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Sorry, but not impressed by win tonight


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Forgive me for wanting the Colts to close out games on defense. I'm wanting this defense to finish the year as a top 10 defense. That can't happen with opposing offenses doing late drives on us with ease.

Good on ya, man. I agree with that assessment. Great defensive teams still keep their hands on the other guys throats till the whistle blows. But, the Colts have done this for years, so we should be used to it. A dominating performance from start to finish was the tease they gave us against the Bengals. But not to worry, another blue moon is in the forecast.

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you apologize as if we care about your opinion 


Ummmm......   apologizing on a fans internet message board is NEVER a bad thing.    Never.


Wish more people here would understand that.      I've apologized a number of times here and I'm sure I'll need to apologize more in the future.


We're all here pulling and cheering for the Colts.    Being polite and respectful from time to time is a good thing.....

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The elite teams put their foot on the jugular and press hard.  We had our foot on the jugular and just stood there.



I agree with this 100%.  If Luck was going to be out there and NY was urgently trying to score as much as possible, he should have tossed a couple passes and kept the OFFENSE out there, perhaps with Moncrief, some of the back up line shuttling in and out with our starting Left Tackle in to protect Luck and killed two birds with one stone.  Garbage time scoring isn't a big deal, but why even let them have the ball back when Luck was picking them apart all night?  This is EXACTLY what I hated about both Dungy and especially Caldwell.  No killer instinct.  Always wanting to be the "nice guys" who cruise through regular season and then get blasted out of the playoffs when it is kill or be killed.  Had they pulled Luck, then fine, run the clock out with runs up the middle and let them score 2, almost 3 touchdowns to perhaps make the biggest late game comeback in history with a 4th, but Hasselbeck stayed on the bench and Luck in harms way. For what?  This kind of bizarre thinking is why we took our feet all the way off the gas the year we started 14-0 but lost the last two games, and our feeling of invincibility and immortality as a franchise.  Then we choked away the Super Bowl in much the same manner.  But for those who remember that season, there was a nasty ice storm at one of those last two games (the last one I think) and it actually made SENSE to say screw the perfect season, it isn't worth the injury risk, only if you recall, they did the dumbest of BOTH worlds... they kept Manning and Reggie and our TE in throwing them one dump off pass after another so BOTH could hit 100 catches (which in my view was a punk butt move to start with and blatant stat stuffing) while taking HUGE risk of injury on a treacherous field, but then of course claiming we pulled them when we did (just after they both passed 100 catches) because we didn't want to risk injury, even though we DID risk injury all to achieve a meaningless and frankly ill gotten stat.  That was the idiocy of Caldwell and Manning, who I am sure is the one who insisted on staying in until the goal was achieved).   I also remember that we allowed the Jets to win that second to last game which broke our streak and it allowed them into the playoffs and we later met them in the Championship game.  


Why can't we go all out 100% until we're no longer going all out 100% and then take our guys out? OR, why not do as others have suggested and rotate a mix of starters in with back ups? Instead we risked hurting our starting O-Line, Luck, some of our receivers while only really protecting our two main running backs and running the ball up the middle when Hasselbeck could simply have taken that job over, or better, we could have gotten Moncrief or Whalen some catches or perhaps Doyle etc. How about those back up linemen who were active?  


Okay.. off the soap box.  Let's just stop being the good little boys who don't want to hurt anyone's feelings all while risking our franchise QB while playing at 1/4 effort.  


PS: Zach Kerr and Newsome both looked great though, I must say! 

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I disagree with not being impressed but I def feel we could have played better. Luck needs to learn that it's okay to get Em on the next down. Forced some throw that nearly bit him in the butt. Plus the play where he was falling n just chucked, it, luckily no one on the D was there.

D-line def played better. They were not letting them get anything on the ground.

Adam V is terrific so is Pat Mac!

I'm still waiting to see someone else besides Whalen return punts n kicks. Very mediocre back there, okay run here n there but nothing special

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Rankings mean nothing. Getting guys playing time in garbage situations gets them experience and keeps the starters from getting injured. This isn't college. The only thing that matters is the W



I'll match your "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh" and raise you a "boo hoo, I want my mommy".

Right on fellas, we put 40 points tonight; the Giants scoring when the game was over means absolutely nothing. BP85 is entitled to his opinion naturally & I am free to respectfully disagree with his point of view. 

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You can't lie and say you wouldn't want the Colts to be considered a top defense. And simply being scared of an injury is not a good excuse. Our backups do need playing time, but at the same time if they continually play poorly and let offenses march down the field on them, they're not ready yet.


the colts considered a top defense by whom?  other coaches?  other players?  the media?  other teams' players and coaches will actually watch the film, as will the better media analysts (not all mind you) and they will realize the Colts ARE a top defense.  They'll see that a good chunk of yardage and some of the points were in garbage time.  they'll see that when the game is on the line, the colt defense has been lights out far more often than not.  


So, the people that matter will still know the colts have a top defense, regardless of some garbage time yardage and points.  definitely nothing to get worked up over.

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Thank you that is really all I'm saying here. Defense as a whole needs work, backups need to play as if they are the starters. That's what  Pagano has always preached.


that's great in theory, but hardly practical or realistic.  backups are typically backups for a reason.  either they're young/inexperienced/raw and being developed or they simply don't have the talent to be starters.  in either case, the odds are low that the backups are going to come in and play at the same level as your starters.  if they could do that then there's a damn good chance they'd be starters on another team somewhere.  this is especially true when you mass sub the 2nd team in.  expecting your 2nd team defense to play as well as your first team defense is simply not realistic...not as long as they salary cap is around.  


having said all that, really the thing that hurt the most was going from Davis/Toler to Gordy/Purifoy.  Seriously, what team isn't going to see a difference in productivity when going from the #1/#2 CBs to the #4/#5 CBs?  Personally, I had no issue with the substitutions.   Yeah, I would have liked to have not seen them give up 14 points in the 4th quarter but the game was put away.  and once there were any questions, pagano said enough is enough, put the big boys back in.  This game was never in question and honestly that's all that matters imo.

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Forgive me for wanting the Colts to close out games on defense. I'm wanting this defense to finish the year as a top 10 defense. That can't happen with opposing offenses doing late drives on us with ease.

You can want a top defense all you want. The most important stat is a W. 


If a first stringer got hurt late in the 4th you would be complaining why is he on the field when its a blow out.

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Ummmm......   apologizing on a fans internet message board is NEVER a bad thing.    Never.


Wish more people here would understand that.      I've apologized a number of times here and I'm sure I'll need to apologize more in the future.


We're all here pulling and cheering for the Colts.    Being polite and respectful from time to time is a good thing.....



what a weird response. 

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I sure as heck am impressed! Once again, it was blitz central with Luck getting hit time and time again and still managing to hit his receivers. Yes, he made some bad throws, but what do you expect when you have guys in your face wanting to take your head off repeatedly? He is the MOST hit QB in the league, yet has managed to average 350 yards plus for the last several games. And the D played very well when it mattered after getting worked last week, on to the patriots!!!!!!

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Everyone's entitled to their opinion I just think the OP is overreacting slightly here. As other, much more knowledgable than me, posters have pointed out, we pulled the starters on D and it didn't quite work out, What's impressive is being in a position to do so, in a road game no less. The team had come a long way since 2012.

It's worth noting too I don't think Luck was in top form tonight, hard to be with so much pressure in your face, but he still rips off a 350+ yard 4 TD game.

In fact in hindsight, especially after last week, I'm very impressed with this win.

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Our defense still looked sloppy especially tackling. And allowing the Giants to just easily go down the field late in the 4th quarter drives me crazy. Why do some teams lay off defensely even when they are up a good bit? I never get that. Offensively, Luck wasn't completely on his game tonight, and part of that was because his OL couldn't keep the pocket clean. Other than that, we played alright. Wish we could have played Moncrief more though.


The objective is to win the game, not to do it with style points.  Therefore when up big late in the game team's back off so as to be weaker towards smaller gains that take up time but prevent a big play from happening.  That is why the defense appeared weaker in the 4th quarter.  It is better to allow the Giants to get a TD but to take 4 minutes in doing so then to see one good ball go over everyone's head for a TD and only taking 7 seconds to do so.


Luck had some bad throws but it's rare to have a game where the QB doesn't have any bad throws.  He was fine.  OL did well, Giants constantly dialed up the blitz but Luck was able to hang in long enough to get the ball where it needed to go.  Why do you think after Reggie beat that CB for the catch that there was no one left to tackle him?  Because they blitzed on that play and that's the risk you take when you dial up the blitz.  

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what a weird response. 


That's OK.....   I'm a bit of a weird guy!       :thmup:


I'm also on the older side for a fan here -- I'm 57.     And I've been on Internet fan message boards since 1999 and I'm aware that some treat them respectfully and some treat them like they're involved in a blood sport -- kill or be killed.


Look....   I've been here 2 and a half years and have more than 8500 posts.    You've been here a very short time and have less than 40.      I'm just offering a more seasoned perspective.


You can accept it or reject it.    Strictly up to you.    I'm not a moderator here.    I've got no juice.  


I just try to offer some food for thought and move on my way.


Welcome, and enjoy the website.    It's a fun little community.......

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Anybody else hear NFL Network continue to say that pass to Fleener was incomplete?

No it wasn't.

Sorry that's been driving me nuts.


Didn't hear that. . . the play by play guy and Gruden seemed to think that it wouldn't have mattered if they had gotten the flag out in time because the pass was complete.  

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Never, ever, criticize the play of the Colts, the talent of any team member, coaching staff, front office or any of their decisions.  If you do you're an *, crazy or both and should be euthanized immediately for the good of the world. By definition, whatever the team does is perfect, and if they lose it's always someone else's fault.


The moderator should only allow glowing kudos, accolades and atta-boys. (Dripping with sarcasm).

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First, no team is perfect - let's get used to that. Second, it's very difficult to figure out what is really going on "out there" during a game. When something doesn't go as planned the first instinct is to blame someone. A majority of the blame is put on the wrong person - it is a team sport, and that is complex.

My only thought about the game last night is that Andrew Luck should get hazardous duty pay. He's a football quarterback, not a wrestler or tackling dummy. Do I blame any one player on the OL? No. It is a team sport, and my opinion is that we, as a team, under-perform our talent level. While I could be wrong, I think I know why.

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Anybody else hear NFL Network continue to say that pass to Fleener was incomplete?

No it wasn't.

Sorry that's been driving me nuts.


Ummmmm,  all morning on NFL AM they have been showing the replay and talking about how it WAS a catch and would definitely NOT have been overturned. His knee was down when the ball started to move.

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Another perfect example of "not as good as it appeared" when the Colts win. The Giants were horrendous and NO I don't think its because the way the Colts played made them that way. The Colts did play sloppy and IMO are lucky it wasn't against a Patriot-nisque type team, like last week. Or IMO most on here would be crying the sky is falling.. again. Luck had defenders breathing down his neck early and often. Great job by him to get the passes off and burn them for blitzing on one hand but a lot of "where was he throwing to" on the other? IMO, Lance Louis was awful and Harrison not much better. The fumbled handoff to Allen, did he not know he was supposed to get the ball? But Bradshaw was alert enough, and the ball bounced right to him helped too, turned it into a big gain. A bad, sloppy play that turned out good, just like the score and game itself. Wins are always good, especially when the offense puts up 40 points. But the sloppy play, which has shown itself repeatedly this year has got to stop IF the Colts want to be real contenders against GOOD teams. Thats not ragging on them or being negative or never being happy as I feel the OP is being lambasted for, its the reality of needing to execute no matter who you`re playing against. Glad to get the win but still a lot to get cleaned up

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Sorry, but not impressed by win tonight



Perhaps you could have worded it differently, but Luck and pretty much every Colt said the same thing.  It wasn't their best football.  Strange game, really.  They looked pretty sloppy overall - on both sides.  Offensively, they were never really in a rhythm, yet were up 40-10 at one point.  If you can grind out a game with the passing game, that's exactly what they did.  They kept throwing it and eventually hit a big pass here and there.  Regardless of what is going on - poor pass protection, Luck is a bit inaccurate - I still what the game in Luck's and our receivers hands, because as was the case last night, I don't think anyone can stop us for 4 quarters.  The plays will eventually come. 

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What's not to be impressed about?  We were in a position to basically give up a TD every drive in the 4th quarter and still win.  Of course we're going to play prevent and force them to run the clock down and burn their timeouts.  As long as we don't make any agregious turnovers (which we didn't) and play average defense, there was practically nothing the Giants could have done to win that game in the 4th quarter.  When your offense puts up a ton of points and the defense stops them from keeping the game close, the defense has accomplished its primary objective.  That's why you hear people say that this game wasn't as close as the score indicated. 

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I think a lot of fans want us to win with alot of style and seem to find any little thing that didn't go perfectly to grasp onto and say they arn't happy with the win.


It wasn't perfect but it was a good win.


Now don't get me wrong we didn't play a really good team last night, so that should be kept in mind.  Giants are mediocre at best and they could be a bad team.  But the win was a solid day for us.  Not everything with perfect some mistakes where made, that's what happens.  And yes we backed off and allowed them to score because we where more interested in running the clock and preventing quick scores.  At that point the most important thing is to not allow a quick score.  Allowing them to score is alright if they have to bleed the game clock in doing so.  Objective accomplished in that regard. 

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Ummmmm, all morning on NFL AM they have been showing the replay and talking about how it WAS a catch and would definitely NOT have been overturned. His knee was down when the ball started to move.

Then they changed their tune. Last night they practically blamed that call for the Giants losing.

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Our defense still looked sloppy especially tackling. And allowing the Giants to just easily go down the field late in the 4th quarter drives me crazy. Why do some teams lay off defensely even when they are up a good bit? I never get that. Offensively, Luck wasn't completely on his game tonight, and part of that was because his OL couldn't keep the pocket clean. Other than that, we played alright. Wish we could have played Moncrief more though.

let me guess u like the games when we have a lot of stats then lose by 3 ....this ain't Madden a win is a win, giant was gonna just roll over and let us win get real,
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Our defense still looked sloppy especially tackling. And allowing the Giants to just easily go down the field late in the 4th quarter drives me crazy. Why do some teams lay off defensely even when they are up a good bit? I never get that. Offensively, Luck wasn't completely on his game tonight, and part of that was because his OL couldn't keep the pocket clean. Other than that, we played alright. Wish we could have played Moncrief more though.


Sorry, not impressed by this post. 

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I think a lot of fans want us to win with alot of style and seem to find any little thing that didn't go perfectly to grasp onto and say they arn't happy with the win.


It wasn't perfect but it was a good win.


Now don't get me wrong we didn't play a really good team last night, so that should be kept in mind.  Giants are mediocre at best and they could be a bad team.  But the win was a solid day for us.  Not everything with perfect some mistakes where made, that's what happens.  And yes we backed off and allowed them to score because we where more interested in running the clock and preventing quick scores.  At that point the most important thing is to not allow a quick score.  Allowing them to score is alright if they have to bleed the game clock in doing so.  Objective accomplished in that regard. 

That's right, you get nothing for style points.  It was a sloppy win primarily because on offense, the OLine still can't block on a consistent basis.  What I can't tell is are most of Luck's errant throws due ti pressure or his own inconsistency.  he left some plays on the field despite putting up 40 points. I'm totally nit-picking.  Defensively, we got away with some things.  The G-Maen dropped a lot of passes and they have no running game to speak of with the rookie. But my god - we gave up two garbage time TDs! You have to play the back ups when you can, next week or the following they could be starters in this league.  I think the coaches need to know who is ready and who is not - you can't always tell from practice.

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