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Which team in our division do you hate the most?


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Don't hate any of them.  Our division sort of lacks the strong rivalries like those in the NFC North.


Our biggest rival is maybe the Patriots and that was born out of mostly the Brady/Manning debates and because Manning has moved on that rivalry has cooled quite a bit.

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Re: No strong Rivalries in the South, I'm guessing if you asked Jags, Titan and Texan fans they'd all "hate" the Colts, though. 


As a Colt fan I have the most concern that the Texans will give this squad a run for the money and I "hate" losing in the AFC south. It always feels like something is really wrong when that happens. 

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Don't hate any of them. Our division sort of lacks the strong rivalries like those in the NFC North.

Our biggest rival is maybe the Patriots and that was born out of mostly the Brady/Manning debates and because Manning has moved on that rivalry has cooled quite a bit.

Agree with this. I wish we had a true division rivalry, maybe if the Texans eventually right their ship they could become a rival.

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None of them, I'd say the pats are the team colts fan hate the most, least in my neck of the woods, but i can tell you what player i hate the most in the south....Josh Scobee...every since he hit that 60 yarder to win, I just have an unnatural hatred for him..I know he's a kicker n all, but still, screw that dude..

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I don't hate any of them but if you go over to the other boards you will see them sipping on the hateraid. Just browsing the Texan's forum this week and it's over there in the giant Colts thread.


Can't blame them.


If we got owned by a team as badly as the Texans have by the Colts over the years, i'd sip on the hateraid as well.

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Re: No strong Rivalries in the South, I'm guessing if you asked Jags, Titan and Texan fans they'd all "hate" the Colts, though. 


As a Colt fan I have the most concern that the Texans will give this squad a run for the money and I "hate" losing in the AFC south. It always feels like something is really wrong when that happens. 


I would guess that you are right here.  Jags, Titans, and Texans fans probably all hate the Colts.  

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Don't hate any of them, dislike all of them.  Would tip the scale toward Tennessee though.  I like the Titans least. Texans could become a rival if they get lucky that a Petty, Mariota, or another top notch college QB (I think Winston needs another year at FSU) emerges and develops in the NFL before being damaged goods.

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I don't really hate any of them. I guess I like the Titans the least. I didn't care for Jeff Fisher, Cortland Finnergan, Albert Haynesworth, Chris Johnson. Now, the only player they have that I don't like is Bernard Pollard. I actually pull for the Texans when they aren't playing the Colts. I respect their fanbase and most of their players. Andre Johnson and JJ Watt are great on and off the field. I'd love for them to actually give us a run, not beat us, but a run. I want our division to be competitive.

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Re: No strong Rivalries in the South, I'm guessing if you asked Jags, Titan and Texan fans they'd all "hate" the Colts, though. 


As a Colt fan I have the most concern that the Texans will give this squad a run for the money and I "hate" losing in the AFC south. It always feels like something is really wrong when that happens. 


Most of us would say Tennessee most of all, because of the history. Then the Colts... ya big bully. 

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only hated the titans in the past when they had mcnair because he was good. they came within a yard or two to winning the super bowl 


Well technically a yard away from forcing overtime (or going ftw on the 2pt conversion). That was a hell of a finish.


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When Jax had a decent team they gave us fits...always seemed to beat us on a last second FG. And MJD would run all over us. Now, not so much. I'd say the Texans, mainly bc they won the divison 1 year and their fans thought the Colts reign was over. The Texans posters on here are cool, the regulars like Qwizboy...but for a bit they had a LOT of trash talkers coming on here.

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Personally the Texans are a team I like. I mean outside of the Colts I can see myself wanting to cheer on the Texans as long as it doesn't effect us.


I never liked the Titans really but I did like Jeff Fisher when he was the coach.


I was neutral about the Jags except I hated Jack Del Rio.


So... to sum this up



Texans = Like them

Titans = Disliked Them, liked Jeff Fisher as Head Coach

Jags = Neutral, hated Del Rio as Head Coach


I guess I have a little of everything for this division.



Now as far as the poster who said there is NO NFL TEAM that he hates is NOT a Colts fan! Rule #1 of being a COLTS fan...a TRUE Colts fan is to absolutely despise and hate Bill Belichick and the Patriots.

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I don't hate any of them. I have some  weird desire to see our division do well, specifically the Jaguars. I could see myself cheering for them if I wasn't a Colts fan. Also before I was super into football (IE arguing with people on an internet forum and spending a good amount of time here everyday) in 2011 I had this idea that division pride existed or something. I wanted the Texans to win the Superbowl since we couldn't. Then I realized that many of their fans are angry jerks towards the Colts, so that died fairly quickly. Nonetheless, I'd love to see our division become dominant . As long as we are still the best. 

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