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Confirmed: Robert Mathis out for season with torn Achilles (merge)


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I don't ever post anything, but all the negativity on the forum has motivated me to say something about the Mathis situation.

We just lost our best defensive player, and it could be argued that he was our most game changing player. 

Is the season over? No, we have fifteen more games to compete in.

Will our defense be as effective without him? Probably not. 

But this is Colts Football, we always have to persevere over something.

Last year we lost Wayne, Bradshaw, Ballard, Thomas, Allen and maybe more that I'm forgetting to injuries, and came out of the season with a playoff win. 

The year before we were ranked last in the power rankings, changed from a 4-3 to a 3-4, lost our head coach for most of the season and were set to start "rebuilding". We went 11-5 and went to the playoffs. 

This year our perseverance story could very well be overcoming a loss to the defense (aswell as losing Thomas and Ballard again) and a loss to start the season. 

I'm not saying we're going to be in the superbowl, or even the championship game. I'm not ruling anything out either. I'm just saying, last year or the year before we didn't win the Super Bowl, but the journey throughout each season is what made me more enthusiastic about being a fan of this team. 

No passrush? We'll find a way to win.  

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I don't ever post anything, but all the negativity on the forum has motivated me to say something about the Mathis situation.
We just lost our best defensive player, and it could be argued that he was our most game changing player. 
Is the season over? No, we have fifteen more games to compete in.
Will our defense be as effective without him? Probably not. 
But this is Colts Football, we always have to persevere over something.
Last year we lost Wayne, Bradshaw, Ballard, Thomas, Allen and maybe more that I'm forgetting to injuries, and came out of the season with a playoff win. 
The year before we were ranked last in the power rankings, changed from a 4-3 to a 3-4, lost our head coach for most of the season and were set to start "rebuilding". We went 11-5 and went to the playoffs. 
This year our perseverance story could very well be overcoming a loss to the defense (aswell as losing Thomas and Ballard again) and a loss to start the season. 
I'm not saying we're going to be in the superbowl, or even the championship game. I'm not ruling anything out either. I'm just saying, last year or the year before we didn't win the Super Bowl, but the journey throughout each season is what made me more enthusiastic about being a fan of this team. 
No passrush? We'll find a way to win.  




If I could like this 100 times I would

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It would be a blow to any team losing a player like Mathis but like some others I can't understand the huge negativity on here. We just ran the top dogs of the AFC to within one score who boasts an elite qd, top oline and offense and a improved pass rush over last year. All without Mathis on the field. And with all due respect with teams to follow we're not going to face that level every week. We'll also know a lot more about Werner by the end of the season too who I won't write off after one season like some.Even before this I thought we were a few players short of challenging Denver and NE this year and this doesn't change that but I don't see us turning into a team with a top ten pick next year off the back of this.

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People are talking like this team HAS to win a Super Bowl before Luck's contract expires. It's silly. We're two seasons away from 2-14. Being a fan used to be about enjoying the process, the journey, watching your team grow and come together to do something great. Now, it's about instant gratification, and if it doesn't happen on opening day, then you might as well shut it down for the next four months.


I was really kind of shocked by the tone in the game thread. Yeah, we were getting the brakes beat off of us for a lot of the game, but even when things started going our way, every incompletion it was a flood of negative comments, and then virtual silence when we scored. It's almost like people are rooting for the team to lose so that they can wallow in their self-prophesied misery. I don't get it. I thought you were supposed to enjoy being a sports fan.

Because an environment intended to listen to all voices ......in an admirable attempt to remain fundamentally fair, gives unfortunate rise to the opportunity for the angry, the frustrated, and the disappointed to use a public gathering as their own venting bullypulpit.


As I have said before, I think there should be a place for all to go, but that doesn't mean it has to be the same place. With multiple forums already existing at this and most all NFL sites, I can't for the life of me grasp the almost commonly paralyzed view that separation is bad. As a people, we naturally attract to those who we have something in common with. Sports is a big one. But even though I enjoy going to watch the Colts at a bar, I'll go find a quieter spot if I end up sitting next to "I gotta yell at the refs" guy who yells after every play. But we're both Colt fans....why shouldn't we just tolerate each other?


Because it sucks listening to "yell" guy through an entire game. Reading through the posts when fans come here is no less irritating to some than sitting next to yell guy. But there is no quieter spot here.


"Being a fan used to be about enjoying the process, the journey, watching your team grow and come together to do something great."


That has to be one of the best lines I have read in a while. For what it's worth, it can still be about that. But the people that I alluded to in the first line of this post also want to have a place to go where they can vent....... untethered from the continuous blind faith and optimism of fans such as myself. Although this likely sounds like a request, it is not. Nor is it condescending. It is information that may or may not be of help with your statement of not getting it.

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You people are too negative. The broncos probably have best pass blocking online in accounts plus peyton got rid of the ball in 1.5 and 1.8 seconds. There was no way Werner could get there that quick. I think we have good pass rushers but they are all slow. They need some speed training lol. Anyway we came within a touchdown of beating the best team in the AFC and the eagles struggled to beat the j aguars I think we can take them especially if we play like we did in second half. We just have to stop spotting teams three to four touchdown leads before we start playing

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miss understanding. I heard a lot of crying from others and that's my bad. I hate sore losers. We can beat them but we didn't earn it last night and it was because of ourselves. I apologize I miss read that.

No problem. I agree completely. I knew we'd have to bring our A game with any chance to win. I don't think we lost because of penalties or anything like that. We just got outplayed the first half. Just way to many mistakes by everyone.

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Because an environment intended to listen to all voices ......in an admirable attempt to remain fundamentally fair, gives unfortunate rise to the opportunity for the angry, the frustrated, and the disappointed to use a public gathering as their own venting bullypulpit.


As I have said before, I think there should be a place for all to go, but that doesn't mean it has to be the same place. With multiple forums already existing at this and most all NFL sites, I can't for the life of me grasp the almost commonly paralyzed view that separation is bad. As a people, we naturally attract to those who we have something in common with. Sports is a big one. But even though I enjoy going to watch the Colts at a bar, I'll go find a quieter spot if I end up sitting next to "I gotta yell at the refs" guy who yells after every play. But we're both Colt fans....why shouldn't we just tolerate each other?


Because it sucks listening to "yell" guy through an entire game. Reading through the posts when fans come here is no less irritating to some than sitting next to yell guy. But there is no quieter spot here.


"Being a fan used to be about enjoying the process, the journey, watching your team grow and come together to do something great."


That has to be one of the best lines I have read in a while. For what it's worth, it can still be about that. But the people that I alluded to in the first line of this post also want to have a place to go where they can vent....... untethered from the continuous blind faith and optimism of fans such as myself. Although this likely sounds like a request, it is not. Nor is it condescending. It is information that may or may not be of help with your statement of not getting it.


A most excellent post and something I agree with, especially being sat next to "that guy". My failing is not recognising they have as much right to support their team how they choose but it's very hard to not rise to things when you come on here to hopefully discuss your team with like minded fans and you're greeted by a wave of negativity and trolling. 


Please don't get me wrong, there are some excellent posters on here, but for everyone one of those there seems to be 5 trolls/naysayers/people just looking for a fight (I exaggerate of course!).

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Bad news about Mathis, but no need to panic.The season isn't over. Maybe the Colts won't go to the Superbowl, but they will still remain a team to be dealt with. Problem with pass rush, but somehow the team will find a way around that. I refuse to give up on the Colts. This team has overcome all kinds of problems. The Colts are no worse off than some of the other teams who have lost starting players.

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Why are people acting as if this is some huge surprise? Mathis always had injury issues. It was the reason why towards their last couple of years together, we rarely saw he and Mathis on the field at the same time. I was surprised Mathis didn't miss a single game last season. Only thing I'm shocked at is how he managed to get injured while he was suspended.


And let's not jump the gun and start saying we need to trade for *insert player here*. That's short term thinking. But this is the football gods punishing the GM for not drafting the way he should have. Last year we lost Reggie and the offense got exposed, so we got Moncrief and signed Nicks. I'm hoping this means Grigson will sign a notable pass rusher in the off-season and then draft a good one.

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Terrible news.


I know at this point in time Grigson might be a little gun shy to give up some draft picks for someone (after the TRich trade), but I think you've got to make a move. We have to create a pass rush. If the pass rush continues like we saw against Denver, it's going to be rough.


I hope he's looking to make a move...

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Yes, because I was clearly stating he should hit the QB every play. If you disagree about Werner, fine, but don't spout a bunch of nonsense instead of actually having a response.


So your ok with spouting a bunch of nonsense "couldn't even get in his area code".  Yes, that is NONSENSE, but I am not allowed to.  I love the double standard.  Point is, I believe Werner needs more reps and more games.  Judging him off whether he could get to Manning or not, is just not sensible.  Not many people get to Manning, it is a known fact.  Werner actually got pressure during the pre season.  I will judge him after a few games, rather than one, against the greatest QB ever.  smh

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Holy crap... I don't get over to this side of the board often, but the negativity... 


Buck up Indy fans, there are 15 games left to play, and the Colts will win a good number of them with or without Mathis. You never know what will happen or what injuries other teams will incur. Better to have this happen now then to get him back after his suspension and have this happen in the first game he's playing. 

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So your ok with spouting a bunch of nonsense "couldn't even get in his area code".  Yes, that is NONSENSE, but I am not allowed to.  I love the double standard.  Point is, I believe Werner needs more reps and more games.  Judging him off whether he could get to Manning or not, is just not sensible.  Not many people get to Manning, it is a known fact.  Werner actually got pressure during the pre season.  I will judge him after a few games, rather than one, against the greatest QB ever.  smh

Good god. There isn't a double standard....you totally put words in my mouth, which is what people do when they don't have a legitimate response. Me stating he couldn't get in Manning's area could is my opinion...and is also correct.

And I'm not judging him based off this one game. In case you didn't know they guy has played more than one game, but I'm guessing you will ignore that because it doesn't help your argument. I'm judging him off his lack of athleticism and what I have seen of him up to this point.....which is next to nothing. Can he get better? Sure. But I don't think he will ever be any kind of consistent pass rushing threat.

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Why are people acting as if this is some huge surprise? Mathis always had injury issues. It was the reason why towards their last couple of years together, we rarely saw he and Mathis on the field at the same time. I was surprised Mathis didn't miss a single game last season. Only thing I'm shocked at is how he managed to get injured while he was suspended.


And let's not jump the gun and start saying we need to trade for *insert player here*. That's short term thinking. But this is the football gods punishing the GM for not drafting the way he should have. Last year we lost Reggie and the offense got exposed, so we got Moncrief and signed Nicks. I'm hoping this means Grigson will sign a notable pass rusher in the off-season and then draft a good one.

Are you confusing mathis with freeney?

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Because an environment intended to listen to all voices ......in an admirable attempt to remain fundamentally fair, gives unfortunate rise to the opportunity for the angry, the frustrated, and the disappointed to use a public gathering as their own venting bullypulpit.


As I have said before, I think there should be a place for all to go, but that doesn't mean it has to be the same place. With multiple forums already existing at this and most all NFL sites, I can't for the life of me grasp the almost commonly paralyzed view that separation is bad. As a people, we naturally attract to those who we have something in common with. Sports is a big one. But even though I enjoy going to watch the Colts at a bar, I'll go find a quieter spot if I end up sitting next to "I gotta yell at the refs" guy who yells after every play. But we're both Colt fans....why shouldn't we just tolerate each other?


Because it sucks listening to "yell" guy through an entire game. Reading through the posts when fans come here is no less irritating to some than sitting next to yell guy. But there is no quieter spot here.


"Being a fan used to be about enjoying the process, the journey, watching your team grow and come together to do something great."


That has to be one of the best lines I have read in a while. For what it's worth, it can still be about that. But the people that I alluded to in the first line of this post also want to have a place to go where they can vent....... untethered from the continuous blind faith and optimism of fans such as myself. Although this likely sounds like a request, it is not. Nor is it condescending. It is information that may or may not be of help with your statement of not getting it.

Great response to an even better post. Couldn't like it enough.

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Holy crap... I don't get over to this side of the board often, but the negativity... 


Buck up Indy fans, there are 15 games left to play, and the Colts will win a good number of them with or without Mathis. You never know what will happen or what injuries other teams will incur. Better to have this happen now then to get him back after his suspension and have this happen in the first game he's playing. 

If we lost in the manner you guys did it would have been even worse! A lot of people on here can't quite grasp the TEAM concept...we are used to our STARS carrying us where we will go....we've seen what typically happens when one goes down...Freeney before the SB..no pass rush...Peyton goes down we can't win a game...Reggie last year the offense struggled with inconsistancy...now Mathis. This fan base lives on their stars..Marshall, Peyton, Marvin, Reggie, Dwight, Robert, Andrew...we think if one goes down thats it for us. We haven't experienced much what you guys showed in the 2000s....a TEAM of almost equal parts all playing at a high quality towards a goal. Take away a part and you guys still keep rattling off wins....let a guy go you keep winning...etc etc...we just have never been built that way and thus taught to think that way.


PS....Also add the Paul George loss and Indy fans are a little bitter at the sports gods lol.

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If we lost in the manner you guys did it would have been even worse! A lot of people on here can't quite grasp the TEAM concept...we are used to our STARS carrying us where we will go....we've seen what typically happens when one goes down...Freeney before the SB..no pass rush...Peyton goes down we can't win a game...Reggie last year the offense struggled with inconsistancy...now Mathis. This fan base lives on their stars..Marshall, Peyton, Marvin, Reggie, Dwight, Robert, Andrew...we think if one goes down thats it for us. We haven't experienced much what you guys showed in the 2000s....a TEAM of almost equal parts all playing at a high quality towards a goal. Take away a part and you guys still keep rattling off wins....let a guy go you keep winning...etc etc...we just have never been built that way and thus taught to think that way.


PS....Also add the Paul George loss and Indy fans are a little bitter at the sports gods lol.


That's a really good point/perspective. Thanks.


From a fan of a rival team, I haven't ever found myself saying, "Freeney is out, this weekend's an easy W for the Pats." Or Reggie, or whoever. (Well, maybe when Manning was down but by that point Indy's season was a train wreck already, lol...)


Sure it's harder without your top players, but the Colts will still be in the thick of it all in December. Guaranteed. 

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I have a question.


How does this affect Mathis' suspension?  When he does come back will he still have to sit out three more games?


If this has been discussed, I apologize, I just didn't feel like reading through 10 pages.

After the suspension, the Colts have to decide where he goes.  IR, he will get paid but out for the year.  Another option is Non-football injury list...no pay.


A question on this is...was Mathis working out for football when it happened?  There are still some issues there.


He had a strict workout plan designed by the strength coach.  He is not allowed to work out at the Colts Facility...so he is home in Hot-lanta. 

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After the suspension, the Colts have to decide where he goes.  IR, he will get paid but out for the year.  Another option is Non-football injury list...no pay.


A question on this is...was Mathis working out for football when it happened?  There are still some issues there.

Since he was barred from team facilities I would think the Colts could easily say what he was doing was not related to the Colts organization.

Mike Florio reports...


Because the injury happened away from the team facility, the Colts could place Mathis on the non-football injury list and withhold this year’s money, setting the stage to part ways with an aging and banged-up player this offseason



Thanks guys for the quick responses.

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Mike Florio reports...


Because the injury happened away from the team facility, the Colts could place Mathis on the non-football injury list and withhold this year’s money, setting the stage to part ways with an aging and banged-up player this offseason





I'm still trying to grasp the sense of it when he was banned from the facility.  Where else do they want him to work out if you ban him from the complex?  He had no way to work out at the complex.



I've never in my life seen fhe point in banning a player (whom you know you want to play on your team) away from the complex in which you expect him to perfect his craft to the benefit of your team?  Why not simply disallow him from the game(s) for however long the suspension?  It's crazy because they allowed him to be in the complex for the entire preseason and offseason. What exactly changes after the season begins?  Nothing

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That's a really good point/perspective. Thanks.


From a fan of a rival team, I haven't ever found myself saying, "Freeney is out, this weekend's an easy W for the Pats." Or Reggie, or whoever. (Well, maybe when Manning was down but by that point Indy's season was a train wreck already, lol...)


Sure it's harder without your top players, but the Colts will still be in the thick of it all in December. Guaranteed. 

I 100% agree...teams always make adjustments..if its right after an injury or during a game its much harder to adapt but good teams like say NE, INDY, BAL, SEA they typically have good coaching and make good adjustments. That said you can't replace HOF caliber players...as you saw with Gronk and we saw with Reggie and probably will now with Robert...we will still be VERY competitive but there is no doubt that scheme changes and next man up still can't give us the same result that Robert did. Hopefully we can just limit the loss and make up in other areas.

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I'm still trying to grasp the sense of it when he was banned from the facility.  Where else do they want him to work out if you ban him from the complex?  He had no way to work out at the complex.



I've never in my life seen fhe point in banning a player (whom you know you want to play on your team) away from the complex in which you expect him to perfect his craft to the benefit of your team?  Why not simply disallow him from the game(s) for however long the suspension?  It's crazy because they allowed him to be in the complex for the entire preseason and offseason. What exactly changes after the season begins?  Nothing

The league did...not us...its a league suspension...he can't be a part of football operations once it begins...just like you can't go to school or your job either. I think it would be cheap of us to not pay him but this is a business...its a decision Irsay's daughter will have to make with Grigson...but I think it would be bad business to abandon him now.

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I'm still trying to grasp the sense of it when he was banned from the facility.  Where else do they want him to work out if you ban him from the complex?  He had no way to work out at the complex.



I've never in my life seen fhe point in banning a player (whom you know you want to play on your team) away from the complex in which you expect him to perfect his craft to the benefit of your team?  Why not simply disallow him from the game(s) for however long the suspension?  It's crazy because they allowed him to be in the complex for the entire preseason and offseason. What exactly changes after the season begins?  Nothing


It's just a loophole to protect teams. I highly doubt the Colts are going to put RM on the non-football related injury list. That would totally ruin the "family" aspect that the organization preaches. PFF is just stirring the pot as usual. 

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It's just a loophole to protect teams. I highly doubt the Colts are going to put RM on the non-football related injury list. That would totally ruin the "family" aspect that the organization preaches. PFF is just stirring the pot as usual. 

Exactly...trying to make a story. It would look terrible to our young guys if we did that...show no loyalty. It's there in case some * goes rock climbing/driving motorcycle etc and gets hurt we shouldnt be responsible to cover that guys salary.

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