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Any chance luck has a POOR season?

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Try to be objective here. Any chance that he goes mark Sanchez or Tim Couch on us for year two and has a real tough year where he throws more INT than TDs?

I know he's going to be a great one but all QB struggle just wondering if you think there's any way possible he has a bad soph slump

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Anything is possible, certainly. However, I don't think it will happen simply because he is going back into a system that he is familiar with in Pep Hamilton. However, depending on how the receiver corps handle the new system, timing could be off here and there, thus leading to picks.


Doubtful though.

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Is there a chance?


I'd say no better than .01 of one percent, and I may be overstating it a bit.....


Look,  there's always a chance, humans being what they are....


But Luck is now in a system much more conducive to his strengths and not his weaknesses like last year.   He's got better talent everywhere around him.    He's in his 2nd year when the overall speed of the game should start to slow down.   He's on a better overall team, so the pressure to do everything shouldn't be nearly as great.  


His TD's should go up...   his interceptions should go down...   his pass completion percentage should go up...   his yards should be roughly the same, perhaps a few less, but not a lot.    Everything should be better with a well balanced offense, which is what Luck is used to having.


The one Big Question Mark for me this year is not Andrew Luck.   It's Pep Hamilton.   I think it's different being an OC in the NFL than it is for two seasons in college.   If Pep is good to very good (he doesn't have to be great)  then we should be fine.   But if he's less than good....   well...   then we go to unchartered territory...    I need to see Pep's work on display....


Luck regressing badly is not something you should lose even a minute's sleep over.... Not one minute!   :thmup:

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Barring injury, I can't see anything in his talent, demeanor or mentality that would suggest a regression from last year. I mean the O line can't be any worse this year surely and that was for the more the biggest problem he had last season. Sure his decision making can improve but a season under his belt should help massively with this, especially slipping back into a system he knows. 


In fact I'm getting positively superstitious with all this positivity about Luck's prospects, I best find some wood to knock on. 

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Well statistically there is always a chance but...the combination of weapons he has added with Pep his former College coach who already knows Luck inside and out, (not to mention Pep knows Luck better than anyone else on the staff) should make for a great building block to improve upon last years number especially interceptions.  

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Barring injury, I can't see anything in his talent, demeanor or mentality that would suggest a regression from last year. I mean the O line can't be any worse this year surely and that was for the more the biggest problem he had last season. Sure his decision making can improve but a season under his belt should help massively with this, especially slipping back into a system he knows. 


In fact I'm getting positively superstitious with all this positivity about Luck's prospects, I best find some wood to knock on. 

My sentiments exactly...glad I read down the list!  :thmup:


Very nice post.  I feel he may be so comfortable in the Stanford-esque offense that will see more 'instinctive' decisions...not some of the poor throws of last year when under duress.  


The Offensive Tackle position scares me.  If AC goes down we are a pile of goo at LT.  If Cherilus goes down we rely again on Link who is better at guard.  I am still worried about Satele.  I read yet another ESPN article as to how bad he was last year.  Yes he was injured, but he ranked 33rd as a center, and Aq Shipley was 19 in his appearances.  Is Holmes ready?  Can Thornton improve and knock out McTerrible?  


July 27th Colts fans!  And again....nice post SteelCity!! :pass:  :pass:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!

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My sentiments exactly...glad I read down the list!  :thmup:


Very nice post.  I feel he may be so comfortable in the Stanford-esque offense that will see more 'instinctive' decisions...not some of the poor throws of last year when under duress.  


The Offensive Tackle position scares me.  If AC goes down we are a pile of goo at LT.  If Cherilus goes down we rely again on Link who is better at guard.  I am still worried about Satele.  I read yet another ESPN article as to how bad he was last year.  Yes he was injured, but he ranked 33rd as a center, and Aq Shipley was 19 in his appearances.  Is Holmes ready?  Can Thornton improve and knock out McTerrible?  


July 27th Colts fans!  And again....nice post SteelCity!! :pass:  :pass:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!


Ha I think you flatter me Brent, I was merely repeating what most people have said already. 


I agree about the lack of OT depth, though I guess after TC we'll have a better idea about whether Cleary, Ijlana (really pulling for him to get past his injury nightmare) et al are in a position to offer anything. In some ways I would have like Justice back as depth as he wasn't totally horrible last season . Satele is a pet hate of mine but the coaching staff must be happy enough with him to let Shipley go. But by that token they must think they have at least a solid backup in Holmes. My hope is for Holmes to beat Satele out for the starting gig, as it was hope that Shipley would do the same last year, that didn't go so well. Ideally, I'd hope (with people living up to potential) we are looking at a O-line of Castonzo, Thomas, Holmes, Thornton, Cherilius.


Let's look at the other factors that can affect Luck's performance in a bit more depth.....


The running game again surely has to be improved on last season, mainly because finally I think we're getting a workable O-line and not just 5 turnstiles. With a servicable running game, at least oppnents will have to defend it, and help set up the P/A which is IMO the strongest suit of the offense for next year. Saying that, last season, even when teams knew we couldn't run and played the pass Luck still had success throwing the rock. On a side note too, if Bradshaw is fit his pass blocking can't be overlooked. I'd hope as well having the ability to gain the hard yards in 3rd and short/goaline situations takes some pressure of Luck. 


The receiving core in my eyes has got better with bringing DHB in (to all his detractors I know he has alligator arms on occasions but so did Avery!) and Allen, Hilton, Fleener have got a year's experience. I also fancy a fully fit Fleener, with confidence instilled by a familiar OC and system to have a mini break out year. He's a big quick man, and he gets an unfair press on these forums sometimes. The jokers are the pack are Brazill, Whalen and Palmer. Lavon might have smoked himself out a job despite showing some good flashes last season, Whalen has been solid by all accounts and Palmer is liked it's said. Regardless of who wins I can't see them being anything more than the 5WR in a spread set. I've not mentioned Reggie, I don't think he'll be as productive as last year, even just from not being targeted as much but he will still be Luck's favorite get out of jail card.


The Offense itself, as others have said, should be more geared to Luck's strengths (P/A, Short/Medium throws, Pocket Presence and Mobility) Vs Arian's deep attack which I felt took him outside his comfort zone to an extent. If they trusted him to run the no huddle in college I'd hope to see more flexibility given to him at the line of scrimmage to change things up. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that was what made him such a special talent coming out of college, was his Manning-like reading of the D. In some ways too changing up the O helps as teams who've got a season of film on Luck might not gain as much with the change of system and verbage. 


Apologies for the waffle, I know the general consensus is that we will play better yet have a worse season but I do think if things click and we can get the O firing early season (is that a opener against the Raiders I see on the schedule :P) this team has the potential to be very dangerous on Offense. 


To come back to the bolded part.... I suppose too at least if Luck goes down we're not looking at Painter coming in. Actually, now I think about it. Isn't Clowney coming out next year, do you think Curtis will take the call? :P

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Personally, I don't see it being likely.  Not as a diehard Luck guy, but just simply based on his body of work.


He didn't struggle a great deal last year with anything really.  This year he has a year under his belt, more experienced receivers (Hilton, Fleener, Allen all have a year under their belts as well), and a new threat in DHB.


At worst, I think he mirrors last season, but I don't think that'll happen.  HIs completion percentage will likely swing up, and his avg/attempt may come down a bit.  Otherwise, I think we're in for another good season.

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Yea, there's a good chance, your theory could be correct.  He has a tendency to throw into the hands of the opposing team, misses opportunities where a receiver is open, and so on. Is this likely?  Probable but it is not certain by any stretch one would take venturing into an educated guess or hypothesis.  Just hang on for this wild ride, it could be crazy. 

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I just can't imagine many scenarios where Luck having a poor season is even mostly his fault. We saw last year how good he can be even with a terrible o-line. His accuracy isn't always the best, but he always seems to find ways to more than make up for it, certainly more than your Sanchez and Tim Couch's. I'm not afraid to criticize Luck, but what he accomplished as a rookie has made it hard to not feel very optimistic about his future.

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Mark Sanchez was in an offense that covered up his weaknesses the first couple of years he was in the league and was behind an O-line that gave great protection. Conversely, Luck was in an offense last year that exposed his weaknesses (long ball) and made him have to function under a lot of pressure due to a poor O-line. Not only did that help Luck work on his weakness of the long ball and making quick reads, but he also is now in an offense that is tailored to his strengths and he is a familiar with. He is also familiar with the offensive coordinator from his time at Stanford. I don't see him having a drop off like Sanchez did in his third year or Tim Couch.


That said, anything is possible like others have stated. I just think that barring injury, Luck is the last person we need to worry about having a major drop off this season. I don't think he will experience the sophomore slump.

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There's always a chance for the famous "Sophomore Slump". But the only way I see it happening is if


1. The offensive line is as terrible or more terrible than last year's group


2. The other player's (Excluding Griff Whalen, Reggie Wayne & Coby Fleener for obvious reasons) don't grasp the NEW offense we've installed under Mr. Hamilton


Other than those 2 factors, I'd have to say




Andrew Luck doesn't hit the Sophomore Slump

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There's always a chance for the famous "Sophomore Slump". But the only way I see it happening is if


1. The offensive line is as terrible or more terrible than last year's group


2. The other player's (Excluding Griff Whalen, Reggie Wayne & Coby Fleener for obvious reasons) don't grasp the NEW offense we've installed under Mr. Hamilton


Other than those 2 factors, I'd have to say




Andrew Luck doesn't hit the Sophomore Slump


IDK if such a thing even exists to be honest. Colts Authority did a really interesting analysis of the sophomore slump myth a while back:


NO PROMOTIONAL POSTING ON THE SITE2013-articles/may/the-sophomore-slump-fact-or-fiction.html

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There's always a chance for the famous "Sophomore Slump". But the only way I see it happening is if


1. The offensive line is as terrible or more terrible than last year's group


2. The other player's (Excluding Griff Whalen, Reggie Wayne & Coby Fleener for obvious reasons) don't grasp the NEW offense we've installed under Mr. Hamilton

I would say that #2 would be the main reason, should Andrew's numbers equate to a slump.


There may be a bit of a learning curve involved for all, including Pep. Although he does have some years of NFL coaching under his belt, it may take a few games (Very few) for him to get acclimated to the various defensive schemes that are thrown at him.


I would also say that the somewhat new offensive line needs to get with the new system and gel rather quickly, as every thing else is obviously dependent upon that.


If the slump happens, I believe it will only happen for the first part of the season until that comfort level is achieved and everything starts firing on all cylinders. Then I believe they will be lights out for the remainder of the season and hopefully well into the playoffs.

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Even for proven top-tier QB's, there's always the risk of a slump due to 

a) injuries - either to enough of the supporting cast, or the QB himself if he tries to play through them.


b) poor playcalling. (keep in mind that while Pep has experience with Luck, he'll be a rookie playcaller in the NFL)


While I don't put the odds of that happening very high, this is the NFL and things like that happen every year to teams who don't expect it. I can't put a probability of zero on Luck having a terrible year, but I do think it's highly unlikely.

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Try to be objective here. Any chance that he goes mark Sanchez or Tim Couch on us for year two and has a real tough year where he throws more INT than TDs?

I know he's going to be a great one but all QB struggle just wondering if you think there's any way possible he has a bad soph slump

I guess, if he's develops some nagging injury that doesn't keep him out of games but limits him.

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I think the first thing you'll see drop off is their win% in close games (9-1). But that's just based purely on the law of averages. However, if they blow more teams out, then there won't be as many opportunities either for comebacks etc.

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Sure. Anythings possible. However the following are more likely:

-Tony Romo and the Cowboys winning the Super Bowl

-Mike Terico and Gus Johnson both calling that Super Bowl and both of their heads exploding on live Television after Romo throws the game winning TD with -2 seconds left to Dez Bryant who transforms into a Super Sayian (Jerry Jones buys the Cowboys two extra seconds)

-Aaron Hernandez getting acquitted.

-The sun exploding.

-Mark Sanchez starting a full season.

-Tim Tebow winning the Patriots starting QB battle.

Luck is doomed.

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Try to be objective here. Any chance that he goes mark Sanchez or Tim Couch on us for year two and has a real tough year where he throws more INT than TDs?

I know he's going to be a great one but all QB struggle just wondering if you think there's any way possible he has a bad soph slump


I think that a serious injury is the only thing that can keep him from having a great season. That may not result in as many wins as last year but they will be a better team. I hope he takes a great deal less punishment than he endured last year with a pretty bad offensive line.

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