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Why would anyone want Luck behind this line?


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There seems to be lots of misguided optimism that as soon as Luck comes back, this team could win the division. I just don't understand why you would want Andrew playing when the offensive line still sucks. Grigson failed building a line, and Ballard has done equally as terrible in his first year fixing the line. Luck will get his brains bashed in behind this line. Keep him out until you know he won't take hit after hit. 

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11 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

There seems to be lots of misguided optimism that as soon as Luck comes back, this team could win the division. I just don't understand why you would want Andrew playing when the offensive line still sucks. Grigson failed building a line, and Ballard has done equally as terrible in his first year fixing the line. Luck will get his brains bashed in behind this line. Keep him out until you know he won't take hit after hit. 

Ballard has only been around for 1 year.  The Colts are in a rebuilding stage, it's going to take sometime to solidify everything.  I am sure he'll look at O-Line next year in the draft and free agency.  As far as wanting Luck behind a bad line, I don't think anyone wants to see him get hurt but if he's 100% and released by doctors and looks good to the coaches, he's going to be out there.  Just a hypothetical question.  What if the line still isn't as good come opening day 2018?  Should they sit him out next year too?

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there is no guarantee that the line will ever be good.  what if it sucks next year too, what about the year after that?


should luck just retire?  what do we say to the guy that does play QB if we sit him like that?  should we just fold the franchise? 


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Well I after rewatching each game. We’ll be fine once Kelly returns. Also Luck himself said he owes it to us the fans and his teammates to play this season. There is a special bond this team has. It needs its leader out there. 

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I don't think anybody particularly WANTS Luck to play behind this O-line, however, when Luck is healthy he will play.


It's that simple. He may get hurt again or he may lead us to the playoffs and be completely healthy -- who knows. But he will play once he's healthy,there is no way around that.

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22 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

There seems to be lots of misguided optimism that as soon as Luck comes back, this team could win the division. I just don't understand why you would want Andrew playing when the offensive line still sucks. Grigson failed building a line, and Ballard has done equally as terrible in his first year fixing the line. Luck will get his brains bashed in behind this line. Keep him out until you know he won't take hit after hit. 


There are so many things wrong with this.  Where to begin?


1.  The optimism is not misguided until we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs.

2.  Andrew wins games, regardless of the OLine, and oh yeah, we're PAYING him to play.

3.  Grigson did NOT fail to build an OLine.  In fact, that may be his crowning (and only) achievement.

4.  IF Luck gets his "brains bashed in" it will be because he holds onto the ball too long, not the OLine.


What EXACTLY makes you think next year will be different?  And if it isn't, how many years do we "keep Luck out", until this team is SB ready?  And who decides that?  You?


Joe Theismann had HoFers on his OLine and still got his leg broken by LT.  So what is your point?

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48 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

There seems to be lots of misguided optimism that as soon as Luck comes back, this team could win the division. I just don't understand why you would want Andrew playing when the offensive line still sucks. Grigson failed building a line, and Ballard has done equally as terrible in his first year fixing the line. Luck will get his brains bashed in behind this line. Keep him out until you know he won't take hit after hit. 

Actually if you had watch any games the Offensive line is doing okay. Not great but serviceable. Please see games before commenting.

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49 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

There seems to be lots of misguided optimism that as soon as Luck comes back, this team could win the division. I just don't understand why you would want Andrew playing when the offensive line still sucks. Grigson failed building a line, and Ballard has done equally as terrible in his first year fixing the line. Luck will get his brains bashed in behind this line. Keep him out until you know he won't take hit after hit. 

oh look, another thread on the same topic.



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18 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

My word, how long is this stupid idea going to keep surfacing on this forum?


It's not limited to this forum, not by any stretch. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, it's everywhere, like a virus. It's the same people that were pounding the table last year saying we're wasting Andrew Luck's prime that are saying we should sit him this season, and ultimately waste a year of his prime. It's so odd.

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O-lines all around the league are trash. 2 of the best, Oakland and Tennessee just got their QB's hurt for the second straight year. Luck knows the risk and he'll play if he wants to and won't think twice about it. He's not a "I'm gonna take my ball and go home" type guy.

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this has got to be one of the most ridiculous threads... all I can say is WOW!  lets just put our practice squad out there on the field. why should all our other starters risk injury or their time? maybe we should just send all the starters to Hawaii on vacation...  The colts play to win!!!! Always!!!  GO COLTS!!

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Brady was getting hit a lot last night behind the worst O-line the Pats have had since I can remember, but they still won the game.  You have to play your best players whether it is an optimal situation or not.


Football is a game of injuries but I hope Luck and the coaches will stop the play calling that kept putting him situations where he was holding the ball far too long looking for chunk plays down the field far too often.

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Football is entertainment. I want to be entertained by watching the best players we have. 


He's paid a lot. He should play.


Plus, if you've been a fan of ANY sport for more then a year, you'll know you usually don't win it all even if you have a great team.


If he's healthy, let's watch some entertaining football, even if they end in losses.

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20 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Tony Romo last year, Derek Carr last week. 2 talent-loaded offensive lines, 2 spinal fractures. Football's a rough sport, there's just no way around it.


Yep, Marcus Mariotta also.  Brady has had the snot knocked out of his this year with more sacks in 5 games than the 12 he played in last year.  It's one brutal sport, as you said no way around it.  That being said I truly feel for Luck if Vujnovich is playing.  I'm sure he will find a way to step on Lucks foot somehow, or get knocked back and fall on Luck a few times.  

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1 hour ago, Pacergeek said:

There seems to be lots of misguided optimism that as soon as Luck comes back, this team could win the division. I just don't understand why you would want Andrew playing when the offensive line still sucks. Grigson failed building a line, and Ballard has done equally as terrible in his first year fixing the line. Luck will get his brains bashed in behind this line. Keep him out until you know he won't take hit after hit. 

Why the Colts sitting Andrew Luck is a terrible idea


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Just now, Malakai432 said:


Yep, Marcus Mariotta also.  Brady has had the snot knocked out of his this year with more sacks in 5 games than the 12 he played in last year.  It's one brutal sport, as you said no way around it.  That being said I truly feel for Luck if Vujnovich is playing.  I'm sure he will find a way to step on Lucks foot somehow, or get knocked back and fall on Luck a few times.  


Yeah, I'm definitely through with the Vunjnovich at guard experiment. He was much less of a liability at right tackle.

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The o line has been the red headed step child so to speak 

but the draft went defense heavy this year and was well



The next lineman we draft or through free agency needs to be a 

solid contributer for sure. We are just a player or two from being

a decent line imo.

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Manning played behind some really bad lines, but he mitigated that by getting rid of the ball. It is the single greatest issue that Luck struggles with. When Brady's line isn't up to par he does the same things. I fault the offensive coordinator most with the lack of quick hitters and crossing routes, but the bottom line is, an elite QB can avoid hits and stay healthy even with a porous line. Look at the Seahawks game; we were getting decent pressure on Wilson but it barely phased him. The Hawks have a far worse line than we do but it doesn't matter with an efficient QB. Getting Kelly back will help a ton, plus the understated effect he'll have on Mewhort. The weakest link is Vuj but everyone else is at least competent. No healthy starting QB is going to sit because his left guard is below average. 


Once he's healthy, he has to play. We don't want him going 18 months without playing real football. 

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It seems like since the Manning era there are two things you can count on with the Colts....a bad defense and a bad offensive line.


Obviously there are a few exceptions in the super bowl run the defense got hot at the end and for parts of Mannings career the line was decent (Glen, Saturday, Diem, etc...)


However it always seems like these two things hold true.  In regards to Luck when he is ready, let him play.  Tanking doesn't work...look at the Browns. Ballard is heading us in the right direction, just give him a couple of years.

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I think an interesting thing the Colts could do on their website(but I doubt they would). Is to run a poll of the Colts fan base to get a percentage of Colts fans who AS OF TODAY truly feel they have no shot at the playoffs.....I gotta a feeling there is higher percentage of Colts fans who do not see them as a playoff team than most think.....GO COLTS !!!!!

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3 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

I think an interesting thing the Colts could do on their website(but I doubt they would). Is to run a poll of the Colts fan base to get a percentage of Colts fans who AS OF TODAY truly feel they have no shot at the playoffs.....I gotta a feeling there is higher percentage of Colts fans who do not see them as a playoff team than most think.....GO COLTS !!!!!

Doubt it our fan base is one of the most blind lol we could let the browns score 75 on us and we would still have a chance lmao

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47 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:


Yep, Marcus Mariotta also.  Brady has had the snot knocked out of his this year with more sacks in 5 games than the 12 he played in last year.  It's one brutal sport, as you said no way around it.  That being said I truly feel for Luck if Vujnovich is playing.  I'm sure he will find a way to step on Lucks foot somehow, or get knocked back and fall on Luck a few times.  


This thread started out derailed so no fear of that...


I think it is good that Brady does not have the protection he is used to.  I have always thought that PM would have been even better with Tom's OL over the years.  We have had a few average or so OL's, but nothing like he has enjoyed.  


So, it is fun watching Tom get hit a little more often.  

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22 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

I think an interesting thing the Colts could do on their website(but I doubt they would). Is to run a poll of the Colts fan base to get a percentage of Colts fans who AS OF TODAY truly feel they have no shot at the playoffs.....I gotta a feeling there is higher percentage of Colts fans who do not see them as a playoff team than most think.....GO COLTS !!!!!

we are one game out of first place.  hell we would be alive at 0-4 in this division too


we do have a chance if luck comes back soon enough.  kelly is a difference maker too

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