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What Makes You Yell Watching The Game?


89 members have voted

  1. 1. What aggravates you the most watching the game?

    • Penalties
    • Turnovers
    • Three and outs
    • Dropped passes
    • Opposing team connecting a third and long.

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It seems every fan has their hot button that gets pushed while watching the game that

sends them into uncontrollable tirade of words toward the TV set or sitting in the stands.


All four of these choices irritates me to death but the three and outs has to be the one

that makes me cuss the most. Especially with this offense, I will go bonkers.


Feel free to vote or fill in your own choice.


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I just really hate stupid plays, be they turnovers or penalties or whatever the case.  Other teams scoring and three and outs are going to happen, so no sense in getting mad over those.  But a stupid false start penalty you get from not maintaining focus or fumbling the ball because you're not protecting it while you run, those things really get me mad haha.  Stupid plays from losing focus (false start, dropped passes, etc.) or losing your cool (fighting, late hits, etc.) drive me nuts.

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I just really hate stupid plays, be they turnovers or penalties or whatever the case.  Other teams scoring and three and outs are going to happen, so no sense in getting mad over those.  But a stupid false start penalty you get from not maintaining focus or fumbling the ball because you're not protecting it while you run, those things really get me mad haha.  Stupid plays from losing focus (false start, dropped passes, etc.) or losing your cool (fighting, late hits, etc.) drive me nuts.


Defense giving up 3rd and long or whiffing on a sack that turns into a huge gain.

Good posts, these drives me nuts also. haha

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oh boy where do I start. qbs stepping up in the pocket and running for a first down, getting blowned so far off the line the rb has enough time to drink a pina colada before he hits the hole, dropped passes, pass interferance, missed tackles, need I go on

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1. Fleener Drops

2. Unknown RB's rushing for 200 yards & 4 TD's

3. Luck holding the ball too long & taking a sack or forcing a pass that's then picked off

4. Boom's fumbles

5. Dwayne Allen popping up on the inactive list consecutive weeks

6. Greg Toler doing that "crazy" signal/celebration after an incomplete pass then turn right back around and allow a completion for a first down or so

7. Harrison snapping the ball over Luck's head

8. Defense getting beat by crossing routes over and over again and Manusky making NO adjustments

9. Laron Landry in coverage (Thank the Lord that's no longer here :worthy: )

10. Bjoern Werner being right there for a sack but too slow to finish the play so ot goes for a big gain



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I'm pretty calm when watching the game. I tend to shake my head at a lot of things, that seems to be my go-to thing to do. Or the occasional "WHAT??" when there's a questionable penalty or missed tackle.


However, if I'm watching the game with my buddy, he can get pretty ridiculous. I think we all know somebody that is like this (or maybe it is you lol) Screams BULLSH, throws remote or takes his jersey off and throws it. The thing that REALLY gets me is about 5 minutes into the 1st quarter and the other team scores, my buddy will just say, "Welp, that's the ball game" and walk out. Seriously?

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I don't usually yell when I'm watching football. The only thing that gets me close is missed tackles. 

Multiple missed tackles in a row irks me.  I think it was one of our games against Cincy where we almost stopped Bernard on 3rd or 4th down and we first hit him like 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage, but he eluded like 5 tacklers and got a first down

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Multiple missed tackles in a row irks me. I think it was one of our games against Cincy where we almost stopped Bernard on 3rd or 4th down and we first hit him like 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage, but he eluded like 5 tacklers and got a first down

I think you're thinking of CJ Anderson in the broncos playoff game. That run still irks me, we missed him three times on that run.

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