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2022 Season Opener, Colts @ Texans, Sept. 11, 2022, 1 PM EDT


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I still put it entirely on frank Reich, that guy needs to go. Plain and simple to me. For those of you arguing the players have to play it’s not Reich’s fault Ryan fumbled the snap…it’s Reich’s fault that we are never prepared, he sucks at calling plays and he sucks at motivating his players. Plain and simple.

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1 minute ago, coming on strong said:

people blowing smoke for a gm who after today will have a losing record as a gm .   this is his team for 6 years and the roster is overrated .   bad offensive line that cant block  ,zero pass rush  and below average wr core

He’s a top 5 GM. Patience 

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18 minutes ago, DougDew said:

They can't be on the field much, or else you take away the three-WR set or 2 TE set.  If they are on the field alot, then you are advertising a gadget play, or, if you don't run it, there is one less blocker.


To have two RBs in the same backfield together, at least one needs to be able to lead block for the times when you just run JT normally.   Hines is pretty useless as a RB and always has been.  Sometimes he flashes with a good play, but he's not a guy that fits well into most situations that would allow him to be on the field alot. 


Agree about Lindsay...which would reduce Hines snaps even more...and making his $6mil extension a real head scratcher as it should be.  

Thank God we signed Nelson to 20 million a year. He's a transcendent talent and u can really see the effect he is having on the offensive out put. Man he is irreplaceable.

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