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Who would coach us if pagano is fired??

Trace Pyott

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Just now, NewColtsFan said:


I'm disagreeing with you, becaus´I'm not talking about the Colts.


I'm talking about David Shaw.


And you're not a Stanford fan.     You don't know more about Stanford and Shaw then I do about the Colts.     LOL.


You're a fan of ONE of the two programs,  while I'm a fan of both.     Big difference.




Whatever fits in your justification parameters to stroke your ego. 


How do you know I am not a Stanford fan? Stop putting words in my mouth.


I have said my two cents, and heard enough from you. Goodbye. :) 

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1 hour ago, a06cc said:

Pagano not responsible for 2 pick 6’s, two missed fg’s and 2 fumbles. That’s what cost us the game. Regardless of him not challenging the touchdown. We still had 2 yards to punch it in. The offense let us down that game. We knew it during the preseason. Colts would struggle to score. AV would miss kicks. Who starts at QB next week? Who knows? AV missing has to be how the ball is being placed. That’s going to be heavily worked on this week. The defense looked fine to me yesterday. Rewatch the game to get a whole picture. The Defense wasn’t helped out by the offense. Bad field positions all game. 14 free points. With much better offensive play we should be fine. 


That's the thing though...we knew there were going to be big struggles with Luck out.  We knew the offense was going to have difficulty scoring points, especially against a Wade Phillips coached defense.  In that kind of situation, you have to do everything you can to try to protect the team and get a win.  Both Ballard and Pagano said repeatedly that they had to do whatever it takes to protect Tolzien, because that's what teams do when they have to rely on their backup QB.


Then they left Mack on the field in a goal line situation with bruisers Turbin and Gore sitting on the bench.  That was, in my honest opinion, the worst on field decision he's ever made.  Now, he has made some poor decisions in more high profile games, I'll give you that.  

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This just in! Anonymous sources have revealed the Colts' double-secret plan for a coaching change next week! Just prior to kickoff at each home game they're going to pull a random fan out of the stands and make him/her "Head Coach For A Day"! After all, how could that be any worse than what they have now? 

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36 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



Except my opinion is based on being a Stanford fan for 50 years.


When I'm not on ths website,  where do you think I spend some of my time?


You think I don't know more than the average football fan who sees Shaw and thinks what a good coach he is?


Stanford is a very unique place.


I'm not saying he'll never go to the NFL.     But I am saying he's years and years away from wanting to do that,  and his coaching DNA is entirely wrong for it.       Shaw considers himself a teacher,  a molder of young men.    That's in part, why he likes college coaching so much.      The NFL, as you note,  is not that world.     It's a bottom line job.


Win,  or else.


As of right now,  he's got no interest in it....


Believe it or not, you actually dont know everything and you dont have the ability to read anyones mind. Even after 50 years of fandom. Shocking i know...

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If Pagano was fired in season, which I seriously doubt would happen, I think it'd be Philbin. He's the assistant HC and it'd allow Chud and Ted to keep focus on running the offense and defense.

Off topic though, I always get peeved when people bring up a lack of coaching candidates as a reason for not getting rid of Pagano in the past. Just look at the solid HC's who have been hired in the last few years, one guy I specifically wanted was Adam Gase. There are great candidates every year and I think a guy like Ballard could find one.

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8 hours ago, jhcutt said:

We need somebody who has coached in the NFL before, preferably with some experience in the post season 


After thinking about this a little...


There's a retread coach most of us would be very happy with. 


I am not sold that Jon Gruden would ever want to come back to coaching. He is 54 so his window is closing more every year. 


If he did come back then he could have Luck, and he has never had a quarterback like that. It would be an opportunity of a lifetime for him. 


I doubt it happens, but I do believe it would work out very well.

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I'll volunteer myself.  I can both lose games in embarrassing fashion as well as regurgitate meaningless coachspeak cliches at the post game press conference, so the transition will be fairly smooth.


However, I will make a strong effort to remember the name and location of the team we play each week, making me a clear upgrade to the current head coach.

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4 hours ago, a06cc said:

Pagano not responsible for 2 pick 6’s, two missed fg’s and 2 fumbles. That’s what cost us the game. Regardless of him not challenging the touchdown. We still had 2 yards to punch it in. The offense let us down that game. We knew it during the preseason. Colts would struggle to score. AV would miss kicks. Who starts at QB next week? Who knows? AV missing has to be how the ball is being placed. That’s going to be heavily worked on this week. The defense looked fine to me yesterday. Rewatch the game to get a whole picture. The Defense wasn’t helped out by the offense. Bad field positions all game. 14 free points. With much better offensive play we should be fine. 

It was his decision to start Tolzien so those two pick 6s are on him. I'd say blame Ballard for keeping Tolzien but who knows how much better Morris would have been and he was at least smart enough to trade for Brissett. The FGs were on Vinateri and the holders. But the overall performance of the game is on Pagano. It's nothing we haven't seen before. This was probably worse than the 50 burger Pitt dropped on us a couple seasons ago. Every player and coach for the Colts was bad except for the punter and maybe Mack. That's honestly a top 5 worst Colts performance I've ever seen. 

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The entire Coaching staff stinks. Interim I'd go with Schotty, long term I'd want Toub and an entire NEW coaching staff.


I certainly do not want, Chud or Philbin. I'm not sure where I read it on the forum, somebody stating "Phins fans we're upset with Philbin getting canned", is so far from the truth it's pathetic. Philbin IS NOT a good coach, dude is a walking piece of drywall 

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Of course, Pagano is responsible for the two(2) picks and fumble by the QB.  Pagano picked the QB and left him in the game and got burned, it was his decision to play him. Had he(Pagano)not picked Tolzien to start the game, 2 pick six would not have happen.....Thank you.

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3 hours ago, HarryTheCat said:

This just in! Anonymous sources have revealed the Colts' double-secret plan for a coaching change next week! Just prior to kickoff at each home game they're going to pull a random fan out of the stands and make him/her "Head Coach For A Day"! After all, how could that be any worse than what they have now? 

We're going to tap into the wisdom of crowds by sending every coaching decision up for a vote to the fans at the game.

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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

It was his decision to start Tolzien so those two pick 6s are on him. I'd say blame Ballard for keeping Tolzien but who knows how much better Morris would have been and he was at least smart enough to trade for Brissett. The FGs were on Vinateri and the holders. But the overall performance of the game is on Pagano. It's nothing we haven't seen before. This was probably worse than the 50 burger Pitt dropped on us a couple seasons ago. Every player and coach for the Colts was bad except for the punter and maybe Mack. That's honestly a top 5 worst Colts performance I've ever seen. 


you definitely need to add John Simon into that list as well.  I'm very excited about having him. :)

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1 hour ago, TonyBungee said:

I think if you fire Chuck, then you need to fire Chud too.   I really thought he'd be better than Pep, but he hasn't been.


Philbin for interim HC, & Schott for interim OC. 


I believe it would be a complete house cleaning. I think if we let Chuck go then it's only fair for the new coach to at least help pick his direct reports. 

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11 hours ago, Smitto said:

I would much rather Philbin over Chud thats for sure. However I don't see it happening, unless of course the season is actually as bad as that Rams game.... Then maybe it does happen. 

Philbin to hold the spot until the end of this dumpster fire and meanwhile work on Gruden to come in after the season and clean house.... 

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1 hour ago, gacoop1 said:

Of course, Pagano is responsible for the two(2) picks and fumble by the QB.  Pagano picked the QB and left him in the game and got burned, it was his decision to play him. Had he(Pagano)not picked Tolzien to start the game, 2 pick six would not have happen.....Thank you.


prove it.  Prove to the rest of us that starting Brissett, a guy who barely knows the playbook would have performed better.  Dorsett only played 18 snaps with the Pats against the Chiefs.  Dorsett, as a WR, only really needs to know his responsibility on the select plays that he's going to be involved in.  The QB has to know every detail of every play that the offense calls. 


The odds strongly suggest that, no matter how bad you thought the game was with Tolzien as the starter, it would have been exponentially worse with Brissett.  Hopefully he's been studying the playbook nonstop and will have enough of a grasp of it that he can start next week.

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41 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


I believe it would be a complete house cleaning. I think if we let Chuck go then it's only fair for the new coach to at least help pick his direct reports. 


I think he's saying that if you fire Pagano now, then fire Chud now too rather than firing Pagano now and making Chud the interim HC...which I agree with.  If pagano does get fired then you're right, once the new coach comes in they'd likely give him the option to keep any of the current staff or bring in all new. :)

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As a Stanford fan, I have to agree with @NewColtsFan. I have a lot of appreciation and respect for David Shaw and he's perfect for Stanford. But having him coach Luck in the NFL would be a mistake. He's far too conservative and would do more harm to Luck than good. 


It's a moot point anyway because Shaw isn't going to leave. Stanford is his dream job and his family wants to stay in the Bay. 

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4 hours ago, Bubbz said:

Believe it or not, you actually dont know everything and you dont have the ability to read anyones mind. Even after 50 years of fandom. Shocking i know...


I'm not reading anyone's mind.    Shaw has literally said the words.   


But thanks anyway,  Bubbz!    I can always count on you to get things wrong!


Welcome back, I've missed you!

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If Pagano was fired before the season ended, I would bet that Chudzinski would be the interim HC, being that he has had more success as a HC over Philbin, who also has HC experience. 


Not that it really matters because I doubt Chud, Monachino, or even Philbin keeps their job once a new HC is brought in. 

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While discussing potential replacements for Pagano lets not melt down into personal attacks. Not sure why grandstanding has had to come into play, but it has almost derailed this thread...


My vote for Pagano's seemingly inevitable replacement is to ride the season with him, & shoot for Dave Toub, assuming he is on Ballard's short list of potential candidates... 

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He's still right though. David Shaw is not the answer. And quite honestly, let's  just stay away from College coaches altogether. Give me a talented young NFL  asst.  coach who is ready to take it to the next level. Can't happen soon enough. 

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1 hour ago, J@son said:


prove it.  Prove to the rest of us that starting Brissett, a guy who barely knows the playbook would have performed better.  Dorsett only played 18 snaps with the Pats against the Chiefs.  Dorsett, as a WR, only really needs to know his responsibility on the select plays that he's going to be involved in.  The QB has to know every detail of every play that the offense calls. 


The odds strongly suggest that, no matter how bad you thought the game was with Tolzien as the starter, it would have been exponentially worse with Brissett.  Hopefully he's been studying the playbook nonstop and will have enough of a grasp of it that he can start next week.


Erhardt Perkins ... 

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14 minutes ago, Scott Pennock said:

After John Fox finishes his lame duck season with the Bears he comes here and brings a real 3-4 defensive guru with him....


14 minutes ago, Scott Pennock said:

After John Fox finishes his lame duck season with the Bears he comes here and brings a real 3-4 defensive guru with him....

Yes to 34 guru, no to fox.

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5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm not reading anyone's mind.    Shaw has literally said the words.   


But thanks anyway,  Bubbz!    I can always count on you to get things wrong!


Welcome back, I've missed you!

Because no college coach has ever said anything similar??

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