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Grading Grigson 12 Games Into This Season


GM Grigson's Report Card  

110 members have voted

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The 2013 Draft and free agency.   How do you feel about the 2013 EOTY?



Very poor draft compared to 2013,  One starter thanks to injury?


FA acquisitions:

I like Landry and Cherilus.  Toler when healthy is serviceable.  Walden is underwhelming.  DHB= mistake.  Bradshaw/Thomas- incompletes.  



TRich -looks like we got fleeced. 

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I say "F".


Had tons of money to spend and it's hard to say any of the FA's have made a big impact.


Also, this last draft makes me pine for Chris Polian to step into the war room!


Finally, 'The trade' looks disasterous at this point.  We're going to be singing the blues on Day 1 of the draft when Cleveland makes our pick.

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His draft this year was pretty weak.


1.  Werner I am not going to give up on yet.  He honestly played one of his better games on Sunday and I hope that's a sign that he's "getting it".  He was putting some heat on Fitz in the second half and was around the ball carrier a lot.  He wasn't a huge factor on Sunday but he was a factor at least some what. 


2.  Thornton has started just about all year but has really struggled and looks over matched.  With that said he's a rookie and this is how rookies learn.  Hopefully this all pays off for him in years to come.


3.  Holmes can't even get on the active roster for game days so that's a bit disturbing. 


4.  Hughes plays but I can't think of anything significant he's done all year. 


5.  Boyett didn't even make it through camp and never saw the field.


6.  Looks like they have moved on from Williams as he's not even on the PS right now.


7.  Cunningham might still develop into something for them as he's on and off the roster.  Not too bad for the last pick in the draft. 


Honestly his best rookie is a guy that wasn't even drafted and that was Howell before he got hurt.  He was a really nice find by Grigson. 


His free agent moves have been better.


Walden has been pretty good when you look at what he really is which is a guy to help with setting the edge and once in a while getting a pass rush and not a replacement for Freeney.  He's been far better than just about any of us thought he would be when he was signed.


Cherilus has been really good at right tackle


Landry gives us a presence in the secondary that makes people think twice about catching the ball.


Toler is a good number two corner but his injury issue has shown up again.


DHB was just a waste right now.


Bradshaw did what he was brought here to do till he got hurt.  Hard to blame the GM for a guy getting hurt we knew injuries were a risk when we got him and had it not been for his injury issues we would have never gotten him or at least not gotten him for as cheap as we did.  Sometimes you roll the dice and sometimes it doesn't work.  Still no issue with that pick up.


Thomas got hurt but looked to be doing just fine till he was hurt. 


Sidberry was hurt before he ever got a chance to show us anything. 


RJF has been playing pretty well for us at DE.  Not great but that sums up our free agency class as a whole they are guys who are solid to good but no real game changers in them. 


Hasselbeck hasn't played but frankly that's a good thing for us.  I still feel better just knowing he's on our roster just in case we need him.  It's hard to get upset at that move after 2011. 


Havili has been a really nice fullback even though he came as a trade.


Franklin is enh at NT but frankly he's better than what we had. 


Then there is the trade for T-Rich.  This one doesn't look good at all right now and honestly we are probably going to hate it even more come April but we are going to have more time for this one to pan out or not and if we can put a better line in front of T-Rich maybe he'll get going.  Maybe not but it's too soon to give up on him and you are kidding yourself if you think the Colts are going to give up on him.  The Colts gave up too much to give up on him this soon.  Yes ride the hot hand in Brown for the rest of this year but they are still going to mix T-Rich in and probably give him another chance to win the job after this season. 


For what it's worth he also made the right calls on keeping Moala and Butler and letting Freeney walk.  He also turned an undrafted free agent Rayford into a draft pick.  That's not too bad. 

Still this year hasn't been as good as last year was however, it was going to be really hard to follow up last year because just about everything he did last year worked and worked extremely well. 


All and all he's done a good job turning this roster over in two years.  Think back to the Saints game during 2011 if someone had said in the middle of the third quarter of that game that the Colts were going to release Peyton Manning, there was no way around it BUT the Colts would be in the playoffs the two following years and the second year they would win the division just about all of us would have taken that in a heart beat with no questions asked. 

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The 2013 Draft and free agency.   How do you feel about the 2013 EOTY?



Very poor draft compared to 2013,  One starter thanks to injury?


FA acquisitions:

I like Landry and Cherilus.  Toler when healthy is serviceable.  Walden is underwhelming.  DHB= mistake.  Bradshaw/Thomas- incompletes.  



TRich -looks like we got fleeced. 


Draft - Not flashy, several longer term projects still yet to be determined.  If you count V Davis as our second round pick than it has potential


FA acquisitions also not flashy but solid - Good or better = Cherilus, Landry, Walden, D Butler(re-sign), RJF, Hasselbeck ... Average = A Franklin ... Jury still out = Toler, D Thomas ... Unknown = Rogers, Rainey ... Bad = DHB ... injured scratch = Bradshaw


Trades - Richardson = Bad, Hughes = Bad, Shipley = Bad, Havili = Good


I am sure I have forgotten some obvious ones, but overall not as bad as you are making it out.

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The 2013 Draft and free agency.   How do you feel about the 2013 EOTY?



Very poor draft compared to 2013,  One starter thanks to injury?


FA acquisitions:

I like Landry and Cherilus.  Toler when healthy is serviceable.  Walden is underwhelming.  DHB= mistake.  Bradshaw/Thomas- incompletes.  



TRich -looks like we got fleeced. 

Walden is most definitely NOT underwhelming. Maybe for the money we payed him, but if you actually watch the game, his pass rush looks much better than it did at green bay, and he's getting much better at stopping the run.

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How is Werner doing in comparison to the other rookie pass rushers? The same.


Pass rushers rarely make a big impact in their rookie year (barring the superstars).


It is clear this board has been spoilt by the 2012 season... the only reason we had so many rookie starters is because of the salary cap restrictions and the incredibly poor talent level we had at the time.


Rookies need 3 years before they can be accurately assessed... I expect good things from Werner.

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I guess Fleener is too good now that he has more experience so it is time to decide our new rookies suck and bash them instead. Weird concept, but how about you make a judgement AFTER they have time to develop. No, that is ridiculous. The time is now. Our draft sucked. Fire Grigson and start over.

The fact that some of you still don't understand Walden is laughable. The preconceived bias is obvious.

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He has made me reminisce about the good 'ol days when we used to have Polian, whom I thought was a jerk, so what grade would that qualify for? I gave him a C minus, but since that wasn't an option, C.

His stock, like Pep's is in a free fall right now, so it's likely his grade will drop by the end of the season.

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I gave him a B. Would've been an A but the DHB signing made it a B. Dumbest move in the history of the world to sign a bum like DHB & I've said that since day 1 of the signing

But anyway, people fail to realize we'd probably be sitting at 9-2 or something if not for these injuries. Grigson put together a great team, but the injury bug destroyed it

Donald Thomas

Ahmad Bradshaw

Dwayne Allen

Vick Ballard

Lawrence Sidbury

Reggie Wayne

I mean the list goes on & on. Without all those KEY injuries, we're easily a #1 or #2 seed. Yeah injuries are apart of the game but the injuries we've suffered seem a bit unreal now

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For this years draft and free agent crop I would say C. There are a l it of working factors here though IMO.

1. Young GMA now picks down in the bottom of each round as opposed to getting the top of each round for draft picks, harder to hit on ready to play players.

2. Young, nearly rookie season, head coach along with a rookie OC who has his first experience in the NFL, running the complicated program of an NFL team with men who are now being paid to do the job.

3. Injuries affected decisions of personnel. Thomas was playing very good at the LG spot and who is to say that Thorton didn't to come in and replace the struggling Mcfly midway through instead of putting him in at the other gaurd spot? I think losing our big TE to injury really threw off the offensive plan and both Ballard and Bradshaw further stunted that and forced the trade ( I was not in favor of then or now). Reggie was just the nail in the coffin for. This young brittle offense with Pep unable to adjust to the losses and the scheme with the talent left.

4. I think the draft and the FA class had a vision on more bigger risk higher reward players and looking long term. Teams play it safe often and go for the guy who appears ready now as opposed to taking the guys who have talent an high ceilings if your coaches can get it all out. All of our draft seemed as that was the strategy. The FA class looked like guys who could come in and plug those gaps now until the rooks got a year under their belt. Hard to argue with that strategy at all.

To accurately grade this class of draft picks, we have to wait 3 seasons. Look at Mario Williams, what did he do as the first pick of the draft for his first 2 seasons maybe first 3? Then came his monster season and he turned it into a huge payday. Can Werner get better, yes. Will Holmes develop into the player they hoped? God we all better hope so but not being played at all an seeing how god awful Satele has been, I don't expect it. I we pick up a free agent center, that will be our answer. Thornton has this years valuable season of time under his belt and that can only provide him a leg up next year with Thomas returning to the online. Get our TE back, Ballard back, hopefully RW back as he was before, get rid of DHB (darn hands of bricks), see what Rogers can bring an offseason for TRich and an offseason for the struggling rookie OC, lets see if Pep can come back next season with learning on the job in the NFL. I'm hoping he consults with some former pro coaches or learns how to manipulate his roster and scheme for the players he has.

I don't feel we have the team now this year to win the Super Bowl but I do feel like we have positive things to look forward to as the draft picks step up the curve along with next years class and free agent pick ups.

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I gave him a B. Would've been an A but the DHB signing made it a B. Dumbest move in the history of the world to sign a bum like DHB & I've said that since day 1 of the signing

But anyway, people fail to realize we'd probably be sitting at 9-2 or something if not for these injuries. Grigson put together a great team, but the injury bug destroyed it

Donald Thomas

Ahmad Bradshaw

Dwayne Allen

Vick Ballard

Lawrence Sidbury

Reggie Wayne

I mean the list goes on & on. Without all those KEY injuries, we're easily a #1 or #2 seed. Yeah injuries are apart of the game but the injuries we've suffered seem a bit unreal now

I don't question him trying to get the talent out of a big receiver with speed who played on the Raiders team too many years, it was a low cost risk with very high ceiling. I do however hold it against them for continuing this far into the season to keep trying him. His drops have been legendary this season and having that many balls hit you in the hands and hitting the ground is astounding. That is my only gripe with picking up this guy. The other move I didn't like is trading the center to Baltimore and keeping Satele as we knew he stunk last year and was even worse this year. Not sure what the upside the team saw in Satele but we need their glasses checked out this offseason.

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I gave him a B. Would've been an A but the DHB signing made it a B. Dumbest move in the history of the world to sign a bum like DHB & I've said that since day 1 of the signing

But anyway, people fail to realize we'd probably be sitting at 9-2 or something if not for these injuries. Grigson put together a great team, but the injury bug destroyed it

Donald Thomas

Ahmad Bradshaw

Dwayne Allen

Vick Ballard

Lawrence Sidbury

Reggie Wayne

I mean the list goes on & on. Without all those KEY injuries, we're easily a #1 or #2 seed. Yeah injuries are apart of the game but the injuries we've suffered seem a bit unreal now


Maybe, but as GM you have to account for the fact that there might be injuries.  Especially with a guy like Ahmad Bradshaw who's not known for consistently making it through the season.


I'll give him a D for the draft.  Werner hasn't showed anything.  Thorton is the best pick thus far and at best he's been solid.  No one else has seen the field much.


I'll give him a B- for free agency.  The players he signed where doing good, but a lot of them got injured, although to be fair they had histories of being injured.  Bradshaw and Toler come to mind.


Getting DHB as our WR2 really hurt us this season, but it's only a 1 year deal so the damage is just limited to this season.  If he fixes it this next off season then we are fine.


On the other hand Walden and Landry have been solid.  Cherilus have proved his worth.  I would really like to see him not only fix some of our problems with our starting roster, but work on some depth this next offseason.  It's going to really tick me off if we don't sign or draft a top end receiver.  We need to start putting some long term weapons around Luck besides TY Hilton and the twin Tight Ends.  Reggie Wayne only has next year left on his contract.  

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I don't question him trying to get the talent out of a big receiver with speed who played on the Raiders team too many years, it was a low cost risk with very high ceiling. I do however hold it against them for continuing this far into the season to keep trying him. His drops have been legendary this season and having that many balls hit you in the hands and hitting the ground is astounding. That is my only gripe with picking up this guy. The other move I didn't like is trading the center to Baltimore and keeping Satele as we knew he stunk last year and was even worse this year. Not sure what the upside the team saw in Satele but we need their glasses checked out this offseason.


That's true I'd have to give him a F on trades this year.  Maybe T Rich will turn into something next year, but he's not done much this year other then a 1st rounder wasted.


The Shipley deal was bad.  Maybe Shipley isn't a long term starter in the league, but he was at the very least a capable backup just hitting his stride and better then Satale for a lot less money.   

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He didn't do too bad but he doesn't get an A from me. Some of his signings from the FA have been pretty solid to me and definitely surprised the heck outta me, especially RJF and Walden. Cherilus is solid at his position right now and Toler is a good corner but I just don't like his injuries. I do wanna see more out of Thomas as well. I believed that Ballard and Bradshaw would've been a great 1-2 Punch at RB but unfortunately they got hurt. DHB needs to leave, seriously. I'm eager about Sidbury, I wanna see what he can do next season.


His draft picks, ehh... about half of them really impressed me and some aren't even there anymore or active.


As far as the TR trade, it looks as if we got screwed pretty bad. Like I said though, I'll give him an actual full season before I say more, but right now, he sucks.

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Is the grade independent of our W/L record?  In order words, would Grigs get a good grade if we had no one on IR, the draft picks and FAs performed well, but we were 5-7?


Before the season started, if you were told that we'd be IRing six starters (including Reggie), how many of you seriously thought we'd be 8-4 after 12 games and on the verge of wrapping up the division title as early as week 14?

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I gave a B, mainly because of the Richardson trade, woulda been an A otherwise.


Grigson is a genius. He went out and got a ton of FA's and he signed most of them to short front loaded contracts, you will see us cut ties with people like DHB after the season, players like Bradshaw more than made up for it.


The draft is still out on jury,

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How anyone could give him an F is beyond me...also how anyone could give him an A dont really hold up either. I gave him a solid B, He is young, has had some mixed results with players he has picked up but he did alot of good, Got us a quality back up QB. Traded for a young physical (I dont see how Manusky does not use that) Corner thats had his ups and downs but the talent is there, He has done pretty well for a 2nd year GM. I expect him he will rectify his mistakes to(dumping some of the dead weight). Lets also take into account he signed most if not all of our players that he picked up to cap friendly deals even though to the naked eye it looks like a player such as Walden is being paid to much, its actually a cap friendly deal that we can get out of with no repercussion after this year if we choose 

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The 2013 Draft and free agency.   How do you feel about the 2013 EOTY?



Very poor draft compared to 2013,  One starter thanks to injury?


FA acquisitions:

I like Landry and Cherilus.  Toler when healthy is serviceable.  Walden is underwhelming.  DHB= mistake.  Bradshaw/Thomas- incompletes.  



TRich -looks like we got fleeced.

this is very close my grade would have been a C+ I would change, Walden to serviceable, he to me isn't as good against the run & better rushing the passer than advertized, Thomas was good before he got hurt. Sidbury would be an incomplete, Draft to early to tell, but I think Werner, Thornton, & Hughes, have a shot. Holmes? Trent trade would rather have that pick back unless he is something we haven't seen yet. Wasn't happy when we made that trade we will see. Bradshaw was IMO a good calculated risk?

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C easily.


In 2 years he is 19-9 as a GM and has dealt with the ego of Jim Irsay and our injury bug.


Walden has been good, and has given the defense more production than Freeney did last year, for less money. Cherlius has been good as well, being a bookend with Castonzo. Landry & Toler are alright, and would have a higher grade if they were healthy. DHB has been pitiful, but for only 1 year, Grigson made a good call on that contract. Thomas and Bradshaw could have been very productive members of the offense. Trent is a interesting piece of the grade. I would have believed to make a bigger impact that he has so far, but for our 1st round pick, I am not too taken a back by it. Carson Palmer commanded 3 first round picks and 2 second round picks from the Raiders a few years ago.


The draft is still very much up in the air. Werner has had some production when placed as the starter. Thornton is a road grader, but needs to work on his pass blocking. Book is still out on Khaled Holmes. Boyett got cut. Justice Cunningham has been cut, on the active roster, and the practice squad.


Ok free agent class, below average draft class. All in all, I gave a C, but I would say C-

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I gave him a "C".  Too early to accurately evaluate the draft, so I'll skip that.  Like what he did for the most part in free agency.  If Thomas hadn't gotten hurt his work on the oline in the offseason would look a lot better IMO.  Walden has been solid, RJF has been solid, Landry is great when healthy.  DHB has been terrible, but I think it was a risk worth taking given the obvious talent the guy has.  That risk doesn't look nearly as bad if Allen and Reggie stay healthy.  Too this point in the evaluation he gets a solid B.  The Richardson trade, which has been a complete disaster so far and wasn't something I was a fan of from the beginning drops him a full grade, and that might be generous.  

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I say "F".


Had tons of money to spend and it's hard to say any of the FA's have made a big impact.


Also, this last draft makes me pine for Chris Polian to step into the war room!


Finally, 'The trade' looks disasterous at this point.  We're going to be singing the blues on Day 1 of the draft when Cleveland makes our pick.

your grading him way to hard, imo, for one we had a ton fo holes and i mean a ton, granted are o-line isnt great but it is better than it was, not counting saturday but he left as soon as manning did, we got Cory Redding, Jean-Francois, T.Y., granted are draft wasnt that great but it was almost impossible to compare it to the one we did when we got Luck, plus are differnce actually can get it done and before him are team was lucky to stop much of anyone cept for the year we won the SB, so im giving him a B, he deserves it with all the chnges he mad and not knowing if it would of worked or have the chemsitry we have it could of been a whole lot worse.

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Maybe, but as GM you have to account for the fact that there might be injuries.  Especially with a guy like Ahmad Bradshaw who's not known for consistently making it through the season.


I'll give him a D for the draft.  Werner hasn't showed anything.  Thorton is the best pick thus far and at best he's been solid.  No one else has seen the field much.


I'll give him a B- for free agency.  The players he signed where doing good, but a lot of them got injured, although to be fair they had histories of being injured.  Bradshaw and Toler come to mind.


Getting DHB as our WR2 really hurt us this season, but it's only a 1 year deal so the damage is just limited to this season.  If he fixes it this next off season then we are fine.


On the other hand Walden and Landry have been solid.  Cherilus have proved his worth.  I would really like to see him not only fix some of our problems with our starting roster, but work on some depth this next offseason.  It's going to really tick me off if we don't sign or draft a top end receiver.  We need to start putting some long term weapons around Luck besides TY Hilton and the twin Tight Ends.  Reggie Wayne only has next year left on his contract.  

i definately agree with you on a top end receiver cuz i would like hi to get mentored by  reggie, plus im hoping rogers can fill in #2 or #1 WR after reggie leaves to keep hilton in slot cuz i think he does best there

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I gave him a C-


scale from 1-10


Cherilus 9

Landry 7


Walden 5

Toler 4

T-Rich trade 3

Draft 1

DHB -5


Cherilus was the only great signing and Landry has been ok. Othen then that this has been a really bad off season for Grigson because the players that he signed were all back ups and he overpaid for them.

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I gave him a C-


scale from 1-10


Cherilus 9

Landry 7


Walden 5

Toler 4

T-Rich trade 3

Draft 1

DHB -5


Cherilus was the only great signing and Landry has been ok. Othen then that this has been a really bad off season for Grigson because the players that he signed were all back ups and he overpaid for them.

If I was doing a 1-10 scale with 10 being great and 1 being bad I'd say











31 divided by 7...4.4 out of 10 to this point

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He was lucky to have the best qb prospect in at least a decade sitting there in 2012. Hard to miss with Luck but he's had a lot of other misses and TRich trade was probably one of the worst in Colts history. Elway trade was worse but that wasn't based on a terrible talent evaluation like the TRich situation. Arguably, the Colts had little choice but to trade Elway but no one forced the TRich fleecing.

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Is the grade independent of our W/L record?  In order words, would Grigs get a good grade if we had no one on IR, the draft picks and FAs performed well, but we were 5-7?


Before the season started, if you were told that we'd be IRing six starters (including Reggie), how many of you seriously thought we'd be 8-4 after 12 games and on the verge of wrapping up the division title as early as week 14?

Now, now....common sense is not allowed here.


Grigson took over 19 months ago in a full rebuild and we're 19-9 since then, with a playoff loss to the 2013 Super Bowl champion Ravens....who had their own mid-season struggles, by the way.


That is clear justification to stone him. :yes:

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Now, now....common sense is not allowed here.


Grigson took over 19 months ago in a full rebuild and we're 19-9 since then, with a playoff loss to the 2013 Super Bowl champion Ravens....who had their own mid-season struggles, by the way.


That is clear justification to stone him. :yes:

There you guys go.....being all mature and logical. How dare you........... :D

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I don't question him trying to get the talent out of a big receiver with speed who played on the Raiders team too many years, it was a low cost risk with very high ceiling. I do however hold it against them for continuing this far into the season to keep trying him. His drops have been legendary this season and having that many balls hit you in the hands and hitting the ground is astounding. That is my only gripe with picking up this guy. The other move I didn't like is trading the center to Baltimore and keeping Satele as we knew he stunk last year and was even worse this year. Not sure what the upside the team saw in Satele but we need their glasses checked out this offseason.

I don't think the problem is dhb so much as we didn't pick up any alternatives to go to. Though to be fair dhb being a massive disappointment wouldn't matter so much of Wayne stays healthy or Brazil develops.

I give him a B. He brought in a lot of adequate to solid players. Without that I'm not sure the Colts survive the injury bug as well.

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I gave him a C. I liked most of the moves he made in the offseason and some people really don't know what their seeing by not liking Walden or Toler. I can understand the frustration with the Toler signing and him being injured, but he was good and our secondary was much better when he was healthy. Cherilous has been a great signing and Landry has been pretty good. With that being said, the Richardson trade absolutely killed his grade, NEVER EVER NEVER trade 1st rders. for RB's, I can not preach that enough and I hope Grigs has learned a valuable lesson from this terrible mistake, However, that is now in the past and all we can do is hope that Richardson can figure out how to play with the big boys. 

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If I was doing a 1-10 scale with 10 being great and 1 being bad I'd say











31 divided by 7...4.4 out of 10 to this point


Here is a question are we grading just based on how helpful a player has been to the team or are we grading based on contract?


Because Cherilus has been very helpful to the team and on that measurement alone he's an 8.  But if we throw in the big contract he got then it's maybe more of a 6.  


I'd give him a much higher grade for his 2012 off season moves then the 2013 off season moves.  Most of the 2013 moves where ok, probably worth a C.  But he doesn't have any real good A or B moves IMO and he's got a couple that at this point are not looking good.  T Rich and Werner are not looking good right now. (But I think it's too early to say these guys won't contribute in the long run.  But for right now they arn't doing it.)  And trusting DHB to be the WR2 this season is a huge blunder.  While it's limited to this season I think a lot of us are gonna wonder what we could have been if we had a WR2 who could catch.  


Now I will say it's a little early to entirely grade these moves.

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