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Herm and Polian saying Colts are in such need ... Luck walking into a mess at Indy


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New FO

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Lots of holes to fill, need a RB, no TE to speak of

Luck has hands full (or Luck is walking into a mess) not sure which of those terms were said but something along those lines.

Also there was concern we won't be able to get Andrew the weapons he needs since we have so many needs.

Also Polian said if he could have done it all again he would have focused more on Defense.

Everyone out there is making us look like an expansion team.

I like you're guys optimism but the skeptics have me skeptical. 0.o

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The skeptics don't know anything. We are better than a "expansion" team. We have a number of solid players on both sides of the ball that helped us compete in games last year. Having a terrible backup QB plan, in which im sure Polian is familiar with, is what decided the difference between winning 6-8 games to winning 2. The margin for winning and losing in the NFL is really slim and is often decided by a few plays here or there being made by the QB.

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Also Polian said if he could have done it all again he would have focused more on Defense.

This, IMO, is some Buddha like enlightenment for ole' Bill. :)

I would still have to say that our teams of 2003-2005 would be making more inroad into the playoffs with the current passing rules in the league. In a way, we were a bit ahead of the times with our receiving TE, no huddle, pass oriented concepts adopted by Tom Moore and embraced by Peyton Manning. Unfortunately, you have to be in tune with the times, not ahead or behind.

One would still have to focus enough on the passing game on offense but yes, the balance should start much earlier on D. If we go run oriented on offense, we would put ourselves behind the times and I am sure the coaches and GM know that. Balance wins championships, not gearing to one side on the offense or gearing to D over O or O over D. Put money consistently on all sides of the ball and do not ignore ST as a red headed step child.

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I understand the comparisons of the Colts and an expansion team, but I don't believe we're that bad.

We're not devoid of talent, and next year we're not devoid of cap space.

What I find odd is......wasn't this the same situation Polian walked into, and helped create early in his Indy career?

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New FO

New Coaching Staff on both sides

New Defensive scheme

Lots of holes to fill, need a RB, no TE to speak of

Luck has hands full (or Luck is walking into a mess) not sure which of those terms were said but something along those lines.

Also there was concern we won't be able to get Andrew the weapons he needs since we have so many needs.

Also Polian said if he could have done it all again he would have focused more on Defense.

Everyone out there is making us look like an expansion team.

I like you're guys optimism but the skeptics have me skeptical. 0.o

Thanks for your input, Bill..

now try and talk about the Jets like everybody else on ESPN...

Bill's a smart man...but we start acquiring more players this wekend.

We'll be very new next fall..and there will be rough times

But lets wait till the draft is over before we assign our mess-level

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New FO

New Coaching Staff on both sides

New Defensive scheme

Lots of holes to fill, need a RB, no TE to speak of

Luck has hands full (or Luck is walking into a mess) not sure which of those terms were said but something along those lines.

Also there was concern we won't be able to get Andrew the weapons he needs since we have so many needs.

Also Polian said if he could have done it all again he would have focused more on Defense.

Everyone out there is making us look like an expansion team.

I like you're guys optimism but the skeptics have me skeptical. 0.o

I honestly don't know what we're going to see. Sure, we have a few good players, what team in the NFL doesn't? In the past, we knew we always had a shot as long as 18 was there. Until 12 shows us he's that calibre of QB, how can anyone make a judgement on how good we are?

It may not be a 'mess' but it sure is a big unknown.

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It's ironic how Bill is working for ESPN now saying that the Colts are a mess, and he is the one solely responsible for creating that mess. Thanks Bill!

That is EXACTLY what I thought when I read the thread title. lol

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I understand the comparisons of the Colts and an expansion team, but I don't believe we're that bad.

We're not devoid of talent, and next year we're not devoid of cap space.

What I find odd is......wasn't this the same situation Polian walked into, and helped create early in his Indy career?

It's ironic how Bill is working for ESPN now saying that the Colts are a mess, and he is the one solely responsible for creating that mess. Thanks Bill!

Yep, Polian (& son) were indeed the Alpha and Omega of last season's rapid descent into mediocrity. So in a sense, it's like a self admission... :hmm:

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I honestly don't know what we're going to see. Sure, we have a few good players, what team in the NFL doesn't? In the past, we knew we always had a shot as long as 18 was there. Until 12 shows us he's that calibre of QB, how can anyone make a judgement on how good we are?

It may not be a 'mess' but it sure is a big unknown.

Hopefully our Colts will figure themselves out before the teams on their schedule does...

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Look at it this way.....Luck would have been walking into much more of a mess if Polian, his i d i o t son, and the keystone cop coaching staff that we've been employing the last 3 years (along with their complete pile of crap schemes), would have all remained with the team.

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Ah, what else are they going to say? They always focus on the worst case scenario.

we just hope for the best case scenario and likely end up with something in between the two

I don't know if that will be so hard on Luck though. He's going to have his own growing pains.

But I am confident we shall get him some weapons!

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Speaking of criticism out of the blue...what do you guys think of this one from Paul Kuharsky's AFC South blog?

Scouting chatter: Indianapolis Colts

April, 26, 2012

Apr 26



By Paul Kuharsky | ESPN.com


“I like Anthony Castonzo better at right tackle, he’s not a true left tackle to me. But there won’t be one of those at 34.”

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Thanks a lot for this mess, Bill!

IMO, the defense automatically becomes better because of the new schemes, coaches and personnel.

Like your quote. The scheme makes a lot of difference. The Ravens had 4 pro bowl players last year and two of them (Reed and Lewis) were old. The scheme helps to keep them as pro bowl players. Reid plays center field and not so much in the box anymore like Bethea should be playing. Lewis has lost speed for MLB but the scheme adds another ILB to cut the field so Lewis does not have to be sideline to sideline all the time. Freeney, Mathis, and Bethea should be pro bowlers this season.


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Speaking of criticism out of the blue...what do you guys think of this one from Paul Kuharsky's AFC South blog?

Scouting chatter: Indianapolis Colts

April, 26, 2012

Apr 26



By Paul Kuharsky | ESPN.com


“I like Anthony Castonzo better at right tackle, he’s not a true left tackle to me. But there won’t be one of those at 34.”

Ijalana looked really good at LT last year I hope they give them all a shot at different positions and see which one works better. Im not worried about Castonzo heck be good probably better RT than LT but good at both
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Like your quote. The scheme makes a lot of difference. The Ravens had 4 pro bowl players last year and two of them (Reed and Lewis) were old. The scheme helps to keep them as pro bowl players. Reid plays center field and not so much in the box anymore like Bethea should be playing. Lewis has lost speed for MLB but the scheme adds another ILB to cut the field so Lewis does not have to be sideline to sideline all the time. Freeney, Mathis, and Bethea should be pro bowlers this season.


The scheme helps, but those 2(Reed and Lewis) are once in a life time talents with an unrivaled work ethic on the defensive side of the ball. Those two would be great in nearly any scheme.

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Speaking of criticism out of the blue...what do you guys think of this one from Paul Kuharsky's AFC South blog?

Scouting chatter: Indianapolis Colts

April, 26, 2012

Apr 26



By Paul Kuharsky | ESPN.com


“I like Anthony Castonzo better at right tackle, he’s not a true left tackle to me. But there won’t be one of those at 34.”

He's soft to me at either position.

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Luck is walking to the same situation that Manning walked into,a team in need of a franchise QB.

Granted Manning had better talent when he was drafted, but that doesn't mean that Luck is completely SOL.

We still have Wayne, and Collie as WR's,and our defense still has Mathis, and Freeney looking to turn into a 3-4 with some good off season additions.

I think Luck will be able to work with what he has and Grigson is going to help out both sides of the ball.

Sounds like Polian is eating sour grapes to me.

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Luck kinda is walking into a mess (not an expansion team) but a mess

1. we have an unproven offensive Line, I know some will say we have Castonzo and Ijalana, neither were overall very impressive last year, Castonzo struggled to stop anyone when we dropped back to pass

2.Our Corners are ALL unproven and in my opinion we dont have a number 1 on this roster

3.outside of Angerer do we really trust any other linebacker at this point?

4. Wheres our tight end?

the positives are however

we recogned FINALLY we needed to get bigger and that we needed more then just Freeny and Mathis on the defense

we have a new system

we were able to bring back Reggie so Luck could have someone reliable to throw to even if he may not be that deep threat

we have 10 picks in the draft

we arent an expansion team but face it we have needs all over the place (in other words we are a mess)

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We aren't a mess...that's crazy to say. Because a team makes drastic changes doesn't mean it was a mess...we made drastic changes to get RID OF the mess (that the Polian's created)....

Sure we aren't as solid a bet as once before...but the great thing about the NFL is any team, any day, any time...stands a chance.

It'll be a winning year in Indy...no doubts in my mind.

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Didnt Polian say if he had it to do all over again he would concentrate more on defense? Really Bill, everyone new that the scheme stunk and small ball didnt fwork. Thanks for giving us 1 sb when with the GOAT we should have done much better. Every year it was the same thing. We cant stop the run. GEEEEEEZ

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Polians talking with a mouth full of sour grapes ... it wouldnt matter what team Luck or any other rookie for that matter joins - its going to be new to them! Luck and the Colts will be just fine!

Nonsense. He admitted failings and is only making the obvious observation. This is a condemnation of the job he did and I am sure he recognizes that.

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Hmm Luck has 2 running backs that can run with a decent line, has 2 new tackles on that line already, has 2 very good WR and a new fast 1, but doesn't have a offensive threat at TE. That should be covered in the draft.

But yet Luck has no weapons? -_-

I even heard someone on NFLnet say the Colts only had 1 WR currently. -_-

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It's ironic how Bill is working for ESPN now saying that the Colts are a mess, and he is the one solely responsible for creating that mess. Thanks Bill!

I'm not going to say Bill is guilt free but he built a Super Bowl contending team over the years and was a couple plays from winning again in just 2009. I don't think it was his fault that key players got injured in 2010 and 2011. Collie/Clark got hurt in 2010 and we still had a shot at the Super Bowl if not for a crappy last kick off. Last year Addai, Clark, Manning, our two starting tackles, basically our whole secondary, and defensive play caller Brackett got hurt. Basically the perfect storm happened to this team.

Again it was probably time for him to move on (I hated when he let Chris take over) but this shouldn't be all put on him. The team blew up...nothing any GM could do about that. Look at any team that had massive injury casualties and few survive.

As for the observations. It is true Luck has the worst team in the NFL. I don't look at a single team and wouldn't pretty much trade personal outside of having Luck. He has to put his big boy britches on and be the stead fast leader he is praised to be.

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