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From Brad Wells at StampedeBlue - http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/5/11/4321494/colts-begin-2013-rookie-minicamp-pagano-re-re-defines-new-offense


(For us at Stampede Blue) "Pagano's comments (regarding the new offense) read that he just isn't on the same page with the new system coordinator Pep Hamilton is installing."


I understand that this guy's insights are somewhat less than salient but my jaw hit the floor when I read this. The sheer incompetence required to say that the Head Coach doesn't know what the O Coordinator is doing is stunning.


Wells goes on to point out Coach Pagano's annoyance with a stupid question. Also though it seems he REALLY wants to go there, he couldn't quite bring himself to attack the 2nd Year Head Coach coming off of defeating leukemia (at least not yet).

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From Brad Wells at StampedeBlue - http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/5/11/4321494/colts-begin-2013-rookie-minicamp-pagano-re-re-defines-new-offense



I understand that this guy's insights are somewhat less than salient but my jaw hit the floor when I read this. But the sheer stupidity required to say that the Head Coach doesn't know what the O Coordinator is doing is stunning.


Wells goes on to point out Coach Pagano's annoyance with a stupid question...and though it seems he REALLY wants to go there, he couldn't quite bring himself to attack the 2nd Year Head Coach coming off of defeating leukemia (at least not yet).

I just think Well's comprehension is as poor as his writing skills.

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I think Well's comments earn him a big, fat,     :facepalm:


Pagano has lost his friend and a very trusted OC in Arians.   He may not have loved the vertical passing game,  but he appreciated that Arians always knew what he was doing.    We were a well coached offense, even if I didn't like the system.


That said....


How in the world does Wells think Pagano isn't on board with Hamilton?    I don't think he's letting Pep do whatever he wants, I'm sure there's some input from the head guy.   I'd be stunned if there wasn't.    There is no part of me -- zero -- that thinks that Wells knows what he's saying....    He's talking straight out of his ***.


Hey!    Wait a minute.....      anyone ever seen Brad Wells and JShipp in the same place at the same time?!?   Hmmm????


I mean....    that could explain EVERYTHING!!     :thmup: 

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Pagano is a DB coach. Hes defense minded. I think defense coaches  turned Head Coaches give faith to the Offense Coordinators and they take that into account when they sign them, right?

Obviously, defensive coaches have to know offense too.  You couldn't put an effective defense on the field if you didn't know a thing or two about what you were going up against. 


That said, as far as delegating authority goes, I'm sure he does sit in on more defensive meetings than the offensive ones.  That's his background. 

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We are still going to be a power-run team and try to get ourselves in third-and-manageable. Maybe a few more check downs, a few more screens here and there, quick passing game, try to get the completion percentage up a little bit. You’ve got to run the football, and we are still going to take our shots down field."


Sounds good to me.


The article is pointless.

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I'm not gonna say what really I want to right now. But I will say this is as rediculious of a statement I've heard come out of a writers mouth in a while. Is Wells there at all the practices? Does he see everything that's going on? Does he even know enough about the offense to be able to make a remark like that? I'll bet he barley knows more than any of us do. Don't know who he thinks he is but I think he needs to re evaluate himself before going after others. I think he is the one that is waaayyyy off base. I really don't need to hear nonsense like this being spat out of someone's mouth who seems to be very uninformed!

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I think Well's comments earn him a big, fat,     :facepalm:


Pagano has lost his friend and a very trusted OC in Arians.   He may not have loved the vertical passing game,  but he appreciated that Arians always knew what he was doing.    We were a well coached offense, even if I didn't like the system.


That said....


How in the world does Wells think Pagano isn't on board with Hamilton?    I don't think he's letting Pep do whatever he wants, I'm sure there's some input from the head guy.   I'd be stunned if there wasn't.    There is no part of me -- zero -- that thinks that Wells knows what he's saying....    He's talking straight out of his ***.


Hey!    Wait a minute.....      anyone ever seen Brad Wells and JShipp in the same place at the same time?!?   Hmmm????


I mean....    that could explain EVERYTHING!!     :thmup: 

Cannot like this post enough! :L

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:HFire:  :HFire: :HFire:


Overreacting to a column too much people.

Yep, and that is exactly what the writer wants. Good opinions, bad opinions, as long as someone is reading and posting his article lol.

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All this is is the opinion of Brad Wells.     That is his interpretation of Pagano's comment.    Let me ask you this....  any other writer come up with that conclusion?     Anyone else with any other media outlet offer up a similar conclusion?


Anyone?    Anyone at all?     Beuller?     Beuller???


Didn't think so.


The more Brad Wells writes,  the less I like his work....

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I can't help laughing. Brad Wells just posted this article in which he refers to a Pep Hamilton interview given to Jeffery Gorman in March as being from this weekend.




I guess this happens when people are trying blindly to prove a point.

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A better angle would have been to say that some of Pep's comments seem to be in conflict with some of Pagano's comments, and that you hope they get on the same page so that the offense can flourish this season. But pretending that Pagano has no idea what the offense is going to do is beyond the pale.


In other words, typical Brad Wells drivel. Carry on.

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A better angle would have been to say that some of Pep's comments seem to be in conflict with some of Pagano's comments, and that you hope they get on the same page so that the offense can flourish this season. But pretending that Pagano has no idea what the offense is going to do is beyond the pale.


In other words, typical Brad Wells drivel. Carry on.


That's right, but there is no conflict at all, at least not in recent statements. Wells just took statements from shortly after Pep's first press conference and placed them in recent time.  

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So is this true or is this guy tryna stir up trouble? Cause we really don't need NFL Network hearing about this and they blow it up to make it seem like our team is dysfunctional

We REALLYYYYY don't need that

I go to blue stampede just like I come here to get as much info, news and the latest developments on the team I love the most...With that said,  This guy Brad Wells is an A$$ clown who basically write articles/blog post with the pure intention of getting a negative rise and response out of the true fans who can stomach thru them to get to the meat of the subject, which is exactly what I do. Here lately fans and readers who know better have been calling him out on his colts bashing and basic nonsense,  And because of it his spew has gotten even more stupid,  which in turns gives him page hits which is all he cares about anyway,  so here lately his articles have gotten even more negative and *ic.  I don't expect him to keep his job (if he gets paid for it) much longer at all. Bottom line the guy's a * sh!t stirrer to get page hits..But the page does have other writers that aren't as bad and most times have good and informative reads.

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So is this true or is this guy tryna stir up trouble? Cause we really don't need NFL Network hearing about this and they blow it up to make it seem like our team is dysfunctional

We REALLYYYYY don't need that

You really won't hear anything mentioned on NFLNetwork mainly because they don't think any more highly of his drivel than we do.


Just ignore him, maybe he'll go away.

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I think 'ol Brad is setting Pagano up for future criticism... notice how, at the end of the article, he mentions how healthy Chuck looks: " its almost as if the guy didn't go through several intense rounds of chemo..." as if he's almost asking the readers when it will officially be okay to start trashing him... I have never been a fan of Wells,  but I think he is especially curmudgeonly because of all of the optimism around LOS... The guy feels more comfortable writing negative articles because they are more in line with his natural disposition... His Debbie Downerisms will stick out like a sore thumb after we take back the South in 2013-14...

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Brad Wells has about as much credibility as these couple of guys





Chris Baldwin CultureMap Network News Director/Managing Editor Houston

In his more than 15-year journalism career, Chris Baldwin has worked at traditional newspapers and online publications, covering everything from the World Series to New York City politicians to Justin Timberlake. Baldwin helped guide WorldGolf.com from a near-startup to an established, respected brand that drew 3.5 million unique reader hits per month and recognition from the New York Times. He's even more excited by the possibilities of CultureMap and being part of a daily digital magazine that presents a unique, intelligent, provocative, needed voice on the community he loves.

Baldwin went to Michigan State before the Spartans got really good in basketball and he credits Michigan Journalism Hall of Famer Gloria Olman with teaching him to always write the truth, fearlessly. He won six national Associated Press Sports Editor awards in six years at the Asbury Park Press (NJ) before moving into the online world.


If you don't remember who Chris Baldwin is, he wrote  this article: http://houston.culturemap.com/news/sports/11-28-12-peyton-manning-completely-disrespected-by-indianapolis-fair-weather-andrew-luck-love/ (indy are fairweather fans, luck disrespected 18)

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Wells is a clown. He's the sole reason I don't visit Stampede Blue anymore.....ever.

I still visit because there are (like every site) good and bad articles. However  that said, Wells is clearly not a "writer" anyone should place any merit in. He is a hack always trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

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When I read Wells' article, I thought I have problems with my English...I haven't ever see any discordance between Pags and Hamilton.


Reading Brad's last 2 or 3 articles, I think he is pretty frustrated, he acts like a child who didn't get the desired Action Man figure. He bashed Grigson as well.


He makes me resemble Kravitz.

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Referring to reporters that follow HC Chuck Pagano as "chuckleheads" has seriously got to end now. Why you ask? A fair question. It reminds me too much of this: "Chucky"



 Besides, John Gruden already has that nickname when he gets upset anyway. 





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Tell me journalist Brad Wells & I use the term loosely, how is any discussion of Mr. Pagano's health relevant to a discussion about a new offense being implemented in INDY? 


"Something else that I noticed: Pagano looks healthy. His weight looks good and he appears energetic. His hair is also back. It's almost as if the guy didn't go through several intense rounds of chemotherapy just six months ago." 


Who cares? Why is this relevant to the topic at hand exactly? Can I see your college diploma please? I want to call your Alumni Association first just to see if you actually graduated. One second, I'm on hold. Here is the elevator waiting music...




Yup, that's what I thought...A couple credits short of a McDonald's "Happy Meal"...It figures...  haha

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Referring to reporters that follow HC Chuck Pagano as "chuckleheads" has seriously got to end now. Why you ask? A fair question. It reminds me too much of this: "Chucky"



 Besides, John Gruden already has that nickname when he gets upset anyway. 





:funny:  Good one :funny:

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Brad Wells has 0 credibility, in my opinion.  He just writes stuff to get a reaction and get views to his articles.  I don't bother clicking anything that has his name on it

I always knew you were 1 sharp cookie 21isSuperman. Bravo sir! I'd wish I'd remember that. I keep thinking someday Mr. Wells is gonna say something really deep & profound, but it never happens. The eternal optimist in me has got to stop torturing myself like this. A leopard cannot change it's spots & the scorpion will alway sting the frog halfway across the river.  :facepalm:

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Ok, lets break down his almost 15 minute rant, his rant is over A.Luck being overrated because his o-line kept defenders away so he can openly throw to receiver, weak complaint! A.Luck has to be in verge of a sack or knocked down and blitzed for a completed pass to an open or covered pass catcher to count? Again weak! A.Luck takes off running and pulled away and flew smoothly and fast, You all know his 40 time at the Combine was the same as Cams Right? And he called him while A.Luck was running saying he looked so weird, so slow and so awkward and so lame, the video poster has a hate agenda and A.Luck can't do anything right.


This guy is so funny same thing over and over "wow he made a pass with no defenders around him" "wow again pass caught with no defenders around him", "wow never saw a pass caught like that before" him referring to a caught pass A.Luck threw between 2 defenders, A.Luck throws a 52 yards pass for a TD and the guys says "wow look no defenders around him", Everything is no defender pressure, oh now A.Luck is surrounded by defenders, but he now says it's not a blitz! it's not a blitz! that's no pressure that's no defender pressure just like T.Brady, he say the ESPN goldenboy A.Luck highlight video shows how over hyped and over rated he is!


Seriously this guy for real? He's a joke and I'm still laughing at him and now I'm saying WOW :}LOL !!!!!

If luck gets protection and an open pocket like he had at Stanford he will pick DB's apart, this guy is a fool!!!!!


He actually think if a QB has an good o-line they are frauds, To him a QB's has to be surround by defenders about to be sacked or hit and blitzed at the same time all game long and throw and that pass caught each time for it to count, so T.Brady with his great o-line makes T.Brady a fraud and over rated.


He's a racist and he said and I quote him: does A.Luck get blitzed like Cam Newton and get blitzed like M.Vick gets blitzed "NOT" all you pocket passer Tom Brad/A.Luck lovers these guys are all frauds man! End quote.


He's a racist! He says and I quote him: As you see around him No blitz pressure and can take his time look down the field and have a martini and pass to who ever he wants no real upfront blitz pressure for these all american quarterbacks pocket passers "What the heck is up with that?" you won't see quarterbacks of color I tell you that! They get blitzed like they stole something. End quote.....


If a white guy said that! I say "WOW!!!!!"


All from his 14:58 video and his screen name SPORTSAFFILIATED5, I read what Chris Baldwin said and he is also full up to his head of unmentionables and also SPORTSAFFILIATED5 too!!!!!

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Yep, and that is exactly what the writer wants. Good opinions, bad opinions, as long as someone is reading and posting his article lol.

Just like when DJ Howard Stern first hit the broadcast airways, both his idols & his detractors couldn't wait to hear what he said next. I agree 100% QuizBoy. Getting noticed on a large scale is all that really matters. 

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Dear god he comes off as an * masterfully and cant comprehend the idea of a multiple offense and in my opinion completely misinterpreted that line about 75% of what Pep is installing that Luck already knows to mean that we will be running a pure west coast system and dinking and dunking all the way down field and thats all we will do

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From Brad Wells at StampedeBlue - http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/5/11/4321494/colts-begin-2013-rookie-minicamp-pagano-re-re-defines-new-offense



I understand that this guy's insights are somewhat less than salient but my jaw hit the floor when I read this. The sheer incompetence required to say that the Head Coach doesn't know what the O Coordinator is doing is stunning.


Wells goes on to point out Coach Pagano's annoyance with a stupid question. Also though it seems he REALLY wants to go there, he couldn't quite bring himself to attack the 2nd Year Head Coach coming off of defeating leukemia (at least not yet).


I'm no fan of Brad Wells, but to be fair, part of that statement comes from points he tried making in another of his articles-




For example-


Tweet from Kent Somers @kentsomers
Chuck Pagano on if Andrew Luck ran read-option: "..phone would probably ring on the sideline...telling me what time my flight was leaving."
11:27 AM - 19 Mar 2013
Hamiton talking to Colts.com's Jeffery Gorman this past weekend, during the team's rookie minicamp-
"There's nothing we can't do. We can incorporate some pistol concepts, which is kind of a trend, an 'en vogue' thing in the league right now. Everybody's talking about the QB option, the QB read game, the QB pistol, the pistol components that we can run. But, we'll be smart. We'll be judicious in how much we expose Andrew to taking additional hits."

And he does end his rant with-


"Maybe the trouble-making blogger in me is just seeing something that really isn't there. I don't know."


"Or, maybe Pep Hamilton should shaddup about implementing the pistol, read-option considering both his bosses have publicly stated they aren't fans of it and have no intention of allowing it."


Personally, the bold/italicized part sums it quite nicely.

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From Brad Wells at StampedeBlue - http://www.stampedeblue.com/2013/5/11/4321494/colts-begin-2013-rookie-minicamp-pagano-re-re-defines-new-offense



I understand that this guy's insights are somewhat less than salient but my jaw hit the floor when I read this. The sheer incompetence required to say that the Head Coach doesn't know what the O Coordinator is doing is stunning.


Wells goes on to point out Coach Pagano's annoyance with a stupid question. Also though it seems he REALLY wants to go there, he couldn't quite bring himself to attack the 2nd Year Head Coach coming off of defeating leukemia (at least not yet).

Why would your jaw hit the floor? If a writer claims something this outlandish I'd find the story suspect, not our coaching staff.

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