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Adam V


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1 hour ago, twfish said:

He will stay and should stay. End of discussion. I think if he had another shot to kick that 60 he would have had it

Agree.  In those terrible conditions he was dead center and missed it by maybe one yard.  Until he consistently misses I want him as my kicker.

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On 12/24/2017 at 2:12 PM, Four2itus said:

It's really about quality/cost. If there is a younger, more reliable kicker....for less money, then consider it for sure. If not, they almost certainly are not going to draft one considering the needs of this team. 

Yeah, they're not going to draft one that is for sure. 

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3 hours ago, Myles said:

It wouldn't be bad to bring him back for the right $$, but it also wouldn't be horrible to get a new kicker in here. 

I agree, but you can't be sentimental about players.  Only sign him for a cut in pay and if you can't get a younger and cheaper guy who your talent evaluators find.

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1 hour ago, Roger said:

I agree, but you can't be sentimental about players.  Only sign him for a cut in pay and if you can't get a younger and cheaper guy who your talent evaluators find.


Why would you cut his pay? He's the 9th highest paid kicker in the league. Take out the two misses in Buffalo and the 60 yarder Saturday, and he'd be the 3rd most accurate kicker this season. Plus he had one blocked this week, so he might even be the 2nd most accurate at 96.5%. Keeping him is not about sentimentality, it's based on his performance, which has been excellent.


I'd offer him a modest raise, and tack on an extra $500k roster bonus for being subjected to ridiculous kicking scenarios in the last month of this season. Two years, $7m, and as long as he's an 85-90% kicker for us, he has a job.

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10 hours ago, gnet550 said:

Definite resign...he was almost good from 60...which a lot of kickers can’t do...and that extra point in Buffalo, only the GOAT makes that...age is just a number when your name is Vinny



i agree.  I've thought he was too old and they should get a younger kicker for the past five years and have been wrong every year.  

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3 hours ago, Superman said:


Why would you cut his pay? He's the 9th highest paid kicker in the league. Take out the two misses in Buffalo and the 60 yarder Saturday, and he'd be the 3rd most accurate kicker this season. Plus he had one blocked this week, so he might even be the 2nd most accurate at 96.5%. Keeping him is not about sentimentality, it's based on his performance, which has been excellent.


I'd offer him a modest raise, and tack on an extra $500k roster bonus for being subjected to ridiculous kicking scenarios in the last month of this season. Two years, $7m, and as long as he's an 85-90% kicker for us, he has a job.

He's 55% in the last three games.  Could be because he's too old and is breaking down at season end. In any case, there is no reason to give him a raise.  Colts need to build a deep team to survive the injuries of a long season. The way to do that is not with sentimental declarations of love for "the GOAT". 

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3 hours ago, jskinnz said:


Based on what standard?

Salary cap says you can't build a deep team being generous and sentimental.  He's old, and his last three games have been 55%.  Better to get rid of him a year too early than one year too late.

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13 minutes ago, Roger said:

He's 55% in the last three games.  Could be because he's too old and is breaking down at season end. In any case, there is no reason to give him a raise.  Colts need to build a deep team to survive the injuries of a long season. The way to do that is not with sentimental declarations of love for "the GOAT". 


Again, two were in a foot of snow. Another was in the rain, from 60 yards. Another was blocked. The results in the last three games are not indicative of his ability to continue kicking. The fact that his 60 yarder in the rain was about 2 feet short indicates that he still has plenty of leg.


The cap is not an issue when it comes to the kicker position. Paying him $3.5m/year is about 2.3% of the cap. That doesn't hurt the team's ability to build a deep roster.


And my opinion has nothing do with sentimentality or the idea that he's the GOAT. It's about the simple fact that he's still a very reliable kicker. Just look around the league, half the teams have adventurous kicking situations, to say the least. The Chargers are on their 4th kicker this season alone, and as a group, they are 3/10 from 40+ yards. AV is 10/12 from 40+ yards.


There is zero indication that he's breaking down. If that changes, I have no problem sending him packing. As of right now, he's still a top five kicker, and it would be dumb, frankly, to turn our noses up at that. Kicker is probably the most solid position on the roster.

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9 hours ago, Roger said:

Salary cap says you can't build a deep team being generous and sentimental.  He's old, and his last three games have been 55%.  Better to get rid of him a year too early than one year too late.


For heaven's sake...


How much of the cap do you think kicker's represent?  Answer - not much. Signing him to a contract will not break the bank or prevent them from building their roster.  


And the point about him being 55% in his last 3 games is mind-numbingly bad.  Or did you not actually watch those games and just reading off a stat sheet?


Understand completely the point about a year too early vs. a year too late but there is not a shred of evidence to support they are there now with AV.

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We have different opinions, obviously.  I think his recent failures are a bad sign.  He's 45.  Maybe he can be the same kicker he was ten years ago.  I wouldn't bet on it.


If they keep Vinatieri next year, and he stinks it up, be sure to take note that you called my point "mind numbingly bad."

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I'd keep him. The demand for kickers has gone up ever since the NFL changed the extra point rules. Remember that one week back a season ago when a ton of kickers missed extra points?

Anyways, I don't know what's up with this new generation of kickers. They don't seem to have the work ethic to perfect their craft, like Adam does, and don't even get me started on the Buccaneers Robert Aguayo, who the Bucs took in the 2nd round.

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17 hours ago, Roger said:

We have different opinions, obviously.  I think his recent failures are a bad sign.  He's 45.  Maybe he can be the same kicker he was ten years ago.  I wouldn't bet on it.


If they keep Vinatieri next year, and he stinks it up, be sure to take note that you called my point "mind numbingly bad."


Is the quote button too challenging?  


Your point about him missing the recent kicks he did can only be described as mind-numbingly bad.  That is not an opinion - it is fact.  Holding against him the fact that he missed a 60 yarder or any kick in the Buffalo blizzard is pure nonsense.  


Question - on the kick that was blocked last week, should AV done something to prevent that one too?


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23 hours ago, jskinnz said:


Is the quote button too challenging?  


Your point about him missing the recent kicks he did can only be described as mind-numbingly bad.  That is not an opinion - it is fact.  Holding against him the fact that he missed a 60 yarder or any kick in the Buffalo blizzard is pure nonsense.  


Question - on the kick that was blocked last week, should AV done something to prevent that one too?


Everone has an opinion, but only a fool claims his opinions are facts.  Especially when his opinions are clouded by fan-boy sentimentality.

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