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Michael Wilbon's Remark on Luck's Future With The Colts

King Colt

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Michael Wilbon on Pardon The Interruption said to day if the Colts don't take the weight of the team off Lucks shoulder soon he should go to his agent and say, "Get me the $%#@ out of here". This is the third such comment I have heard on the Colts front office in a pregame show and  I believe a reference was made to this effect during the game. Yesterday 17 rushes and 49 passes......balance? not quite. Gore was good for 31 yards on 8 carries. Luck was  26-49 with 2 int's and spent way too much time near the wrong end zone.

Granted I want to see Buffalo vs, New England next only to compare every facet of the Pats success or failures. Here in Houston their fans are screaming for a QB much like they have been doing since Carr left.

Tonight DeMarco Murrey had 8 yards rushing the first half so everyone has problems but when the number bare out the problem it is not objective judgment calls, it is fact and if and when Luck gets whacked and is out until further notice then maybe we will hear Indy management say something intelligent. 

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Michael Wilbon on Pardon The Interruption said to day if the Colts don't take the weight of the team off Lucks shoulder soon he should go to his agent and say, "Get me the $%#@ out of here". This is the third such comment I have heard on the Colts front office in a pregame show and  I believe a reference was made to this effect during the game. Yesterday 17 rushes and 49 passes......balance? not quite. Gore was good for 31 yards on 8 carries. Luck was  26-49 with 2 int's and spent way too much time near the wrong end zone.

Granted I want to see Buffalo vs, New England next only to compare every facet of the Pats success or failures. Here in Houston their fans are screaming for a QB much like they have been doing since Carr left.

Tonight DeMarco Murrey had 8 yards rushing the first half so everyone has problems but when the number bare out the problem it is not objective judgment calls, it is fact and if and when Luck gets whacked and is out until further notice then maybe we will hear Indy management say something intelligent.

 Luck is the one making the pre-snap calls/audibles. The play-calling was as much, if not more, on him than the coaches.

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Michael Wilbon on Pardon The Interruption said to day if the Colts don't take the weight of the team off Lucks shoulder soon he should go to his agent and say, "Get me the $%#@ out of here". This is the third such comment I have heard on the Colts front office in a pregame show and  I believe a reference was made to this effect during the game. Yesterday 17 rushes and 49 passes......balance? not quite. Gore was good for 31 yards on 8 carries. Luck was  26-49 with 2 int's and spent way too much time near the wrong end zone.

Granted I want to see Buffalo vs, New England next only to compare every facet of the Pats success or failures. Here in Houston their fans are screaming for a QB much like they have been doing since Carr left.

Tonight DeMarco Murrey had 8 yards rushing the first half so everyone has problems but when the number bare out the problem it is not objective judgment calls, it is fact and if and when Luck gets whacked and is out until further notice then maybe we will hear Indy management say something intelligent. 


I like Michael Wilbon.    I normally find him to be a pretty thoughtful guy.


And while many QB's in today's world might do what he suggests,   does ANY OF THAT sound like Andrew Luck?


Any?     Anything at all?     Anyone?    


Don't worry about what Mike Wilbon says.....     good guy,  stupid comment.

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 Luck is the one making the pre-snap calls/audibles. The play-calling was as much, if not more, on him than the coaches.

Well first im not hearing anything proving that and even if is was him not executing is not on luck there were a number of mistake that cost the colts that game it wasn't just luck I really like how everytime the colts lose a game its lucks fault we need to get rid of him joking or not its just pathetic because like it or not luck is the only player holding this team together and its because our GM is not putting a team around him that can help him. Its the same offense, Defense, and special teams every year its pathetic and pagano is a terrible  head coach time for a change pep he makes mistakes in his play calling all the time look at last year then look at last sundys game. We goo from stretch play to Richardson to lets throw deep all the time and have it not work.

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Well first im not hearing anything proving that and even if is was him not executing is not on luck there were a number of mistake that cost the colts that game it wasn't just luck I really like how everytime the colts lose a game its lucks fault we need to get rid of him joking or not its just pathetic because like it or not luck is the only player holding this team together and its because our GM is not putting a team around him that can help him. Its the same offense, Defense, and special teams every year its pathetic and pagano is a terrible  head coach time for a change pep he makes mistakes in his play calling all the time look at last year then look at last sundys game. We goo from stretch play to Richardson to lets throw deep all the time and have it not work.


Well you aren't reading much either.... Also it was confirmed last year by the coaches, specifically Pep, who said Luck is handling the audibles/pre-snap stuff at the line. Pagano confirmed the same in his presser yesterday. By all means, you can make excuses for the guy all you want, but you're preaching to the wrong guy on that nonsense.

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Well you aren't reading much either.... Also it was confirmed last year by the coaches, specifically Pep, who said Luck is handling the audibles/pre-snap stuff at the line. Pagano confirmed the same in his presser yesterday. By all means, you can make excuses for the guy all you want, but you're preaching to the wrong guy on that nonsense.

I think the world of Andrew Luck's intelligence and talent. But I worry that he his being given the responsibility for changing the plays without having the necessary education and sufficient knowledge to do so. That points to inadequate coaching, IMO. There is a huge difference between sandlot football and pro football, but both kinds of games are "played".


No one, no matter how talented, can reach their potential without good coaching. That's true in football, business, almost any aspect of life.

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Wilbon is boring and never tells you anything that you didn't already know.  The opposite of what he should be.  He has zero ability to predict the outcome of a situation, so I'm not worried at all about Luck. 


I am, however, concerned about the whole Pagano/Grigson thing because Glazer and Kravitz have said something, and they have been known to break a story or 2 in their time.

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According to Pagano, Luck checked out of run plays because Buff had a loaded box. So, I think it is uneducated to completely throw the Colts staff under the bus. Luck deserves part of the blame for the poor offensive showing, as do Pags, Pep, Chud, Clyde, and other players. 


I'm not bashing Luck, I just think people need to realize that Luck is part of the problem...he is also the solution and will be in Indy for a while. 

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Then force him to play. If I was the qb and I wanted to leave and you franchised tag me I would be throwing int ever game and laughing about it.


And then... no good team would want to sign you because you act more like a spoiled brat than a professional QB.


Has everyone on this forum completely lost their minds? Seriously, is everyone here insane?

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Andrew Luck isn't going anywhere.

Indeed...he would be giving up a ton of money that we have carved out for him to just play out his contract. On top of that we could franchise tag him in consecutive years etc....he isn't going anywhere. However he could lean on Irsay to make changes at HC/GM if he so chose....or sit out/demand a trade. All highly unlikely scenerios but he could definately have private conversations etc. The team has tried to help with the running game...adding Bradshaw, Trent, Frank....the OL though hasn't had the same attention outside of Cherilus but its just a fact of life. Luck needs to get rid of the ball faster and get his team into better plays if he wants to take less hits....he has who he has...Tarik Glenn isn't walking in that door....Jeff Saturday isn't walking in that door...we got to win with what we have and thats a big part of being an all-time great. Peyton/Tom they haven't always had great lines...they learned to read defenses pre-snap and get rid of the ball fast and to the open receiver....Luck is still learning...but games like Sunday will only speed that up if he hasn't figured it out yet.

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Then force him to play. If I was the qb and I wanted to leave and you franchised tag me I would be throwing int ever game and laughing about it.

And if you were thought to have intentionally thrown games in such a way as you suggest, he'd never be signed by anyone.  It would appear as if he were throwing it for gambling or other reasons and he'd be black balled and his next contract would be crap.   Luck is stuck with Indy unless he waits out 3 straight years of single year contracts with no further guarantees in case of career ending injury.  Is it possible he could eventually get out? Sure, but not for a long time and not with a reputation or legacy worthy of notice and likely a lot of infamy.  So get real man. 

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Wilbon loves to stir the pot. The play calling was just as much Luck's fault as anyone's. Anyone remember the games that Peyton Manning threw 3-4 int's and looked bad? Take a deep breath people.


As for the front office, Grigson needs to look in the mirror with the number of washout free agents he has signed, his first round failures and failing to invest properly in the offensive line.


Honestly, you can look at my posts from last week, I thought we would have a very tough time with Buffalo so the fact that we lost does not surprise me. It's a marathon not a sprint.

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I think the world of Andrew Luck's intelligence and talent. But I worry that he his being given the responsibility for changing the plays without having the necessary education and sufficient knowledge to do so. That points to inadequate coaching, IMO. There is a huge difference between sandlot football and pro football, but both kinds of games are "played".


No one, no matter how talented, can reach their potential without good coaching. That's true in football, business, almost any aspect of life.

I agree.  They (us fans are part of they) are asking him to be year 6-12 Peyton in Luck's 3rd/4th year.  People, and coaches, need to realize that.  

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