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What's more embarrassing; the team's play or fan's comments?


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We are ticked off at this team's horrible play this year by my God, can we stop with the personal assaults? (Pagano's an *, Grigson sucks, Irsay is on drugs and various assaults on players).


To say the Colts have "thrown Luck under the bus" and "quit on the team" coming from this fan base is a little hypocritical, judging by all the finger pointing and quitting going on this forum....






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I don't see anything wrong with criticizing Pagano, Grigson and Irsay.  A fanbase that isn't critical of their team ends up like the Cleveland Browns or even the Cubs up until recently.  But I agree, there is no reason for personal attacks on them. 

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I haven't said anything personal about Grigson, Pagano and Irsay but Pagano is a godawful coach, Grigson sucks(at his job, as in - through his decisions he's gotten this team to this place where we need somewhere between 10 and 15 starters to replace the current dumpsterfire of a roster we got) and Irsay is the one that gave both long-term extensions after he witnessed what they did with this team for 4 years. So yah, I won't be apologizing for anything I've said about them and I don't find this to be quitting on this team. I find it a well-deserved criticism of the people at the top who make the decisions.

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Op..... nah.  The team sucks right now.  The team will suck for the foreseeable future.  The Coaching is lacking severely, the talent level is not where it should be.  Pagano and the staff, and Ryan Grigson have not performed to expectations.  The team is tuning out, and playing as if they are disinterested.  As a fan, I'm allowed to say, wow..... my Colt's suck.  I'm also allowed to talk about why I think they suck, why they may be beyond fixing in a season or two, and I'm allowed to vent about it.  


That said, Pagano isn't a bad guy, just a bad coach.  He does kinda suck as an NFL HC.  Grigson pretty much is avg. to below avg. as a GM, so yeah, he kinda sucks as well, and he's come off as arrogant over the years, so I see why people hurl insults his way, he seems like a full of himself meathead OL, He doesn't get to act all haugty like Polian did, he hasn't got the track record......  I think Irsay is a good owner, who genuinely cares about the team and his employees, as well as the city of Indianapolis.....  He is the one guy who shouldn't be insulted..... His mistake was probably the 4 year extensions, but we will never know if there were other options available to him or not....

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Oh by far the play on the field.  Like, not even close.  In fact, the comments on this MB pale in comparison to what's out on the rest of the Internet.  


How did we expect fans of a team who had played garbage football the past two seasons would react?


"Fiddlesticks!  Another thrashing.  Oh well, better not voice my displeasure on the message board..."


Also, Pagano is an butt, Grigson does suck, and Irsay probably is on drugs.  

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Also the fact that no one in the organization has intervened and defended Luck when he's going through his passion of the Christ routine after the whole team stunk up the field is very disappointing.


This poor man is diving on every grenade in sight and his wide reviewers, HIS WIDE RECIEVERS, respond with "oh I wasn't paying attention..." and "don't know, we were open..."


Shame on all of them.


Not that we should be surprised since our GM was throwing Luck under the bus so I guess the players figure "hey we can do that too!"

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The irony of OP's thread is hilarious.


OP complains about personal "assaults" against players/coaches (no one has been assaulted, I assure you.  Word you're looking for is "insults") then personally attacks the board members here lol.  


Dude, with all due respect, look up the definition of hypocrite before you embarrass yourself like this again.


OP literally calling me out by using a part of my thread title in his rant, while at the same time criticizing people for calling the players out.  Is that not the definition of hypocrisy?  


Why call the fans out?  We aren't playing like crap while making millions, and then blaming our poor play on other players.


OP, please give us a list of things we're allowed to talk about on your message board.


Also tell me, why are we not allowed to criticize this worthless team?  Does your daddy play for the Colts?

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1 hour ago, Corndog said:

I don't see anything wrong with criticizing Pagano, Grigson and Irsay.  A fanbase that isn't critical of their team ends up like the Cleveland Browns or even the Cubs up until recently.  But I agree, there is no reason for personal attacks on them. 

I hope we remember no personal attacks on Colin Kapernick. Not for bad play but for his rights. just being honest.

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If it's true, is it bad?  Grigson is insanely incompetent and completely ignorant.  Pagano is in way over his head and has no idea what he's doing.  Irsay is the root cause of all of these problems because he's allowed this kind of culture to grow and he gave both Pagano and Grigson extensions.  Castonzo's play has been bad.  TJ Green might have one of the lowest football IQs on the team.  The WRs can't get separation.  The team looks like they've quit.  I don't see the problem in pointing it out

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1 minute ago, 21isSuperman said:

If it's true, is it bad?  Grigson is insanely incompetent and completely ignorant.  Pagano is in way over his head and has no idea what he's doing.  Irsay is the root cause of all of these problems because he's allowed this kind of culture to grow and he gave both Pagano and Grigson extensions.  Castonzo's play has been bad.  TJ Green might have one of the lowest football IQs on the team.  The WRs can't get separation.  The team looks like they've quit.  I don't see the problem in pointing it out

Lol got me at the Tj green part!!! hahahahahaha

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7 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

Grigson is insanely incompetent and completely ignorant.  Pagano is in way over his head and has no idea what he's doing.  Irsay is the root cause of all of these problems because he's allowed this kind of culture to grow and he gave both Pagano and Grigson extensions. 


Jesus... this is outrageous, IMO. 

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1 hour ago, coltsfeva said:

We are ticked off at this team's horrible play this year by my God, can we stop with the personal assaults? (Pagano's an *, Grigson sucks, Irsay is on drugs and various assaults on players).


To say the Colts have "thrown Luck under the bus" and "quit on the team" coming from this fan base is a little hypocritical, judging by all the finger pointing and quitting going on this forum....


I'm not embarrassed by the team's play. It's not good, and I find it very frustrating and annoying, but it doesn't reflect on me as a person or even a fan. Your team can't be good every year. Oh well.


I'm also not embarrassed by the whining, complaining, somewhat entitled, negative and often ignorant fans. I find that element to be frustrating and annoying as well, but not embarrassing. Again, it doesn't reflect on me personally.

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1 hour ago, coltsfeva said:

We are ticked off at this team's horrible play this year by my God, can we stop with the personal assaults? (Pagano's an *, Grigson sucks, Irsay is on drugs and various assaults on players).


To say the Colts have "thrown Luck under the bus" and "quit on the team" coming from this fan base is a little hypocritical, judging by all the finger pointing and quitting going on this forum....






if the colts werent playing so embarrassingly, you wouldnt have the fans comments.....

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11 minutes ago, Superman said:


Jesus... this is outrageous, IMO. 


Not sure if serious?


Pagano is indefensible at this point.  Same story every week: backbreaking penalties and stupid mistakes at the worst possible times.  Discipline can be coached into players but Pagano cannot do it with this group.   A beat writer said the Colts' locker room has "a country club atmosphere" where no players are afraid of Pagano.


To not be able to field a punt return unit that can at least fair coach a football, at the NFL level, is inexcusable.  Wanna blame the players?  Okay, they suck too, but it's the coaches' job to extract the best out of them.  And it's on Grigson for building a team that has laughably bad depth.


Tony Dungy just publicly called this team disappointing.  The most soft-spoken man on earth.


I just think it's time we stop fooling ourselves.  When Luck plays incredibly, the Colts have a chance at winning.  When he plays well, the Colts lose close games.  When he plays badly, the Colts get blown out.  That's the definition of a flawed roster and flawed organization.

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1 hour ago, coltsfeva said:

We are ticked off at this team's horrible play this year by my God, can we stop with the personal assaults? (Pagano's an *, Grigson sucks, Irsay is on drugs and various assaults on players).


To say the Colts have "thrown Luck under the bus" and "quit on the team" coming from this fan base is a little hypocritical, judging by all the finger pointing and quitting going on this forum....






Fixing one fixes the other......     which one should be fixed first?

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Both. It's hard to watch the team be this bad when we all know own they can be so much better, but watching all these fans cry week after week no matter the results is embarrassing. I hear Bill Belicheck gains more power from each colts fans tears. Quit feeding the beast lol.

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38 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

If it's true, is it bad?  Grigson is insanely incompetent and completely ignorant.  Pagano is in way over his head and has no idea what he's doing.  Irsay is the root cause of all of these problems because he's allowed this kind of culture to grow and he gave both Pagano and Grigson extensions.  Castonzo's play has been bad.  TJ Green might have one of the lowest football IQs on the team.  The WRs can't get separation.  The team looks like they've quit.  I don't see the problem in pointing it out

He needs to get a helmet that fits better or learn to strap his on a little tighter or that IQ is gonna get even lower.

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2 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

We are ticked off at this team's horrible play this year by my God, can we stop with the personal assaults? (Pagano's an *, Grigson sucks, Irsay is on drugs and various assaults on players).


To say the Colts have "thrown Luck under the bus" and "quit on the team" coming from this fan base is a little hypocritical, judging by all the finger pointing and quitting going on this forum....







To be embarrassed by the team's play would mean that you were expecting them to play better than the sum of their parts. After the way they played last season, I expected them to be worse this season.  I saw nothing that was done in the offseason that would immediately improve this team. This downfall was foretold just in the way Grigson conducted his early drafts. He seemed to clearly ignore o line and the defense. It's like he was pulling draft names out of a hat. The winning early caused him to ignore the fact that we were feasting on the AFC South while teams outside of the conference were feasting on us. 


I don't care about the negativity coming from the fans. It just took some longer than others to realize how bad this team really is. 

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Like Superman said, neither is a result of my work and effort so neither are embarrassing to me.


From the Colts, poor play, poor execution, poor discipline, poor roster makes it difficult to watch the Colts.


From the fans, poor understanding of football and the real world, poor ideas, poor lack of cognitive thought and ability makes it difficult to read this board.

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51 minutes ago, Superman said:


I'm not embarrassed by the team's play. It's not good, and I find it very frustrating and annoying, but it doesn't reflect on me as a person or even a fan. Your team can't be good every year. Oh well.


I'm also not embarrassed by the whining, complaining, somewhat entitled, negative and often ignorant fans. I find that element to be frustrating and annoying as well, but not embarrassing. Again, it doesn't reflect on me personally.



And also at times it makes me think of this





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57 minutes ago, Superman said:


Jesus... this is outrageous, IMO. 

With the utmost respect, how?  The coaches are bad, the GM is bad, the owner brought them back for a 2nd shot, the players are making terrible mistakes.  Castonzo has been playing really poorly this year from what I've seen and TJ Green has a personal foul penalty in 3 consecutive games.  The one where he tried hitting Kelce well after the play was over yesterday was completely boneheaded.  His coverage has been awful, just like it was in college.

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1 minute ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

Hmmm... should we be butthurt at the fans displeased with seeing an * crawl onto the field week after week and voicing the displeasure or should we be mad at the crawling * that is paid hundreds of millions of dollars to play/manage a sport? 


I'll go with the latter 

A bit graphic so I edited

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2 hours ago, Corndog said:

I don't see anything wrong with criticizing Pagano, Grigson and Irsay.  A fanbase that isn't critical of their team ends up like the Cleveland Browns or even the Cubs up until recently.  But I agree, there is no reason for personal attacks on them. 


The Browns fanbase is EXTREMELY critical of the organization. One could almost argue that it's to a fault, because the Browns organization actually bends over backwards to appease it's fanbase, yet somehow they just get worse and worse every year.

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9 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


The Browns fanbase is EXTREMELY critical of the organization. One could almost argue that it's to a fault, because the Browns organization actually bends over backwards to appease it's fanbase, yet somehow they just get worse and worse every year.


Anyone else remember when the Browns went away for five years? Was that just a plotline on MASH? 

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3 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

We are ticked off at this team's horrible play this year by my God, can we stop with the personal assaults? (Pagano's an *, Grigson sucks, Irsay is on drugs and various assaults on players).


To say the Colts have "thrown Luck under the bus" and "quit on the team" coming from this fan base is a little hypocritical, judging by all the finger pointing and quitting going on this forum....

This is easy.. the team play is far more embarrassing.  You see whether we win or lose, have a winning team that plays top notch or say, like this team, fan bases act the same.   You have just as many silly positive comments as silly negative comments.  It never varies.  


There is no such thing as a non embarrassing fan base on an online message board.  It does not exist no matter any other circumstances.   Most of free speech is really nonsense.  But you have to have it for the smart stuff to also be put out there.  Without it, for example when PC people try to regulate only positive speech they like and agree with, the speech REALLY gets embarrassing (much like we see in today's media) with all the PC hand wringing over every little honest but hurtful (micro-aggressions anyone?) comment made by anyone.  


What you seem to want is more of that kind of speech here.., let us hope you do not get your wish.  Free speech is primarily about the freedom to disagree no matter how popular the other speech is among the masses, or those in power.   I welcome the disagreement (and get plenty of it), but with that comes a lot of inarticulate by-product that is simply part of the price for free speech.  But it also allows me to disagree with the nonsense and what the popular kids say. 


On the other hand, it isn't embarrassing to have a well disciplined team who play hard, don't make lazy or undisciplined mistakes and win or lose, put in a respectable effort which more often than not will result in winning.   The team is embarrassing.  The rest is free speech.  

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