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Andrew Luck says he's '100 percent' to blame for Colts' struggles


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Andrew has always been a true leader owning up to his faults, props to him for consistently doing that during a time of difficulty, I love that about him.  :thmup:


Now, he just needs to go out there and shut folks up with his play which we all know is capable of being turned up a few notches.  :)

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Im glad he is being a leader, but realistically its 11 guys on the field and 5 to 7 of them responsible for keeping luck up right and giving him time to make the best play possible. Luck barely has time to go through his progressions. play calling hasn't been the greatest other on the offensive side of the ball i would like to see Pep call a more balanced offense more runs and screens to let the down field stuff open up. So with all due respect sir Luck i respect you taking ownership but it is a team effort and not one individual is to blame. 

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He's done that with every loss they've had. Because he's been trained on dealing with the media questions. It's the classy thing to do. No reason to throw your teammates under the bus, you just towel whip them in the shower afterwards.

(Now can you picture everyone towel whipping Frank Gore for his fumble or the Offensive line in a row waiting for theirs?)

Just trying to add some humor to this situation/funk we're in.

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It's great that he is being a leader, a trait I admire....however, anyone capable of reasonable thought knows that the real culprit is a GM and coaching staff that are unable to provide him with the tools needed to be successful.  Sure Luck has made mistakes, but he has been put in a situation where if he doesn't play at superstar levels all the time, he is destined to fail.

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Andrew has always been a true leader owning up to his faults, props to him for consistently doing that during a time of difficulty, I love that about him.  :thmup:


Now, he just needs to go out there and shut folks up with his play which we all know is capable of being turned up a few notches.  :)


This has been one of the biggest bright spots for me in finding silver linings for the Colts thus far this season. Id even extend this to Frank Gore. Both communicated very precisely and correctly, exactly what true leaders should say after a loss like Monday night.


Ive seen articles, after Gore saying he has something to prove to the team, where writers are saying that Gore is an established vet...he has nothing to prove to anyone... these people have clearly never participated in team sports, ever lol.


idc who or what you are...when youre new youre new...you start from the bottom and earn your way to the top. The words Gore is using, and the emotions behind them...this is a MAN. A mans man. He said idc about my hype...idc wat ive done. None of that was in Indy. He wants to show the organization why he has his reputation, and he sounds like he means business. 


I am not meaning to debate on field results from Luck or Gore at all from this post...but i did want to agree, and highlight... this team has leaders. Very inspiring leaders. Dedicated leaders. 


"Now, he just needs to go out there and shut folks up with his play which we all know is capable of being turned up a few notches.   :)"

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Making excuses is the exact opposite of what he is doing. And, honestly, there are plenty of excuses to be made for him, but he'd be the last one to make them.


I didn't say he was making excuses.  I said his talk is cheap.....which it is.  The people on this message board and supporting him in this thread are the one's making excuses.


Shut up, win games and quit turning the ball over.

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I didn't say he was making excuses.  I said his talk is cheap.....which it is.  The people on this message board and supporting him in this thread are the one's making excuses.


Shut up, win games and quit turning the ball over.


Yes Andrew, by all means shut up. Please refrain from answering questions from the media, that would REALLY help dissolve this whole 0-2, sky is falling thing.

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I didn't say he was making excuses.  I said his talk is cheap.....which it is.  The people on this message board and supporting him in this thread are the one's making excuses.


Shut up, win games and quit turning the ball over.


This is what he said

“One hundred percent,” Luck said, via the Indianapolis Star. “I have to improve. There are no excuses."


That's cheap talk?


Should he have ignored the question?


I don't think anyone here is making excuses.......no idea how you have that impression

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I didn't say he was making excuses.  I said his talk is cheap.....which it is.  The people on this message board and supporting him in this thread are the one's making excuses.


Shut up, win games and quit turning the ball over.





Talk is not cheap when you're the one stepping up and taking the lions share of the blame,   what one poster here called "taking the bullet for everyone".


That's not cheap.      In fact,  it's so rare that you couldn't even recognize it for what it is -- leadership!


Many QB's won't do what Luck does as a matter of routine.


You might want to consider giving the guy some credit.     Or not,  your call.

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Oh,well, then clearly it's all his fault...

All yokes aside, I love luck showing leadership and i think he'd benefit from becoming a bit of a hardass to his teammates. Yelling at some guys if they mess up, ya know? Thats how my coach did it and I liked it. Holding people accountable.


Uhh, what's a 'yoke'?



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Reporter to Coach Pagano at a team press conference: "Chuck, you guys have a history of dominating the AFC South, what's that mean? Nothing." Next question.


I like that neither he nor Andrew are taking any team or past successes from season's past for granted. 


"It's not just the quarterback; it's across the board at every single position." --Pagano.


Reboot, regroup, believe in the guy next to you, & keep clawing & fighting for a victory. 

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as I agree he has had two (three if you go back to NE game last year) really bad games.  but this is not a two game issue, this is a constant showing up to games unprepared, Out Coached, Slow Starts, Terrible OC play calling, and that is top of the food chain on this team no onl uck. so yes Luck has not played great, but if it was anyone other then luck playing the last 3 seasons no way they would of had 11 wins in a season.  he has made them look better then they are (Coaches/GM). Luck is hit more then any other QB every season, he has no time to throw, and now the play calling has no one getting open. you put Luck in a system like Dallas with thier OLine he would be a god right now. again year 4 of this GM/Coach and Luck is not better off behind a OLine then when he got here.

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Well Andrew should take some responsibility but its not all his fault. He should tell Pep what he wants to run. Watch some film of how Peyton handled the blitz?


Peyton was getting blasted in that Chiefs game. Then out came the old Indy stuff, and suddenly they started scoring points. The line wasn't any different.

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Well Andrew should take some responsibility but its not all his fault. He should tell Pep what he wants to run. Watch some film of how Peyton handled the blitz?



idk, to me that is a very slippery slope....dangerously slippery...


rapport or not...would you go to your companies regional manager and demand what YOU want to do in regards to YOUR job that THEY are paying and hired you for?


def in your 1,2,3,4th year on the job?....


kinda sets a precedent for potential future front office personnel- I dont care what you want to do or could bring here...what Andrew says goes and thats it...


who would take that job and be happy about it?...would any of the head coach dream lists that have been so prevalent on these boards...would any of them agree to that?


im not guna pretend to know whats best....but a slipper slope that seems

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 Where is the supreme confident Andrew Luck? I don't see it in his eyes or body language this season. I almost thought it is a Luck clone out there. Didn't see this coming as I've always viewed Luck as confident even when things are backed up against the wall. Hope he gets it back soon.

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