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Goatface Killah

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Goatface Killah last won the day on October 22 2022

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  1. I just wanted to give Pitt some love for his recent comments about Indy and family values. I also loved what he said about focusing on the long term financially and considering the situation youre in. He appreciates his place in the organization and that speaks volumes about him as a man. The Texans can have guys like Diggs, Im happy with Pitt. Just a top notch dude. This is a place a lot of people love to hate on, for some reason. But he is living proof that all this rhetoric about how "nobody wants to live in Indiana" is just bonafied baloney. So many former players stick around here after retirement. There is a reason for that. He is the exact kind of person you would think wouldnt like it here. Rich california kid whose father played in the NFL. Lives on a little farm in Indiana with his wife, who is also from California. And they both love it here. Those huge cities are very over rated and it isnt for everyone. We just have to find people like Pitt who do and allow them to become pillars of the franchise.
  2. You have to see this guy up close, in person, to understand how huge he is. He is about 330 and pretty trim, but its the size of his head that I remember. When I met him a few years back, he was standing next to Carson Wentz and his head was bigger than Carsons and he was wearing his helmet at the time. One of my all time favorite Colts. A total "bro" in every way. Good dude.
  3. Why would a hitman use a knife? And why would a person who hired a hitman be there with them when they committed the crime? OJ obviously killed them. There is a mountain of evidence to support that. He also pretty much admitted he killed them in a bizarre book and an interview. Why do people want to overthink these things?
  4. My seats are in the 400s and I have to agree. I used to look for better seats every year but Ive been very happy there. I have no intentions on moving at this point.
  5. NCF just because I quote you doesnt mean I necessarily disagree with you. I just felt like the point I was trying to make was related to something you posted. I dont feel like this is a political discussion really. Im just commenting on a story posted here. Its hard to post about this story and not have an opinion on the content of his speech. I dont think anyone has gotten too bent out of shape here.
  6. I was merely pushing back on the poll itself, not any of your opinions. I just dont think its even close to accurate. I dont disagree with anything youve said here.
  7. I push back on that. There are a lot of people that claim to be christians in polls, but have never actually read a bible or put much thought into it. It just sounds good.
  8. Because they are constantly attacking other people maybe? Do you think free speech means you say what you want to say and everyone else stays quiet?
  9. Of course they dont like it, it undermines the education they provided to these graduates. This was a speech aimed at college graduates who obviously didnt go to college to get a degree in motherhood. He basically diminished all the work they put in for that degree by comparing it to something completely unrelated. This wasnt the place for it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay at home mother and nobody said there was. And I would agree with people who say feminists can be guilty of acting the same condescending way towards women who choose that path, and thats a complete contradiction of their perceived values. But who really has more impact on society anyways? A good parent who raises a couple solid kids? Or an entreprenuer that provides a good living to hundreds of families? Or someone who chooses a path that fills a tremendous need for society like a nurse or doctor or teacher, that touches hundreds of lives? Its absolutely debatable and I think he is espousing a lot of self important nonsense. So I just dont agree with people when they suggest that having a career isnt very important and I think that attitude is very damaging to society. Good parents are very important but so are many other people.
  10. How are they "loaded as facts" Doug? Its just an opinion. I presented nothing as a fact. And how is your second paragraph not exactly what you are accusing others of doing? Some careers are actually rewarding. I love mine. Just because you made poor choices and hate what you do, you shouldnt assume thats the case for everyone else. Some people do it very well. So dont try to discourage someone from pursuing a dream because you dont think its possible to do both. Do you know that when I take 2 weeks off in the summer to go visit family I have on the west coast, I actually cant wait to get back to work? It is very possible you know. I never said he should be fired. Never said he had no right to make a fool of himself. I prefer he does, in fact. Id love to debate him or anyone else on this issue, anytime.
  11. Because the people you are speaking of simply think they are superior to other people and view every issue on earth a result of people not being more like them. Have you listened to them? Because they tell everyone this every chance they get. And if you dare push back they start with the victim act, as Doug was so kind to demonstrate above.
  12. His jersey sales increased "dramatically" because nobody ever bought his jersey before. He couldve sold 10 jerseys in a week and it would have been a dramatic increase. They do donate money to womens causes Doug. Do you? They also give them rewarding careers, allow them to have opinions and wear shoes.
  13. Its not that shocking. Just another nitwit who cant stay off youtube. Its crazy that certain people cant stop themselves from attacking other people for their life choices while having zero knowledge of what even factored into those choices. Also, most married women HAVE to work. Because they dont get paid a ridiculous amount of money to work 6 months a year and support our families with a luxurious lifestyle. Life aint cheap.
  14. Yes but not thru the air. We were middle of the pack in passing TDs as well. I think they showed enough promise to be optimistic.
  15. But our pass defense wasnt that bad last year, so Im not sure why you think its such an issue. We were in the middle of the pack in just about every category despite the fact we were playing rookies and 1st or 2nd year players with little game experience all over the place. I dont think we are as bad as people think. I think there is still a chance they sign somebody like Justin Simmons but I wouldnt bank on them bringing in a significant player at corner.
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