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Not only is it not a rivalry anymore, I don't think it ever will be again.  Yeah, some of us fans may always keep a little Pats hatred.  But as long as Luck's health gets straightened out, in a couple years the Colts will be good again, and by that time, BB & Brady will be gone & the Pats may suck.  We need to look at the currently improving teams in our division as rivals, & leave New England alone.  Yes, they've had an amazing run, but pretty soon they'll be just another football team.

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Just now, TonyBungee said:

Not only is it not a rivalry anymore, I don't think it ever will be again.  Yeah, some of us fans may always keep a little Pats hatred.  But as long as Luck's health gets straightened out, in a couple years the Colts will be good again, and by that time, BB & Brady will be gone & the Pats may suck.  We need to look at the currently improving teams in our division as rivals, & leave New England alone.  Yes, they've had an amazing run, but pretty soon they'll be just another football team.

False. I will never not take more pleasure in putting those arrogant fans in their place. In fact I look forward to it.

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2 minutes ago, TonyBungee said:

Not only is it not a rivalry anymore, I don't think it ever will be again.  Yeah, some of us fans may always keep a little Pats hatred.  But as long as Luck's health gets straightened out, in a couple years the Colts will be good again, and by that time, BB & Brady will be gone & the Pats may suck.  We need to look at the currently improving teams in our division as rivals, & leave New England alone.  Yes, they've had an amazing run, but pretty soon they'll be just another football team.

Doesn't matter.  You want to beat the snot out of them every time you play them.  They are public enemy no. 1.

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1 minute ago, richard pallo said:

Doesn't matter.  You want to beat the snot out of them every time you play them.  They are public enemy no. 1.


Even with BB and Brady gone, they may have McD as the HC and shady Kraft in the owner's box...still plenty of incentive to beat them.

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2 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


Colts would have to actually win a game against them to be a riavalry. 


I agree that a fire has been lit though. 

True...but you have to see deeper.  That quote by Ballard signifies a shift in his mindset.  He came in thinking he could cooperate with New England and undo the ill will that has intensified as a result of Deflategate which was associated with the previous regime.  However while coddling the snake that is the Patriots organization...he got bit bad. Now he sees them for what they are and will make it his business to try and crush them.  No more playing nice the Colts front office is out for blood and will set out to construct a team that can challenge and defy New England on the grid iron once again.  Things just got personal for him.  Hence his quote which I absolutely LOVE!   I welcome that and feel like he has now become a true Colts GM after my own heart. 

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11 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


Colts would have to actually win a game against them to be a riavalry. 


I agree that a fire has been lit though. 

fair enough.  i guess its just a question on the definition of rivalry.  To me it is there despite them winning most.

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11 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

True...but you have to see deeper.  That quote by Ballard signifies a shift in his mindset.  He came in thinking he could cooperate with New England and undo the ill will that has intensified as a result of Deflategate which was associated with the previous regime.  However while coddling the snake that is the Patriots organization...he got bit bad. Now he sees them for what they are and will make it his business to try and crush them.  No more playing nice the Colts front office is out for blood and will set out to construct a team that can challenge and defy New England on the grid iron once again.  Things just got personal for him.  Hence his quote which I absolutely LOVE!   I welcome that and feel like he has now become a true Colts GM after my own heart. 

Exactly.  If Ballard is as competitive as he claims, this has got to be burning inside him right now.  This is the equivalent of Rocky getting beat knocked out by clubber lang and then coming back with more fire to beat his butt later on.  

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I gotta admit, I wish he hadn't said it. I felt it; he has every right to say it, but he just sounded *, and we sound slimed --- again --- by the freakin Patriots.


I know I'm gonna get slammed for this, and I hope he proves me wrong. I am * at McDaniels. But I'm also disappointed that Ballard didn't sniff this out. It's just disappointing. Hell of a way to start your gm-ship; getting jilted at the altar by your first coaching hire.

All of the questions about ethics and leadership that people questioned about McDaniels --- all now proved true.

Anyway, we'll get a better coach. I hope. I always hope.

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7 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

True...but you have to see deeper.  That quote by Ballard signifies a shift in his mindset.  He came in thinking he could cooperate with New England and undo the ill will that has intensified as a result of Deflategate which was associated with the previous regime.  However while coddling the snake that is the Patriots organization...he got bit bad. Now he sees them for what they are and will make it his business to try and crush them.  No more playing nice the Colts front office is out for blood and will set out to construct a team that can challenge and defy New England on the grid iron once again.  Things just got personal for him.  Hence his quote which I absolutely LOVE!   I welcome that and feel like he has now become a true Colts GM after my own heart. 


He comes off as a bit gullible to me. Everyone has known what the Patriots have been about at least since spygate. Keep your enemies close I guess but he got burned. Hopefully, he learns from this because some people get burned and then they trust no one, which is not good either. People are angry at the Patriots and I don’t know why. They convinced an employee who was under contract with them to stay. The anger should be squarely on McDaniels but I’m not angry at all because I didn’t want him as a coach and he did us a favor. 


Ballard can say whatever he wants. I’m not easily impressed by words. He could be a bumbling fool at a presser for all I care as long as I see results on the field. 


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11 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


He comes off as a bit gullible to me. Everyone has known what the Patriots have been about at least since spygate. Keep your enemies close I guess but he got burned. Hopefully, he learns from this because some people get burned and then they trust no one, which is not good either. People are angry at the Patriots and I don’t know why. They convinced an employee who was under contract with them to stay. The anger should be squarely on McDaniels but I’m not angry at all because I didn’t want him as a coach and he did us a favor. 


Ballard can say whatever he wants. I’m not easily impressed by words. He could be a bumbling fool at a presser for all I care as long as I see results on the field. 


I can respect your take.  I didn’t want McDaniels either and I view what ultimately happened as a blessing in disguise.  As far as the Patriots, I feel like Kraft wanted to get back for Deflategate.  If it was any other team I doubt this happens. That’s what fuels the anger with them for me.  I don’t like how our front office was made to look incompetent.  I agree Ballard was gullible in thinking he could work with the Patriots or any coach from that poisoned tree in the first place.  I think he has learned his lesson the hard way and will be on a mission to build a team to usurp them going forward. 

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22 minutes ago, George Peterson said:

Not until the Colts have a competitive team again it isn't.  A one-sided rivalry is not a rivalry.


I mean how many people think the Browns still have a rivalry with the Steelers and Bengals?


If the Browns nail the draft and FA signings, then those rivalries will be back on, too.

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I disagree some say you have to win for it to be a rivalry , 

Colts vs Patriots  has been a rivalry starting with Peyton Manning & Tom Brady those years established the rivalry it was lntense - The Bills & Dolphins Jim Kelly & Dan Marino beat the Colts alot but I & many others never felt the intense hatred that we feel when it comes to the very mention of the New England Patriots & IMO its the FANS there fans versus Colts Fans Tom Brady a late round pick Peyton Manning a first pick in the draft there games greatly scrutinized with years of smack talk invested .


The Rivalry has never ended for those of use that watched our Colts take out Drew Bledsoe we remember the beginning the middle & are watching the End & nothing would be better than sending Tommy Boy out knowing the Patriots QB plans are to start a 41 year old who at this point has no successor I wonder which QB is next up ? And can my Colts get to a 41 year old ? 




A sports rivalry is intense competition between athletic teams or athletes, but not directly related to the formal sport and the practice thereof. This pressure of competition is felt by players, coaches, and management, but is perhaps felt strongest by the fans.

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4 minutes ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:

I disagree some say you have to win for it to be a rivalry , 

Colts vs Patriots  has been a rivalry starting with Peyton Manning & Tom Brady those years established the rivalry it was lntense - The Bills & Dolphins Jim Kelly & Dan Marino beat the Colts alot but I & many others never felt the intense hatred that we feel when it comes to the very mention of the New England Patriots & IMO its the FANS there fans versus Colts Fans Tom Brady a late round pick Peyton Manning a first pick in the draft there games greatly scrutinized with years of smack talk invested .


The Rivalry has never ended for those of use that watched our Colts take out Drew Bledsoe we remember the beginning the middle & are watching the End & nothing would be better than sending Tommy Boy out knowing the Patriots QB plans are to start a 41 year old who at this point has no successor I wonder which QB is next up ? And can my Colts get to a 41 year old ? 




A sports rivalry is intense competition between athletic teams or athletes, but not directly related to the formal sport and the practice thereof. This pressure of competition is felt by players, coaches, and management, but is perhaps felt strongest by the fans.


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Where they were so ignorant to trade away Jimmy G. lmao .... Yeah. They are fading away in front of our eyes. I'd say NE might have 2 seasons left if that. Maybe just this coming year.. Who knows. But Brady WILL start to decline very soon. Then they'll be a joke.

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1 hour ago, John Waylon said:


You’re not wrong. The last time we beat New England Obama was still considered a new president. 


So what? Screw the patriots. We don't have to to beat them for it to be considered a rivalry. We hate them, and clearly they hate us or this wouldn't have happened. 

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For those who think that Chris Ballard shouldn't have said "The rivalry is back on" , I want to ask why? Why not say it? This is sports, this is drama, this is ENTERTAINMENT. I enjoy good entertainment. I want my GM to have a pair and be willing to say bring it on New England. Now if this were politics, I would want someone more diplomatic, but this is football. Give me a guy with stones EVERYTIME!

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Love me some Ballard.  My man crush for him just skyrocketed (is that even a word?).


The rivalry sort of went a bit waning for me after P-Money left, but Ballard has resurrected it for me with that

final line.  He is on a mission with more intent now.  I love it, I love it, I love it.


Hate to bring this back up, but I think Indy is finally going to build that "monster" that was postured up years ago.

I would love to see Chubb sack Brady 4 times in the same game.

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Ballard is a keeper...


I'm always amused by the profanity filter on this site... Some of the things you are allowed to say baffle me when I try to write "we could snatch up a player here or there" and it censors it. 


I have nothing against profanity... just giggling to myself about the filters... not complaining, just think it's funny. 


Carry on. 


Edit: nvm... I guess you can say snatch now... Sry to waste yall's time.

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Here's how I look at it. Obviously we're not competitive with the cheaters right now, but at least this informed our GM of how the fans (or at least people like me, who've never forgotten who public enemy #1 was) feel. This is now on his priorities list- as it should be. 

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    • It's year 3 and he is still 22 years old. So if he gets over half the snaps and grades in the upper 60's it would show solid improvement.   As for R Harrison, he could be a situational safety, say some TE's, some run support. But remember he has had trouble finding a position in the secondary, much because he is so Slow. 
    • Yep. That’s exactly right. 
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