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How long do we play luck if he comes back horrible?

Trace Pyott

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Granted he just got a huge contract let's say god forbid that luck comes back and has lost it for whatever reason be it health or rust or something else and has horrible year let's say 10td and 20 int or something god awful like that how long do you think the leash would be?  This is all hypothetical I'm just asking because I'm wondering at what point the fear of wasting the money spent on his contract over takes the fear Of us losing. 

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24 minutes ago, Trace Pyott said:

Granted he just got a huge contract let's say god forbid that luck comes back and has lost it for whatever reason be it health or rust or something else and has horrible year let's say 10td and 20 int or something god awful like that how long do you think the leash would be?  This is all hypothetical I'm just asking because I'm wondering at what point the fear of wasting the money spent on his contract over takes the fear Of us losing. 



I'd say give him at least 3 games before you cut him.

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32 minutes ago, Trace Pyott said:

Granted he just got a huge contract let's say god forbid that luck comes back and has lost it for whatever reason be it health or rust or something else and has horrible year let's say 10td and 20 int or something god awful like that how long do you think the leash would be?  This is all hypothetical I'm just asking because I'm wondering at what point the fear of wasting the money spent on his contract over takes the fear Of us losing. 

The biggest part of his contract is guaranteed if I am not mistaken. If he never plays again I would be willing to bet he is insured.

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39 minutes ago, Trace Pyott said:

I'm just asking because I'm wondering at what point the fear of wasting the money spent on his contract over takes the fear Of us losing. 

You do recall that Luck was instrumental or played a crucial role in getting us to the Deflate Game in 2015 right? Yes, I know NE kicked our caboose 45-7, but we still played in the game on the brink of the SB just 2 yrs ago. 


Yes, I know fans are ticked off that we not competing for a divisional title & our season is basically over. Once we get say Special Teams Coach Dave Toub from the Chiefs we'll be fine. Actually, Jared mentioned that name in the past & I really like that candidate/selection. Plus, John Harbaugh got his start in Philly as a Special Teams coach before winning a SB in Baltimore & those guys in that spot understand how vital field position is. They know a little bit about everybody else's position on offense & defense. 


We need an experienced guy & Dave is it. Go after him hard Jimmy. Please, please, please...

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10 minutes ago, BR-549 said:

Is there not some sort of filter for starting new threads?

Sadly no, my friend. Think of these threads as therapy without a large bill 2 weeks later for venting, cursing, & taking complaining to an art form like film director Woody Allen does or comedian Larry David on HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" does. A colorful, metaphor free for all in 1 spot BR-549. :hat:

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51 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I'm a little more patient. 3 games and you try and trade him, 4 and you cut him, because after that he will be worthless! :lol:

Thank you for this reply Jared. It does make you wonder if fools who want Andrew gone would realize how stupid they were once he heals & starts making the Colts a force to be reckoned with again. It would be like a guy dumping a gorgeous girlfriend who pays all your bills simply because she belches to often for your liking. 


Then, you go your separate ways & realize holy moly man what the hades have I done?! No!.........


Translation: I appreciate your humor & that you always speak your mind regardless of the consequences or backlash. That takes you know what & all my friends possess that surplus quality. Keep doing what you do man. 

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2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I'm a little more patient. 3 games and you try and trade him, 4 and you cut him, because after that he will be worthless! :lol:



Yes , you would surely try to trade him before cutting him but might be tough with that contract.

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3 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

Granted he just got a huge contract let's say god forbid that luck comes back and has lost it for whatever reason be it health or rust or something else and has horrible year let's say 10td and 20 int or something god awful like that how long do you think the leash would be?  This is all hypothetical I'm just asking because I'm wondering at what point the fear of wasting the money spent on his contract over takes the fear Of us losing. 

Until his contract is up

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3 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:

If Colts draft a QB round one then you can worry about Andrew. Otherwise there is no reason to think he can't play. 

This is the correct answer. That's pretty much it for me. Even though I'll be weary until I see #12 march out of that tunnel.


If we hear 'with the #3 pick Colts select QB'...THEN it's panic time..lol

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I'm in no way shape or form stating that I think this will happen or want it to happen. Why does it hurt to discuss what could possibly happen?  I see people post on here how luck could be ruined so what is wrong with asking if that happened how long would the organization stay with him?

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I predict Andrew will come back and his arm will be like that kid in that movie where he broke his arm then had a crazy fastball and then threw in the majors.  Rubber-band arm.  There will be some broken fingers in the WR corps. Maybe they can catch it in the face mask "little Giants" style.

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7 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

I'm in no way shape or form stating that I think this will happen or want it to happen. Why does it hurt to discuss what could possibly happen?  I see people post on here how luck could be ruined so what is wrong with asking if that happened how long would the organization stay with him?

You could make yourself go crazy trying to plan or discuss all the what if’s in life. Me personally, I dont worry about that crap and face the situations as they come. 

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4 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

I predict Andrew will come back and his arm will be like that kid in that movie where he broke his arm then had a crazy fastball and then threw in the majors.  Rubber-band arm.  There will be some broken fingers in the WR corps. Maybe they can catch it in the face mask "little Giants" style.


To follow the plot to conclusion it would have to turn out that it was Luck’s mother, not father, who was the former star QB all along.

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I know this is a touchy subject but it is comical sometimes that people who automatically want posters banned or threads deleted if they say anything bad about Luck.  There are a large number of Colts Fans that feel the exact same way when you guys keep saying Luck will be the next best thing.........Overall the Colts are something like 51 and 36 since drafting Luck.  It's easy to say when he plays we are great but at some point we realize he is missing more games then he is playing so you can see why some fans feel this way. I want him to come back better then ever but I can definitely see why people feel the way they on here do.   Curious if there has ever been an elite quarterback miss this many games and end up coming back to go on a long streak of successful seasons?

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39 minutes ago, midwest said:

I know this is a touchy subject but it is comical sometimes that people who automatically want posters banned or threads deleted if they say anything bad about Luck.  There are a large number of Colts Fans that feel the exact same way when you guys keep saying Luck will be the next best thing.........Overall the Colts are something like 51 and 36 since drafting Luck.  It's easy to say when he plays we are great but at some point we realize he is missing more games then he is playing so you can see why some fans feel this way. I want him to come back better then ever but I can definitely see why people feel the way they on here do.   Curious if there has ever been an elite quarterback miss this many games and end up coming back to go on a long streak of successful seasons?


Not that I know of. Unless you count Aaron Rodgers sitting behind Favre for 4 years and balling after that. 


Peyton did take till 2003 to reach that high elite level (year 6) that gave us hopes of a SB win eventually. But then, there was a lot of continuity in the offense for him to build upon. Till then, we were just happy to be in the dance of the playoffs. Big Ben, before his style of play and Arians offense caught up to him, played a few good years and enjoyed a good D before he started missing games and those went down once Todd Haley became OC, IMO. However, it seems like the long term effects will catch up to him faster than Brady or Manning.


I remember my co-worker stating about 8-9 years ago that a QB doesn't really need to be built like an LB (he was referring to Brady Quinn then and referencing Peyton) and that he needed to be accurate, smart to not take too many hits, and read Ds well. Luck has been favorably compared to Cam Newton, that is all great and dandy. But unless both those QBs change their style of play to take less hits, the hits will catch up to them. Even Aaron Rodgers throwing on an improvized run, as opposed to a designed boot leg, has to be minimized as time goes on, IMO.


In that aspect, Peyton knew his strengths and weaknesses, and planned around them for pretty much his entire life. He may not do many boot legs, many QB sneaks, and be able to gun it into real tight spots as well as a Favre, but he focused on anticipation, timing, accuracy and ability to read Ds constantly along with a quick release to prolong his career. It is not a co-incidence that Marvin and Reggie lasted long because they knew how quickly to get down. We were fortunate to have a smart team of players that knew how to make it work long term.


As far as the OPs question, we will cross the bridge when it comes. If we are going to put in a complete team not reliant on the QB, Luck may just need to be an Eli Manning, play clutch when it matters and strike it rich with the few opportunities this team may get in the playoffs.

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This  person has a legitimate question to be asked. None of know how Luck is going to perform once he return. Granted this should be a question for next season as we have to see him actually play. I personally believe he’ll be fine. This team is build around Andrew. He has to play elite for us to win. Feel bad for those who find this post dumb. Will be praying for those who do. 

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19 hours ago, Trace Pyott said:

Granted he just got a huge contract let's say god forbid that luck comes back and has lost it for whatever reason be it health or rust or something else and has horrible year let's say 10td and 20 int or something god awful like that how long do you think the leash would be?  This is all hypothetical I'm just asking because I'm wondering at what point the fear of wasting the money spent on his contract over takes the fear Of us losing. 

To not be like most people here and give your hypothetical an amount of thought beyond 'oh god', I would say he gets at least a full season. We're paying him too much to not give him the chance and benefit of the doubt. If halfway through a second bad season comes, then decisions need to be made.

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20 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

The biggest part of his contract is guaranteed if I am not mistaken. If he never plays again I would be willing to bet he is insured.


 If Lucky gets cut, traded, retires there is some great news.
All we will owe him is a $3M roster bonus he earned already for basically being alive in March.
And, we would increase the money available to buy FA BY $4M. All is not gloom.

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