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The Patriots truly don't like the Colts


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I have pondered this many times. As colt's fans we hate the Patriots, and I think that is what makes a good rivalry. SF hates Seattle, Pitt hates Baltimore. The one thing I don't see in these rivalries is former players going out and just trying to take down guys from other teams. Now I am not in those markets, so it may happen in their newspapers, but usually those things go national when something is said which seems to tear down an opponent.


The Patriots former players seem to like tearing down Colts players and the teams. Harrison does not like the Colts. If you have ever seen the replay of the 2006 AFC game, with all the players giving voice to what is happening, Harrison is the one guy who talks about the game, although he could not play in it, and seems to think it would have been a totally different result if he played. I do understand it is the player in him, but I get tired of it. Do you see former Colts players ripping on NE? Well enter Troy Brown on Patriots live show, and he needed to give his unvarnished version of what he thinks of Luck.




If a former player would give an honest estimate of a player, I can respect that, but lets look at reality.

What do you think Luck would do if he had the Cincinatti OL in front of him? Never considered that!

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When I think of the enemy, it's pretty much a toss up between Patriots and Steelers...Actually, gonna have to move the Pats into the number one position...As far as them hating us, no comment...I wouldn't expect them to like us much. There's certainly no love lost there...

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If a former player would give an honest estimate of a player, I can respect that, but lets look at reality.

What do you think Luck would do if he had the Cincinatti OL in front of him? Never considered that!


I think he'd shred defenses on a regular basis is what he would do. I mean, he just about does that anyways but there's a dash of inconsistency in his game that I think can be improved moving forward if Grigson & co can surround him with better talent. Luck also needs to work on making his release a little quicker.

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I have pondered this many times. As colt's fans we hate the Patriots, and I think that is what makes a good rivalry. SF hates Seattle, Pitt hates Baltimore. The one thing I don't see in these rivalries is former players going out and just trying to take down guys from other teams. Now I am not in those markets, so it may happen in their newspapers, but usually those things go national when something is said which seems to tear down an opponent.


The Patriots former players seem to like tearing down Colts players and the teams. Harrison does not like the Colts. If you have ever seen the replay of the 2006 AFC game, with all the players giving voice to what is happening, Harrison is the one guy who talks about the game, although he could not play in it, and seems to think it would have been a totally different result if he played. I do understand it is the player in him, but I get tired of it. Do you see former Colts players ripping on NE? Well enter Troy Brown on Patriots live show, and he needed to give his unvarnished version of what he thinks of Luck.




If a former player would give an honest estimate of a player, I can respect that, but lets look at reality.

What do you think Luck would do if he had the Cincinatti OL in front of him? Never considered that!

Yeah, I posted that a couple days ago and It got locked as GoColts stated . Hopefully this was stays civil and remains open.

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Please, no shouting. I think the title I made was a little "duh", but it just struck me how former NE players like to talk down to us. Granted, we are an easier target due to how good NE has been, and NE players are very faithful to their former team, which is amazing to me considering how Belichick will trade a guy who is 30 years old and has a large contract before you can blink, or he just says cut your salary or your gone. Regardless, I don't hear former Colts players ripping NE.

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Please, no shouting. I think the title I made was a little "duh", but it just struck me how former NE players like to talk down to us. Granted, we are an easier target due to how good NE has been, and NE players are very faithful to their former team, which is amazing to me considering how Belichick will trade a guy who is 30 years old and has a large contract before you can blink, or he just says cut your salary or your gone. Regardless, I don't hear former Colts players ripping NE.

"how Belichick will trade a guy who is 30 years old and has a large contract before you can blink"


Most often that's called a smart business decision......See Dwight Freeney

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Some of ya'll just have to come to terms with the fact that not everyone is going to worship Luck like a god. Lucks a good QB, We know that...Brown knows that even if he don't come right out and say that...That's all that really needs to be said

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I have pondered this many times. As colt's fans we hate the Patriots, and I think that is what makes a good rivalry. SF hates Seattle, Pitt hates Baltimore. The one thing I don't see in these rivalries is former players going out and just trying to take down guys from other teams. Now I am not in those markets, so it may happen in their newspapers, but usually those things go national when something is said which seems to tear down an opponent.


The Patriots former players seem to like tearing down Colts players and the teams. Harrison does not like the Colts. If you have ever seen the replay of the 2006 AFC game, with all the players giving voice to what is happening, Harrison is the one guy who talks about the game, although he could not play in it, and seems to think it would have been a totally different result if he played. I do understand it is the player in him, but I get tired of it. Do you see former Colts players ripping on NE? Well enter Troy Brown on Patriots live show, and he needed to give his unvarnished version of what he thinks of Luck.




If a former player would give an honest estimate of a player, I can respect that, but lets look at reality.

What do you think Luck would do if he had the Cincinatti OL in front of him? Never considered that!



Yeah , this is true. Teddy B. might be one that is close to being credible. Willie McGinest is also unable to give a fair assessment. According to him , the Colts always make the wrong decision or move.

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I don't mean to rain on the hate parade here but Pats fans do not hate the Colts. In fact, since Manning has left, I would say the rivalry has disappeared. The rivalry was really between Brady and Manning and Polian too anyways not really the Pats and Colts. Most of us like your team, Luck, Pagano, Wayne, all good guys and players/coaches. No guys to really hate. And the fans are great too.


The team that boils my blood and always will is the Jets. Second to them is probably Denver given they always owned us back in the Elway days ...

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Well for one thing former Colt players don't have much opportunities to bash pats, their hardly ever on tv. Former pats are all over the place(media).


Dungy and Saturday are on TV a lot... never heard them diss anyone the way Teddy B, Troy Brown, and ROIDney Harrison diss the Colts.

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I do strongly dis like the Pats mainly because of BB and TB but I have realized over the years a lot of former players that played for the Pats seem to hate on the Colts.  Oh well it's a difference of opinion I guess.  Every player and team has to have some sort of hater(s) right?  As for Troy Brown, who cares, Luck has more pro bowls then him in three seasons then what he had in his whole career.  I believe Dalton might even have more or the same?  Yea he won 3 superbowls but that's just because he was on great teams. 

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My hatred has cooled a bit since we got over the hump in 2006....it's now more of a begrudging respect. I still don't like the Pats but it's not as bad as the early Manning years. I respect how successful they've been over this last decade+

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I honestly don't hate on one team. I know I have fun digging and pulling the Pats fans leg a little but both the Colts and Patriots have had their fair share of winning in the last few years. Both has also had their fair share of losing before the winning started. Basically there teams started winning around the same time give or take. I am old enough to remember when both teams were junk. The only ex Patriot I can recall that showed a lot of class was Teddy B. after the Colts got past the Pats in the AFC championship game a few years ago. We as Colt fans have to keep in mind the mentality differences between east coast teams and middle American teams. East coast teams fans are more aggressive in their mindsets than most of us. Their media outlets are one of the reasons they have that mindset. East coast fans are loud and can be thought as insulting. We here in middle America are a little more laid back. There is a big difference between their media and ours. Just look at the situation in baseball between the Yankees and the Sox. NY and Boston seems to think it is a total war for instance. I have traveled all over this country and there is a difference in all attitudes depending on what part of the country you are from.

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I do strongly dis like the Pats mainly because of BB and TB but I have realized over the years a lot of former players that played for the Pats seem to hate on the Colts.  Oh well it's a difference of opinion I guess.  Every player and team has to have some sort of hater(s) right?  As for Troy Brown, who cares, Luck has more pro bowls then him in three seasons then what he had in his whole career.  I believe Dalton might even have more or the same?  Yea he won 3 superbowls but that's just because he was on great teams. 

Many of the former Pats players are insufferable as broadcasters like Bruschi and Harrison. They have an inflated belief about their worth given the championship years. They come down on the current pats players too and chide them for not being more like them. I would recommend just letting anything they say go in one ear and out the other.

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Many of the former Pats players are insufferable as broadcasters like Bruschi and Harrison. They have an inflated belief about their worth given the championship years. They come down on the current pats players too and chide them for not being more like them. I would recommend just letting anything they say go in one ear and out the other.

I think the media plays on that too. Guys like Teddy and Harrison get on ESPN and the NFL network and get their egos stroked and it becomes easy to beat your own chest in front of some non playing football broadcasters. Harrison has never came across like a respectable guy while Teddy has. Now that Teddy is in front of the camera it changed because of his situation.

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I think the media plays on that too. Guys like Teddy and Harrison get on ESPN and the NFL network and get their egos stroked and it becomes easy to beat your own chest in front of some non playing football broadcasters. Harrison has never came across like a respectable guy while Teddy has. Now that Teddy is in front of the camera it changed because of his situation.

Teddy is not as bad as Rodney but he is a lousy analyst. Only really knows defense and sees everything through that lens.

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I honestly don't hate on one team. I know I have fun digging and pulling the Pats fans leg a little but both the Colts and Patriots have had their fair share of winning in the last few years. Both has also had their fair share of losing before the winning started. Basically there teams started winning around the same time give or take. I am old enough to remember when both teams were junk. The only ex Patriot I can recall that showed a lot of class was Teddy B. after the Colts got past the Pats in the AFC championship game a few years ago. We as Colt fans have to keep in mind the mentality differences between east coast teams and middle American teams. East coast teams fans are more aggressive in their mindsets than most of us. Their media outlets are one of the reasons they have that mindset. East coast fans are loud and can be thought as insulting. We here in middle America are a little more laid back. There is a big difference between their media and ours. Just look at the situation in baseball between the Yankees and the Sox. NY and Boston seems to think it is a total war for instance. I have traveled all over this country and there is a difference in all attitudes depending on what part of the country you are from.

Good post. Geography does have a lot to do with it. I went to Indy a few years back...dang they're so nice out here and laid back.


Boston is laid back compared to NY tho :)

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I don't mean to rain on the hate parade here but Pats fans do not hate the Colts. In fact, since Manning has left, I would say the rivalry has disappeared. The rivalry was really between Brady and Manning and Polian too anyways not really the Pats and Colts. Most of us like your team, Luck, Pagano, Wayne, all good guys and players/coaches. No guys to really hate. And the fans are great too.


The team that boils my blood and always will is the Jets. Second to them is probably Denver given they always owned us back in the Elway days ...


Yeah, I agree with that AMF. I don't hate the Patriots or their fans either. Hades, some of  my best friends on here are NE fans. Look, INDY controls it's own destiny & Luck must decrease the number of interceptions he throws. The men in Foxboro have no control over that INDY does. But Troy Brown is crazy if he thinks Andy Dalton is a better QB than Andrew Luck. He did beat KC in a playoff game last year while Andy lost to the Chargers. How does that make Dalton a better field general exactly Troy? Enlighten me. 

Well, I will chime in and say that I personally do not hate the Patriots.  They are a well run team that has had a lot of success.

Bingo Cyn! People are simply jealous of NE's decade long level of success & it rubs some fans the wrong way that their team usually makes deeper postseason runs than the Colts have in recent seasons. 


I don't blame other squads for their level of success or when we stumble & fall short.  Instead, I look at why my team failed & what needs to be fixed. I don't like in the excuse world. I live in the pull the curtain back & shine the light on our glaring o-line problem. 

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Troy Brown knows full well we are going to beat the Bengals. Guy is stirring the pot up for the upcoming Colts vs. Patriots game if things align like they always do.

I just wanna know why Bengals HC Marvin Lewis thinks it's funny that he hasn't won a single playoff game since he was hired in 2003? Why is he that darn arrogant? He shouldn't be. 


"I'm tired of answering the dumb question, all right?" Lewis said, adding, "Excuse me. Not a dumb question. I'm tired of answering the very important question you have."


Oh really Marvin. Okay Mr. Smug. Once you lose on Sunday, can I please fire your caboose? 

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I am assuming she meant newyork city as it was compared to Boston

I don't know, I was just making a general comment, that's all. If she is from that area she knows what I was saying I am sure. Anyone who knows New York knows their is a portion of Ney York that don't care much for New York City.  Especially up state New York. I worked at Lack Placid when the winter Olympics were going on. I have also spent a lot of time in the Syracuse and Buffalo areas.

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