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Would you feel confident IF this is our starting o-line?


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This has been the o-line that's mainly played with the ones through camp so I imagine the coaches are feeling good about that line (at least so far)


If the coaches think Louis is the guy, I defer to them. The rest of the guys seem like our best lineman so, Yes that will have to do.

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If Donald Thomas is healthy it needs to be him in there man. Don't forget he's a really good interior lineman when healthy. No I wouldn't feel comfortable with that line at all. It could possibly be alright but its also full of question marks. We need to sign Mathis and fix the problem overnight.

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It's embarrassing that the offensive line is constantly a problem for the Colts year in and year out! In my opinion plenty of more super bowls would have been won with a better offensive line on past Colts teams.

It's pretty ridiculous but obviously there is nothing anyone can do. Just have to watch them make the same mistakes with the offensive line over and over again year in and year out!

Doesn't matter how many weapons we have. If there is no time Luck can't get it to them. If they can't run block Gore isn't going to get anywhere.

It's a shame. Andrew gets beat up every year and our running backs have to make their own holes in order to gain plus yardage.

I feel bad for Gore really. Not that the 49rs had the best offensive line but even without a stacked box our offensive line isn't going to allow him to go anywhere. I seriously don't see a 1,000 yard season for him due to poor blocking.

Andrew luck will once again be one of the most pressured/hit QB's in the league.

It's not even worth complaining and making threads about anymore because it's the same thing every year....

Imagine if this team had an above average offensive line.... Wow but instead it's early but it seems that we have a sub par offensive line once again.

rant over....

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Lance Louis is awful. What is the logic of him over Thornton? Thornton is equally as bad, but has room to grow. Louis has likely hit his ceiling.

No logic behind it but keeping Reitz as our 6th O Lineman is also not the most logical decision, I just think to the coaches Louis has the leg up on Thornton at this point but not because I actually think Louis is any better......I don't....I was born at night but not last night, In an ideal world Reitz would be starting at LG. Donald Thomas Im thinking ends up on the PUP and is out the first 6 games

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It's embarrassing that the offensive line is constantly a problem for the Colts year in and year out! In my opinion plenty of more super bowls would have been won with a better offensive line on past Colts teams.

It's pretty ridiculous but obviously there is nothing anyone can do. Just have to watch them make the same mistakes with the offensive line over and over again year in and year out!

Doesn't matter how many weapons we have. If there is no time Luck can't get it to them. If they can't run block Gore isn't going to get anywhere.

It's a shame. Andrew gets beat up every year and our running backs have to make their own holes in order to gain plus yardage.

I feel bad for Gore really. Not that the 49rs had the best offensive line but even without a stacked box our offensive line isn't going to allow him to go anywhere. I seriously don't see a 1,000 yard season for him due to poor blocking.

Andrew luck will once again be one of the most pressured/hit QB's in the league.

It's not even worth complaining and making threads about anymore because it's the same thing every year....

Imagine if this team had an above average offensive line.... Wow but instead it's early but it seems that we have a sub par offensive line once again.

rant over....

No, Trent couldn't find anywhere to run. Everyone else averaged 4+ ypc. Run blocking is fine., it's pass blocking they need to worry about

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Didn't Grigson say he would not rest until the offensive line was the best in the league? I wouldn't even mind so much if he rested once it was in the top half, this just feels extremely sub par. Louis, Holmes, and an aging/declining/injured last year Herremans make up the interior. I'd rather just keep Mewhort at LG and have Reitz play RT.

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Didn't Grigson say he would not rest until the offensive line was the best in the league? I wouldn't even mind so much if he rested once it was in the top half, this just feels extremely sub par. Louis, Holmes, and an aging/declining/injured last year Herremans make up the interior. I'd rather just keep Mewhort at LG and have Reitz play RT.

If we did that we would have NO depth at RT, and you cannot count on Reitz to stay healthy the whole season.

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If Donald Thomas is healthy it needs to be him in there man. Don't forget he's a really good interior lineman when healthy. No I wouldn't feel comfortable with that line at all. It could possibly be alright but its also full of question marks. We need to sign Mathis and fix the problem overnight.

Nah, Mathis demands too much money. We shouldn't pay him that and certainly not over several years, which is want he seeks. Not with all these players we have to keep.

Go with Louis, Thornton and possibly Thomas. From what I've read, Louis has been doing well in training camp, and Thornton is an okay backup. Bonus if Thomas makes the team as he is better than both Louis and Thornton.

If Thornton doesn't improve (3rd year now), then draft a Guard in 2-4 round next year. We need someone to replace Herremans anyway.

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Didn't Grigson say he would not rest until the offensive line was the best in the league? I wouldn't even mind so much if he rested once it was in the top half, this just feels extremely sub par. Louis, Holmes, and an aging/declining/injured last year Herremans make up the interior. I'd rather just keep Mewhort at LG and have Reitz play RT.

No thanks. Reitz is not starting material at T. Will get abused going against quality DEs and OLBs.

Mewhort has experience at T (granted, it's college) and younger than Reitz. More potential. It's important to get him going at that position now and let him develop.

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I truly think that if we get mauled at the LG position, in preseason, we will look to add someone else...... at THAT time


The coaches seem to think that this group will work


I hope they are right




If we suck in preseason week one and two......... Mathis MAY get a call (If he is still around)

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I truly think that if we get mauled at the LG position, in preseason, we will look to add someone else...... at THAT time


The coaches seem to think that this group will work


I hope they are right




If we suck in preseason week one and two......... Mathis MAY get a call (If he is still around)

We would pretty well be way beyond the point of Mathis at that point I believe...He would have very little time to learn the playbook, Also it takes two to bring Mathis in, We may have already put in a call and he said no

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Leaving Mewhort at LG would be fine but if he's going to be a great T then the move has to be made. I think he shows a lot of promise. He and Costanzo could be book ends for the next decade. Wouldn't that be nice!


I think the coaches are trying to light a fire under Thornton with Louis being ahead of him.


Reitz is versatile enough to play any position along the line.


As for Don Thomas, I don't have much hope that he'll be back at all let alone playing back to form.


This could be a solid line. I still think there is a piece or two missing tho.

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It is puzzling that Grigs just added Herremanns to last years group(minus Cherilus) and called it a day. Perhaps, he thinks Superbowl can be won with serviceable offensive lineman. I would have been furious if you would have told me that right after the AFCCG.

Maybe they'll gain chemistry from continuity. I don't know. My fear is Andrew will face many exotic blitz packages in the play-offs a la Pittsburgh 2005. Defenses might go high risk against us. Can we make them pay for it?

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No, I would not feel confident in that line. But I think if Retiz started at LG, it would at least be an improvement.


Whenever I saw Reitz play LG, he worked well with Castanzo. If we believe Reitz does not have the athleticism to play tackle, it only makes sense that he is in a tandem with Castanzo on the left side. However, having played Reitz at RT at playoff time, the Colts coaches may feel differently.


Where has Reitz been lining up mostly in camp?

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I am not a fan of Lance Louis but he did improve as the season progressed and was playing solid football at the end of the season.  I think Thornton could be the guy and I agree with the Anarchist that I think the Colts are sending a message to him that he has to earn the position.  I know next to nothing are Herremans so I will be watching him closely during the preseason.


I also don't think Mewhort is tackle material so I will be watching him closely as well. But maybe Mewhort will be the next Ryan Diem... a guy that moves from guard to RT and becomes a solid 8-10 year starter at the position.


I am one of the few that thinks the line last year was actually pretty good for the most part... they had some issues but I think if Pep/Luck get better and calling running plays and call them more than 3 or 4 times in a half and if Luck quits holding onto the ball for so long the oline will appear to be a lot better.  Then when you add in some continuity (hopefully) the line will actually become better.

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This has been the o-line that's mainly played with the ones through camp so I imagine the coaches are feeling good about that line (at least so far)



 One would think after 4 years on the roster you could learn to ____ a name. Good grief!


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Nah, Mathis demands too much money. We shouldn't pay him that and certainly not over several years, which is want he seeks. Not with all these players we have to keep.

Go with Louis, Thornton and possibly Thomas. From what I've read, Louis has been doing well in training camp, and Thornton is an okay backup. Bonus if Thomas makes the team as he is better than both Louis and Thornton.

If Thornton doesn't improve (3rd year now), then draft a Guard in 2-4 round next year. We need someone to replace Herremans anyway.


If he were younger, I'd say pay him.  Even if that means not signing one of our TEs.  Building the best O-line possible should be Grigson's priority.  But you're right, we don't want to be saddled with an expensive O lineman in his declining years.


I look at the Browns and the Cowboys.  Two of the best O lines in football.  It can be done through the draft. 


Yes, it hasn't paid off for the Browns but that's due to ineptness in drafting a bad franchise QB every year. 

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If Donald Thomas is healthy it needs to be him in there man. Don't forget he's a really good interior lineman when healthy. No I wouldn't feel comfortable with that line at all. It could possibly be alright but its also full of question marks. We need to sign Mathis and fix the problem overnight.


He was a question mark even when the Colts signed him. He bounced around the league before being a competent player for the Patriots. That was two years and two significant injuries ago. Hard to tell if he has anything left or not. My guess is no.

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I do want to point out that if Herremans is healthy that he's going to really help our O-Line. He's a really good run blocker from what I remember. In a perfect scenario Herremans would be 100% and his old self, Thornton would turn into an elite, dominate Guard in his 3rd year, Mewhort would thrive at RT, and Holmes just stay healthy and be competent a Center.

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I'm fine with the OL. The pass protection will be fine. The question is the run blocking. Not having Trent Richardson is a big deal for us, but it will only be over the course of time that the line will show whether they can consistently run block. 


I'm definitely not worried about LG. Louis will be fine, and if not, Thornton, Reitz and even Harrison can take his place. That's assuming Donald Thomas can't get healthy and stay on the field.

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Same old song and dance!  No, I'm not excited about the OL, but IMHO I think they will be a little better than the previous few years.  If the Colts are happy with the best offensive weapons in the league and a mediocre OL and defense, then we better get use to this type of formula.  It is how the Colts makeup has been for a long time now.  I hear the phrase tossed around that these are our guys.  My response is GREAT, be held accountable and take the criticism as you should (front office), once the fans are complaining and we lose games in the trenches!


I'm not going to sit here and complain anymore, because it does no good!  It is what it is!  Like I said, I do think this is the best OL in the Luck era, but still much to be desired.  I would like an upgrade at LG, and I would be happy, but it's not likely to happen, so I'll let it go!   

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I genuinely feel the issues with our offensive line are overstated. I look around the league the amount of lines who are solid in all 5 positions could be counted on the fingers of 1 hand.

Castanzo and Mewhort are above average lineman in my opinion and while the interior don't provide the same level of comfort Louis and Herramans are veteran options with young player who have improvement in them as back ups. The guards might not compare to those of the Ravens (for example) but thet should be perfectly serviceable.

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