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Im not sure if it was Doyle or Holder that wrote the article but it nailed the head on a topic ive complained about countless times. Although I dont think these guys are a bunch of losers, it annoys the living #$% out of me how so many of our guys, and others, cannot just simply make a play then move on without putting on a show. Sure the game is supposed to be fun, but it is also a job, business, whatever. TY doing his ty dance, Crief dropping the mike, Rogers, lol. TY is a ghost more often than not, Crief im almost certain dropped his next attempt, Rogers arguably lost the game with his. Why cant they just play the dam game! If you are losing shouldnt they take it a bit more serious? Never saw Harrison once be a showboat, and that dude had his chances and could back it up. Losers is a bit much, jokes is how I put it. Bunch of jokers. Selfish jokers. 

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I gotta watch the play again but I didn’t think the Rogers play was a drop. May be thinking of the wrong play but the one I’m remembering was late in the game & he was running a crossing route.  The pass was low & behind him.  I didn’t consider that a drop but I did consider it a lack of awareness on his part. They were in a zone & he should of sat down his route in the hole in the zone,  it looks like that’s what Brissett wanted him to do judging by the throw.  Am I thinking of the right play?

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Be upset all you want but at the end of the day they are grown men playing a kids game and cashing big checks and what do we do? we spend 4 hours a week watching because it is our team. At work if you get a raise or get recognition for good work you celebrate. These players kill their body week after week if they wanna celebrate after a deserving play so be it let them rock.

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8 minutes ago, ND Irish said:

Kidding me right? They are playing Big league ball, cashing Big league checks, giving us also hard working stiffs Busch league results and pulling Busch league antics. I celebrate by taking my kids to freakin Chuck e Cheese, not about myself bro.


You celebrate however you want. I'm not sure why you think they have to celebrate however you want also. 

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14 minutes ago, Superman said:


It's just such a petty and inconsequential thing to complain about.

You're right man! My bad, cant wait to see them do something spectacular after their 2 catches for 15 yards in yet another loss. Can't wait too see someone inevitably drop a pass or fumble in crucial moments. You go boy, get your freak on.

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9 minutes ago, ND Irish said:

You're right man! My bad, cant wait to see them do something spectacular after their 2 catches for 15 yards in yet another loss. Can't wait too see someone inevitably drop a pass or fumble in crucial moments. You go boy, get your freak on.


Okay, then don't watch. I mean, you can either choose to watch something you don't like and then complain about it, or you can choose not to watch it. 


In all, my response was based on this idea that players are somehow wrong for whatever celebrations they choose to do, and I disagree with that entirely. Everyone isn't Marvin Harrison, and how boring would it be if everyone was exactly the same? 


The players have a choice, and so do you. And so do I. 

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Its ridiculous how they make these big celebrations, and they are LOSING the game.  Its out of hand.  Did you notice the WHOLE STEELERS defense doing the selfie against us?  

It paints an unprofessional picture to me.  Maybe its generational, but they look like clowns to me.

the most ridiculous i saw was what appeared to be the ENTIRE Eagles team doing a line dance.  Clowns.


  I noticed that viewership was down 10% on thansgiving , which we know , in fact, is probably worse.  EVERY veteran i know has stopped watching because of kneeling / disrespect iseues:

 what is offensive is these guys kneeling/sitting then yoing out there and acting like clowns on celebrations.  

  Ive been still watching Colt games (nfl ticket) , but i havent watched much other footbal. Ive lost some interest.  I'd have 2 games goin on TV's plus an ipad for most Sundays.  now, colts only really.  It kinda nda bums me out.

its just not the same game i remember watching (and playong) as a child and growing up.

  Im pretty sure the NFL didnt expect some of these "over their he top" celebrations.

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51 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

Its ridiculous how they make these big celebrations, and they are LOSING the game.  Its out of hand.  Did you notice the WHOLE STEELERS defense doing the selfie against us?  

It paints an unprofessional picture to me.  Maybe its generational, but they look like clowns to me.

the most ridiculous i saw was what appeared to be the ENTIRE Eagles team doing a line dance.  Clowns.


  I noticed that viewership was down 10% on thansgiving , which we know , in fact, is probably worse.  EVERY veteran i know has stopped watching because of kneeling / disrespect iseues:

 what is offensive is these guys kneeling/sitting then yoing out there and acting like clowns on celebrations.  

  Ive been still watching Colt games (nfl ticket) , but i havent watched much other footbal. Ive lost some interest.  I'd have 2 games goin on TV's plus an ipad for most Sundays.  now, colts only really.  It kinda nda bums me out.

its just not the same game i remember watching (and playong) as a child and growing up.

  Im pretty sure the NFL didnt expect some of these "over their he top" celebrations.


Plus, it feels like every recognizable face in the NFL's injured. Andrew Luck, JJ Watt, Richard Sherman, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Kam Chancellor, Odell Beckham, Carson Palmer, Malik Hooker, Tom Brady, Sam Bradford, Nick Folk, Joe Thomas, and Tom Brady. I feel saddened for all of them... except Tom Brady... He is injured, right? Of course he is, he's 40.

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3 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

Lol, it burns my rear when a player jumps up and down on a tackle that was 10 yards deep.  10 yards is a first down...the only team celebrating it should be the won that made it?


Yeah now that literally does pi$$ me off....  It’s like hey, congratulations you made a crappy tackle, got dragged for 5 yards and gave up a first down!  Thumbs up!

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they usually dont bother me any, sometimes i think its funny


i do think its weird when a defender celebrates making some generic tackle, or a receiver catches a short pass


any TD is worth a celebration unless youre getting blown out 

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Y'all need to relax.


What do you do when the colts make a good play? You celebrate, no? Even a little bit. Pump your fist. Yell in excitement. Jump up and down if something really good happens. It's just excitement.


Now imagine you're the player, who worked his entire life to get to the stage he's at, and you just made a play that got thousands of people excited and cheering (or if it's a road game, silenced). You're not gonna be excited? Come on. It's supposed to be fun. And if you're complaining so hard when the teams losing that you have to be bothered by celebrations, then you really need to stop taking this sport so seriously.


Btw, in regards to Doyel's article, are the steelers, eagles, panthers and other teams who constantly show boat and celebrate also losers?

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12 hours ago, Superman said:


You celebrate however you want.


You're right that in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter what we think or what the players think.


That said, Bill Belichick doesn't seem like he stands for that type of stuff (i.e., celebrating a single reception in a losing effort as if you just won your team a Super Bowl).


Remember when the unheralded Jonas Gray went off for like 1,000 yards rushing against the Colts?  After that game, Gray was late for a practice because he overslept.  Never saw the field again.  And that was for being late to practice.


Bill's philosophy seems to be, when you are doing your job (catching a ball, making a tackle, etc.), act like you've been there before.  With respect to TDs or big plays in close games/winning efforts, that is another story altogether. 


That organization seems to have a pretty good culture, whereas the Colts appear to be one of the mentally weakest NFL teams out there right now.  They literally find new ways to choke away games every week.  I think some fans think, maybe if they spent less time premeditating on celebrations and more time studying film, they'd be a bit better. 


I think that's a pretty big leap though.


My 2 cents, which isn't worth much.

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Its a sign of cultural regression when professionals on the field become concerned over winning little battles during the game.  A tackle.  A a first down.   But I understand that most players weren't really college material to begin with, so having the mental discipline to stay focused on the big picture, and not get caught up in little battles along the way, is difficult for the modern era player.



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My opinion on excess celebrating while losing ...


When I played hockey, usually on loser teams, when I’d score I’d just go into a partial crouch, stick on my knees, and glide back to center ice for the ensuing face-off.  Not a whole heck of a lot worth celebrating when still losing.


Ergo, it bothers me to see excess celebration that ignores the bigger picture of the actual game situation being one that remains perilous.  The time for celebrating is when the game ends with the win in hand.  It’s a TEAM sport.

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Forcing or recovering a fumble, sacking the QB, getting an INT on defense, or a first down or TD on offense is fine for a celebration on offense. Just don't celebrate unless it's worthy of being celebrated over. To me, this is the equivalent of people online overusing the word "great" or "elite" to the point where it loses all meaning. Celebrate when it makes sense or matters, but don't overdo it to the point where it loses all meaning and becomes meaningless.

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16 hours ago, ND Irish said:

Never saw Harrison once be a showboat, and that dude had his chances and could back it up. Losers is a bit much, jokes is how I put it. Bunch of jokers. Selfish jokers. 

The one time I seen Harrison get excited is when he spiked the ball against the Patriots, and it bounced up and hit Vrable in the face.....then Vrable threw a fit.

One of my all time favorite moments in Colts history.


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I'm not a fan of the celebrations. To me there is no reason to celebrate when you're down 3 scores and your team is going no where near the playoffs. It's like watching the browns celebrate. If you did good that week, and want to go out and celebrate that's another thing. 


I fell in love with football back in 02. It sure has changed a lot since then. Idk. Maybe it's this generation. In the end though, I'm not going to complain about the celebrations. But that doesn't mean I understand it. 


Its just not fun to watch anymore. It was still fun to watch in 2011 when we were 2-14. 

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