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Andrew Luck abdominal tear out 2 to 6 weeks (Merge)


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In a real life, and not video game, you do not injury your neck by taking 3 hits in ribs, 4 hits in knees and 2 hits in a back.

in real life, not video games, QB can't get continually pounded by big fast defenders without having a cumulative effect on his body. If you don't understand that then there is no explaining anything to you.

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That's crazy. Too many hits in ribs, knees or shoulders do not result kidney injury for sure. Too many hits in the same area MAY result injury. BUT even ONE hit may result injury, just ask Romo or Palmer. And it's impossible for OL not to allow a single hit. Mario Williams, Jerry Hughes, Leonard Williams, Wilkerson, Ware, Von Miller, J.J. Watt, Jadeveon Clowney, Cameron Jordan... It's unrealistic wish.

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Bad news.  Fortunately, Colts have the best backup in football in Matt Hasselbeck.  Hopefully, he can keep the team afloat until Luck returns.  We play in the AFC South so that helps but this team will have to fight and claw its way to the playoffs.  It will not be easy this year...no guarantees. Now we get to see what Chud is made of. 

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Man at this point I just want to get this season over, I have not thought that since 2011 (and this season for me is not close to the torture of that year) but this season has been brutal with injuries. Supposed behind the scenes drama. A offensive coordinator who didn't know how to design plays or call plays

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Well well well... this should give all those who said Luck doesn't win games for us plenty of opportunity to test it out.  If the rest of the team is ultra talented and it isn't Luck rising to the challenge, we should win any and all games he doesn't play with a more than adequate back up right?  


I hope the Colts rise up to show how great they are sans Luck.  The H-Man was 2-0 against the two worst teams on our schedule... and Luck just beat what people considered to be the best Defense in the league this year.   Hasselbeck will face up to 3 AFC South teams, and only a couple (or maybe just Pitt) legitimate playoff caliber teams left on the schedule.  Should be a piece of cake right? 


I wonder if his (Lucks) abdomen wall has been injured all along accounting for what people assumed were cracked ribs.  

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Wasn't late, but didn't have to happen. I know hits like that happen all the time. It's a way to legally hurt another player, or at least take your best shot at doing so. You know he's going down without a doubt, but you have an opportunity to knock the **** out of him. Of course, maybe knock the ball loose at the same time.


Don't misunderstand my statement above. I think if you play within the rules, you take a shot. My wife gets mad at me all the time when I'm yelling "Knock the (enter all kinds of expletives here) out of him". It's football. If you take the chance at running the ball as Andrew did, someone is going to try and take you out. I'm all for it when an opposing QB takes off. When I say "all for it", I mean all for taking a legal, big hit. If the guy gets hurt, he gets hurt. I wouldn't go out with the intention of lacerating someone's kidney, or ending someone's career. However, I would hit him as hard as I could.

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By the way, if the Colts now finish at .500 or better and win the division, Pagano should keep his job. Grigs shouldn't unless he shows he can work some magic and bring in some help to get through this from the waiver wire.  The Short Passing game is going to be even more important.  Perhaps the Colts can become a run first team with short tosses to TE's and RB's and 3 times a game a killer shot to Hilton.  Johnson better be ready to be over the middle a lot.  

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Cmon guys the season is not over yet. Those 6 weeks will allow luck to recover from all his injuries. Much needed. If anything, it really helps the team. The schedule ain't as bad now and the defense does their job well. Stop quitting all the time on the team.

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in real life, not video games, QB can't get continually pounded by big fast defenders without having a cumulative effect on his body. If you don't understand that then there is no explaining anything to you.

Cumulative effect? Really!? Try to cumulate fast, minus 3, elefant and syncope to get Sinatra. After that try to cumulate ribs, knees, shoulders hits to injury kidney.
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Nobodies fault here really.

Luck took off scrambling on some plays and didn't slide on a couple. Can't help it sometimes. Andrew Luck has been getting beat up this year.


Nobodies fault here really.

Luck took off scrambling on some plays and didn't slide on a couple. Can't help it sometimes. Andrew Luck has been getting beat up this year.


A) he took off pushed for the first down  and let his body take a horrible hit/s

B) He needs to learn to slide !!!

I think Russel Wilson should open up a camp or add to Peyton's camp and teach the quarter backs how to slide... this will help them protect their bodies and increase their playing time in the NFL..

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I too wish he would learn to slide (didn't help Bridgewater this weekend though) so he doesn't take the open field hits. But thinking about how many hits he has taken over the last few years, really surprised he has not been more injured before. No doubt, he is a pretty tough dude to hang in there the way he does, especially some of the hard hits he took this weekend in the pocket.  Whether it is coaching or better talent on the OL, we really have to find a way that he can get hit less- no matter where he is on the field. 

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Cmon guys the season is not over yet. Those 6 weeks will allow luck to recover from all his injuries. Much needed. If anything, it really helps the team. The schedule ain't as bad now and the defense does their job well. Stop quitting all the time on the team.

I'm of the opinion that the Colts needed to sit Luck down a long time ago anyway to completely heal up and for his bad play up till last week.  Now their hand is forced.  Hopefully Luck heals up and Matt is able to keep the team in the mix until he returns. 

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Lacerated kidney ended Keenan Allen's season. What's the difference, does anyone know?


There are grades to kidney injuries.  However, I am not aware of any recovery period that is two weeks optimistic.  My experience says minimum of 3-4, and go from there.


2 weeks.  We have our bye right next week.  Optimist in me says he won't miss a game and be there for the Falcons game


I wish I could share in that with you.  Really, I do.  Luck has two injuries, both which typicall take longer than two weeks to recover from (especially a professional sports athlete).  One is a danger issue, the other a functionality issue.  No details were given on parenchyma or renal pole damage. Lacerated kidney mean there's uncontrolled bleeding.  Luck's was assessed as not needing surgery.  Hid grade of injury has not been report yet, that I am aware of. Thus he needs enough time to not only stop bleeding, and then heal, but also be resistant to further injury on the next hit he takes.  Think about this if you his primary caretaker.  Are you going to sign off on him being full ready to take another hit on that kidney in two weeks?    Would you want your Doc to sign you off as being ready to be pounded on that kidney in two weeks?  Internal organ bleeding is serious folks,  Chris Simms almost died when he ruptured his spleen in a game, and kept playing.  Unfortunately, my somewhat educated guess (even not knowing the grade yet) is we're looking closer to the 3-4 week window minimum than the two. Considering the nature of the injury and natural healing path chosen, Kind of even hoping for it.


Next, the oblique muscle partial tear.  That is a core muscle, and Luck is a QB.  While early return is not as dangerous a proposition as sending luck to an early from kidney laceration, it has mechanical problems of it's own.  That muscle will impair his mechanics until it heals and pain subsides.  Things people have trouble with, include- rolling out of bed, getting into a car, and sneezing, which is the worst.  When it heals and pain subsides that part should be a go.  The problem with obliques, they are slow to heal and nagging type of injury.


The kidney is another issue.  They will shut down his activity and in a couple weeks he will feel pretty darn good in that area.  But as mentioned before, that does not mean he is ready to return to games.  And maybe the oblique won't let him back in anyway.


I just hope we don't screw him up trying to rush him back.  Matt H. is a starting QB, that happens to be at the twilight of his career, like Peyton Manning.  Chud will design plans that MH can use to manage the game well, and keep himself somewhat protected.  He needs to, up to 5 games services may be needed.  Still, I am convinced MH has enough gas in the tank to go 3-2, if everyone does their jobs.  D without Anderson will have to become stout and provide good gap control.

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For all those people who said we should have not re-signed Hasslebeck..... :hat:  :hat:  :hat:  :hat:  :hat:  :hat:


I would still have rather gotten Sean Mannion than re-sign MH.  But since we didn't / couldn't then Having an above average starting QB in the twilight of his career as your backup is another, yet ultra short term, solution.

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Dear Mr Grigson,

I don't know if you are aware of it or not, but there are actually teams in the NFL that make it a priority to protect the valuable asset of a winning quarterback. While you are busy drafting small wide receivers and multiple pass rushers who can't rush the passer, signing free agent running backs, safeties and trading for defensive lineman, your quarterback is getting slammed, pummeled & crushed by defensive ends, defensive tackles, linebackers, blitzing safeties and anyone else who enters the field on the defensive side of the ball, occasionally all of them hit him on the same play.

I don't know if you have watched any of the games the past few years, but please take a look, crash test dummies have an easier life than our quarterback. As punishment, we have decided that you will fill in at the quarterback position over the next several weeks, and then after your visit to the ER, your third or so visit to the orthopedic doctor and your fourth adjustment from your chiropractor, maybe you will come to the realization that a good offensive line is important to winning football.

Move this to the "gotta give grigson credit" thread

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I'm worried about the combination of a 40 year old QB and a bad pass protecting offensive line.

I did like how Hasselbeck was able to drop 3 and get rid of the ball.   So maybe he brings it together.

Hopefully the Colts also use these weeks to convince Luck that throwing the ball away is OK.   Living for another down is OK.  

Ten, Jax and Houston have to be pumped at this.  

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How is it the lines fault that he got hurt on a play where he chose to run and didn't slide?

It is not the lines fault and that comment is just a cheap shot at Grigs. If anything this falls on Luck's shoulders for his refusal to get down and avoid these hits. He just has not learned that it does not matter if you win a battle if it means you lose the war. Hopefully he learns from this and learns to slide or get out of bounds more often.

Everyone bags on Grigs, but thankfully he was smart and invested wisely in a back up. Could you imagine if we had someone like Mallet or Jones throwing the ball.

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It is not the lines fault and that comment is just a cheap shot at Grigs. If anything this falls on Luck's shoulders for his refusal to get down and avoid these hits. He just has not learned that it does not matter if you win a battle if it means you lose the war. Hopefully he learns from this and learns to slide or get out of bounds more often.

Everyone bags on Grigs, but thankfully he was smart and invested wisely in a back up. Could you imagine if we had someone like Mallet or Jones throwing the ball.


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This is for the best.  Luck has obviously been bothered by injury most of the year and just played through it.  No need to risk serious damage.  Go with the Hasselbackup and let Luck sit out for the SEASON.  We may have a reverse Brady (and Bledsoe) situation.....who knows?


Come back next season with a regime all on the same page and start again!

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There are grades to kidney injuries.  However, I am not aware of any recovery period that is two weeks optimistic.  My experience says minimum of 3-4, and go from there.



I wish I could share in that with you.  Really, I do.  Luck has two injuries, both which typicall take longer than two weeks to recover from (especially a professional sports athlete).  One is a danger issue, the other a functionality issue.  No details were given on parenchyma or renal pole damage. Lacerated kidney mean there's uncontrolled bleeding.  Luck's was assessed as not needing surgery.  Hid grade of injury has not been report yet, that I am aware of. Thus he needs enough time to not only stop bleeding, and then heal, but also be resistant to further injury on the next hit he takes.  Think about this if you his primary caretaker.  Are you going to sign off on him being full ready to take another hit on that kidney in two weeks?    Would you want your Doc to sign you off as being ready to be pounded on that kidney in two weeks?  Internal organ bleeding is serious folks,  Chris Simms almost died when he ruptured his spleen in a game, and kept playing.  Unfortunately, my somewhat educated guess (even not knowing the grade yet) is we're looking closer to the 3-4 week window minimum than the two. Considering the nature of the injury and natural healing path chosen, Kind of even hoping for it.


Next, the oblique muscle partial tear.  That is a core muscle, and Luck is a QB.  While early return is not as dangerous a proposition as sending luck to an early from kidney laceration, it has mechanical problems of it's own.  That muscle will impair his mechanics until it heals and pain subsides.  Things people have trouble with, include- rolling out of bed, getting into a car, and sneezing, which is the worst.  When it heals and pain subsides that part should be a go.  The problem with obliques, they are slow to heal and nagging type of injury.


The kidney is another issue.  They will shut down his activity and in a couple weeks he will feel pretty darn good in that area.  But as mentioned before, that does not mean he is ready to return to games.  And maybe the oblique won't let him back in anyway.


I just hope we don't screw him up trying to rush him back.  Matt H. is a starting QB, that happens to be at the twilight of his career, like Peyton Manning.  Chud will design plans that MH can use to manage the game well, and keep himself somewhat protected.  He needs to, up to 5 games services may be needed.  Still, I am convinced MH has enough gas in the tank to go 3-2, if everyone does their jobs.  D without Anderson will have to become stout and provide good gap control.


Wow very informative thank you kind person. I'm just trying to keep spirits up, mainly my own. You said personal experience. Are you in the medical industry or have you undergone what Luck is going through

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