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Anthony Castanzo " I've been (expletive) terrible"


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"I've been (expletive) terrible this season," the Colts' $42 million left tackle said a moment later. "I'm just going to call it like it is."

Then he did. Castonzo was blunt. He was brutally honest. The frustration poured out of him — his NFL-high five holding penalties this year, his three false starts, his lapses in technique, the mistakes, the mistakes, the mistakes. "Me doing stupid (expletive)," he called it. Castonzo would not skirt the obvious after his team's 27-21 loss, nor would he make excuses, nor would he rationalize his second-rate start to this 2015 campaign.


He is our most talented lineman for sure, but boy he's been probably the most disappointing player this year outside of Luck. He and his penalties have killed this team.

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Not only has he been bad, but when he does make a mistake, it's almost always at the most crucial time, when there is zero margin for error. That holding call yesterday in the 4th quarter on 3rd down killed a 1st down conversion and pinned the offense back up against the goal line, and totally ruined any chance for a comeback. Dude needs to get it together, and soon, because the next 3 defenses we play are fast and furious.

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Bob Kravitz tweeted yesterday during the game, that according unofficial statistics Castonzo has burnt 1000 this season by penalties. Can this figure be valid? I'm sure they've taken killed plays into consideration (like instead of 35 completion -15 yrd penalty), still it is an unbelievably high number. A WR or RB is widely celebrated when making a 1000 yrd season....

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I wouldn't say he and his penalties have killed the team. There's a lot wrong right now.


But, his mistakes have been costly, and that's too bad, because he's usually the most reliable lineman on the team. I trust he'll get it right shortly.

We keep saying that we trust so-and-so (Luck, Pep, Pagano, now AC) will get it right.  I'm starting to believe that this year's team is rotten from the head on down.  There is still plenty of talent on the team but turing this team around this season would need a new voice in the locker room. But when your best players re having sub-par seasons .500 or worse is what you get

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He was pretty bad yesterday.  There was one sack yesterday that he was blamed for that was on mewhort but even with that he was bad.

The thing with AC though is this is a new thing and he has shown the ability in the past to learn what he's doing wrong and correct it., so in the long run, I'm not too worried about him.  Speed rushers have learned that AC takes an extra long kick step against them, so f they show AC an outside move and then step in front of him, his feet are too far apart for him to react properly, after that happens then he takes a smaller kick step and doesn't turn his body which opens him up to being beaten on the outside.


He needs to get his arms up faster and stronger so he can control the defender while he gets his feet set.


Glenn went through a couple year span where he was being called for a lot of penalties at inopportune times.

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Agree 100%. I really think we all got tricked into thinking he might not suck because he was consistently better than the other guys lining up next to him.

We appear to be in a "thinnest kid at fat camp" scenario and are paying 40+ million for it.

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One almost wonders if these guys are starting to think to much instead of just playing football. With obvious distractions taking place within the organization, they seem to be either not focused or overthinking things with they way several players have not being playing like their normal selves.


I think they can feel that the locker room is about to implode or something.

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Agree 100%. I really think we all got tricked into thinking he might not suck because he was consistently better than the other guys lining up next to him.

We appear to be in a "thinnest kid at fat camp" scenario and are paying 40+ million for it.


It's not hard to watch a player and determine whether he's good or not. Especially a LT. AC is good, he's just playing bad right now.

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We keep saying that we trust so-and-so (Luck, Pep, Pagano, now AC) will get it right.  I'm starting to believe that this year's team is rotten from the head on down.  There is still plenty of talent on the team but turing this team around this season would need a new voice in the locker room. But when your best players re having sub-par seasons .500 or worse is what you get


I don't know who "we" is. I know that Luck and AC are better than they're playing right now. 

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It's not hard to watch a player and determine whether he's good or not. Especially a LT. AC is good, he's just playing bad right now.

I'm not really convinced. The best I'd have given before the season is that he's average (although clearly our best linemen) but this year it appears he got his big contract and decided it's ok to just suck out loud.

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Pretty sad he is the best of the worst linemen we have this whole team is a mess. Irsay should have taken it a little slower and built through the draft instead of overspending for all these free agents for the quick fix. You get what you pay for the longer you keep Grigson around the longer it will take to fix this mess

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He was pretty bad yesterday.  There was one sack yesterday that he was blamed for that was on mewhort but even with that he was bad.

The thing with AC though is this is a new thing and he has shown the ability in the past to learn what he's doing wrong and correct it., so in the long run, I'm not too worried about him.  Speed rushers have learned that AC takes an extra long kick step against them, so f they show AC an outside move and then step in front of him, his feet are too far apart for him to react properly, after that happens then he takes a smaller kick step and doesn't turn his body which opens him up to being beaten on the outside.


He needs to get his arms up faster and stronger so he can control the defender while he gets his feet set.


Glenn went through a couple year span where he was being called for a lot of penalties at inopportune times.



Glenn as I remember used to get calle for a lot of false starts and a lot of those were questionable. They sometimes did hurt but nothing like these monsters AC has had that nullified big gains and ended the drive. I really don't remember Glenn get called for much holding .. although I could be wrong.


At least the false start is blown dead and only 5 years. These holding calls have often been like 30 years penalties ....

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I'm not really convinced. The best I'd have given before the season is that he's average (although clearly our best linemen) but this year it appears he got his big contract and decided it's ok to just suck out loud.


Based on his comments, he's not okay with his play.


And it's cool if you're not convinced. We can see a player differently. My point is just that I haven't been grading AC on a curve, against his inferior teammates, as if it's impossible to see how good or bad he really is. He's been a legit top 10 tackle, and he earned his contract. The problem is that he's not playing now the way he had been playing.


I'll also point out that, despite how good he usually is, he's always had a little bit of inconsistency to him. He'll have a bad game or two every year. Rewatch the 2013 Rams game if you forgot.

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Based on his comments, he's not okay with his play.

And it's cool if you're not convinced. We can see a player differently. My point is just that I haven't been grading AC on a curve, against his inferior teammates, as if it's impossible to see how good or bad he really is. He's been a legit top 10 tackle, and he earned his contract. The problem is that he's not playing now the way he had been playing.

I'll also point out that, despite how good he usually is, he's always had a little bit of inconsistency to him. He'll have a bad game or two every year. Rewatch the 2013 Rams game if you forgot.

Yeah I know he's not okay with it, that's just my frustration poking out.

I'll respectfully disagree with you that he earned that contract we have him. It looks to me like we gave him a big contract for the same reasons the Raven paid Joe Flacco, not paying him and tryin to find someone else would be prohibitive, especially given our current line issues.

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Based on his comments, he's not okay with his play.


And it's cool if you're not convinced. We can see a player differently. My point is just that I haven't been grading AC on a curve, against his inferior teammates, as if it's impossible to see how good or bad he really is. He's been a legit top 10 tackle, and he earned his contract. The problem is that he's not playing now the way he had been playing.


I'll also point out that, despite how good he usually is, he's always had a little bit of inconsistency to him. He'll have a bad game or two every year. Rewatch the 2013 Rams game if you forgot.


This is pretty much how I see him, albeit from a much inferior position of knowledge compared to yourself. He's good, but inconsistent. 


Then again how's his deal going to look in 2/3 years time when some other LTs get paid. Saying that the only FAs coming up of note seem to be Okung (2016), Glenn (2016)  before we run into Joeckal, Kalil, Whitworth (all 2017). 

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Not only Anthony is really good, but is playing bad. This team is really good. Really. Some guys are elite, some guys are good... and yes, some guys are average at best. It's impossible to field a team of elite guys only: expiring contracts, injuries, retirements, misses on draft picks and free agents. *It happens. But right now whole team is playing not as a sum of the parts. This team is playing bad. And they need help... badly.

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I still wish we had moved him over to RT a few years ago instead of bringing in Cherilus and us went after a corner stone LT.  He has been great but I think he would best fit at rt and we wouldn't have had to spend as much to re-sign him.  Sounds like hindsight 20/20 but a lot of things Saturday said about his foot work when evaluating  him have stuck with me.


Still he has been great for us over that time and well deserved his contract...hopefully this haze that is over top us all clears soon.

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I still wish we had moved him over to RT a few years ago instead of bringing in Cherilus and us went after a corner stone LT.  He has been great but I think he would best fit at rt and we wouldn't have had to spend as much to re-sign him.  Sounds like hindsight 20/20 but a lot of things Saturday said about his foot work when evaluating  him have stuck with me.


Still he has been great for us over that time and well deserved his contract...hopefully this haze that is over top us all clears soon.

Please, name a cornerstone LT taken in 2013 draft and later (pick #25 and later). Or cornerstone LT FA (without history of injuries just like Cherilus).

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Glenn as I remember used to get calle for a lot of false starts and a lot of those were questionable. They sometimes did hurt but nothing like these monsters AC has had that nullified big gains and ended the drive. I really don't remember Glenn get called for much holding .. although I could be wrong.


At least the false start is blown dead and only 5 years. These holding calls have often been like 30 years penalties ....

You remember incorrectly.  Glenn used to get quite a few holding calls, especially against speed rushers.


 Funny thing is Glenn struggled with speed rushers until the Colts drafted Freeney,  I don't know if Freeney worked with Glenn or if Glenn just learned how to block speed rushers by going against an elite speed rusher in practice every day but it was the year after the Colts drafted Freeney that Glenn went to his first pro-bowl and a big reason for that is because Glenn no longer struggled with speed rushers.

AC is suffering from that this year, IMO.  The Colts don't have a pass rush, especially not like he faced against NO.

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"I've been (expletive) terrible this season," the Colts' $42 million left tackle said a moment later. "I'm just going to call it like it is."

Then he did. Castonzo was blunt. He was brutally honest. The frustration poured out of him — his NFL-high five holding penalties this year, his three false starts, his lapses in technique, the mistakes, the mistakes, the mistakes. "Me doing stupid (expletive)," he called it. Castonzo would not skirt the obvious after his team's 27-21 loss, nor would he make excuses, nor would he rationalize his second-rate start to this 2015 campaign.


He is our most talented lineman for sure, but boy he's been probably the most disappointing player this year outside of Luck. He and his penalties have killed this team.

Round of applause for AC. Mad respect for a man who up and says exactly what the problem is without sugar coating it, especially if he's part of the problem. Which he is. Now can he fix it

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