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Is a Reggie White-style free agency tour coming for Tom Brady?



...With so many available veteran quarterbacks in the coming free-agency cycle, Brady could logjam the entire process if he decides that he’s going to take his wife and one or more kids to L.A., Nashville, Miami, Dallas (I root for chaos), New York (if that’s what this means), Indianapolis, Denver, Las Vegas, Chicago, Charlotte, Tampa Bay, and/or San Francisco (again, chaos) for face-to-face meetings aimed at bigger-than-money questions like offensive philosophy, personnel, and overall feel and fit...



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14 minutes ago, Superman said:

This is obviously fake. Brady isn't a free agent until the new league year starts, if the Colts flew him in for a visit now it would be tampering, and they would deserve whatever punishment the NFL hits them with. 


I think Bob Kraft bought a replica Colts jet and flew in a Brady look-a-like just to mess with us.  :)

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15 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

They can't talk about anything regarding contracts until free agency begins. Jim is probably going to wine and dine him and sell him on the prospects of playing here

In addition, a club (other than the player’s current club) may not discuss or make any travel arrangements with a prospective Unrestricted Free Agent, his certified agent, or anyone else associated with the player until the expiration of the player’s contract at 4:00 p.m., New York time, on the first day of the new League Year.


https://nflcommunications.com/Documents/2018 Policies/7-2018 Anti-Tampering Policy-Clean Version.pdf

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   For 20 years, I’ve thought of Brady being sacked as one of the most fulfilling plays in the NFL. 
    If he ends up here, I’m sure I’ll get used to him being a Colts and...(gulp) actually rooting for him but it goes against every fiber of my being.

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2 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

   For 20 years, I’ve thought of Brady being sacked as one of the most fulfilling plays in the NFL. 
    If he ends up here, I’m sure I’ll get used to him being a Colts and...(gulp) actually rooting for him but it goes against every fiber of my being.


It's just a normal reaction for me.  Anytime the Pats or Cowboys lose it's a good football day!  And Brady is the Pats.

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On 2/12/2020 at 3:56 PM, Fisticuffs111 said:

Aside from all this, whether true or not, just can’t see him wanting to come here and take Jacoby’s spot.

I can see him wanting to come here and take Manning's old job.  He had a very healthy friendship with Manning, and is just that competitive.


This is a good team that is well suited to what a guy like Brady can do.  Mutual interest is reasonable.

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On 2/12/2020 at 5:14 PM, richard pallo said:

Be careful Chris.  Remember the last time you thought you had a Patriot signed and he left you holding the bag and he stayed with them.  "The rivalry is back on".

The rivalry is pretty one way over the last decade.  We hate them, they don't give a damn because literally everyone hates them



Anyway, the fact of the matter is that McDaniels was absolutely right to bail on us.  Irsay and Ballard were leading him on with promises of a healthy Luck, which turned out to be a complete whopper.  McD knows quarterbacks and he'd figure that out pretty fast, unfortunately for Irsay McD had time to bail out and go back to his comfortable New England job rather than wreck his career for Brissett.


Next time make sure you get ink on a sheet before giving a guy a look behind the curtain.

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16 minutes ago, Imgrandojji said:

I can see him wanting to come here and take Manning's old job.  He had a very healthy friendship with Manning, and is just that competitive.


This is a good team that is well suited to what a guy like Brady can do.  Mutual interest is reasonable.


it makes sense for both him and the team.  i do think it will be hard for him and his family to get over all the trash we talked after deflategate.  if you look around the fans are not exactly supporting the idea now either 


Brady himself can probably handle the trolling but its a tough sell for his wife and kids.  he will have other options too


would be funny to hear Jim irsays thoughts on this

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11 hours ago, aaron11 said:


it makes sense for both him and the team.  i do think it will be hard for him and his family to get over all the trash we talked after deflategate.  if you look around the fans are not exactly supporting the idea now either 



You're giving the fans more credit for long term memory than they actually deserve.  Brady starts winning us games then he's now ours,, and other than a few holdouts it'll stay that way until the moment it suddenly isn't.


As for the holdouts, every fanbase has its curmudgeons and this one is no different.  If we do sign Brady and he wins here, those will be the only people that give a damn about the past.

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12 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

After the Superbowl?  I wouldn't say so.  


Anyway, the Brady-to-Indy rumors just picked up a lot of heat regardless of what this was or wasn't

1) it would be 1000% tampering  He wasn’t on the damn plane. 


2) the Brady to Indy rumors have no more steam today than they did  3 days ago. 

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I hope it's not true. I've been a Colts fan since I was about 9 or 10 years old. I rooted for my team to win even when painter and orlovsky were trying to play QB. But I don't know if I could root for my team with Tom on it. I will be more upset than when Andrew retired or when we released Peyton. I like Ballard and have never wanted him gone, I don't think I've ever said a negative thing about him on here.  But if he does sign Tom, I hope it fails so hard that he is fired mid-season. 

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11 minutes ago, coltsfanej said:

I hope it's not true. I've been a Colts fan since I was about 9 or 10 years old. I rooted for my team to win even when painter and orlovsky were trying to play QB. But I don't know if I could root for my team with Tom on it. I will be more upset than when Andrew retired or when we released Peyton. I like Ballard and have never wanted him gone, I don't think I've ever said a negative thing about him on here.  But if he does sign Tom, I hope it fails so hard that he is fired mid-season. 


don't care no GIF

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On 2/14/2020 at 3:02 AM, ColtsGermany said:

We have enough cap space left to sign him and never let him play. Keep him inactive the whole season:D

Ya, lets hire him for a bunch of money, then not make him work but still pay him.  That will show him.  Take that Tom!! 

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On 2/15/2020 at 6:32 AM, coltsfanej said:

I hope it's not true. I've been a Colts fan since I was about 9 or 10 years old. I rooted for my team to win even when painter and orlovsky were trying to play QB. But I don't know if I could root for my team with Tom on it. I will be more upset than when Andrew retired or when we released Peyton. I like Ballard and have never wanted him gone, I don't think I've ever said a negative thing about him on here.  But if he does sign Tom, I hope it fails so hard that he is fired mid-season. 

I'll up that comment.


"I'd rather Peyton retire as a Bronco, than to have Brady become a Colt".


Take that you Brady lickers. 

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