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Why Boo [Merge]


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I spent money on Season Tickets for 30 years before I moved, saw many crappy teams and still loved the fact that good or bad, we were chosen to have a NFL team and all that comes with it. I never booed a player. But I also get that it was raw emotion and disappointment when we had such high hopes for this season and beyond. I am in shock also, but I have to much respect for the guys who put their body on the line so I can enjoy this game. God speed Andrew and go enjoy your family and new baby!!! 

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I was hoping this wasn’t true. Me and my brother were at the game and decided to leave in the fourth quarter. We live two hours away and thankfully we did. Strangest drive home though. Gave us plenty to talk about because I was getting pretty tired haha. I feel bad for Andrew more than anything. Poor guy. 

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I'm really torn right now. I'm here in ATL (grew up in Indy my first 27 years) and just spent time talking to several friends and family from home. All are like WTH. 


From most reports, this doesn't seem to be an injury that's life altering. It's not CTE, spinal, etc... It's a lower leg issue that was week to week. 


That said, It sounds more heart/head than body.


Not defending the booing. I am defending folks that are highly disappointed or even angry as hell right now.

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After thinking about hard for the last hour and a half, i’ve decided to retire.   It’s been an endless cycle of pain and rehab, pain and rehab...I’m over it,  After endless drama, I am exhausted, I am tired. My joy in the fall will come not from football, but raking leaves and eating s’mores. I am retiring as a Colts fan.


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43 minutes ago, Iron Colt said:

Because he absolutely screwed this team by retiring at 29.....2 weeks before the start of the season.


Because he's mentally tired. Are you * kidding me? Tony Romo played in his mid thirties with broken ribs and colar bones. * him. He's a * 

He definitely screwed the team but I don't hold any ill will towards him im disappointed as any fan is right now but I respect his discision because if he is as burned out as he says he is he wouldn't have been able to give this team the 110% that he would give any other time he was healthy playing on top of his game so if he don't believe he can do it anymore while im alittle bit P****d off he waited until now to do it I cant fault him for doing it and I wish him nothing but the best moving forward. Best of luck in your retirement Andrew you didn't deserve to get boo'd tonight will be missed.

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13 minutes ago, sfergson727 said:

After thinking about hard for the last hour and a half, i’ve decided to retire.   It’s been an endless cycle of pain and rehab, pain and rehab...I’m over it,  After endless drama, I am exhausted, I am tired. My joy in the fall will come not from football, but raking leaves and eating s’mores. I am retiring as a Colts fan.



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42 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

Honestly any fan base would boo in this situation... 


The reality of the situation ^^ Our franchise QB is retiring when a lot of fans thought we had a shot to make a deep playoff run. AND found out in the middle of a game. Go ahead and add in the anticipation for him to come back and shut the haters up once again after an injury....And then you get that news? Of course some *s boo’d. I’m glad it didn’t get worse. People were mostly just broken hearted. It wasn’t anger. And just so ya’ll know, I left the game way before the end of the game when the booing started. 

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I totally get booing. The guy was smiling and doing drills last week and today he said he knew he was done. wth. Why play with people's emotions like that? There is a part of me that feels cheated. I thought the guy was a warrior, but he just ups and quits on his team and the fans. Just wow. 


The energy I wasted on Seahawks fans to defend this guy. They were right. Wilson is better. He would never tao out like this. 

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2 hours ago, HectorRoberts said:

One of the top 5 greats we’ve ever had and he gets treated like this it makes me sick! 

Luck isn't a top 5 Colts.  This franchise has had many great players. There are several Baltimore Colts who were greater Colts than Luck was.  Just because Luck played QB doesn't put him automatically into the top 5.  Luck is 'Indiana Jones' aka the Indy version of Bert Jones.  Lots of potential and a ringless, Super Bowl-less career cut short by injury.  That's the level he is at.

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18 minutes ago, Anonymous said:

This is now being universally seen as worse than Raptors fans booing Kevin Durant in the Finals when he got injured.


There's going to have to be a ton of damage control done in the next few days to fix this.

That was simply not the way to break news of this magnitude to a fan base.  The Colts front office and Andrew Luck handled this horribly.  How did they expect some fans would react?  I don't condone it but I get it.  

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17 minutes ago, Superman said:

Based on how I felt when I heard this, if I were there I very well might have booed Luck. 


Based on how I feel now, I definitely would have regretted booing. 


Give people a break. Give Andrew a break. Embrace some perspective. 

This is the most sensible post I have seen tonight. I get all sides of it. Luck deserves to live life away from football. Fans should be allowed to be disappointed, knowing that a generational talent is walking away in his prime, especially when this is the most complete team he would have played with.


At the end of the day, we invest in the team, financially and emotionally. It stinks when this crap happens, but now, we have to move on.

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I believe the boos were a result of not hearing the info from Luck first. It's a casualty of the situation.  


No way he deserves the boos, that being said when you mix booze and bad news together especially after spending money and having high hopes for the season we really can't put alot of blame on those that did boo. When its all said and done those same fans may also be the ones who thank Luck for his time as the Colts' qb  after it all settles. 

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5 hours ago, crazyrob said:

Give people a break. They paid hard earned money to watch luck this season. He keeps his millions but those people are out thousands.  When the time comes, fans will honor him but emotions were too raw for that tonight. 

I was angry when I found out but I also at the end of the day cant hate the guy he went through a lot while playing here and he just lost the desire to keep playing because of all the injuries this is Grigson and Pagano's fault and partially Irsay as well for waiting so long to fire those guys he showed way too much faith in both of those guys and in the long run it ended up costing us a talent that no doubt eventionally would have lead us to a superbowl or two its a shame but at the end of the day he had to do what he thought was best for him moving forward I think he has if his head and heart wasn't in this anymore then he would have been not giving 100% and he said he would be selling himself and the team short if he did that so I cant hate him for getting out now. But the people that sat there booing him off the field should be ashamed of themselves.

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7 hours ago, Knuckles79 said:

Shame on all the fans that booed him off the field. I am not from Indy but have always heard of Hoosiers hospitality. This was a display of poor class. That man owes us nothing. He has taking a beating and looks to be mentally broken. I hope he comes back to the stadium for one last goodbye. This was horrible. 

You serious? How bout people put their time money and effort into it. Not all of that is under their control, but you do it with the expectation players will play and when teams and when certain players dont, its hopeless. A lost cause. If you don't feel jipped, I honestly wonder if you care at all.


Fandom is as much a relationship as any other human relationship. Players interact with fans. Give the whole, "I wouldn't be able to achieve my dreams and do this for a living if it wasn't for the fans." All that rah rah dependency. We in turn develop connections with players, go to camps for autographs, buy memorobilia


Then one of the mainstay most popular players just up and backs out at the worst possible time, after lying to our face that he'll be ready to play. Yeah, who wouldn't feel jipped?


And dont act like shats going through his mind and feelings are incomprehensible.  I get hes making the best choice for him and his family. That doesnt change the way he's made us feel by signing as huge and long of a contract, verbally giving us every indication he would play it out or do his best to get healthy so he could. Who wouldn't feel jipped or taken advantage of?

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It was a shock so, anger is not surprising.

I always try to remember that anger is a secondary emotion.  It is a response to something else you are feeling.  In this case I think shock and disappointment.

The timing of it maximized all that. I mean before the season starts and during a game and via a tweet?  I'd love to know how that leaked out.

So, I don't blame fans for the heat of the moment.  



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10 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

I wouldn’t have booed him

my daughter was at the game and we texting me when this came out.  She's a huge fan and very level headed but, she came unhinged for a while.  Didn't boo but she was angry and sympathized with the fans that we leaving their luck jerseys and exiting the stadium.


In the end though, the last thing she said to me was "Imagine quitting your job like this on a national stage.....unreal"


It was



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