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Do you people not remember Donald Brown a season or 2 ago?  He was freakin awful and we all wanted him gone.  He then has one good year (his contract year) and you act like he is irreplaceable...  We have seen what a difference a few years can do for Donald Brown, so why are you acting like it is impossible for Trent Richardson to get better?  Brown hit his ceiling this year and will only go down hill.  TRich/Ballard is the direction we need to go and i am glad we are doing it.   I hope we can bring back Bradshaw on a low risk contract also.  


This is where you are wrong though, Brown has always had a high ceiling, but we were forcing a square peg into a round hole with him. Last year when he ran with some of the Man Blocking fronts he excelled, until he was hurt. He has always had the big play ability just wasn't given the chances.


Brown was never a ZBS back, he isn't one to read the line and find the best hole. He was a "Here is the hole, run down hill and use your speed to throw the angles of the defense off" back. He has the ability to get "Small" and squirt through small hole. Thus why he excelled even more this year.


Trent is the opposite. He is a patient runner that is looking for "the Best" hole to open. The main problem he had in our system is that the holes are small and not open long enough for you to be patient. You have to hit it quick and get small, which Trent can do neither of those things. At this point, the only way that Trent is going to get better is for us to switch to a ZBS.


Brown was never BAD, a) people just had no idea what they were looking at, and due to injury he couldn't fully show them what he could do. b) He was being used the wrong way, just as Trent is now.

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This is where you are wrong though, Brown has always had a high ceiling, but we were forcing a square peg into a round hole with him. Last year when he ran with some of the Man Blocking fronts he excelled, until he was hurt. He has always had the big play ability just wasn't given the chances.


Brown was never a ZBS back, he isn't one to read the line and find the best hole. He was a "Here is the hole, run down hill and use your speed to throw the angles of the defense off" back. He has the ability to get "Small" and squirt through small hole. Thus why he excelled even more this year.


Trent is the opposite. He is a patient runner that is looking for "the Best" hole to open. The main problem he had in our system is that the holes are small and not open long enough for you to be patient. You have to hit it quick and get small, which Trent can do neither of those things. At this point, the only way that Trent is going to get better is for us to switch to a ZBS.


Brown was never BAD, a) people just had no idea what they were looking at, and due to injury he couldn't fully show them what he could do. b) He was being used the wrong way, just as Trent is now.

so basically Brown is better with a OLine that doesn't block very well.  That was last year.  Next year, the goal is to improve the OLine and create better run blocking holes.  This is where Donald Brown no longer makes sense.  Times are a changin and next year TRich will be the man

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so basically Brown is better with a OLine that doesn't block very well.  That was last year.  Next year, the goal is to improve the OLine and create better run blocking holes.  This is where Donald Brown no longer makes sense.  Times are a changin and next year TRich will be the man


TRich will be the man next year no matter what. And it has nothing to do with the size of the holes that are made for DB. it is all about the scheme of the runs. Man Schemes are just, run to this spot, the hole will be there, if not either kick outside or push through.


ZBS the run is aimed at a "Zone" of the OL or to an area, It is built more for patience thus why you see Trent stutter step alot, waiting for a hole to open up and him to be able to cut to it and go. We saw a few times this year that Trent can cut back on a dime, if we put a ZBS in place and get him more in his comfort zone, I have no doubt he will flourish.

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I'm not sure how I feel about this. 


I don't feel he's worth a crazy expensive contract, but on the other hand, this last season has made me forget about his previous seasons with us because he's ran so well. Did he only run hard because of the contract year? Will he be back to normal once he receives his contract? 


He's not an every down/entire game RB, so I'm not sure how much money he would be offered. 

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I bet we will go through a year of our GM saying "I spent a first round pick on this RB and I am playing him as my starter".


That is always the problem I have with high draft pick trades or signing free agents, you don't give up on them quickly enough if they aren't working out. They have to consistently hurt the team over a few games like DHB for you to realize "OK, enough is enough."


For the Colts sake, I hope TRich does a 180 of what he has shown on the running front but on this issue, my glass is half empty.


On the #2 WR front, I hope Grigson stops chasing the Donnie Averies and DHBs of this world and gets someone with good hands. He does not have to have blazing speed, just good hands. Jeremy Maclin, Julian Edelman, Emmanuel Sanders will be there for the taking. It is worth spending the tad extra money for such a key position. Once you get a solid #2 guy for a 3 yr or 4 yr contract, it makes sense to get insurance with a 1 yr. Donnie Avery or DHB or Hakeem Nicks (who will be in the same mold this year). That should augment the options for us, once we sign 1 good #2 wideout, which is all I feel we need next year.


All you feel we need at WR or all you feel we need period.  Because if that's all you think we need period you can't be serious with the play of Satele.  Upgrading at center has got to be priority #1.  If we are optimistic we can hope that Thorton improves and becomes a good starter and that fixes the O-line.  


But even the most optimistic fan can't be happy going into next year with Satele starting at C.

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TRich will be the man next year no matter what. And it has nothing to do with the size of the holes that are made for DB. it is all about the scheme of the runs. Man Schemes are just, run to this spot, the hole will be there, if not either kick outside or push through.

ZBS the run is aimed at a "Zone" of the OL or to an area, It is built more for patience thus why you see Trent stutter step alot, waiting for a hole to open up and him to be able to cut to it and go. We saw a few times this year that Trent can cut back on a dime, if we put a ZBS in place and get him more in his comfort zone, I have no doubt he will flourish.

Though maybe the man schemes work better if we find guards who can win matchups. Too many times our pulling guards failed to make their blocks or they were overwhelmed by the guy across from them. Maybe if we start winning some of those matchups the power scheme can work?

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Maybe we're jumping to conclusions, but you're probably right.


Let's face it, RB is the easiest position to replace.  Probably less than 10% of them will get decent second contracts.


It's a tough business, but it is a business.

that is why I try to not get attached to players, it is a business, they are here today, and playing for someone else tomorrow, I root for them when they are colts when they play for someone else I don't root for them anymore, they are then the opponent

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I bet we will go through a year of our GM saying "I spent a first round pick on this RB and I am playing him as my starter".


That is always the problem I have with high draft pick trades or signing free agents, you don't give up on them quickly enough if they aren't working out. They have to consistently hurt the team over a few games like DHB for you to realize "OK, enough is enough."


For the Colts sake, I hope TRich does a 180 of what he has shown on the running front but on this issue, my glass is half empty.


On the #2 WR front, I hope Grigson stops chasing the Donnie Averies and DHBs of this world and gets someone with good hands. He does not have to have blazing speed, just good hands. Jeremy Maclin, Julian Edelman, Emmanuel Sanders will be there for the taking. It is worth spending the tad extra money for such a key position. Once you get a solid #2 guy for a 3 yr or 4 yr contract, it makes sense to get insurance with a 1 yr. Donnie Avery or DHB or Hakeem Nicks (who will be in the same mold this year). That should augment the options for us, once we sign 1 good #2 wideout, which is all I feel we need next year.


While I agree with you now, I think it's understandable why Grigson did what he did the past 2 years.  The Avery year we had no money.  Avery was the best you were going to get for the money we had.  DHB was a risk worth taking.  It's obvious he's a great teammate, has a great attitude, and puts forth great effort.  When you have the physical skills he's got with the attitude he's got and you can sign him for pennies as a 1 year trial you'd be a fool not to go for it.  The potential benefits far outweigh the negatives.  Now that TY is an established speed guy you can more afford to go after a guy with less speed and much better hands and I think that's what he'll do.  


As for Donald, his play this year means a team is going to pay him more than we would.  I wish him well and I hope we come up with a good backup plan because going with just Richardson and Ballard is a recipe for disaster.

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Would it have cost that much to keep Brown? What offers is he expected to get?


This is pure speculation on my part but if we were willing to bring him back it would be for vet minimum only.  I don't think he'll get a huge contract by any means, but another team is going to pay him more than vet minimum.  In my opinion, he's worth a decent bit more than vet minimum as long as he goes to a man blocking scheme team.

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Although I thought he played well this year. I am only relating that to his previous years here. So while he improved in my eyes, it was marginal. 


He's just so hot and cold. I think some of us get enamored with the YPC, and his TD total, and somewhat rightfully so. But I just see a guy who had 5 double digit carry games and 3 were under 4ypc (season avg of 5.2), and 2 of those double digit games were under 3ypc.....


Honestly I think the book on DB is written. He's good/excels in a very limited role....And I feel players like that are easily replaced. 

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Do you people not remember Donald Brown a season or 2 ago?  He was freakin awful and we all wanted him gone.  He then has one good year (his contract year) and you act like he is irreplaceable...  We have seen what a difference a few years can do for Donald Brown, so why are you acting like it is impossible for Trent Richardson to get better?  Brown hit his ceiling this year and will only go down hill.  TRich/Ballard is the direction we need to go and i am glad we are doing it.   I hope we can bring back Bradshaw on a low risk contract also.

We did not all want him gone. In our stink it up year, he averaged 4.8 ypc. Something that looks way out of reach for Trent Richardson. Even in his worst year, he was over a 1/2 yard per carry better. If we let him go and hope TRich does the trick, then more fool them.

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Would like to see him resigned and come back,  but sure he is going to test the waters to see what kind of money he will get.  He was 3rd on depth chart till Ballard went down, then Bradshaw goes down, (  problem with running backs with last name starting with B?).  Now you have the Colts locked into Richardson and Ballard coming back,  does he really want to be a number 3 back if he has better options?  I wish him all the luck for him and his family and hope it works out that he is back with the Colts somehow.  They could franchise tag him as a safety net to keep him around in case the others don't improve,  but very rare that a running back gets a tag.

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Donald earned a new contract this year. Here's a guy who was demoted to 3rd on the depth chart, kept his mouth closed, went out and did what he could to help the team on STs. Injuries happened and he stepped up and had a very good season. I have always been one of Donald's supporters and I always will be. Good luck Donald, whether it be in Indy (please!) or elsewhere!

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I don't know how I feel about Donald. Is he really worth returning? I have yet to make up my mind on that.


Vick Ballard is returning next year, they already have T-Rich who they would like to give more time, and you never know they could resign Bradshaw (doubt it) or get someone else as a #3. They have plenty of options.

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All you feel we need at WR or all you feel we need period.  Because if that's all you think we need period you can't be serious with the play of Satele.  Upgrading at center has got to be priority #1.  If we are optimistic we can hope that Thorton improves and becomes a good starter and that fixes the O-line.  


But even the most optimistic fan can't be happy going into next year with Satele starting at C.


All I feel we need at WR, TE and RB positions, IMO. Thanks for asking the question though.


Yeah, OL interior is #1 priority, no doubt. I still think we need to bolster the ILB and DE positions for our 3-4.

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Brown finally won over my approval in the last two seasons. I don't want to see him go, but I don't think it's the end of the world, either. 


For better or worse, we committed to Richardson. We stepped into a big pile of poop with that trade. Either way we're out a first round pick. It looks like we're going to try to get returns on the most recent one spent.


It is what it is. We can't take it back now. Lets just hope we don't end up blowing 2 first round picks over the deal.

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All I feel we need at WR, TE and RB positions, IMO. Thanks for asking the question though.


Yeah, OL interior is #1 priority, no doubt. I still think we need to bolster the ILB and DE positions for our 3-4.

TE?  Fleener and Allen....unless Allen has/had a setback..????

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I thought the Colts would offer Brown a 2 year deal for around $6. Maybe they still will.

If that is the kind of $$ DB is expecting then I hope we let him explore his options.  I really like what he has done and can do for the team, but it has always been a limited touch role.  He isn't ever going to be a feature back around here, nor probably anywhere else, so he is a max. $1-2 M/year kind of guy.  Love to have him for that price and he hasn't done anything to suggest that another team will give him more than that. You might say, what is a million between friends? That extra million or 2 is depth at another premium position.

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All I feel we need at WR, TE and RB positions, IMO. Thanks for asking the question though.


Yeah, OL interior is #1 priority, no doubt. I still think we need to bolster the ILB and DE positions for our 3-4.

Will be interesting to see the meltdown around here when/if all we do in the off-season is add journeyman depth and draft picks for the OL/DL.  

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I thought the word was that they where gonna give him an offer.  Maybe they already looked at the offer and turned it down, or maybe Brown is trying to tell them that the offer needs to be good cause he's prepared to leave.

I think you go in for an exit interview


I think they told him hes not in their future plans and he would NOT be getting an offer..so not to wait for one


That's how he knows he's leaving...


They're just being honest with him...

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Sounds to me like he knows he is not coming back, probable heard from Grigson not looking to retain him, maybe a talk with the agent. Sad he played great this year, would love to have he back, we have NO BACK with ANY EXPLOSION NOW? maybe they work something out after he checks the market, although it only takes 1 team to fall in love & pay you!

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