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I Hope This Is Not True/ Irsay chooses grigson over gruden....(merge)


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Yeah the  Osborne guy hinted earlier that Grigson was the issue. He claims the story of how this all fell apart is "maddening".  He is supposed to write about it. He also claims JMV was one of his sources. If that is true i would take it to the bank. I really think Irsays daughters must be greatly influencing Jims decision making at this point.


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7 minutes ago, VocableLoki said:

JMV is claiming that he has no knowledge of Pagano being fired next week. Runs contrary to Mr. Osborne's tweets. 


Osborne never said Pagano would be fired. In fact, he claimed both would be back once the Gruden deal fell apart.

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I know someone here has been saying for weeks.....


Get out in front of your own story.


Control your own message,  because if you don't,  someone else will control it for you and you won't be happy.


That's looking pretty spot on right now.


We've had one raging brush fire story after another with people not knowing what is true and what is not.....


Not a good way to do business.....



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6 hours ago, jameszeigler834 said:

As much as Manning did for this team give him what he wants this isn't even a question if I'm in Irsays position.


Lol.  Thats REALLY easy for you to say since you're, you know, NOT actually in Irsay's position. :P 

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9 hours ago, Coltsfan1284 said:

I hope this is not true if Irsay really lost out on Gruden due to Grigson being retained maybe the best interest of the Colts aren't being considered.  I understand the owner stake with Manning and can see why that would be an issue.



Yeah, The issue has been and will continue to be Irsay. He has fallen in love with Grigson so will we see wedding bells soon. I mean come on man Grigson has failed miserably, but he can't let his buddy go. That's doing a disservice to your fans that support this franchise. He is running this team further and further into the ground with these personal feelings. Yeah, Irsay is definitely the problem and has been all along. 


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8 hours ago, VocableLoki said:

I have a really, really hard time believing this. Irsay was very close to firing him last year and now he retains him to deny the coach/FO he wants?

Close firing who??? He wasn't firing nobody he gave those guys a 4 year extension...not 1 or 2 years but 4 more years lol irsay is a joke

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I've seen this kind of behavior in family businesses before. It can be (and is) devastating to the business. If these stories are true (big if), then the Colt's have not only lost all credibility as a football operation, but they have lost a tremendous amount of financial value as well. 8-8 may be considered having a great season in the future. Oh well ...

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Has anyone in here actually heard Jim Irsay come out and say he has interviewed Gruden or Peyton for anything? Has anyone in here heard Gruden or Peyton talk about being offered anything from Irsay? Everytime I read a tweet by the local or national media it always says per source this. Name your source or I am not buying it! Until I hear Irsay, Gruden, or Peyton actually speak on anything I am not buying anything else I read. That is my take on it.

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Has anyone in here actually heard Jim Irsay come out and say he has interviewed Gruden or Peyton for anything? Has anyone in here heard Gruden or Peyton talk about being offered anything from Irsay? Everytime I read a tweet by the local or national media it always says per source this. Name your source or I am not buying it! Until I hear Irsay, Gruden, or Peyton actually speak on anything I am not buying anything else I read. That is my take on it.

No, and I don't expect to hear anything, either.

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looking forward to another 8-8 season thanks to some meaningless wins at the end of the year that only serve to worsen their draft position.  A draft position that no matter where it's at Grigson would screw up.


Grigson would have been my first choice to leave....now he lost out on Gruden, due to him??


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5 minutes ago, CoachLite said:

No, and I don't expect to hear anything, either.

Then why are some people in here bashing Irsay by saying he is choosing Grigson over Gruden. They don't know that to be fact. Why would anyone in here realistically think we are going to make any kind of change when Pagano and Grigson is under contract for 3 more years? I said back in October nothing would happen. There Threads are just getting tiresome. Basically to the people that hate Pagano and Grigson and think Irsay is a bad owner why not just follow another team then?

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Just now, CoachLite said:


Why? None of this does any good.

I believe the reason behind the specific complaint threads is so there aren't a dozen threads  about basically the same thing. None of them do any good, except to give us a place to vent.

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