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Is it outrageous to think "Peyton Manning for OC in 2016"?


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I don't know if he ever spoke about wanting to be a coach of ANY sort after he retires, I'd imagine he will at the very least take a year or more off...If he even coaches. On top of that most former players turned coaches of any sort don't usually start with the team the draft them, Not going to happen in 2016

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Honestly, I think it is. He's done this for almost 20 years now, he deserves a break. He has two young kids at home. Let him go home and watch them grow up for a while.


Many have always said Manning likely won't be a coach of any kind because he is a perfectionist, and it would be difficult for him not to be too overbearing as a result. I tend to agree. 


I'd say there is less than a 10% chance he ever does it. And of that 10%, I'd say it's a solid 0% chance for the first 10 years after his last snap.

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I liked Peyton as a player.  But as a coach, I think he would be an intolerable perfectionist, something that might not sit well with players less talented than him.  JMO.

I don't think he'll coach.  He'll either do TV or form an ownership group of a team. 


For all those who want the Colts to hire Peyton (which I know you aren't one of) understand if you hire him as a coach most likely one day they are going to have to fire him.

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I'd like to see us make a serious run for Lane Kiffin. He ran a pro style offense with a fullback. Also used single back zone blocking.


As long as USC is paying him, he doesn't really care what he makes, but once the severance compensation is over, NFL money might sway him. I'm sure he wants to learn as much as he can from Nick Saban, but I see that relationship ending soon within the next 2-3 years. 

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I'd like to see us make a serious run for Lane Kiffin. He ran a pro style offense with a fullback. Also used single back zone blocking.


As long as USC is paying him, he doesn't really care what he makes, but once the severance compensation is over, NFL money might sway him. I'm sure he wants to learn as much as he can from Nick Saban, but I see that relationship ending soon within the next 2-3 years. 

Enh, Lane Kiffin has pretty much been a bust every where he has been including Oakland in the NFL.  I am not really high on him at all. 

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Enh, Lane Kiffin has pretty much been a bust every where he has been including Oakland in the NFL.  I am not really high on him at all. 

Oops. You know I was referring to an Offensive coordinator..? 


Not for a head coach... He is a brilliant offensive mind.. The knock on him was his leadership ability as it relates to running a program... Lots of coaches would love to have him coordinating their offense. Add in a few more years of maturity mixed with some education from one of the games best teachers/coaches, and he'll be a fine candidate for an OC in the pros... IMO

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Coaching.....no......partial ownership/GM, probably.

Where is the idea of Peyton as a GM coming from?  He had zero qualifications to be GM. You don't just retire and become a GM either.  It's a completely different world than you have lived in as a player and you have to learn that. 


Also as I said before if you hire Peyton as a GM or a coach or anything odds are one day you are going to have to fire him.  Jim Irsay already put his fanbase through the heartbreak of seeing Peyton go once.  I don't think he's going to do that again. 


I also think Peyton has already tipped his hand of what he wants to do when he's done playing by having his "wife" buy part of the Grizzlies.  I say the " " around wife because the rules were that he couldn't do it.  Peyton wants to get into ownership.  The Colts aren't for sale and there are no signs that they are going to be in the near future.  So that's probably not an option for him.  I also think Tennessee if home to Peyton not Indy, sorry.  I could see him trying to buy into the Titans but I doubt he's going to be owner of the Colts or partial owner of the Colts because I don't think the Irsay family is open to giving up any of their ownership to anyone who is outside their family. 

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Oops. You know I was referring to an Offensive coordinator..? 


Not for a head coach... He is a brilliant offensive mind.. The knock on him was his leadership ability as it relates to running a program... Lots of coaches would love to have him coordinating their offense. Add in a few more years of maturity mixed with some education from one of the games best teachers/coaches, and he'll be a fine candidate for an OC in the pros... IMO

Still don't think he's a good option there.  Frankly rather we like him or not Pep is known for being a really good offensive mind with a complex offense.  I don't think that's what the Colts honestly need.  I think they need a less complex offense right now to be honest.  Also, if we make a change at the OC spot I'd rather go after a proven NFL OC right now rather than gambling on another guy coming from the college ranks. 

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Where is the idea of Peyton as a GM coming from?  He had zero qualifications to be GM. You don't just retire and become a GM either.  It's a completely different world than you have lived in as a player and you have to learn that. 


Also as I said before if you hire Peyton as a GM or a coach or anything odds are one day you are going to have to fire him.  Jim Irsay already put his fanbase through the heartbreak of seeing Peyton go once.  I don't think he's going to do that again. 


I also think Peyton has already tipped his hand of what he wants to do when he's done playing by having his "wife" buy part of the Grizzlies.  I say the " " around wife because the rules were that he couldn't do it.  Peyton wants to get into ownership.  The Colts aren't for sale and there are no signs that they are going to be in the near future.  So that's probably not an option for him.  I also think Tennessee if home to Peyton not Indy, sorry.  I could see him trying to buy into the Titans but I doubt he's going to be owner of the Colts or partial owner of the Colts because I don't think the Irsay family is open to giving up any of their ownership to anyone who is outside their family. 

Slow down boss.......A. the idea of GM comes from John Elway and other superstars who have gone into executive roles with organizations. B. I never said anything about it being with the Colts. I can understand why you took it that way due to the title of the thread....I was talking in general. Bottom line is that he will in no, way, shape, or form end up on a sideline as an assistant coach.

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Slow down boss.......A. the idea of GM comes from John Elway and other superstars who have gone into executive roles with organizations. B. I never said anything about it being with the Colts. 

They didn't just stop playing and the next day become the GM.  They spent time learning the job before they got the job. 


I also think Peyton has tipped his hand already.  I think his eyes are on ownership not being a GM or coach.  GMs and coaches get fired.  Owners don't.

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They didn't just stop playing and the next day become the GM.  They spent time learning the job before they got the job. 


I also think Peyton has tipped his hand already.  I think his eyes are on ownership not being a GM or coach.  GMs and coaches get fired.  Owners don't.

Thank you for the education.....I'm fully aware. I shouldn't have even responded because I am not even referring to 2016. 


I said partial ownership...........John Elway had GM added to his title last year.

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How many great players (of any sport) have turned out to be truly great coaches?????


Hmmm, NFL - Mike Ditka, and Tom Flores.  Ivan Lendl - tennis. (Art Shell - possibly Jim Harbaugh -honorable mention)


Now for those that have not--


Jimmy Connors, Wayne Gretzky, Larry Bird,  Mike Singletary, etc...


Most good / great NFL coaches were NFL players, but often nothing special as a player.


As for an OC, I'd love Tom Moore, now!  (Arians has him in AZ as Asst. HC, and it shows.)

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