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Our Next Opponent is very Very Dangerous....


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.... and, no, I'm not kidding, nor am I on drugs or under the influence of alcohol.

I'm serious.

The Jacksonville Jaguars, a candidate for the first pick overall in next year's draft, are a dangerous team for us to play this week for many reasons... here are some...

-- They're 0-2. And forgive the cliche, but they're a wounded animal backed into a corner. They do not want to start 0-3 including a loss to the Colts, who they likely see as a good chance for a win.

-- MJD is back, Gabbert, though he came up lame yesterday, reportedly is much improved today, and his overall performance is better than last year. And Blackmon could cause match-up problems. And speaking of match-up problems, I give you TE Marcedes Lewis.

-- We're coming off a win. It could be very, very easy for a young team like the Colts to come to practice today feeling good about themselves and realizing we're playing a poor team this week and take them lightly. A young team is very likely to do this. Pagano and his staff have to get their attention today, or certainly by Wednesday when practice really starts. We do not want to take them lightly.

-- Coaches like to say 'you are what you are on film'... and on film, the Colts still have plenty of issues. The Jags will see them and see if they can't exploit them. We will not be heavy favorites this week. Favored, yes. Heavily favored, I don't think so.

-- Our OL is atrocious. I'm holding out hope it will improve (somewhat) during the course of this year, but no team can survive 16 games with a line this bad. Luck can only overcome so much.

-- Because our OL is so poor, so is our running game. It's hard enough to win in the NFL in perfect conditions, but when you're reduced to being one dimensional, it's a recipe for a loss.

-- And because our OL is so poor, Andrew is always running for his life. And you know this topic

drives me crazy!

This is enough to get the conversation started.... but the bottom line is this.... a win this week is far, Far, FAR from a sure thing. Don't take the Jags for granted. Not as a fan. And hopefully, not by our players.

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The Jags have given us fits a lot and mostly IMO due to the human bowling bowl they have at RB. I feel more comfortable at the moment with the run D then I have in recent years though.

I know they are 0-2 but at the same time they did sweep us last year and I feel this has to stop......we gotta get a win over them.

I would prefer to go into the bye week 2-1 and this would bring an immense amount of confidence to this squad considering the schedule gets A LOT more difficult starting with Green Bay.

Oh, and I doubt any Colts fan is going to overlook ANY team lol. Or the Colts themselves.

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We were 2-14 last year every team we play this year is very dangerous lol

Absolutely. But every team in the NFL can say that about their opponent, right. NE probably said that about Arizona and people probably laughed.

Yes, the Jags have always played tight us to the end, no matter how good we were or bad they were. This game will be no different.

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Oh man I'm shakin in my boots about the Jags LOL I think there a horrible team, sure ain't no Green Bay Packers! They only got one good player thats Drew, and if the Colts can stop Peterson they can stop Drew! I think Ponder is alot better than Gabbert so not worried about him at all!!! Colts blow them out of the water 38 to 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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aslong as we have replacement refs, every team is dangerous to every team. heck philly beat baltimore on the road and arizona beat new england on the road. so id say every team is dangerous to every team.

BUT really all jax has is MJD. Gabbert had a decent game against minnesota. but so did luck. the jags have a RB who was able to establish the passing game for jax, the colts really dont have that luxury and still beat minnesota. im not taking anything away from jax because division games are always the toughest games to win, but the colts will pull this off. 24-20.

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Good.... I'm glad to see my friends here recognize this game is not going to be a cake-walk.

Yes, it's a winnable game. I've had it pegged as a win since the day the schedule came out. It's at home and we should be favored and we should win.

But this is a potential let-down game for a young team thrilled to get their first win and playing a lesser opponent. We just can not overlook the Jags.

Pagano and his staff really have their jobs cut out for them this week. They really need to make sure the team is seriously focused on this game. We're just not good enough to beat a lesser team with less than our "A" game. Anything less and we're all going to be disappointed Sunday night.

And none of us wants that to happen.... :no:

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I have only few thoughts:

1.As far as I know Gabbert is out with hamstring injury (it was yesterday on nfl.com, was there any update)

2. You all made valid points, every team is dangerous for us, this is a new team filled with rookies, young players and a handful of vets,

3. Some of our key-players are hurt. (Satele, Freeney, Angerer, Reitz, Justice...etc.)

4. I see some prospect since last week. We were playing better this Sunday, Luck had a little better protect (though he still had to run a lot).

5. We will play at LOS. Based on preseason and 2 weeks of regular season, we have good chance to win at home, however 6 games represent a small sample...

So I wouldn't like to look into a crystal ball (or Orthanc), or ring doomsday's bell. Jax was always a hard target for us, but I think the coaching staff and Luck can manage this one too. One is for sure: there will be no place for ultraconservative play this game. If we can hold back MJD we will be just fine.

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In a lot of ways we are playing a worse version of the team we just played this past week. With that said I've seen enough good Colts teams lose to bad Jags teams to know not to over look them.

I think the samething can get the Colts in trouble that could have against the Vikings. Our O-line has to be able to hold up to their pass rush which isn't nearly as dangerous as the Vikings pass rush but our o-line is so poor that might not matter much. Then on defense we have to stop MJD which isn't something I am sure the Colts have ever done. The good news is that I think that Redding and Moala being back at his real poistion of 3/4 end have improved our run defense. I don't think they are great but they aren't a joke like they used to be. With that said, still the best to take MJD out of the game is to do what the Colts did on Sunday get out to a lead and make the Jags play from behind and take the run out of the game that way.

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Like coach Pagano said "The enemy is within us". As long as we play Colts Football for 60 minutes we will be fine. I don't have any uneasy feelings about this game in my stomach. The offensive line will begin shaping up starting with this game, I believe we should be getting Justice back this week which will help. If we can keep Essex in at guard, and either Mcglynn or Reitz at the other guard I expect we should see some improvement. I'm concerned about MJD, but not as much as I have been in the past colts seasons because I think the run defense is getting more stout and the defense overall is better than it used to be at this point already. I think strategically we are going to play the same defensive game we played against Minnesota

I expect nothing but a win.

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I just hope he doesn't get injured, because that Oline is just plain bad

This is more in response to O line topics overall....your's is just the last one I happened to read. Yes, we all wish that the O line was better and yes, we all wish we had the line we hope to have in 3 years today. However, Luck was sacked twice and hurried 5 times if I remember correctly. This with a line playing only 2 of its original starters coming out of camp, and 1 out of position, against what is universally accepted as an excellent D line sporting Jared Allen and his 22 sacks last year. As always, the specifics can be much different than the generalities. We are not the only team getting our QB hit, and we won't be the only team getting our QB hit 3 years from now. P Manning was sacked multiple times last night behind what is "generally" accepted as one of the very best O lines in football.

Because our line is "generally" bad, we overreact to every specific failing, even when the accumulated specifics for a given game indicate that the line played a "generally" serviceable game.

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this game has problems written all over it for us. hate to say, didn't want to say, until i saw this post. unfortunatley you can come back to this very post to see that i was right after the Jax game is adacemic. i hate it , i hate it , i hate it.. ... but it's the reality of the NFL. It just aint easy to win a game. I regret EJ coming to ring and us not getting the win.

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This is more in response to O line topics overall....your's is just the last one I happened to read. Yes, we all wish that the O line was better and yes, we all wish we had the line we hope to have in 3 years today. However, Luck was sacked twice and hurried 5 times if I remember correctly. This with a line playing only 2 of its original starters coming out of camp, and 1 out of position, against what is universally accepted as an excellent D line sporting Jared Allen and his 22 sacks last year. As always, the specifics can be much different than the generalities. We are not the only team getting our QB hit, and we won't be the only team getting our QB hit 3 years from now. P Manning was sacked multiple times last night behind what is "generally" accepted as one of the very best O lines in football.

Because our line is "generally" bad, we overreact to every specific failing, even when the accumulated specifics for a given game indicate that the line played a "generally" serviceable game.

I am more worried about our line because our QB is young, and usually young QBs who aren't protected well early in their career, don't have great careers. I have a good feeling that our line will get better with time and experience but right now, it doesn't look good if Luck has to lay his body on the line every single play

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I am more worried about our line because our QB is young, and usually young QBs who aren't protected well early in their career, don't have great careers. I have a good feeling that our line will get better with time and experience but right now, it doesn't look good if Luck has to lay his body on the line every single play

Because young QB's are usually on bad teams, being well protected is the exception for them, not the rule. Mostly its part of their training - good ones figure it out and tend to get better with their line. They make each other better, in part, over time. There is no line good enough to protect a young QB who holds the ball too long, and most young QB's would like to hold the ball longer than available because they are not certain of what they are seeing. Thus, David Carr was as much the problem as his poor line was.

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Oh man I'm shakin in my boots about the Jags LOL I think there a horrible team, sure ain't no Green Bay Packers! They only got one good player thats Drew, and if the Colts can stop Peterson they can stop Drew! I think Ponder is alot better than Gabbert so not worried about him at all!!! Colts blow them out of the water 38 to 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Colts didn't stop Peterson the Vikes rotated him alot, their ground attack was successful just not enough for the win thankfully

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If we contain the run as much as possible and force the jags to take to the air as we did with the Vikes, then we can win this game. Also there line is pretty bad, i would go as far to say the patchwork of a line we have is better than there's if that accounts for anything lol. So i expect our pass rushers to put heat on Gabbert something we failed to do to Ponder the whole second half of the game.

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I am more worried about our line because our QB is young, and usually young QBs who aren't protected well early in their career, don't have great careers. I have a good feeling that our line will get better with time and experience but right now, it doesn't look good if Luck has to lay his body on the line every single play

but he's not putting his body on the line every play....that's just overreaction. aaron rodgers was sacked and hit more against the bears than luck was. plus luck isn't really taking hard shots. granted, u never want to get sacked by a 300lb lineman, but i worry far more about the kind of shot he took from london fletcher in preseason. if he can stay away from those he will be fine imo.

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.... and, no, I'm not kidding, nor am I on drugs or under the influence of alcohol.

I'm serious.

The Jacksonville Jaguars, a candidate for the first pick overall in next year's draft, are a dangerous team for us to play this week for many reasons... here are some...

-- They're 0-2. And forgive the cliche, but they're a wounded animal backed into a corner. They do not want to start 0-3 including a loss to the Colts, who they likely see as a good chance for a win.

-- MJD is back, Gabbert, though he came up lame yesterday, reportedly is much improved today, and his overall performance is better than last year. And Blackmon could cause match-up problems. And speaking of match-up problems, I give you TE Marcedes Lewis.

-- We're coming off a win. It could be very, very easy for a young team like the Colts to come to practice today feeling good about themselves and realizing we're playing a poor team this week and take them lightly. A young team is very likely to do this. Pagano and his staff have to get their attention today, or certainly by Wednesday when practice really starts. We do not want to take them lightly.

-- Coaches like to say 'you are what you are on film'... and on film, the Colts still have plenty of issues. The Jags will see them and see if they can't exploit them. We will not be heavy favorites this week. Favored, yes. Heavily favored, I don't think so.

-- Our OL is atrocious. I'm holding out hope it will improve (somewhat) during the course of this year, but no team can survive 16 games with a line this bad. Luck can only overcome so much.

-- Because our OL is so poor, so is our running game. It's hard enough to win in the NFL in perfect conditions, but when you're reduced to being one dimensional, it's a recipe for a loss.

-- And because our OL is so poor, Andrew is always running for his life. And you know this topic

drives me crazy!

This is enough to get the conversation started.... but the bottom line is this.... a win this week is far, Far, FAR from a sure thing. Don't take the Jags for granted. Not as a fan. And hopefully, not by our players.

we play them twice an year and its always a batle with MJD...we were 2-14 last year and qwe won by 3 last week...nobody's taking anybody lightly

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I have only few thoughts:

1.As far as I know Gabbert is out with hamstring injury (it was yesterday on nfl.com, was there any update)

2. You all made valid points, every team is dangerous for us, this is a new team filled with rookies, young players and a handful of vets,

3. Some of our key-players are hurt. (Satele, Freeney, Angerer, Reitz, Justice...etc.)

4. I see some prospect since last week. We were playing better this Sunday, Luck had a little better protect (though he still had to run a lot).

5. We will play at LOS. Based on preseason and 2 weeks of regular season, we have good chance to win at home, however 6 games represent a small sample...

So I wouldn't like to look into a crystal ball (or Orthanc), or ring doomsday's bell. Jax was always a hard target for us, but I think the coaching staff and Luck can manage this one too. One is for sure: there will be no place for ultraconservative play this game. If we can hold back MJD we will be just fine.

Heard Monday night on ESPN that Gabbert wiil play..

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