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How does McDaniels win over the fan base?


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57 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

I am quite confident that if he has a list of top 10 things to accomplish, winning fans over is not on the list. 


As soon as he represents the horseshoe, he has won me over. Why? Because I believe in my team. That means I believe in the men already here. They have chosen him. Prove it to me attitude is fine for anyone who needs that approach. But no matter how far the Colts go, and what they accomplish, the greatest joy will always come from the deepest belief.


All is good and exciting in my Colt world. Here.....we......go!


While your "faith in the team" is commendable, at what point do you lose faith in a Head Coach?

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14 hours ago, ColtJ82 said:

Given his past failures and the fact that he is a long-time Patriot, there is definite skepticism among fans? What will win you over and allow you to embrace him? 


I believe he is the absolute right hire among the candidates and I am excited. Dungy was embraced, as well as Pagano. However, Jim Caldwell never really captured the fans. 

 By winning 

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5 things

1. Have integrity and not get us into any scandals.

2. No slogans and be somewhat articulate in his post games etc.

3. WIN....make the playoffs.

4. Beat NE



He can do those 5 things...he will have a statue beside Peyton.....well maybe win a couple SBs but lets start out by winning our division and beating NE.

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3 hours ago, Shadow_Creek said:

Caldwell was an amazing coach being able to lead a team to a Superbowl his first year as head coach speaks volumes. So i do not blame him for the low record he suffered the following year during Manning's injury because we all know painter was not a franchise QB. That being said i also do not blame McDaniel's for his low records in Denver because he too did not have a franchise QB. I mean just think if Denver would have signed Manning during the time Mcdaniel's was still there could you imagine how many Superbowl's they could have won together?:peek:


Painter may not have been a franchise QB but they still shouldn't have had him trying to run the same offense that Peyton does.  They didn't alter the offense and go to more I formation and more running until Orlovsky took over.  I put that fully on Caldwell and Christiansen.  I was actually kinda disgusted that Clyde was retained when Chuck took over.  Glad they're both gone to be honest.

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5 hours ago, jskinnz said:


  If Bill Belichick brought his winning ways to Indy and all that comes with that winning - the cheating accusations (warranted and otherwise), the grumpy demeanor, the less than openness of the organization - do people really believe he and the team would not be completely embraced by the city and its fans?  I 100% believe that they would be. I get the Midwestern values thing but to a very large extent, I think winning trumps all that. 


 I don't care that McDaniels comes from the Evil Empire and learned his trade under Darth Vader.  I prefer it actually.  All that he needs to do is win and all will be good.

Beautifully stated JSK. 


I think some people are taking this integrity angle a bit too far. Look, we all know about Spy Gate, Deflate Gate, & shady injury reports on starting players, & even that time vs the Ravens when NE WRs didn't report in as eligible receivers. Folks can object to previous bad behavior if they want. It's fine. 


But to me, I give guys clean slates in new cities running the show & INDY isn't selling our soul just by hiring a hoodie disciple. "I don't care that McDaniels comes from the Evil Empire and learned his trade under Darth Vader." Love that line. 


Just figure out a way to neutralize playoff teams that always give us fits & we all know who those squads are. 

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Well, first I think he has to cure all known forms of cancer. Secondly, what he does, or does not do, has to somehow put food on my table and somewhat help with the cost of all my utility payments. Thirdly, I would like for him to understand the sarcastic nature of this post.


Then maybe, just maybe, he'll have won my confidence.

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2 minutes ago, Pelt said:

Well, first I think he has to cure all known forms of cancer. Secondly, what he does, or does not do, has to somehow put food on my table and somewhat help with the cost of all my utility payments. Thirdly, I would like for him to understand the sarcastic nature of this post.


Then maybe, just maybe, he'll have won my confidence.

Don't forget that he has to bring about world peace. :shake:

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7 minutes ago, Pelt said:

Well, first I think he has to cure all known forms of cancer. Secondly, what he does, or does not do, has to somehow put food on my table and somewhat help with the cost of all my utility payments. Thirdly, I would like for him to understand the sarcastic nature of this post.


Then maybe, just maybe, he'll have won my confidence.

Finally, a Colt fan with reasonable expectations. Oh wait...Well played Pelt. 


It's so refreshing to meet a fan that isn't demanding the moon ya know. 

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4 hours ago, Reality Check said:

While your "faith in the team" is commendable, at what point do you lose faith in a Head Coach?

It is when the coach "loses the locker room". In the example of Coach Pagano, he never lost the locker room.  However, I did agree with the majority that a new voice was needed for this team at this time. Hope that answers your question. 


My point was that I need nothing proven to me by anyone. I would never follow a sports team if they had to prove something to me. Considering the odds based on the number of teams in the league, the randomness of injuries, and events that can change a teams fortunes in a single play, I choose to experience fandom from a place of belief, rather than doubt. Because of that, I have a great time nearly every year. Becoming pessimistic, doubtful, and frustrated with my team, would ruin the whole point of following my team.....which is to enjoy. Right now I am on cloud 9. 



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Be yourself, get the most out of Luck and win.


Don't try to be Bill.  In 2018, only Belichick can get away with that act.  You can't.


I've said this repeatedly:  once hired, McDaniels is a Colt.  No successful head coach is ever identified with a team he was an assistant for.  If McDaniels comes here and wins, he's a Colt.  

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4 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Beautifully stated JSK. 


I think some people are taking this integrity angle a bit too far. Look, we all know about Spy Gate, Deflate Gate, & shady injury reports on starting players, & even that time vs the Ravens when NE WRs didn't report in as eligible receivers. Folks can object to previous bad behavior if they want. It's fine. 


But to me, I give guys clean slates in new cities running the show & INDY isn't selling our soul just by hiring a hoodie disciple. "I don't care that McDaniels comes from the Evil Empire and learned his trade under Darth Vader." Love that line. 


Just figure out a way to neutralize playoff teams that always give us fits & we all know who those squads are. 

Agree with both of your posts, SW1 & JSK.


The fans love to win and that is usually the bottom line.  Now, however, if Billy Boy was to come here and win WHILE ALSO continuing to skirt the lines of cheating, well...that's when we see if the organization really values integrity over winning.  If they fire him then they're all about the integrity.


I think that's why I have such a dislike for NE.  This dishonesty seems to follow them around too much without any accountability (in my eyes -  which may seem that way to others).  I think Kraft and company have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for the "win all at all costs".  I hope we never see that in Indy.  (rant off)

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Show us a different Colts team. The Pagano and Grigson era was long and grueling because while they improved in wins for the first 3 years, the actual team in terms of its identity was the same for 6 years.


Part of the culture/identity change will be on Ballard, but it’s up to McDaniels to show real change in team philosophy and getting the players to buy in. He has to show a Colts team that we haven’t seen to win the fans over.

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I want him to call Belichick and advise him to retire.  Then I want to play Tom Brady for a few years without B.B. and beat him with his own offense while he is having to play some other coaches offense.  Go to a super bowl while running roughshod over the Pats in playoffs. That’s it.

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23 hours ago, ColtJ82 said:

Given his past failures and the fact that he is a long-time Patriot, there is definite skepticism among fans? What will win you over and allow you to embrace him? 


I believe he is the absolute right hire among the candidates and I am excited. Dungy was embraced, as well as Pagano. However, Jim Caldwell never really captured the fans. 

Win and don't cheat.  Pretty simple.

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17 hours ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

The fans love to win and that is usually the bottom line.  Now, however, if Billy Boy was to come here and win WHILE ALSO continuing to skirt the lines of cheating, well...that's when we see if the organization really values integrity over winning.  If they fire him then they're all about the integrity.


I think that's why I have such a dislike for NE.  This dishonesty seems to follow them around too much without any accountability (in my eyes -  which may seem that way to others).  I think Kraft and company have sold their souls to the devil in exchange for the "win all at all costs".  I hope we never see that in Indy.  (rant off)

I agree with your whole statement MB-ColtsFan, though I thoroughly agree with the emboldened.


To say winning would win me over would be a complete lie. I'm not that kind of fan. Id much rather have a losing record for ten plus years & keep respect, dignity, & yes the integrity of the organization. I'm not sure there is anything Josh can do to win me over & honestly, I don't see what everyone is excited about. I'm not trying to be a Debbie downer here but Josh had his shot & squandered it. Like Greg Doyle expressed in the Indy Star recently; Josh did well early on in Denver, having a 6-0 start, but the wheels fell off after that in numerous ways. Whether it be him losing his players faith & respect or one his staffers being caught recording another teams practice during the week they were scheduled to play that team. The latter of those being what got him canned in week 13 of the 2010 season, not even half way thru his 4 year contract. I commend Pat Bowlen (the Broncos Owner) for having the fortitude to let McDaniels go after that fiasco. Bowlen hand picked Josh. After that Josh got a job as the OC of the Rams & got canned at the end of that year. Then returned to New England were he's been the past 7 years. McDaniels hasn't proven any competency in larger roles outside of being under Bill Belichick. 


What I'm getting at is Josh has had his chance as a Head Coach before, of a good organization in the Broncos none the less, & he burned them bad. I'm just afraid if we got caught in a similar scandal that Irsay wouldn't have the same fortitude to do what Bowlen did to kick Josh to the curb. It took him too long to figure out when to move on from Grigson & Pagano. I hope I'm completely wrong in that regard, but there's recent proof to show me he doesn't know when to let go. 


Before everyone says "What about second chances?" I'd like to remind everyone of an old saying that is much older than anyone alive today. It goes:

"Fool me Once, Shame on you!

Fool me Twice, Shame on me!" 


I just have a hard time believing I'm the only one worried about this hire. 

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McD doesn't have to "win me over".  Assuming he's announced as the new HC Monday I'm all in.  I trust he was Ballards #1 choice, Denver was a long time ago, and under much different circumstances (too young and given too much power).  In our current dynamic he's got my full faith and confidence.  The more appropriate question for us, as the colt's faithful, should be "what would McD have to do to lose the fanbase".  The man deserves a clean slate and an open mind, he's picking up where a five year disaster left off (plus a 6th of Pags 'n Co.).  If he's equally incompetent, it will become known in the fullness of time. I'd rather assume he'll be a tremendous success and leave it up to him to prove otherwise......

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I don’t blindly trust anyone, especially from the bowels of the Patriots. 


My eyes are wide open. I will be critical when it’s deserved, and I will give praise when it is deserved. 


Josh McDaniels will not get a single free pass from me. I am sure that keeps him up late at night. 

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On 2/1/2018 at 10:59 PM, southwest1 said:

What will it take for Josh to gain my confidence? That'a essentially what you're asking me right CJ82? 


Well, I've covered this in other threads, but I can give the Reader's Digest version...


--Speed up Luck's reads & ball release mechanism


--Don't be smug & condescending to reporters at weekly press conferences


--Remember, nobody in INDY cares how many rings you won as a NE coordinator hit the reset button


--Perfect halftime adjustments & make false start penalties almost non existent. This is huge to me. 


--Must be supervised around video & camera equipment at all times. LOL! I couldn't resist that one. 


--Make sure that we generate touchdowns not field goals in the red zone


--Give me a sense of what your Denver experience taught you & how it translates to success here


--Show me that you can help INDY get past NE & Pittsburgh 2 barriers to SB aspirations for us


--Integrity sounds good but just get Luck back in the mix & not squander his franchise yrs anymore. 


--I want rings plural screw wholesomeness & warm & fuzzy feelings. Just being honest...



I believe this sums it up nicely. :)

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On 2/2/2018 at 5:22 PM, Four2itus said:

It is when the coach "loses the locker room". In the example of Coach Pagano, he never lost the locker room.  However, I did agree with the majority that a new voice was needed for this team at this time. Hope that answers your question. 


My point was that I need nothing proven to me by anyone. I would never follow a sports team if they had to prove something to me. Considering the odds based on the number of teams in the league, the randomness of injuries, and events that can change a teams fortunes in a single play, I choose to experience fandom from a place of belief, rather than doubt. Because of that, I have a great time nearly every year. Becoming pessimistic, doubtful, and frustrated with my team, would ruin the whole point of following my team.....which is to enjoy. Right now I am on cloud 9. 



I hear where you are coming from and, actually, feel the same way about my favorite team.


I think the OP was driving more at the idea of those who have a pre-conceived negative opinion of McD....and they are a bit concerned for the future of their Colts (for whatever reason).

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