the opportunity to interview for a HC job isn't something that's going to happen very often. 


And you never know. The owner may know who he wants but may get blown away by this candidate who he would not have interviewed if not for the rule.  


I just don't see how giving a person an interview gets in the way or is a waste of time even if you already know who you want. Does anyone really think that would actually delay anything?  

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2 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

At this point I think it's basically confirmed that Irsay is looking for a change. He can be unorthodox at times, but even he would not create the PR nightmare that he has in Indy just because he feels like he can. If it were as simple as bringing them back he would have said so. The guy isn't hiding underneath a rock. He knows people want answers. 


Something is in the works but who knows what it is. He could be talking to Gruden and someone else about about a GM job since the two go hand in hand. But I think for anyone on the board to try and dismiss anything is naive at this point. Sure no one has any solid facts, but there's nothing wrong with speculating when you know something is up.

Well said. 

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9 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

Man, I wish Twfish could stop leaving us all in the dark and tell the fans something! Even though he clearly said doritos and cheetos are not the snack of choice, we need to him to tell us again! ARE THEY THE SNACK OF CHOICE OR NOT?!?!?!?!? 

And until then, we will continue to blow this WAY out of proportion!

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Just now, BullsColtsFan1 said:

So Irsay would honestly come out and say Chucks coming back next year but then go back on his word, fire Chuck and possibly hire Gruden?  I don't see it. 

Me either, I've basically given up hope on next season already. Going to see what we do in FA and the draft now just to see if the season is worth watching. Irsay's ego is going to cost him here, and I don't mean by me not watching.

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3 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

So Irsay would honestly come out and say Chucks coming back next year but then go back on his word, fire Chuck and possibly hire Gruden?  I don't see it. 

Irsay HAS NOT CONFIRMED CHUCK LATELY, he left the door open 4 weeks ago to changes and has been mute since. while chuck is likely coming back, I do think Irsay is actively exploring options.

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1 minute ago, csmopar said:

Irsay HAS NOT CONFIRMED CHUCK LATELY, he left the door open 4 weeks ago to changes and has been mute since. while chuck is likely coming back, I do think Irsay is actively exploring options.

Yep, it's either someone like Gruden or Saban, or Pagano is coming back. There is no in-between.

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4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Yep, it's either someone like Gruden or Saban, or Pagano is coming back. There is no in-between.

yep, Chuck's an average coach and Irsay knows that...but I believe he does NOT want to fire him just for the sake of firing him. He'll only do it if he knows he can upgrade and that person is available and ready to sign.


He knows he can get better, but he also knows he can get worse if he makes the wrong decision. Unless he can land the whopper, he'll stay with the devil he knows.

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9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Yeah.....     except that's what people in the NFL have said for roughly more than 50 years.     And what a shock,  they're all white.       Sorry,  your resume isn't good enough.    


The Rooney Rule helps to open doors.     I don't know what you're objecting to?


Im obviously objecting to the Rooney rule. Being required to interview people that have a certain skin color is racist in and of itself. The rule is based on the premise of there being distinct "races" when, in truth, we, in the United States, are all American homosapiens. Racism only stops when you stop labeling groups of people based off the melanin in their skin.


My mother is Caucasian and my father is black; I'm considered a minority or "black", which is a euphemism for "not a part of the pure white race" and the term divides and creates the perception of disparity between groups of people. But I digress; I would be extremely annoyed that I was only being interviewed to fulfill some rule that stemmed from racism.  


Maybe that rule helped some minorites get interviewed a long time ago, and, once interviewed, the minority changed the owners perception of "black" people, but times change and this rule has got to be abolished. 

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1 minute ago, PeterBowman said:

yep, Chuck's an average coach and Irsay knows that...but I believe he does NOT want to fire him just for the sake of firing him. He'll only do it if he knows he can upgrade and that person is available and ready to sign.


He knows he can get better, but he also knows he can get worse if he makes the wrong decision. Unless he can land the whopper, he'll stay with the devil he knows.

Basically correct. Sad thing is he's an average coach with Luck. Without him, he's a slightly better Gus Bradley. Don't even mind the regression at this point as much as the terrible defense. At least the regression was due to bad drafting, the terrible defense is due to a lack of development. If it was up to me, there would be a complete overhaul of both GM and coach. There is still hope, but it's almost ran out. 

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I tend to agree that if nothing were going on, irsay would come out and speak up about keeping the current regime. The more time goes on, the more likely we are keeping with the status quo. 


I heard somewhere that peyton isn't ready to come back to the NFL yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's in talks with both gruden and manning, trying to create a sort of future contract. When Peyton is ready (the next 1-2 years?) then the axe will be dropped and both peyton and gruden will be in the building before you can say bobs your uncle. If this is the case, I can see why we wouldn't fire our staff right now. Especially if it's in the next 2 years. Why fire, then hire, then fire, and hire again? I can see why we would wait at this point. 


It it would also explain him being in Texas talking to gruden for 10 hours. If that's even true. 


I have said this this before and I'll say it again, I have lost faith in any credibility of any story, whether that's keeping the staff or going a different route. Until irsay says something, it is pointless to speculate. 


But the longer we wait, it's more than likely that we are keeping the status quo. 


At what point has it been too long into the offseason to make changes in the front office...?

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