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My statement with Choice was not to say he was a better overall back. My point was that all our backs except Trent were somewhat productive behind this crappy line, even Choice in limited carries. Trent, in my opinion,was not a productive back. Maybe Trent should have got garbage time carries to boost his confidence. . I hope Trent figures it out just as much as everyone else, and I'm not a hater, I just think to let the guy that produced more then any back on your roster to walk would be foolish.

Choice had 11 carries. The only thing he did better then Trent was have a 4.0 YPC.

He can't touch Trent's production in any other category this year. Mostly because he had only 11 carries, all at the end of games.

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Ok then let's take that 4 yard avg and look at it a couple different ways.

1. How many carries did Trent gain 4 or more yards?

2. What was your reaction when Trent did get a carry of 4 or more yards?

I know my first reaction was "holy ;$:$ he got 4 yards!"

Not what you want to be saying for your bowling ball of knives or whatever Pagano said.

Anyway getting off topic way to much so I'm done now.

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Ok then let's take that 4 yard avg and look at it a couple different ways.

1. How many carries did Trent gain 4 or more yards?

2. What was your reaction when Trent did get a carry of 4 or more yards?

I know my first reaction was "holy ;$:$ he got 4 yards!"

Not what you want to be saying for your bowling ball of knives or whatever Pagano said.

Anyway getting off topic way to much so I'm done now.

My reaction when Choice gained 4 yards?

Nothing. Because the game was over, and he had 11 total carries.

How many yards did Choice gain receiving? TDs? I mean he had 11 carries. How psyched could those 11 carries really make people. The answer seems to be very.

I'm not arguing that Trent played like a superstar, but Choice was literally a non factor. Nothing supports him having a better season.

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Wow, some of you are the very people who have wanted to run DB out of town since his rookie year, now you're upset cause he may not be coming back. This is nothing new. It's been said all season since the TRich trade that Donald would probably not be returning. Plus, I don't think 1 decent season behind a horrible O-Line automatically makes up for 3-4 years of crap. Even though he had his games this year, he was far too inconsistent. I don't see him getting a huge contract anywhere. So there's still a chance he comes back at vet min or slightly above.


Now I wish Donald Brown luck and I hope for his sake, one day I eat these words, but I just don't see him ever being a top flight running back. 

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Wow, some of you are the very people who have wanted to run DB out of town since his rookie year, now you're upset cause he may not be coming back. This is nothing new. It's been said all season since the TRich trade that Donald would probably not be returning. Plus, I don't think 1 decent season behind a horrible O-Line automatically makes up for 3-4 years of crap. Even though he had his games this year, he was far too inconsistent. I don't see him getting a huge contract anywhere. So there's still a chance he comes back at vet min or slightly above.


Now I wish Donald Brown luck and I hope for his sake, one day I eat these words, but I just don't see him ever being a top flight running back. 

I agree with the first part of your post, but he will absolutely get a deal worth far more that what I bolded. He may not be worth the kind of money that he is wanting, but he is still one of the fastest RB,s in the league. He knows that this is his only big contract he is going to get. He's just not going to get it here.

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This board makes me question my sanity when I read posts like this. "IF YOU DON'T BASH TRENT YOU'RE HIS FANBOI!!!!!!!"

Come back with any kind of statistical measurement. You know. TDs. Recieving yards. Rushing yards.

Giving Choice the nod on the basis of 11 carries couldn't possibly be more ignorant.

You say one or 2 fair games, well that would still be one or 2 more than Choice so cased closed based on your own logic. Don't you love it when things are simple?

Choice didn't get to play came in what 80% season done. I use to think you where knowable question that now If you think 2.5 YPC is good go ahead & ride that horse. I won't. Have to Question what you see? Case is clear IMO the limited carries Choice got he appeared  to run better to me. & apparently some others do to that's My logic. The problem with Trent is he dances to much & he is not playing fast. Doesn't hit the hole hard, the guy is a north south runner with power who tries to dance and make Barry Sanders type of plays which he doesn't. Hit the hole & go hard, but he doesn't. Until he does he will continue to underachieve. He can pass block well, & he does have decent hands though. I base these observations on the number years I played football, having played Division 1 football in college. Your right I do like when things are that simple!

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My reaction when Choice gained 4 yards?

Nothing. Because the game was over, and he had 11 total carries.

How many yards did Choice gain receiving? TDs? I mean he had 11 carries. How psyched could those 11 carries really make people. The answer seems to be very.

I'm not arguing that Trent played like a superstar, but Choice was literally a non factor. Nothing supports him having a better season.

Nobody said he had a better season, maybe thats where you are confused, people merely said when Choice got a chance to run the ball he looked good & maybe better than Trent again soooooooooooooooo simple.

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Choice didn't get to play came in what 80% season done. I use to think you where knowable question that now If you think 2.5 YPC is good go ahead & ride that horse. I won't. Have to Question what you see? Case is clear IMO the limited carries Choice got he appeared to run better to me. & apparently some others do to that's My logic. The problem with Trent is he dances to much & he is not playing fast. Doesn't hit the hole hard, the guy is a north south runner with power who tries to dance and make Barry Sanders type of plays which he doesn't. Hit the hole & go hard, but he doesn't. Until he does he will continue to underachieve. He can pass block well, & he does have decent hands though. I base these observations on the number years I played football, having played Division 1 football in college. Your right I do like when things are that simple!

Paragraphs are your friend.

I don't care how knowledgable you think I am lol.

If Trent ran exclusively when games were over , and only ran 11 times. I promise you his YPC would be higher.

What Trent had going for him this year wasn't his rushing, it was his receiving. That's the only situation he set himself apart.

I never said I was happy with his year. It was pretty miserable, but Choice's year was nothing so I'm not going to give any player who contributed 11 carries any kind of nod over a guy who played all season, and played in situations that mattered.

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Nobody said he had a better season, maybe thats where you are confused, people merely said when Choice got a chance to run the ball he looked good & maybe better than Trent again soooooooooooooooo simple.

I never said anyone said Choice had a better year? Are you confused?

I'm saying overall I'm more hopeful for future Trent contributions, then I am a guy who probably won't be here.

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I never said anyone said Choice had a better year? Are you confused?

I'm saying overall I'm more hopeful for future Trent contributions, then I am a guy who probably won't be here.

 Others not you have said when given opportunity Choice looked better matter of opinion, nobody says he had a better year.\


Well ya like it or not we fans, & management are tied to this guy for IMO at least 2 years,


My hope is he settles down & picks up his game. He has to. Honestly I like Ballard MUCH BETTER hope he comes back healthy.


Trent was marginal in pass receiving, but better than his rushing for sure, he has nice hands, honestly his pass blocking was what I thought was his best asset this year.

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Why does everyone dismiss Trent's rookie year?  


The dude doesn't just lose his running abilities outta no where.  There are a few factors that added up.  The Browns changed offenses and wanted to spread out multiple WRs with Hoyer at QB.  It made sense to trade him.  This HAD to hurt him mentally... we as fans tend to forget that pro athletes are still human.  His first game with us Bradshaw went down and we had to throw him in sooner than planned.  


He also had this in the off season: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/thehuddle/post/2012/08/browns-rookie-trent-richardson-to-have-knee-examined-by-james-andrews/1#.Utg2sfRDsc4 .  I tend to think he wasn't 100% this year.



People are talking like Brown had some crazy awesome year.  Yes, I agree, he had a few good runs this year but fact is he ran for 537 yards.  That is 40th in the NFL.  His best year rushing he had 645 yards.  Total career rushing yards is 2377 in 5 seasons.  He is not the answer at RB.   Trent Richardson had a great rookie year and rushed for 950 yards.  Give him the off season to get healthy, learn our system, and our OLine to improve.  Next year TRich is a first round fantasy football pick again lol

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I saw this coming. We gave up a first rounder for Richardson. Too much given up to let him backup Brown. 


The guy is 22 years old and is a year removed from a 1300 APY season with 11 touchdowns. If he can return to form (and no reason why he can't, has the next seven months to gel with the team) we'd be that nearly unstoppable with such threats at the running game and passing game.

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Look hey you must have been one of the guys hailing the trade for Richardson as the 2nd coming of Christ when it happened. Didn't like it when we did it & Richardson has done NOTHING to sway me and most who thought it looked good in the beginning certainly now have doubts no. The fact is we are STUCK with the guy for now. I will support him next season but if his play continues to be the same that would suck he would be  a bust & eventual could cost Grigson his job. I don't care about the yards the bottom line is when given a chance Choice looked better than Richardson. Richardson NEVER looked good!

Could cost Grigson his job??  All GMs have a mulligan or two in there position. If what you say was true Polian would have lost his job 4 years before he did. Bottom line is the Colts were very poor at running the ball because of the lack of good run blocking across the board. Run blocking AND pass protection was a huge problem this last season. Had Luck not have been so good at getting away from defenders he would have been close to the top of the NFL in sacks. I have no clue as to what TR will do in the future but it's way too early to write him off like a bust. His pass catching abilities are very good and with an improved offensive line his numbers will get better. It is a reach for you to say TR NEVER looked good. Selective memory serves no purpose.

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Could cost Grigson his job??  All GMs have a mulligan or two in there position. If what you say was true Polian would have lost his job 4 years before he did. Bottom line is the Colts were very poor at running the ball because of the lack of good run blocking across the board. Run blocking AND pass protection was a huge problem this last season. Had Luck not have been so good at getting away from defenders he would have been close to the top of the NFL in sacks. I have no clue as to what TR will do in the future but it's way too early to write him off like a bust. His pass catching abilities are very good and with an improved offensive line his numbers will get better. It is a reach for you to say TR NEVER looked good. Selective memory serves no purpose.

Never is to much your right, I could count them on 1 to 2 hands. Donald Brown, Ballard, And Bradshaw ran behind the same line? The line sucks but others produced. Pollian had a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG track record of success, & believed in the draft not trades or free agents to build a team. Pollian guided 8 teams in his career to super bowls, numerous playoff appearances. Really lost his job 4 years before he did as we were going to the playoffs. Probably not! Not saying Grigson will get fired, but it could happen another so so draft, Richardson continues to suck & no first RD pick to build the team, we miss the playoffs & get by passed but a couple teams in the division. If that were to happen ya it could get you fired!

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