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McDaniels rejects Colts.


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6 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:

Just heard this on the radio on WEEI.   Looks like Josh handed in his version of the BB napkin.  I am sorry for you guys, but you got plenty of time to get another coach in line. 


Wow, what a circus that last few days.  They stated that the Krafts sweetened the contract with Josh, perhaps Josh may be the next in line for the head coach. 



...plenty of time to find a new head coach?!?!?! CUTE. 


It's been over a MONTH since the colts fired Pagano, all the top candidate are gone. The other guys the Colts liked (Vrabel, Wilks, etc) are long gone. This is horrible scenario to be in. No way to sweeten this or make it sound better than it is the Colts are f*'d 

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1 minute ago, Mathis_Fan98 said:

Opens the door for Manning now :rock::goat:



I was waiting for someone to say it. Let’s get Peyton in here as an OC! Hahaha. 


This is does suck but everything happens for a reason. Better to see his loyalty now than having him here and knowing his heart isn’t in it. 

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7 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:


Yeah I’m thinking it’s either one of those, which is not good if Luck is done.


That could be. We're quick to attack McDaniels on this, but what if the Colts were promising to McDaniels that Luck would be healthy, and later told him he's not? In that case, we were being dishonest to McDaniels.

Not saying that happened, but it IS a possibility.

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6 minutes ago, 1959Colts said:


Why is everyone so confidant in Reich? 

It looks to me like Doug Peterson is running the Eagles offense during the game. Calling the plays.

Who knows what Reich brings to the table?


Agreed. If we're going with a Philly coach, I'd rather take my chances John DeFilippo is the next Sean McVay.

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I feel bad for the assistant coaches and their families. Some actually signed contracts I think?


Now Ballard has to fix this. This is the risk you run when you have to wait on a coach. Time for Ballard to really earn his pay.


I was getting pretty excited for McDaniels. The timing in all of this sucks because it becomes harder to put a staff together. Maybe the Colts get Dave Toub or Frank Reich. I'm still going to be excited.

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1 minute ago, DougDew said:

I must be female too.  Nothing felt right about the delays and the lead up to this.  I'm not surprised actually.


It's the best thing to happen to us right now. I am so relieved and now looking forward to next season again.

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Wow Bob Kraft meddling with a coaching relationship with another team . . . that is almost like . . . cheating . . . :sip:.


Seriously, it sucks for you guys.  But in the end no one knows Josh's HC capabilities.  So maybe it is a blessing for the colts. 


I just heard that there was no contract signed and that Josh was indicating he wanted more time. 


Things are still kind of up in the air with the SB loss, and BB contract is up in 2018, maybe the Krafts wanted Josh as a back-up and can take over if BB decides to move on after next year.  

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2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Kraft isn't giving him just a raise.....


He's giving him the Pats HC job when BB retires.


There's no way McDaniels does this move with a guarantee --- in writing --- that he's the Pats next head coach.


Can't believe Colts would announce anything without a signed deal.... if he backed out of that the league needs to look at tampering by NE..  COACH GATE:gym:

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2 minutes ago, Gramz said:

haha I know it's not funny, but I laugh to keep from big *.


Wow.... I don't even know what to say.  

But my thoughts about him, have drastically changed.  Guess I'm glad he is staying with the liar cheater club.  Don't Need Him Here.

Exactly, stay away from us were better with you Josh

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2 minutes ago, RealityIsLuck said:

...plenty of time to find a new head coach?!?!?! CUTE. 


It's been over a MONTH since the colts fired Pagano, all the top candidate are gone. The other guys the Colts liked (Vrabel, Wilks, etc) are long gone. This is horrible scenario to be in. No way to sweeten this or make it sound better than it is the Colts are f*'d 


The worst part too is we might be wasting another year of Luck's career away.

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I’m not even mad at him. Colts were stupid for waiting on him. Who wants a coach who is always looking for a ready made team to come in and coach?


I am glad he’s gone because he would have quit in a couple of years and gone back to the Patriots. I wish he had waited to change his mind at his introductory presser though. Ha!

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3 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

It is being reported that Ballard was prepared and have multiple candidates in the wings


Nothing is surprising about that. Need to start calling the guy "Backup Plan Ballard." 


But this isn't good, at all. Whoever we hire is officially our second choice, and everyone knows it. Maybe our third or fourth choice.

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