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Anyone know what exactly happened to Bradshaw on this play?


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I thought he was just gassed out. I think a timeout was called and he just collapsed from being exhausted. Let's see if his name pops up on the injury report before we panic


That looked a lot worse then just being gassed.


Dude completely lost his legs. 

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Not saying this is the case, but you can be woozy and seeing stars from a blow to the head, without it being a concussion.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. Cause Havili got whacked too but he stayed in the game. I'm sure he saw a few tweety birds while he was down though. The 49ers had a few good hits on us but we came out on top as the more physical team when it was all said & done

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I was wondering about that myself, When the trainers got out there it looked like they were tending to his left shoulder and arm.

It could have been a stinger to the shoulder which could have effected his spine too, and caused the legs to collapse like that but I really don't know.

I was surprised he came back so quickly too. Didn't seem to cause problems with his play though.

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I saw that when it happened but they did not replay it, he was pretty wobbly!  He looked great after and continued to get better as the game progressed.  Probably got his bell rung, also he did not have a preseason and could be a mixture of both.  I would be surprised to see him on the report, but this team and the rest of the NFL seems to be losing quality players left and right for the season.  Henry Melton Bears pro bowler is done for the year tearing his acl last night...I hope we can just stay healthy and I think we have a shot against everybody...GO COLTS!!!!

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That type of collapse could also be from dehydration.  You can lose control of your muscles/get very light headed when you're extremely dehydrated.  Throw in a few hard tackles here and there and you might have yourself a collapse that looks like that.

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doesn't look good. dude is either hard-core or irresponsible coaching / trainer staff.  I wouldn't be surprised if he took the weekend off, we shouldn't chance it and also TRich will get more touches and also Brown is killin' the YPC thing so yea, sit him out.  If the coaching staff sees this video, that's all it would take.

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video gone, but yeah when I saw it on game day I was like, uh-oh..............musta' been a hella' stinger if he passed the concussion test and or it was determined to be a stinger.....those types of injuries can linger and compound with successive hits so it should be a concern for going to jaggy land........

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I was wondering about that myself, When the trainers got out there it looked like they were tending to his left shoulder and arm.

It could have been a stinger to the shoulder which could have effected his spine too, and caused the legs to collapse like that but I really don't know.

I was surprised he came back so quickly too. Didn't seem to cause problems with his play though.

Sometimes a stinger is painful enough to bring you to your knees. Lets hope he is OK. I haven't seen anything as far as an injury report at this time. 

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He knew something was wrong...that's why when he hit his knees he grabbed his shoulder to play it off...players want to play...just like they don't call an nfl limo when drunk...a player does not want to be known for having concussions or for partying . It effects their money. That's the bottom line

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I know a lot of people on this forum never played football for various reasons (I'm not knocking it I'm just stating it).  But his legs weren't wobbly, he lost control of them and then you see his arm shake, that is not Bradshaw shaking his arm that is his body shaking his arm... it's a pinched nerve in the spinal column, where two vertebrae come together and compress a nerve.


It's not serious (most of the time) but you have to get the pressure off the nerve quickly and that is why you saw a few shots of him during the rest of the game when he was on the sideline and they were rubbing his neck... it was to keep the vertebrae from compressing on the nerve.  When they happen, the areas of the body that are connected to that nerve feels the same as the tingling feeling you get when a limb falls asleep and depending on the nerve those body parts can shake uncontrollably until the pressure is released from the nerve.

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Not saying this is the case, but you can be woozy and seeing stars from a blow to the head, without it being a concussion.


I'm not sure that's correct....    I believe being woozy and seeing stars is the definition of the lowest level of concussion.


I think there are three levels of concussions...   and I think that's level 1.


If there's a doctor in the house,  it'd be good to weigh in here....

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I'm not sure that's correct.... I believe being woozy and seeing stars is the definition of the lowest level of concussion.

I think there are three levels of concussions... and I think that's level 1.

If there's a doctor in the house, it'd be good to weigh in here....

I know for a fact that I've been hit in the head so hard I've stumbled over, couldn't walk right for a few minutes. and seeing black and stars, and had a doctor clear me of a concussion.

Over protective moms and what not lol.

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