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I love this Forum


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I had an account for a little over 2 years I think and I post daily. I love this forum. There are many reason this Colts/NFL forum is great.

First off it's one of the greatest forums in the NFL. It is a great place for not only Colts fans but fans of all teams to come discuss everything NFL.

Secondly I enjoy talking with knowledgable football fans who usually understand football. I CAN NOT stand to go on other websites such a Facebook or Twitter and see what people are posting. They are embarassing and it really seems that 90% of them have no knowledge of how the game works and they say the most rediculous things. It's really great to be able to discuss things with great "real" passionate football fans! It really grinds my gears reading those comments on there. haha seriously just go check them out. It's so hard not to post something.

Just had to post something about it! Keep up the great stuff everyone! I'm sure there are a lot of people who like to read what we have to say who gain a good amount of knowledge about how things work.

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One thing I want to mention is that sometimes we do not know the age, gender or knowledge of the fans.  I used to be very impatient with those who did not show true knowledge of the three phases of football.


What I like is...if a member is willing to learn, we have some really good people on here to get great information and answers.  Great post Bravo, and we are glad you are here.  :)   :blueshoe:  :blueshoe: !!

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This forum is my first source for Colts info. I love the discussions and the amount of knowledge most posters have but sometimes when the arguments start, it's too much to deal with. Overall, the forum is the best one and better than all the others that I have been on.

The arguments can be comedy gold sometimes though. This forum is easily my favorite thing on the internet.

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One thing I want to mention is that sometimes we do not know the age, gender or knowledge of the fans. I used to be very impatient with those who did not show true knowledge of the three phases of football.

What I like is...if a member is willing to learn, we have some really good people on here to get great information and answers. Great post Bravo, and we are glad you are here. :):blueshoe::blueshoe: !!

Yeah I joined a couple of years ago when I was 18. I knew a lot about the game (played my whole life) and the Colts. One thing I wasn't good with was the History. I have learned a decent amount. Good stuff.
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That evil clown face is blowing kisses!



:lol:  :funny:  :spit:  lmao



BTW your Avatar is a nightmare waiting to happen


That evil clown face is blowing kisses!



:lol:  :funny:  :spit:  lmao



BTW your Avatar is a nightmare waiting to happen


:hat:   That ship has sailed lets just say there are 2 sides to every coin even a tarnished penny .

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 6, 2015 - rude
Hidden by Nadine, March 6, 2015 - rude

Only complaint is the Patriots fans that are allowed to run rampant through some of the threads, other than that great to speak and listen to everyone else as my family are lone Colts fans where we live.

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Although of course I'm somewhat biased I think the senior Mods who've been around here for years deserve a lot of credit for the amount of time they out in moderating as well as contributing as posters.

Having seen behind the curtain so to speak I don't think people realise how much time those guys (and gals :)) put into trying to make this a pleasant place to visit.

I came here as a lonely UK colts fan hoping to find peopke to discuss with and instead I kinda found a little internet family.

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I had an account for a little over 2 years I think and I post daily. I love this forum. There are many reason this Colts/NFL forum is great.

First off it's one of the greatest forums in the NFL. It is a great place for not only Colts fans but fans of all teams to come discuss everything NFL.

Secondly I enjoy talking with knowledgable football fans who usually understand football. I CAN NOT stand to go on other websites such a Facebook or Twitter and see what people are posting. They are embarassing and it really seems that 90% of them have no knowledge of how the game works and they say the most rediculous things. It's really great to be able to discuss things with great "real" passionate football fans! It really grinds my gears reading those comments on there. haha seriously just go check them out. It's so hard not to post something.

Just had to post something about it! Keep up the great stuff everyone! I'm sure there are a lot of people who like to read what we have to say who gain a good amount of knowledge about how things work.

I totally agree with the Facebook/ Twitter part. Those fans posting stuff act like they know so much, but most of them don't know what they are talking about. <---(I will also throw in Bleacher Report Colts fans and Instagram Colts fans)

This forum has helped me learn a lot about players prospects and so much more. Thanks!

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One thing I want to mention is that sometimes we do not know the age, gender or knowledge of the fans.  I used to be very impatient with those who did not show true knowledge of the three phases of football.


What I like is...if a member is willing to learn, we have some really good people on here to get great information and answers.  Great post Bravo, and we are glad you are here.  :)   :blueshoe:  :blueshoe: !!

Yeah I joined a couple of years ago when I was 18. I knew a lot about the game (played my whole life) and the Colts. One thing I wasn't good with was the History. I have learned a decent amount. Good stuff.

Yeah me and Brent go back to the leather helmet days! The only protection we had was a stiff arm and a band-aid!

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Although of course I'm somewhat biased I think the senior Mods who've been around here for years deserve a lot of credit for the amount of time they out in moderating as well as contributing as posters.

Having seen behind the curtain so to speak I don't think people realise how much time those guys (and gals :)) put into trying to make this a pleasant place to visit.

I came here as a lonely UK colts fan hoping to find peopke to discuss with and instead I kinda found a little internet family.

The forum has always had a family feel. The main reason here is people actually converse. They may argue but they still converse.


Unlike other forums which are just single posts by the posters with few replies- thus no conversation.


We're in no shortage of conversation here as witnessed by the number of back and forth with posters- some running multiple pages :)


I've met in person some of the virtual posters here (both pats and colts)  One colts poster got me 7th row field tickets to the AFC div game because of her connection to the NFL. Face value too! :)

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This is one of my favorite places to be on the internet. Your usernames, avators, personalities and quirks are burned in my mind whether or not I have ever engaged you directly.  It feels like a big family where we all talk, laugh, fight, vent and enjoy football together.   :blueshoe:

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Well said Bravo4460.  I promise to give you a like tomorrow. What I respect about this forum are the variety of topics available on a daily basis, the humor & wit of so many fans that I consider family even though I've never met them face to face, the laid back demeanor of the moderating team, & of course, the fans from foreign countries who always make me laugh. 


I just really appreciate that people tolerate my movie obsession, my music obsession, my Zoe Saldana infatuation, my Dallas Cowboys strong dislike, & best of all the forum is cheaper than psychological therapy.  haha

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I've been here for many years, way back when Ray (TubaGuy) was heavily involved. Seen some greats come and go. I feel like I know a lot of your from your posts. I feel like we have some great football minds on this board. And yes, we're like family. We fued, we argue, we debate, heck sometimes we even fight like teenage girls, but at the end of the day the passion that we all have for the horseshoe brings us together. I wouldn't have it any other way!

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The forum has always had a family feel. The main reason here is people actually converse. They may argue but they still converse.


Unlike other forums which are just single posts by the posters with few replies- thus no conversation.


We're in no shortage of conversation here as witnessed by the number of back and forth with posters- some running multiple pages :)


I've met in person some of the virtual posters here (both pats and colts)  One colts poster got me 7th row field tickets to the AFC div game because of her connection to the NFL. Face value too! :)

I often wonder how fans on this forum meet 1 another live in person. I suppose you could meet at a local restaurant, pub, or watering hole after the game I guess. But, most forum members use a different profile picture other than their own mug shot. I know BHC has done that in the past. Meeting regular contributors to this forum does sound pretty cool though. I will get to LOS someday. It's on my bucket list man. I want to meet fans with other team allegiances too like QuizBoy, GoPats, NFLfan, etc. etc. 


That's the problem with mentioning names. Somebody gets upset that you neglected to mention them by name. I just like the idea of meeting face to face with smart people who are just as opinionated as I am as in I'm not alone out there you know. Plus, it's cool to match up a face with a name in real life. 


If you asked me to pinpoint why I love it here, it's for 3 reasons: 1. My best friends on here are funnier than hades, 2. My best friends on here cheer my up no matter if I'm in a fowl mood or not, 3. This forum still listens & wants to hear what I say even though my predictions are way off like the weather man's 90% of the time. LOL! 


Basically, regardless of a person's football knowledge this forum accepts all fans expert or novice & I really admire that. No one is made to feel dumb. 

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I agree this is the easiest forum to maneuver, and although I don't contribute much, I like the format and enjoy the friendships I have here.

An excellent point Gramz this site is easy to navigate through once you get the hang of it & I really do want my friends to be happy & content as corny as that sounds. 


Don't sell yourself short Gramz. You are a vital asset here & I respect your outlook on things & your steadfast loyalty to the Colts, Peyton Manning, & your Make Me Laugh thread contributions etc. 


I first got to know you on Colts Direct & I knew immediately just how you asked about my disability that you were genuinely concerned & a very kind human being.


If I saw you on the street, I'd probably give you a hug. Meanwhile your husband would be like "Ah this happens all the time. My wife will clue me in on who this is in a minute. "  :D

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Although of course I'm somewhat biased I think the senior Mods who've been around here for years deserve a lot of credit for the amount of time they out in moderating as well as contributing as posters.

Having seen behind the curtain so to speak I don't think people realise how much time those guys (and gals :)) put into trying to make this a pleasant place to visit.

I came here as a lonely UK colts fan hoping to find peopke to discuss with and instead I kinda found a little internet family.

True, no one wants to see how the hotdogs & sausage gets made, but thank you for making the forum experience so tasty & delicious SCC & crew.  :hat:

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This is a great forum, not to suck up, but the mods here are all class acts. All are very knowledgeable. I like the different view points that everyone has. Shoot, we have Texans fans that even add to discussion, and handle themselves very well. I've watched the Colts pretty much for the last 14 years or so, once I started to understand football. I love that many members of this forum have such great grasp on the Salary Cap. Heck, I don't understand it at all.


Not to single people out, but I really love posts by SW1, New Colts Fan, Superman, and several others (those are just the names that stand out in my mind). Y'all are like internet family!

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Question: Is this the same forum that was the primary Colts forum back in the 90s (Marshal Faulk years, before Manning)?  I recall being part of that forum where the heavy posters were DaveMiami and Doe (among others).  I think it may of even included Brad Wells but I don't recall his user name.  I posted back then occasionally until an upgrade which required reapplying for login credentials -- at which point I lurked for years and didn't bother logging in.  Anybody remember these members?


BTW, back in 1998 there were arguments on the forum that Andre Wadsworth should be picked ahead of Manning :)  It wasn't me.  I was celebrating with me nephew as soon as Larry Centers caught a last second TD from Jake Plumber in a meaningless win in the last game of the season against the Falcons.  It meant the Colts would have the first pick in the draft instead of the Cardinals.  We celebrated expecting Manning would be a Colt.  The Cardinals took Andre Wadsworth with the 3rd pick.

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Yeah. This forum is great, and sort of special. It actually is kind of like a family. I'm here throughout everyday and I love it. There's a lot of very, very knowledgeable people on here. And yes, I agree with the OP. Sometimes I cant stand talking football with casual fans lol.

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I often wonder how fans on this forum meet 1 another live in person. I suppose you could meet at a local restaurant, pub, or watering hole after the game I guess. But, most forum members use a different profile picture other than their own mug shot. I know BHC has done that in the past. Meeting regular contributors to this forum does sound pretty cool though. I will get to LOS someday. It's on my bucket list man. I want to meet fans with other team allegiances too like QuizBoy, GoPats, NFLfan, etc. etc.

Lol. I attended the Colts@Giants game last November. There were many Colts fans sitting next to me. I was hoping to meet a member of this board, but none of those I spoke with was familiar with this forum. :( Too bad I had not become friendly with Bababooey before that. He told me that he was at that game.

Anyway, I too like this forum very much and as you know, I am a Vikings fan. This message board is the best one around. There are many intelligent members who share their knowledge of football, sports, movies (you), music, and more. I have learned a lot since I signed up a little over a year ago and it's been a lot of fun. I appreciate the members and the mods very much. They keep me coming back every day. :thanks:

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    • will not have to spin a thing. Just gonna sit back and watch you guys hang on every decent play Richardson has and always wish there could be more. Does Vince young come to mind? Supper athletic, strong arm, not much of a QB.
    • The Colts, desperate for a long term solution at Quarterback, picked one in a miserable draft for qb,s. Should have went with another left tackle or defense. Should have spent thier money on Carr or Mayfield. this would have locked the position down for at least 5 or 6 years. By then maybe another prospect will come along or at least be in position to make a better decision. For gods sake, who thought it was a good idea to pick a player with so few tools and experience. He is not only a young rookie ,he is new to the position of quarterback in college much less the NFL. Yes he is gifted, he can throw the ball a mile. So could I at 22 years old but doing it in professional football no way.
    • Didn't you know SB or bust every single year... Lol. 
    • Cuz we've had such great QB play during that stretch.
    • I mean, may it take longer for AR to reach his full potential because of his age, rawness, and lack of experience….maybe yes maybe be no, but that’s for any qb.  There’s maybe one qb every few or so years that comes in and is ready to go.  Look at the past 5-10 drafts and you’ll see what I’m saying.  Even Pat Mahomes had to sit before he touched the field.  Trust me, it’s a short list.     NFL fans (and teams alike) have been spoiled with the thought of QBs coming in right away and getting into done when in reality that’s not the case.  ARs timeline/trajectory is going to be very similar to Josh Allen’s and tbh Allen didn’t start to really get it until Diggs came around.  A QBs development is dependent upon not just the qb himself, but the personnel, the coaches, the system.     Question, what would you have done in our situation?  Draft Levis?  I mean, I agree with you, I was one of the people on this board that wanted to do whatever we needed to get stroud, but it didn’t happen.  So We were either going to draft AR or Levis.  And if you didn’t want either one of them then you’re pretty much onboard with a full blown rebuild and waiting until next year because no other qb was worth drafting in the first round.  And to be real, AR would’ve been a top 3 QB in this past draft also.    
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