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sherman says wilson is better than luck.


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He called the Ravens defense the Bills defense in the postgame interview if that counts haha

And how is it childish? As long as he can back it up I don't see the problem with it

It's childish because you should let your play do the talking for you. He is a great player and don't need to run his mouth non stop. It's called class. 

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I don't think Wilson is better, but, eventhough luck is much better than last year, I still think he needs to improve the overall accuracy of his passes, case in point:  against jags, he had Hilton wide-open across the middle and just completely missed him.  t.y. could've walked it in..Hilton isn't reggie wayne in that wayne probably could've made that catch..nevertheless, can't just blame o-line or lack of running-game or quality of receivers, anymore..luck also still throws a lot of passes up for grabs..but, yes, luck is better than Wilson, no doubt..he's much better pure passer..Wilson is at best in play-action and improvisation..

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The weeks before Luck was drafted, Sherman stated on the radio here in Seattle that Luck would be the best QB in the league at some point. Mind you, this was as a Rookie corner before he met Wilson. But he assured the listeners that Luck would succeed any of the top passers if he remained healthy. Tons of respect for Luck.

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He called the Ravens defense the Bills defense in the postgame interview if that counts haha

And how is it childish? As long as he can back it up I don't see the problem with it



I don't care and have no problem with him saying Wilson is better. But as far as his trash talking goes its annoying ... The only trash talk he is capable of backing up would be relating to his coverage ability, or some other aspect of his position.  The thing is he talks trash about everything; and many of those things have nothing to do with his coverage ability or even the DB position.  So no he can not back up all his trash talk.



I don't see the problem with his trash talking. Everyone does different things, that's his thing so let him do it



People can do a lot of things, it doesn't mean they should.  His trash talk makes him come across as a classless, loud mouth,  blowhard and reflects badly on the Seahawks,

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Because it's childish. . . A lot of players can backup quite a bit of trash talk. . . they still don't do it.


Did Manning Trash talk the Ravens after he hung 7 passing TD's on them?


No but what would Manning trash talking accomplish? Nothing but a target on his chest. Shermans trash talking gives him a psychological advantage over his opponent. Its demoralizing knowing that you cant beat your man, especially when he lets you know after every play. Its mind games, and it gets them to play your game opposed to you playing theres. Its the mindset that he is flat out better then you. Period. Its a mindset that an elite corner needs to have and a mindset that im sure Peyton has every time he steps on the field, he just doesnt let you know it.

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Don't get me wrong i DO believe luck is the better qb. However, they are very comparable up to this point. they both offer their teams great leadership and slightly different skills on the field. IF sherman was refering to wins then i do believe wilson has the edge.... specially playoffs wins. so the statement isn't out from left field. Both QBs are on the rise and really you can't go wrong with either.... my preference is to Luck and will remain that way.

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As a Seahawks fan who's met Sherman a few times at his events, let me give you some insight on the guy, respectfully. 


Coming out of college, there were several rumors that Jim Harbaugh had some disparaging things to say to teams prospectively interested in drafting Sherman. Just rumors but knowing Harbaugh I wouldn't be surprised. Until he started talking, Sherman was a 5th round draft pick, playing for one of the least popular teams in the league, a team that is rarely featured on national television, and hasn't got a lot of history, admittedly. I love my hawks but they aren't a storied franchise. 


Question: how many of you actually knew who Nnamdi Asomugha was until after he had already been a great CB for a couple/few years? If you're being perfectly honest I doubt not many. 


So Sherman talked to get attention. He's a big attention *. No doubt.


But before you judge him based on that I think it's important to realize something - this guy spent basically his entire offseason dedicated to charitable organizations, and no doubt the notoriety he had cooked up by being a talker brought in an immense amount more money than these events would have had he stayed quiet. 


The Richard Sherman Family Foundation, "Blanket Coverage" has had tons of events.



Richard Sherman's SWAG campaign (Students With A Goal)



The Richard Sherman softball game benefitting "Helping a Hero" and other local charities




These are just a few of his own PERSONAL events and charities. He's been part of probably dozens of others in his time here at seattle. It seemed like every other day he was at some new event. 


When guys are out driving around drunk at 7 am in this league, he was spending his whole off-season trying to help others. And this isn't even a guy who has made his money yet. He was a 5th round pick after the new CBA. This is a guy who grew up in compton but had great enough parents that he stayed clean and earned his way into Standford, where he not only graduated, but returned to pursue his Masters. 


as for the original topic, of course he is going to talk up his QB. 

I can appreciate that hawnknballs wants to present Richard Sherman as a kind, considerate, intelligent, & philanthropic individual. 1 question though: What relevancy does this have regarding NFL rivalry smack talk? Zero, zilch, nada.


Okay, he's a swell guy off the field does that grant him a pardon from what he said about my QB? Nope. The problem with smack talk is this: Eventually, you come across a squad that can hang with you & give your team a run for it's money. Eventually, everyone pays the piper & Richard Sherman will pay his pound of flesh too. It's inevitable. 


Let's line up, kick off, & see where the ball bounces shall we...

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lol I guess, but what is he supposed to say? It isn't like Sherman is saying Luck is bad

True David, but why say anything at all? Buckle your chinstrap & prove it 3 hours later.


Confidence will always be confidence until someone else knocks you on your caboose. Humility goes much further than self imposed bravado.


I guess I just admire the silent assassin types. You never see it coming & it hits like a freight train. It appeals to espionage nature I suppose. 

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This was a nice feature on Mr. Sherman. I would imagine surviving gang neighborhoods would give you a sense of liberation. He seems to be well adjusted with a good head on his shoulders. I just never saw the point of trash talking period. If you are any good on the field, no showboating or vocal tirades are necessary. To each their own, I guess. IMO greatness needs no self promotion. Everyone can see that for themselves. 

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Ahh let the man talk, it's all part of the game, we even had the Jag's players giving out smack pregame. I like Sherman, aside from being a very good player he's got some character at least. No doubt as some point though he will get burnt and it will be interesting to see if he can take his lumps and eat his crow when the time comes. 


I'll also be interested to see how he lines up against us, assigned to cover Reggie? 

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I think I disagree with you on some points....but I can't remember which <> is which LOL soldier on!

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I think Luck is more valuable to the Colts than Wilson is to the Seahawks. Wilson has a better team around him.

I disagree. This is not the Peyton days anymore. This team is very good and only getting better. This new Colts team would have a shot at winning with Matt Hasselbeck. 


As far as who is better between Luck and Wilson. Only the media asks those questions so they have something to talk about. Given the choice, all 32 front offices would choose Luck every time and that includes the Seahawks. 

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I don't care and have no problem with him saying Wilson is better. But as far as his trash talking goes its annoying ... The only trash talk he is capable of backing up would be relating to his coverage ability, or some other aspect of his position. The thing is he talks trash about everything; and many of those things have nothing to do with his coverage ability or even the DB position. So no he can not back up all his trash talk.

People can do a lot of things, it doesn't mean they should. His trash talk makes him come across as a classless, loud mouth, blowhard and reflects badly on the Seahawks,

The way I see it, they have the best secondary & are the best team in the NFC so I really don't think anything reflects badly on them

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The way I see it, they have the best secondary & are the best team in the NFC so I really don't think anything reflects badly on them

Heck, they're probably the best team in the NFL at this point as well. They are one of those teams that can do as much trash talking as they want and no other team's players are going to complain or say much back lol.

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He talks too much for my taste, but it's part of his game.  He likes to get in people's heads and he's good at it...AND he backs it up.  I got no issue with it.  Best way to silence a guy like that is to outplay him.  If you can't do it, then you're going to get an earful.  But if he wants to talk smack, let him talk smack.  Part of the game.  And as for the original quote, I don't think it qualifies as smack talk.  He's just backing up his QB.  He's supposed to. 


And for whoever called him an *, that's just plain wrong.  He's a smart guy who does good things off the field.  In a game where too many players throw away opportunities by getting DUIs or worse, I'll take Sherman's talking and conduct off the field any day.

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Because right now he is at this point in there careers to be honest, I really like Wilson, both on and off the field


I'm not sure people know his college career at NC State and then deciding to play his final year of eligibility at Wisconsin, after he graduated college.  He had a Big Ten team in contention for National Championship until the end of the season. And he had a last second heartbreak loss in the Rose Bowl to the Oregon Ducks. Luck's pre draft hype overshadowed Wilson (and of course, his Drew Brees -esque height didn't help).  Wilson is quite good, and was one of Gruden featured QB's on his QB school series on ESPN.  I'm sure it is more than 'just backin up my team mate'  talk here, and deservedly so.  Wilson has earned his respect.  And I'm quite happy we got Andrew Luck.  And I hope our Colts team back him just as vociferously as Sherman did Wilson. (I believe Redding already has! Sideline soundbite)

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Preach it brother!! 

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That's his QB Stephen! He's supposed to say that. Vontae Davis would say the same about his QB if he got asked who's better between Luck or RG3. Vontae would say Luck is better



He's also a top 3 CB in the NFL. I believe he can talk if he wants. He can back it up so why not


I think Vontae is right there with Sherman, to be honest.  The thing is, he just goes about his business -- whether that is Vontae's choice or Pagano's orders, I don't know.

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I think Vontae is right there with Sherman, to be honest. The thing is, he just goes about his business -- whether that is Vontae's choice or Pagano's orders, I don't know.

That's arguable. Vontae has definitely been solid for us since day one. Barring injury, he's easily our best CB. Barely hear his name called during games. Except last week cause obviously Blaine Gabbert didn't get the memo about not throwing to Vontae. He should've asked Matt Schuab about that

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    • Kind of an extreme example, but Jim Irsay specifically praising Bryce Young last year could qualify. In general though, if a team is trying to throw off the scent by floating positive information about other players, that seems harmless. It's different if a team is trashing a player to try to get him to drop into their range, and I don't think that's something that actually happens. If it did, I think that would be highly inappropriate, and I think a good reporter would look back and recognize that their source was using them, and think twice about trusting that source again.     So I think this is way more common than what McGinn did. And I don't think people ignore it, unless it's something they don't want to hear. Most sports reports include some version of 'I've been told...' without naming or directly quoting a source. A lot of those are just fact-based, black/white reports, but that often happens with more opinion-based or viewpoint-based reporting as well.     I don't know if anyone necessarily likes those reports, but I do think we consume them, and are generally influenced by them. Yeah, the substantiated/analytical stuff is way more valuable than a report discussion a potential character issue, but if it has a legitimate foundation -- AD Mitchell does have diabetes, it can be difficult for someone with that condition to control their mood and energy levels -- then I think it should be considered. Ultimately, I know the quality of information I have access to is nowhere near what the teams are getting, so I don't worry too much about it.      Yeah, I fully agree. Ballard faced the media when the Okereke story came out, and it was obvious the team had done their homework. He was firm when asked about Ogletree coming back. The Colts are thorough. Doesn't mean nothing can go wrong once they draft the guy, but I'm confident they've checked all their boxes.    And definitely, I think Ballard 100% meant everything he said, and I have no problem with him saying it. But, I think there's a difference between McGinn's report, and the narrative that came later. I think the report was based on anonymous insights, and the narrative was based on sensational headlines. And I'd say Ballard's comments apply more to the narrative than to the report.
    • Yes. Just like you might want to try to make a player drop to you, you might want to bump up the stock of another player so he gets taken ahead of you and this drops another player you actually like to your team.  This to me looks even worse. This provides even further layers of anonymity and even more questions about the veracity of the report. With what McGinn is doing at least we know where(generally) this is coming from and what the potential pitfalls might be(conflict of interest). If he generalizes it to "People are saying"... this could be anyone... it could be a scout... it could be an exec... it could be an actual coach of the player(this might actually be valuable)... or it could be a water boy the player didn't give an autograph to... In a certain way it makes it easier to ignore, but it feels worse to me because of lack of specificity about the reliability of the source.  There is a lot of appetite for more and more information about the players. I'm not so sure there is a ton of appetite for anonymous reports about character failings specifically. In fact, I think those are some of my least favorite pieces of content around the draft. I think there is TONS of good(and some bad) substantiated, analytical, narrative content for fans to consume without going into the gutter of dirt that a lot of those anonymous reports are dealing with. Unless it is factually substantiated(example, player X is being charged with Y crime, i.e. there's actual case... it's all fair game to explore that...)    Someone pointed out that it was Ballard that went to Marcus Peters' house and spent a couple of days with him and his family to give the OK to the Chiefs to draft him. Ballard is not a stranger to having to clear a prospect's character for his team so they'd be able to draft him. IMO he seems very confident in his read on Mitchell. I don't think he'd go to that length to defend his player the day he drafts him if he didn't really think the things he said. And I really think he feels strongly about this. I guess we will see in due time if he was right. 
    • Does the same dynamic and conflict exist when it's a positive report, based on unnamed sources?    What if a reporter just generalizes this information, without offering quotes? 'People I've talked to have concerns about this player's maturity...' Is the standard the same in that case?   I think if media didn't share these anonymous insights, the stuff we love to consume during draft season would dry up, and we'd be in the dark. There's a voracious appetite for this kind of information. That doesn't mean the media has no responsibility and shouldn't be held to some kind of standard, but I think your standard is more strict than it needs to be. JMO.   To the bolded, I think that's the job of the scouts, and it's one of the reasons there's a HUGE difference between watching video, and actually scouting. That's why teams who have access to film and independent scouting reports still pay their own scouts to go into the schools, talk to the coaches, talk to family and friends, etc., and write up in-depth reports on players that they'll likely never draft. I'm confident the Colts got sufficient answers to those questions, which is why I'm not concerned about it. If the Colts didn't have a reputation for being so thorough with stuff like this, I might feel differently.
    • Not sure. To me a lot of those (not just about AD) read very gross and icky, especially coming from people who have things to gain from perpetuating a narrative. IMO unless it's factually supported, you probably shouldn't print it(this is specifically about character/attitude things... things that we cannot see with our own eyes on the field - about those... go wild... print whatever you want, unless you are concerned with looking foolish). Or at the very least you should make everything possible to corroborate it with people who are close to the situation - for example, your anonymous scout tells you AD Mitchell is uncoachable. You do NOT print this unless a coach who has worked with him confirms it. Your anonymous scout tells you that when AD Mitchell is not taking care of his blood sugar levels, he's hard to work with. OK, this seems reasonable enough. But does it give an accurate picture of what it is like to work with Mitchell? In other words - how often does that actually happen? Because Mitchell's interview with Destin seems to suggest that he's been taking the necessary measures to control his blood sugar levels. Did it happen like once or twice in the span of 3 years in college? Or is it happening every second practice? Because when you write it like McGinn wrote it and then suggest that he's uncoachable, what's the picture that comes to your head? And the fact that your scout also told you "but when his blood sugar is ok, he's great", doesn't really do anything to balance the story here. 
    • Got it. But what do you think should be done about this?
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