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Buffalo Could Be In For A Surprise...with The Rest Of The Nfl Taking Note.

Lawrence Owen

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With the new front 7, I can see Manusky being VERY aggressive on D vrs. Buffalo.


Their biggest threat is the running game and Tyrod's movement skills.  If Irving, Moore, or Mathis play at all with our starting D-line, I can see many, many blitzes.  Not just to pressure the QB, but run blitzing on 1st and second down.

The Bills o-line is just as questionable as our own...And if we send an extra guy or two early and often, We could cause a lot of confusion in their blocking.  

From the tape I have seen on Irving and Moore, these guys are fast, hard hitting play makers that could create havoc in the backfield, especially with the kind of talent we have on the D-line-more penetraters rather than lane cloggers-.  Manusky should take full advantage of the skill-sets he has to work with.

Blitzing will clog lanes and put guys in the backfield, making it tougher for speed RB's like McCoy to make reads and choose a lane.

It will also play havoc on an inexperienced QB like Tyrod.  It will lessen the time he has to make progressions and make him move with his feet.  I think making him make decisions under duress is our best option.

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Manusky should take full advantage of the skill-sets he has to work with.


There has been a lot of talk about how well the brand new and young DL+ILB will do, but the big question mark is on Manusky too. It is time for him to step up and show that he is good enough because he has to be much more creative to get the most out of this new defense.

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With the new front 7, I can see Manusky being VERY aggressive on D vrs. Buffalo.


Their biggest threat is the running game and Tyrod's movement skills.  If Irving, Moore, or Mathis play at all with our starting D-line, I can see many, many blitzes.  Not just to pressure the QB, but run blitzing on 1st and second down.

The Bills o-line is just as questionable as our own...And if we send an extra guy or two early and often, We could cause a lot of confusion in their blocking.  

From the tape I have seen on Irving and Moore, these guys are fast, hard hitting play makers that could create havoc in the backfield, especially with the kind of talent we have on the D-line-more penetraters rather than lane cloggers-.  Manusky should take full advantage of the skill-sets he has to work with.

Blitzing will clog lanes and put guys in the backfield, making it tougher for speed RB's like McCoy to make reads and choose a lane.

It will also play havoc on an inexperienced QB like Tyrod.  It will lessen the time he has to make progressions and make him move with his feet.  I think making him make decisions under duress is our best option.


I think if any team could be "in for a surprise" it's the Colts....


I don't think we're a lock to win this.     It's in Buffalo.   And it's Buddy Ryan's first game.    And their defense is terrific.


I think we win.   But I think we'll have our hands full the entire game and hold on for a close win in the 4th Q.  


Perhaps 4 points.    Perhaps 24-20,  or 27-23,  or even 20-16.    I see it that close.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong.    I'd be thrilled if we win handily.

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I think if any team could be "in for a surprise" it's the Colts....

I don't think we're a lock to win this. It's in Buffalo. And it's Buddy Ryan's first game. And their defense is terrific.

I think we win. But I think we'll have our hands full the entire game and hold on for a close win in the 4th Q.

Perhaps 4 points. Perhaps 24-20, or 27-23, or even 20-16. I see it that close.

As always in these cases, I hope I'm wrong. I'd be thrilled if we win handily.

Their front 4 is great, but their back 7 is not very good. Allen and Fleener will be chipping/blocking A LOT, but that secondary is probably going to get abused if Luck is getting rid of the ball, and seeing the open man, quickly. I'm sure Pep will keep the routes a little shorter at first to help keep that front 4 contained, but as they wear down I see the longer plays being rotated in later into the game.

I'm not saying I think we will blow out Buffalo either, but I think the Colts/Luck will be fine with out-matching their secondary.

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Their front 4 is great, but their back 7 is not very good. Allen and Fleener will be chipping/blocking A LOT, but that secondary is probably going to get abused if Luck is getting rid of the ball, and seeing the open man, quickly. I'm sure Pep will keep the routes a little shorter at first to help keep that front 4 contained, but as they wear down I see the longer plays being rotated in later into the game.

I'm not saying I think we will blow out Buffalo either, but I think the Colts/Luck will be fine with out-matching their secondary.

We should be fine with out-matching ANYONE'S secondary this year if everyone stays healthy... I still think it'll be closer than most think though. 

Either way, I cannot wait for the first REAL game of football to begin!

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Manusky certainly has a bigger challenge than Pep.

Exactly. Is why i say he should use the skills his players have. Speed and penetration is what these new guys do. I do not think he should take the 'wait and see what they play and react to it' philosophy he has done in the past.  He needs to be the aggressor, make them react to us.


I think if any team could be "in for a surprise" it's the Colts....


I don't think we're a lock to win this.     It's in Buffalo.   And it's Buddy Ryan's first game.    And their defense is terrific.


I think we win.   But I think we'll have our hands full the entire game and hold on for a close win in the 4th Q.  


Perhaps 4 points.    Perhaps 24-20,  or 27-23,  or even 20-16.    I see it that close.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong.    I'd be thrilled if we win handily.

As for the offense, quick outs to TE's and WR's would keep the great D-line of Bill's in check.  Everyone expect Colts O vrs Bills D.  But I am more excited over Colts D vrs Bill's O...-If Manusky grows some coconuts and calls more aggressive plays-

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I think if any team could be "in for a surprise" it's the Colts....


I don't think we're a lock to win this.     It's in Buffalo.   And it's Buddy Ryan's first game.    And their defense is terrific.


I think we win.   But I think we'll have our hands full the entire game and hold on for a close win in the 4th Q.  


Perhaps 4 points.    Perhaps 24-20,  or 27-23,  or even 20-16.    I see it that close.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong.    I'd be thrilled if we win handily.


Yeah, I'm not counting this game as a lock (but I don't count any game as a lock). 

Really, the only thing I can disagree with you on is the name of their coach.

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I think if any team could be "in for a surprise" it's the Colts....


I don't think we're a lock to win this.     It's in Buffalo.   And it's Buddy Ryan's first game.    And their defense is terrific.


I think we win.   But I think we'll have our hands full the entire game and hold on for a close win in the 4th Q.  


Perhaps 4 points.    Perhaps 24-20,  or 27-23,  or even 20-16.    I see it that close.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong.    I'd be thrilled if we win handily.


I agree. Hope I'm wrong but the Bills defense will give us some fits. Our offensive line is going to have to grow up in a hurry.

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Do you think we will put Moore in already? I doubt he knows our system well enough just yet. 


Plus, I think we'll be seeing a lot of Freeman and DQ at ILB especially since the DL is so "new." 


Has Nate Irving been practicing already? 


I'm worried about Watkins against anyone not named Vontae. 

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I feel the Colts defense is going to be better than people are expecting them to be this season. The Colts made some moves to get rid of the players that clearly weren't contributing (Landry, Chapman, Hughes, Werner *benched*). Add in the possibility that Mathis could play this month and you'll have a Colts defense that should be better than last year's.

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Very important that we create pressure because those speedy WRs will be tough to cover for our DBs.

What speedy WRs? They have Watkins and that's it. Robert Woods is questionable for the game but he's not too much of a threat. I think they have that guy Goodwin who is pretty fast but he's hardly targeted.

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I think if any team could be "in for a surprise" it's the Colts....


I don't think we're a lock to win this.     It's in Buffalo.   And it's Buddy Ryan's first game.    And their defense is terrific.


I think we win.   But I think we'll have our hands full the entire game and hold on for a close win in the 4th Q.  


Perhaps 4 points.    Perhaps 24-20,  or 27-23,  or even 20-16.    I see it that close.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong.    I'd be thrilled if we win handily.


Buddy Ryan? Hmmmm haha

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Harvin, Watkins, Woods and Goodwin are all fast




If anyone saw how a reverse to Tavon Austin froze our LBs that they let Givens get past them for the TD pass from Foles in the 3rd pre-season game, they will realize how one has to honor speed.


I bet the Bills coaches saw it.

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While I'm definitely siding with a Colts win, it's the defensive play I've always been drawn to. I love the additions/releases this franchise has made since last year. To me, having Mathis back (no matter what role he plays 1st half of season) and healthy is a distinct key for the Colts defense. Just the threat of a QB sack is enough to play your style of defense, especially in the playoffs.

The younger guys (Anderson, Parry) will contribute and also learn, while the vets step up and guide them. And yes, I do agree with the notion that Manusky should "turn on the jets" every once in a while. The mix of it is crucial. It's keeps the offense honest.

Anyway, I think this is the best defensive set I've seen in a while. Like it very much.

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Exactly. Is why i say he should use the skills his players have. Speed and penetration is what these new guys do. I do not think he should take the 'wait and see what they play and react to it' philosophy he has done in the past.  He needs to be the aggressor, make them react to us.


As for the offense, quick outs to TE's and WR's would keep the great D-line of Bill's in check.  Everyone expect Colts O vrs Bills D.  But I am more excited over Colts D vrs Bill's O...-If Manusky grows some coconuts and calls more aggressive plays-


Manusky has a GIANT set of coconuts.    We lost our ONLY pass rush last year (Mathis) and had only one less sack than we had the year before when Mathis led the NFL in sacks.    Sorry, but Manusky has a BIG pair.

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I think Manusky should use a similar game plan to how we played the 49ers a few years back. If I remember correctly we blitzed a lot that game and kept a spy on Kaepernick and Kaepernick had one of the worst games he had that season.

exactly their offense will be based of the play action of their run game if we're blitzing they have no receivers outside of Sammy that would get open for a quick pass and even Sammy won't be able to being that if Vontae is allowed to shadow him he's locked up
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I am with those who think our Defense will be sneaky good this season. But I think it will be due to the fact our Offense is going to force the opposition to score a lot of points, and Vontae is supposedly going to shadow/shut down the oppositions #1.

I still think we're highly susceptible to the run, even more so now than ever before. Hopefully I am wrong.

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The Colts blitzed 1 out of every 3 QB dropbacks last year.  They blitzed on 33% of all pass plays.  They were 9th in terms of who blitzed the most.  Only 8 teams blitzed more than Manusky did last year.  



I could be very wrong here, but how many of those blitzes came against the upper tiered teams that smoked us last year? (Dallas, Pittsburgh, New England, et.al). Not trying to be conflictive, just curious. Is there a stat that might produce those somewhere?

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The Colts blitzed 1 out of every 3 QB dropbacks last year.  They blitzed on 33% of all pass plays.  They were 9th in terms of who blitzed the most.  Only 8 teams blitzed more than Manusky did last year.  



Yes, but RUN blitzing can be very effective.  most of those blitzes we did last year were 3rd down or 2nd and long.  I say open the gates hitting an ' all gaps blitz' occasionally.

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What speedy WRs? They have Watkins and that's it. Robert Woods is questionable for the game but he's not too much of a threat. I think they have that guy Goodwin who is pretty fast but he's hardly targeted.

Woods has GREAT hands and with a good QB would be one the best slot guys in the NFL, he also runs a 4.5ish, Percy Harvin is pretty fast last time I checked as well. Not to mention the Bills shiny new TE and RB, Charles Clay and Shady McCoy. Watkins is phenomenal, despite having Kyle friggin Orton last year. The Bills have a boat load of offensive talent. The question is can the new QB make it all work.


Don't underestimate this talent group of skill players - the Bills have top 5 talent everywhere, it all hinges on Taylor. OLine needs to play well, but adding Incognito certainly does not hurt.

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exactly their offense will be based of the play action of their run game if we're blitzing they have no receivers outside of Sammy that would get open for a quick pass and even Sammy won't be able to being that if Vontae is allowed to shadow him he's locked up


Is it really that hard to use punctuation? Your posts are borderline incomprehensible on first read. Each post is just one massive run-on sentence

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I am definitely not underestimating the Bills because I think they will give the Pats and Dolphins a run for their money this season.  However, they have a little too much confidence at this point.  Reason being a few headlines that were posted this week.  "Andrew Luck is just another QB, we've faced them before"   Not that they haven't faced great QB's but understand that they've beat you (just last year), although they did win against the Pats 1 game.   I forget who said it but, that's pretty disrespectful IMO!  You say things like that and it sets a fire underneath a player to prove them wrong. 


Another statement was made by Rex Ryan (Another shot at Luck) "He's playing a real defense"!  I get that the Bills are one of the best defenses in the league, but do they understand we are the best offense in the league?  We play the Texans 2x a year, and their defense is almost as good.  Sure, they may hold us under 24 pts, but can that offense put up over 24?  I personally don't think so.  I would say the defense wins if they can hold us to that or below though.  Rex Ryan is notorious for making dumb remarks/promises that don't hold true, I believe this is no different.


I think it will be a hard fought game, but I think Buffalo is in over themselves.  They are discounting the Colts for how much they've improved.  Not that they shouldn't have confidence but it would be wise to keep it to themselves!  They just fueled the fire now.  Not only did last season leave a bad taste in their mouth, but they have high expectations this season, and Bills are first on the list.  Our franchise doesn't boast or run their jaws when they have a thought or good play, they let their play do the talking.

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That is because they have ???'s on their offense. It is just as much as an known as our defense front 7. We all get a look at both in a few hours :)

Our front 7 isn't a question mark. Two spots on the D Line are. We know Langford Cole Walden Freeman and DQ can play in this league. The LB's may be even stronger depending on what Irving Sio and Mathis can bring.

The back end will miss Toler. I think all those worried about our O line that's been together since camp will be pleasantly surprised.

The Bills D may keep them in it for a half and our ST's has looked shaky at times. I don't want to sound like a homer but we are better than Buffalo plain and simple. The scoreboard will reflect it.

Their offense isn't much of a mystery either. They are limited because of the QB position. That's never a good position to be in.

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