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Satele getting mad on twitter?


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I had a degree of sympathy for Satele, I mean if you're trying your hardest and just happen to not be very good it's understandable. I mean the coaching staff kept putting him out there so they must shoulder some (most?) of the blame.


However this little exchange.... just blew all that sympathy away like the bad guy in Lethal Weapon 2. How to win friends and influence people!

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I had a degree of sympathy for Satele, I mean if you're trying your hardest and just happen to not be very good it's understandable. I mean the coaching staff kept putting him out there so they must shoulder some (most?) of the blame.

However this little exchange.... just blew all that sympathy away like the bad guy in Lethal Weapon 2. How to win friends and influence people!

The only player who tried their hardest on the Colts this season but just didn't work was DHB

Samson Satele is just flat out garbage. There is no trying. You ever see him try to block? I'd rather watch paint dry & sip some apple juice while doing so

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The only player who tried their hardest on the Colts this season but just didn't work waa DHB

Samson Satele is just flat out garbage. There is no trying. You ever see him try to block? I'd rather watch paint dry & sip some apple juice while doing so


Ha I was trying to be nice. Would agree about DHB effort, why I don't get a lot of the hate directed to him. Yeah he didn't work out but he wasn't an [insert expletive of choice] while here. 

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There is an article on RantSport, what states Satele was arguably the worst C in the NFL, I think he is mad about this article:




"Satele is arguably the worst center in the league and will cost Indianapolis over $5 million if he remains on the roster next year. Releasing him would bring a charge of just $1 million, so he absolutely needs to go.

Read more at http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/2014/01/20/5-indianapolis-colts-who-shouldnt-be-back-in-2014/?E4uXiCi5euPVjHHt.99"

Edited by HungarianColtsFan
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Gotta feel kind of bad for the guy. I wonder if I was a pro athlete if I would care if I sucked at the pro level? Seems like a decent family man from twitter, but he's the weakest link on our line, and seeing as how pep never calls outside runs, stretch plays, or tosses some change needs to be made.

Here's a thought, if satele is the worst c in the nfl, and Holmes can't start over him is Holmes our guy? Yeah yeah I know it takes rookies time to develop, but come on. If you can't start over the worst center in the league what do u bring to the table. Center and guard positions need to be addressed in free agency. Use the draft for defense since chuck is supposed to be great at coaching developing them.

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Gotta feel kind of bad for the guy. I wonder if I was a pro athlete if I would care if I sucked at the pro level? Seems like a decent family man from twitter, but he's the weakest link on our line, and seeing as how pep never calls outside runs, stretch plays, or tosses some change needs to be made.

Here's a thought, if satele is the worst c in the nfl, and Holmes can't start over him is Holmes our guy? Yeah yeah I know it takes rookies time to develop, but come on. If you can't start over the worst center in the league what do u bring to the table. Center and guard positions need to be addressed in free agency. Use the draft for defense since chuck is supposed to be great at coaching developing them.

Mrs Satele, don't get upset. Your son is a millionaire. He will be fine.

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Meh, I dont blame him really for him suckin so bad here in Indy, He is limited physically... good at getting up to the second level but not strong enough to hold blocks or maul someone, He wasn't good in Oakland either, if someone is to blame its Grigson for not spotting Satele lack of talent to begin with

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I can access twitter here at work, can someone copy/paste the tweet and the exchange everyone is talking about please? Thanks.

Samson Satele @satele64 4d

People with no knowledge of football shouldn't have any opinion... everyone has there opinion and there's mine...

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@satele64 but if this has anything to do with your play on the field. It's obvious that you aren't very good and you're replaceable.

11:06 a.m. Sat, Jan 18

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Samson Satele Samson Satele @satele64 4d

@eblack35 and it's people like you...smh you just read things and don't see the bigger picture....

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 read things? No I guess I don't watch every single Colts snap since I was 7 years old. Stop. Just get better. Period.

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Joe Salty Joe Salty @Joesalty0369 4d

@eblack35 @satele64 I agree with eblack... Don't play like % and people won't talk %.

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 if you need me to I have at least 5-7 images of your horrific blocking ability. Would you like them?

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Joe Salty Joe Salty @Joesalty0369 4d

@eblack35 @satele64 and I hate all these pros that can't handle the hate... It's part of the territory, deal with it

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Joe Salty Joe Salty @Joesalty0369 4d

@eblack35 @satele64 considering our 3 best rushing games were with mcglynn at center is proof enough... I like Samson but he is not good

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Samson Satele Samson Satele @satele64 4d

@eblack35 you don't understand it then... learn the bigger picture

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 and one last thing that you need to reply to. What's the bigger picture? You getting overpaid? You being a "pro". Again. Stop.

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Samson Satele Samson Satele @satele64 4d

@Joesalty0369 your name says it all...ha

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Samson Satele Samson Satele @satele64 4d

@eblack35 and your perfect... ?

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 bahahaha. wth is the bigger picture. EARN your contract, get off twitter and get in that weight room.

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Samson Satele Samson Satele @satele64 4d

@eblack35 things people like you will never understand...

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Samson Satele Samson Satele @satele64 4d

@eblack35 Ha Haaa child's play... so tough on the internet...

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Joe Salty Joe Salty @Joesalty0369 4d

@satele64 yeah I'm very salty about having to watch a center week after week that sucks... But it's okay, the colts are gonna cut you soon

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 actually I'm not and not afraid to admit it. You? You're a "pro" that is about to have no job. But I need to learn the bigger pic

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 how is that being tough? Accept that you need to get better. How does a guy like Luck say he needs to get better but you don't?

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EB35- EB35- @eblack35 4d

@satele64 accept the fact you're below average and need to get better daily. Until then you're a fraud on twitter just like on the field.

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Joe Salty Joe Salty @Joesalty0369 4d

@satele64 @eblack35 but he isn't paid millions to be perfect... You are

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This is one thread that I wish we had UNLIMITED LIKES!...  I am out already!


On one side I have been one of the very harshest of Satele critics starting with Jay Kirk's Head Bob catch Satele's first year...and we all saw it and ran with it. (Gotta give credit where credit is due)  His Whiff What the ____ blocking that even sportswriters have a field day on....just horrendous.


On the other side I see how it would hurt someone's feelings when 'kids' swear at him on Twitter.  Just do not respond Samson....you have made your money and it is time to go.  Simple as that.  I heard the Argonauts need a center and will add the Satele Bobblehead Night to their season ticket package.  :)


Samson.  Please do not take this wrong, but it is YOU that does not understand the big picture:  We thought you were better than this when we signed you.  Grigs gave you one last chance.  Good Luck.  Take care of those knees...

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This is one thread that I wish we had UNLIMITED LIKES!...  I am out already!


On one side I have been one of the very harshest of Satele critics starting with Jay Kirk's Head Bob catch Satele's first year...and we all saw it and ran with it. (Gotta give credit where credit is due)  His Whiff What the ____ blocking that even sportswriters have a field day on....just horrendous.


On the other side I see how it would hurt someone's feelings when 'kids' swear at him on Twitter.  Just do not respond Samson....you have made your money and it is time to go.  Simple as that.  I heard the Argonauts need a center and will add the Satele Bobblehead Night to their season ticket package.   :)


Samson.  Please do not take this wrong, but it is YOU that does not understand the big picture:  We thought you were better than this when we signed you.  Grigs gave you one last chance.  Good Luck.  Take care of those knees...

:thmsup: LIKE !!

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Satele should not have responded.  I agree with him that the tweeters (I'm not on twitter so I have no idea what those who tweet are called.  I call them twits but I don't think that is correct) probably know very little about football and it was proven with the fool that made the comment about watching every Colts snap since he was 7.  Even if that were true that is less than 1/10 the snaps Satele has done since he's been with the Colts, let alone in his career.

As far as the bigger picture, it is line calls, film study, understanding the D, how he does on the game plan tests, changing line calls, play of the guards, etc.  I think Satele is an average center who is not very strong by NFL standards (I've said that since the first time I saw him play in the preseason) and the Colts could get by with him at center if they had good guard play on both sides.  Not for $5 mil, IMO, but I don't make the calls on the purse strings.

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Meh, I dont blame him really for him suckin so bad here in Indy, He is limited physically... good at getting up to the second level but not strong enough to hold blocks or maul someone, He wasn't good in Oakland either, if someone is to blame its Grigson for not spotting Satele lack of talent to begin with


For the money in hand, and the desperate need to fill a roster, at the time, I don't blame Grigson.

I don't know who has been available since then, but I thought we all understood that some stop gap players were brought in to fill the roster, and would be replaced when we could do so.


Last year seemed to be about improving the bottom of the roster, and a few more stop gaps, more than anything.

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For the money in hand, and the desperate need to fill a roster, at the time, I don't blame Grigson.

I don't know who has been available since then, but I thought we all understood that some stop gap players were brought in to fill the roster, and would be replaced when we could do so.


Last year seemed to be about improving the bottom of the roster, and a few more stop gaps, more than anything.

Yeah definitly...But we did throw 10.8 mill at Satele with 3.9 guaranteed, Im having trouble logging onto spotrac to see who else we could have potentially had at that price at Center, Just seems like we could have done a little better there....Maybe not, not complaining of course, its all done and over

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If I was an athlete or any one in the public eye, no way would I be on twitter.  I am just not sure the good outweighs the bad.  It gives the * a voice and even if the guy that Satele is going back and forth with is right, having to deal with that garbage is just wrong. 

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If I was an athlete or any one in the public eye, no way would I be on twitter.  I am just not sure the good outweighs the bad.  It gives the * a voice and even if the guy that Satele is going back and forth with is right, having to deal with that garbage is just wrong. 


Had he never sent that original tweet this little argument would have never happened.  He brought that upon himself. If you are this thinned skinned one should definitely not be on twitter.


I will be glad when he is cut and we find an upgrade at that position.

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