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Could The Colts Go Toe to Toe with this years Rams???


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This is just my op but i believe the first quarter would be rough due to our history of slow starts but our offensive would be more capable to wear down the rams front seven eventually. Also i believe the game could be similar to how we played the raiders. Trading scores till one team gets a turn over that seals the deal and with our running game and TE mismatches we definitively could give the rams a run. However winning the game is another story:D

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We have proven we can go toe to toe with Philly and Houston, actually should've won both games. We put 34 on Houston and they have a Good Defense. Having said that not too many teams can go toe to toe with the Rams. Pats and KC and that is about it. Packers played them well last week but they have Rodgers, with Rodgers the Pack always have a chance. I think Luck could put up points on the Rams but I can't see how we stop them from scoring over 30 points on us.

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Of course they could.  Especially at home.  That being said they would have to play virtually error free, little penalties, definitely 0 turnovers.


Last week they barley beat a struggling Packers team.  They sacked JG 5 times.


Ohhh btw they would need to be virtually 100% healthy.


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3 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

Message boards rock. After a loss: "This team would lose to North Central High School". After a win against a crap team: "Bring on the Rams!"

That's not the point i'm trying to make. The colts this year have been in every game so far and every team we've played up till now has been beatable (and yes that includes NE) so yes why not the rams too?

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36 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We have proven we can go toe to toe with Philly and Houston, actually should've won both games. We put 34 on Houston and they have a Good Defense. Having said that not too many teams can go toe to toe with the Rams. Pats and KC and that is about it. Packers played them well last week but they have Rodgers, with Rodgers the Pack always have a chance. I think Luck could put up points on the Rams but I can't see how we stop them from scoring over 30 points on us.

Yes i think our defense is better than packers d. Also have better oline than packers and better run game 

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2 minutes ago, Shadow_Creek said:

That's not the point i'm trying to make. The colts this year have been in every game so far and every team we've played up till now has been beatable (and yes that includes NE) so yes why not the rams too?


This is the NFL, not the NCAA. There are no matchups like Alabama vs a total weakling. Games are supposed to be atleast somewhat competitive. Atleast for a while. The Bills just played the pats toe to toe. What does that mean? Are the Bills good now?


Though I think we can/will be 6-5 with our favourable schedule coming up after the bye, I don't think we at 2-5 should seriously be compared to the team in the league who is currently undefeated. Especially since 2 of our 3 wins were against 1 won teams who are horrible.

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As I posted on 1070thefan, I am a firm believer that if we played ANYONE right now, especially those team we lost to earlier in the year) we could win.  The only team i think we'd have the most issues with isn't the Rams, it's the Chiefs.  Rams have a good D, but they are like 90% of the league, no-one to truly cover our strong suit, the TE's.  We'd have to out Chief the Chief's in offense. And right now, IDK.

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4 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


This is the NFL, not the NCAA. There are no matchups like Alabama vs a total weakling. Games are supposed to be atleast somewhat competitive. Atleast for a while. The Bills just played the pats toe to toe. What does that mean? Are the Bills good now?


Though I think we can/will be 6-5 with our favourable schedule coming up after the bye, I don't think we at 2-5 should seriously be compared to the team in the league who is currently undefeated. Especially since 2 of our 3 wins were against 1 won teams who are horrible.

But to be fair, our timing of getting healthy, and our schedule lining up two of the worst teams in the NFL, isn't in Indy's control.

Also, No-one is saying the Colts are BETTER than the Rams. By lord no. But right now, healthy could they beat them? Yes, it's quite possible.

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3 minutes ago, LJpalmbeacher2 said:


This is the NFL, not the NCAA. There are no matchups like Alabama vs a total weakling. Games are supposed to be atleast somewhat competitive. Atleast for a while. The Bills just played the pats toe to toe. What does that mean? Are the Bills good now?


Though I think we can/will be 6-5 with our favourable schedule coming up after the bye, I don't think we at 2-5 should seriously be compared to the team in the league who is currently undefeated. Especially since 2 of our 3 wins were against 1 won teams who are horrible.

Tell that to the lions who dominated the patriots for there first win of the season giving the pats there second lost. in the NFL your win records don't really say who you are, its how you play every game 

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54 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

Message boards rock. After a loss: "This team would lose to North Central High School". After a win against a crap team: "Bring on the Rams!"

MESSAGE ALERT!  North Central High School forfeited the season for not meeting the minimum number of waterboys.

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59 minutes ago, Shadow_Creek said:

Tell that to the lions who dominated the patriots for there first win of the season giving the pats there second lost. in the NFL your win records don't really say who you are, its how you play every game 



But the Lions are not a bad team AND THE RAMS are much more talented than the pats.


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57 minutes ago, Superman said:

They'd drop 80 on us. Can we score 81?

Though i get where you're coming from, I'd put the score more around 40's.  Both teams run well.  That eats clock.  You need possessions to score so much. I honestly could see both teams strat being to control the clock and keep the other teams offense off the field.

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The Rams offense would completely destroy our defense and put up 35-40 points. The problem is that we'd have a difficult time doing it back. Their D-Line would be very difficult for our O-Line, their CB's would be able to cover our WR's relatively easily, and I'm honestly not sure how our run game does. In any case, we are not ready for them yet and need more talent. We probably lose 35-21 best case scenario.

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Just now, NewColtsFan said:

I think we’d lose 50-something to 30-something.


We might score 40-something, but ultimately I think they’d win by double digits.    The only question would be how big would the final margin be?


That is what I pictured as well, something like 41-31 in a shootout if both teams brought their A games. They wouldn't blow us out but probably would be 10 points better on most days.

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Could the Colts go toe to toe with the Rams? Sure they could, but right now I think the Rams are the little piggy that "went to market," while the Colts are the little piggy that "had Roast Beef." Not too shabby since a few weeks ago the Colts would have gone "wee wee wee all the way home!"

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Yes.  It would need to be in Indy and it would probably end in heart-breaking fashion like the Bengals game did. 


The Colts could even win, assuming Luck plays a perfect game, Leonard has multiple turnovers and sacks to end Rams drives, Vinny doesn't miss a single FG, and we control the clock and run for 150+ yds.


It's optimistic, but yeah.



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It's the NFL, not college.  All teams have talent and, in certain situations, all teams could theoretically beat any team in the league.  However, I'd say today that if the Colts and Rams played 10 games, I'd realistically see the Colts only winning maybe 2 or 3 times.  Next year, that may approach closer to 50-50.

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I think it might be similar to the Pats game.   Colts make a run in the 3rd quarter after halftime adjustments.  That Rams defense is way more stout than the Pats.  What a challenge for our OL. Andrew might have to carry the Colts throwing 35+ times or more.  He’d have to scramble for a couple of 1st downs. TEs have to dominate, TY gets double coverage and the other WRs have to contribute (no drops).  The defense has have take-aways, limit big plays, and pressure Goff.  I’m afraid of what Gurley might do. Too many opposing, average RBs have solid days against the Colts. Gurley can’t have a solid day, it opens up too much.

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