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It's so dumb how we didn't get Greg Hardy


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Dallas isn't a terrible team but New England is unbelievably good right now. I wouldn't use Dallas as a indication of whether or not Hardy is the real deal or not.

Yeah, NE is trouncing everyone. We all know Hardy is a good player, just a basket case. Him as a Colt is something thats a moot point. Can't say the organization is really stupid though for not going after him.

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Worse case scenario you drop him immediately after a problem. 

High risk-high reward pretty much. 


The NFL is filled with high testosterone thugs. Good coaching does their best to keep them in check. Having one or 2 guys like that doesn't destroy a locker room, especially when you have stand up guys like Luck, Gore, TY, Mcafee, Vinny, Mathis, and so on. 


Nah, it's just not that easy.  It's easy for the fans, they don't have to deal or put up with it on a daily basis. For teams, coaches and F.O., it is a big concern, in many areas.  Carolina paid Hardy 13.1 million dollars to play 1 game.  One!   Now the Cowboys set up a low base contract full of incentives that can add up to 13.1 million dollars.  Their thinking is maybe they can bypass the bonus pay etc... and just issue game checks based upon the % of the base 750 grand if Hardy ends up in trouble and placed on the Commissioners Exempt list..  But it's not clear if the NFL/NFLPA have determined if bonuses are included in pay or not for exempt list players. In addition, coaches and front office try to remove the 'head case' guys from the team and also the draft list.


“I think every organization is careful about that,” Gettleman said at the NFL Scouting Combine. “This game is too hard. There are 53 guys and you’ve got all these coaches, all these personnel people, everybody’s working.

“Who wants a ticking time bomb? So I don’t think it’s going to change. Every organization I’ve ever been with that has gone into the draft and you talk about the background stuff, they’ll stay away from the guys that have character issues and the potential to continue those issues. This is too hard to have to worry about that.”

This was the Panthers GM...   They had 10% of their cap sitting on the exempt list. The NFL teams, not just Panthers and league office suits, are concerned about these players on their rosters.

So unless you write specific clause in the contract nullifying all pay if players goes on Exempt List, (maybe not even CBA legal to do) then you could still be in a financial quandary if you risk a player like that. Now start adding others on board like La'el Collins, McDonald, Incognito, Rice, etc...

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Also McNary being acquitted proves my point a little bit on judging a situation you know nothing about. More than likely now that it has went through court. Someone was just lying on Josh and trying to ruin him for one reason or another. Everyone was crucifying him on here last year when nothing had been proven. You can accuse anyone of anything. And an NFL player would be more vulnerable to false allegations you'd think. Say for example someone gets upset at a player and decides to either make something up entirely. Or exaggerate it. Imagine being accused of such terrible crime like rape and actually being innocent. It would be one of the worst things that could happen to a guy.

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I am usually for adding guys that can help us when and fix our immediate problems, but do you really want Greg Hardy on our team? The dude is not a good guy, usually I only care about what these players put on the field, but imagine the spin the media would've had if we added this guy.

"You know that team that turned in Brady's deflated footballs!? They just signed Hardy, integrity am I right?"

Dude will be a problem along the line, we can find someone else.

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I just did a quick Google search and I assume he hit his wife or girlfriend? If that is the case, there are some vile, manipulitive, scumbag women in existence, so I won't judge; i don't know what situation he was in. But with that being said, violence is never really okay no matter what type of person one violates.

Yeah, he was suspended for domestic abuse against his partner.  Regardless of how vile, manipulative, or scumbag-y someone is, there is no excuse for resorting to violence unless your own safety is in danger.  Men shouldn't hit women, women shouldn't hit men, no one should hit anyone.  Not only did he hit someone, but he rapped about it

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I don't care if ignorant unapologetic pieces of trash play a game. Winning is what matters.

So you'd be more than happy to support Ray Rice (domestic abuse), Greg Hardy (domestic abuse), and Ben Roethlisberger (sexual assault/rape) just because they help you win?  As you said, it's a game.  There are more important things in life...like not breaking the law or putting the safety of others at risk.

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So you'd be more than happy to support Ray Rice (domestic abuse), Greg Hardy (domestic abuse), and Ben Roethlisberger (sexual assault/rape) just because they help you win?  As you said, it's a game.  There are more important things in life...like not breaking the law or putting the safety of others at risk.


I didn't say SUPPORT. I would be more than happy to have a player like that play for the Colts if they help them win.

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Why do you need decent people? We've had plenty of questionable people on the Colts over the years.


Right.    Over the years.


And the times have changed.    The NFL is more image conscious than ever before...


Aaron Hernandez,  Ray Rice,  Adrian Peterson,  Greg Hardy,  and on and on.....


Grigson doesn't want knuckleheads, and I assume that has the complete backing of the owner who signs the checks.

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he's to bad a human to be on the colts have to be a priest to play here or the fans lose their S%

But then if we signed him & he got in trouble again, you'd be saying Grigson is stupid for signing him.

Grigson said no more knuckleheads are being signed to this team. So get use to the goody 2 shoes players being signed as long as Grigson is in office

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Didn't the whole case against Hardy even get dismissed? He wasn't convicted of anything right?


No.    He was convicted by a judge.    The North Carolina system then allowed a re-trial based on the appeal, this time by a jury.


Except that Hardy settled with the alleged victim out of court.   Wrote her a check so she wouldn't testify.    She disappeared.   Without a victim to testify,  the case was dismissed.


Hardy being thought of as not guilty is simply a legal technicality.    Remember, a provision of the new CBA says a player does not have to be found guilty in a court of law to be thought of as having done something wrong by the league.


So,  the NFL sees Greg Hardy as guilty in their eyes.

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But then if we signed him & he got in trouble again, you'd be saying Grigson is stupid for signing him.

Grigson said no more knuckleheads are being signed to this team. So get use to the goody 2 shoes players being signed as long as Grigson is in office


 Goody two shoes? How about just normal human beings. People that beat women or children have no business on this team.

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Why do you need decent people? We've had plenty of questionable people on the Colts over the years.


I just like to think that we wouldn't want to associate our team with a convicted woman beater. The same reason I don't want to pick up Ray Rice.


The only difference between the two of them is that Ray Rice got caught on camera.

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THANK YOU!!!!! Finally someone who gets it. I know what he did was wrong, but now days anytime a player does anything off the field everyone wants to crucify them lol. I think Hardy would have been fine standing up too btw. Again what Hardy did was totally messed up and wrong, but The NFL keeps trying to get more and more involved in players personal lives, and it needs to stop a little.

I am always amazed, and sickened, by the number of people who will overlook any transgression because a guy may be able to help your favorite football team win a game.

Instead of signing the guy and giving him money, the guys in the community should get together and beat him to a pulp and then force him to leave town.  Instead many fans say, who cares that he beat his girlfriend several times and strangled her, he can get 10 sacks this year.


It really is disgusting (I would like to use some stronger words but it is a family forum).

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Hardy's recent comments were weird and I'm glad he isn't on the Colts. If you haven't seen or heard his dumb comments, and you support him being in the league, I suggest you take a listen. T. Bradshaw and J. Nance are spot on.  Perhaps the media and I are reading too much into his insensitive comments.

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Hardy's recent comments were ridiculous and I'm glad he isn't on the Colts. If you haven't seen his *ic statement, and you support him being in the league, I suggest you take a listen. T. Bradshaw and J. Nance are spot on.

Bradshaw crushed him on the pregame yesterday

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Also McNary being acquitted proves my point a little bit on judging a situation you know nothing about. More than likely now that it has went through court. Someone was just lying on Josh and trying to ruin him for one reason or another. Everyone was crucifying him on here last year when nothing had been proven. You can accuse anyone of anything. And an NFL player would be more vulnerable to false allegations you'd think. Say for example someone gets upset at a player and decides to either make something up entirely. Or exaggerate it. Imagine being accused of such terrible crime like rape and actually being innocent. It would be one of the worst things that could happen to a guy.


My advice - you should leave this topic alone.  It appears to be over your head.

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Right.    Over the years.


And the times have changed.    The NFL is more image conscious than ever before...


Aaron Hernandez,  Ray Rice,  Adrian Peterson,  Greg Hardy,  and on and on.....


Grigson doesn't want knuckleheads, and I assume that has the complete backing of the owner who signs the checks.


The NFL is not more image conscious, the NFL wants to make money. Those incidents hurt their bottom line, Greg Hardy doesn't.

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I support the Colts not bringing him to the Indianapolis community. Our wives, daughters, and sisters live here and I am 100% behind anyone in our business community not actively recruiting this type of character into our community.  The Indianapolis Colts in this instance are being "Socially Responsible" and I am behind it all the way. It isn't just playing on our team...its living next to us...and I wouldn't want that....in fact I would have words with any neighbor and realtor that would sell their home to him.  No one is perfect...but that doesn't mean we as a community have to live next to someone that has ZERO respect for 50% of our population (and lets be honest he has no respect for anyone but himself). At some point people have to open their eyes and realize what is truely important in life....a dumb ball game is not...but protecting the helpless and weak should be.  It's amazing what peoples priorities are....and when the Indianapolis Colts football game is more important to you than your neighbors, wives, daughters, sisters than I believe a long thoughtful sit down is in order.  Thankfully the Colts understand that this Community has welcomed them with open arms and supported their team and they don't want to betray the trust and safety of its people and fans. 

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The NFL is not more image conscious, the NFL wants to make money. Those incidents hurt their bottom line, Greg Hardy doesn't.


That's not what the NFL thinks.


And if you believe otherwise,  then you're not paying attention to what's going on.


Greg Hardy, who was found guilty of assaulting his girlfriend?


He choked her,  threw her on a bed covered in guns and threatened to kill her?


You don't think that hurts the NFL's image?       You're not paying attention.


Greg Hardy,  who this past week said he was ready to come out "guns blazing"....   that's not hurting the NFL's image?   


You're not paying attention.


No one connected with Hardy,  the Cowboys or the NFL,  are happy with Greg Hardy.    He's hurt their image with women.     And that costs the NFL money. 


Oh,  and here's the kicker -- it all happens during October.    Breast Cancer Awareness Month that the NFL honors by having players have some pink on the uniform during the month.

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That's not what the NFL thinks.


And if you believe otherwise,  then you're not paying attention to what's going on.

I'd argue that if your intent is to make money in the age of social media you have to be image conscious. The NFL isn't dumb, they know they needed to reach the family market and they've done well. Same as how soccer transitioned from being very male dominated rough and ready to pitching to entire families.

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