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Luck is Tied For Leading in Pick Sixes

King Colt

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That is what came over the radio this morning. Every player has a let's call it a weak spot in their abilities. Interceptions are one thing but a pick 6 can kill you. To me it is worse than a fumble. They have got to work with Luck as I think part of his problem is he wants to win on every play not that is not admirable as long as it does not kill you when you try it!!

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Pick Six especially, but his turnovers arent limitied to that.  He's fumbled the football numerous times, and had a key safety this season.  It's mainly the timing of those plays also.  Making it an early deficit, or at a key point in the game.  Like you said I think Luck tries to "win" on every play.  Not that he doesn't throw it out of bounds to avoid sacks, but will put himself and the field position at risk all too often.  He definitely needs to clean it up to be considered the best in the game (eventually).  As many great plays he has, it sometimes totally gets negated by some of the bonehead mistakes he has. 

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It's too bad they don't count towards his total TD passes for the season....


He's still learning, hopefully this is just his teething phase.  Even with the pick sixes, I'd take him over every QB in the league.  


On a personal note, I think his struggles come from the beard goblins that reside in his neard.  They've been giving him bad advice.  He needs to either go full duck dynasty or shave the thing off, then surely his performance will improve.

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Manning did too early in his career.


Manning did later in his career too :).We wanted another Peyton, we have it in terms of turnovers for sure :). At least Luck can use his legs much better. Right now, the saving grace early in Luck's career is Peyton's rookie year of 28 INTs that will provide some house credit. Ultimately Colts fans will all get behind him, just like we did behind Peyton despite our QB faults, which will always be there to nitpick about.

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It's just something he has to work through.  I remember the last season Peyton Manning was playing as a Colt before the neck surgery.  Seemed like he went through a stretch of about 5-7 games where he was throwing around 1-3 picks a game and it was annoying as heck.  And he was doing that as a seasoned veteran. 


Andrew is a third year player so it's expected, he will just have to continue to work his way out of it.   I still think a lot of it could be minimized by running the football more, and leaving him some easy check downs to dump off.  Really can't do much on our end except for being patient with the process.

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It's too bad they don't count towards his total TD passes for the season....


He's still learning, hopefully this is just his teething phase.  Even with the pick sixes, I'd take him over every QB in the league.  


On a personal note, I think his struggles come from the beard goblins that reside in his neard.  They've been giving him bad advice.  He needs to either go full duck dynasty or shave the thing off, then surely his performance will improve.


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That is what came over the radio this morning. Every player has a let's call it a weak spot in their abilities. Interceptions are one thing but a pick 6 can kill you. To me it is worse than a fumble. They have got to work with Luck as I think part of his problem is he wants to win on every play not that is not admirable as long as it does not kill you when you try it!!


 How many have been dropped where he threw it right to a defender? Several.

 Quick passes, Quick thinking, Andrew has gone from Bad to no more than mediocre. But the trend is up.

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That is what came over the radio this morning. Every player has a let's call it a weak spot in their abilities. Interceptions are one thing but a pick 6 can kill you. To me it is worse than a fumble. They have got to work with Luck as I think part of his problem is he wants to win on every play not that is not admirable as long as it does not kill you when you try it!!


 And 2nd in total turnovers.

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People differentiate pick 6s and regular interceptions like they're different.  A pick 6 and a regular interception aren't that different in actual gameplay.  Throw a pick on your own 20, then it has a high chance of being a pick 6.  Throw the same pick on their 20 and it's not likely to be a pick 6.  They only differ in end result, but it's not like you can have an impact on which takes place as an offense.  The pick 6 part may not be Luck's fault; it's possible the other offensive players aren't hustling back to make a tackle.

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It's too bad they don't count towards his total TD passes for the season....

He's still learning, hopefully this is just his teething phase. Even with the pick sixes, I'd take him over every QB in the league.

On a personal note, I think his struggles come from the beard goblins that reside in his neard. They've been giving him bad advice. He needs to either go full duck dynasty or shave the thing off, then surely his performance will improve.


Well then. Thank you No Shave November!

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The line isn't to blame for his two most recent pick-sixes. Just two really bad throws.

Dude if you are going to sit there and tell me that the top QB's in the league now don't have a lot of really terrible throws then it would be a lie every good QB is never going to be perfect and yes when it isn't there he still forces it a little bit but admit it this team would be a losing team every season without him.

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And that is the coaching staffs fault and that is the thing the line sucked even before he got here it just never seems to get better.


There you go, now you're getting it. OC gotta be able to make that adjustment. Remember when the :flyingelvis: traded that OL this season and everyone said their line would be horrible? 


Made the adjustments and now that OL (who's name I can't remember) is an after thought


Luck is the most hit QB in the NFL (which is shocking after watching the Bears last night)


But Luck takes some of that blame. Holds the ball too long sometimes and then makes terrible decisions


So it's a collective blame to be passed around. But mostly the Line & OC 

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Dude if you are going to sit there and tell me that the top QB's in the league now don't have a lot of really terrible throws then it would be a lie every good QB is never going to be perfect and yes when it isn't there he still forces it a little bit but admit it this team would be a losing team every season without him.

I said what I meant. I don't know how your response relates.

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This simply tells me the Colts offense can't tackle........

Fleener's tackle attempt against the Browns was pathetic.

But really, it's more a function of throwing a pick close to your own end zone. It's more likely to be returned for a score. And at least the last two weeks, those picks have come deep in our own territory.

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Fleener's tackle attempt against the Browns was pathetic.

But really, it's more a function of throwing a pick close to your own end zone. It's more likely to be returned for a score. And at least the last two weeks, those picks have come deep in our own territory.

I was joking.

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He has made a ton of mistakes this year with INT's, fumbles & almost INT's.  Some of it is not being on the same page with the receiver.  Some have been tipped balls that receivers should have caught.  Some of it is not protecting the ball in the pocket.  Some of it comes from not knowing when a play is over.  All of these things can be improved upon.


I will also say that he is the reason the Colts are not 5-9 right now.  They do not have an overly talented roster but they have an elite player in Luck.  If he can get out of his own way on a more regular basis, they will have a chance to make some noise in the playoffs. 

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People differentiate pick 6s and regular interceptions like they're different.  A pick 6 and a regular interception aren't that different in actual gameplay.  Throw a pick on your own 20, then it has a high chance of being a pick 6.  Throw the same pick on their 20 and it's not likely to be a pick 6.  They only differ in end result, but it's not like you can have an impact on which takes place as an offense.  The pick 6 part may not be Luck's fault; it's possible the other offensive players aren't hustling back to make a tackle.


I see where you are going with this. I think your point raises the important observation that Luck makes a lot of inopportune turnovers. I would much rather have an INT between the 40s than inside the Colts 20 or in the red zone. Turnovers in the 20s give points or take points of the board. Turnovers between the 40s are basically a punt. 

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lmao its pretty funny that a few people pinpointed the offensive players for not being able to make the tackle after an interception.

If you want to blame the Line for not blocking, the WRs for runnin the wrong route, or even Pep for a bad play call that's one thing but to make that excuse for Luck on his many pick 6's is comical.

Luck very simply has to be better with turning the ball over

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I see where you are going with this. I think your point raises the important observation that Luck makes a lot of inopportune turnovers. I would much rather have an INT between the 40s than inside the Colts 20 or in the red zone. Turnovers in the 20s give points or take points of the board. Turnovers between the 40s are basically a punt. 

I agree to some extent.  He makes inopportune turnovers when he's about to take a sack.  We had two bad turnovers deep in our own territory against Cleveland and both resulted in Browns TDs.  I think too much is being made of his pick 6 statistic

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