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Left field theory here


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What would you say if the whole Luck injury thing is being created in order to rebuild? What i mean by this, we get Luck fixed, bring him back slowly to see how he worked out after surgery, then the team gets satisfied with the results and see a lost season already so they decide to further tank the season and acquire a higher draft pick? That’s not the twist though. 


Now, let’s say that Luck is healthy and fine but we’ve sent him on this IR and overseas trip to make the illusion seem credible? Now, after all these “visits” and treatment plans, the team starts leaking out that Luck may not be fixed and the team may start looking at QB with its high pick, would that not raise the ante on a trading partner who thought before they could just trade up for the average trade on a high level QB prospect? Price gets significantly raised if there is a higher than normal chance a potential franchise QB gets picked up just 3-5 slots ahead of your pick, doesn’t it? 


Now i admit that it is far fetched but not out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe CB is shrewd and is planning on playing cards with big money pots waiting to seize on. Anyway, what else are we gonna do until after the draft occurs ☹️

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5 hours ago, Jdubu said:

What would you say if the whole Luck injury thing is being created in order to rebuild? What i mean by this, we get Luck fixed, bring him back slowly to see how he worked out after surgery, then the team gets satisfied with the results and see a lost season already so they decide to further tank the season and acquire a higher draft pick? That’s not the twist though. 


Now, let’s say that Luck is healthy and fine but we’ve sent him on this IR and overseas trip to make the illusion seem credible? Now, after all these “visits” and treatment plans, the team starts leaking out that Luck may not be fixed and the team may start looking at QB with its high pick, would that not raise the ante on a trading partner who thought before they could just trade up for the average trade on a high level QB prospect? Price gets significantly raised if there is a higher than normal chance a potential franchise QB gets picked up just 3-5 slots ahead of your pick, doesn’t it? 


Now i admit that it is far fetched but not out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe CB is shrewd and is planning on playing cards with big money pots waiting to seize on. Anyway, what else are we gonna do until after the draft occurs ☹️


If you think any of this is even remotely possible then you don't know Andrew Luck.


At all.


Sorry this dog won't hunt....  not even a little.


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2 hours ago, Jdubu said:

What would you say if the whole Luck injury thing is being created in order to rebuild? What i mean by this, we get Luck fixed, bring him back slowly to see how he worked out after surgery, then the team gets satisfied with the results and see a lost season already so they decide to further tank the season and acquire a higher draft pick? That’s not the twist though. 


Now, let’s say that Luck is healthy and fine but we’ve sent him on this IR and overseas trip to make the illusion seem credible? Now, after all these “visits” and treatment plans, the team starts leaking out that Luck may not be fixed and the team may start looking at QB with its high pick, would that not raise the ante on a trading partner who thought before they could just trade up for the average trade on a high level QB prospect? Price gets significantly raised if there is a higher than normal chance a potential franchise QB gets picked up just 3-5 slots ahead of your pick, doesn’t it? 


Now i admit that it is far fetched but not out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe CB is shrewd and is planning on playing cards with big money pots waiting to seize on. Anyway, what else are we gonna do until after the draft occurs ☹️

I think the possibilities of this are slim. 

However, the effect may still be real.  While not intentionally tanking, we are still setting ourselves up for a high draft pick.  Personally, I don't want us to win more than 1 more game for this reason.  


I think giving Luck lots of time to recover was related to the Colts obviously not having a contender this year. 

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26 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

This is what I hope is true. We also get to showcase brissett and up his trade value. With our money in FA, a new coach, a healthy Luck, and high draft picks with a potential trade for brissett, we can build a contender fast.


I don't know that Brissett will be on the market.   We need a backup.  I don't think he'd demand more than maybe a 3rd round pick.  Possible a 2nd rounder.   

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29 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


If you think any of this is even remotely possible then you don't know Andrew Luck.


At all.


Sirry thus dog won't hunt....  not even a little.


Have to agree, NCF.  I don't think Luck would at all be pleased with not playing if he could.  "That's not how he's wired", and I think he would literally squirm in his skin if he lied about his not being able to play.


I think this theory is more out in the left field bleachers - last row.  But it is something to talk about, lol.

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3 hours ago, Jdubu said:

What would you say if the whole Luck injury thing is being created in order to rebuild? What i mean by this, we get Luck fixed, bring him back slowly to see how he worked out after surgery, then the team gets satisfied with the results and see a lost season already so they decide to further tank the season and acquire a higher draft pick? That’s not the twist though. 


Now, let’s say that Luck is healthy and fine but we’ve sent him on this IR and overseas trip to make the illusion seem credible? Now, after all these “visits” and treatment plans, the team starts leaking out that Luck may not be fixed and the team may start looking at QB with its high pick, would that not raise the ante on a trading partner who thought before they could just trade up for the average trade on a high level QB prospect? Price gets significantly raised if there is a higher than normal chance a potential franchise QB gets picked up just 3-5 slots ahead of your pick, doesn’t it? 


Now i admit that it is far fetched but not out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe CB is shrewd and is planning on playing cards with big money pots waiting to seize on. Anyway, what else are we gonna do until after the draft occurs ☹️

neat theory...... However, do you realize how many people you'd have to get onboard with this theory to keep it a secret?  Dozens.  Doesn't mean its impossible but its unlikely.  Mismanagement is much more likely.

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More in the realm is he was convinced by his personal Team to not come back this season to this o-line, at less than   "no pain" and 100%.

It was always the wise plan, he isn't yet100%, so reap the rewards of 12+ months to get healthy and hopefully to see another Irsay QUOTE of   "this line is FIXED".


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If the Colts give the appearance that Luck's future is in jeopardy, it won't raise the value of our draft pick. 


No team would expect the Colts to say "Our franchise QB is hurt, and we are in position to draft a replacement franchise QB, but if someone offers us an extra second round pick, we'll trade it".


If CB tries to squeeze extra picks by projecting that Luck's future is in question, nobody is going to believe him.



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1 hour ago, Swan Ronson said:

Is M Night Shyamalan writing the script for this?

Lol....only if aliens come through lucas oil stadium's roof on a sunday in November...when its 40 degrees out....but I mean why would the roof be open?? Wait a minute!!!! Maybe my suspicions on Irsay are right...he is out of his mind...or really out of this world and he was signaling their return!


Ok...joking aside....well never mind...this thread is a joke.....the NFL would come down so hard on us....kiss that top 5 pick goodbye...and I would stop watching the Colts for being as bad as the Patriots.

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

If the Colts give the appearance that Luck's future is in jeopardy, it won't raise the value of our draft pick. 


No team would expect the Colts to say "Our franchise QB is hurt, and we are in position to draft a replacement franchise QB, but if someone offers us an extra second round pick, we'll trade it".


If CB tries to squeeze extra picks by projecting that Luck's future is in question, nobody is going to believe him.




A GM worth his salt would call Ballard's bluff so fast. IF Luck was truly still hurt and his future was in question, the Colts wouldn't trade out of a shot at a potential franchise QB...no team would (well at least any team not named the Browns that is). The fact that Ballard was even willing to deal would be a giveaway.


Now, IF Brissett had lit it up this year, then there would be some leverage there. But the Colts, with hopefully the last top 5 pick they have for a long time, aren't passing on a QB if they need one.

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


If you think any of this is even remotely possible then you don't know Andrew Luck.


At all.


Sorry this dog won't hunt....  not even a little.


I hate a lazy hunting dog.... but those with a poor sense of smell are even worse! :D

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6 hours ago, Jdubu said:

What would you say if the whole Luck injury thing is being created in order to rebuild? What i mean by this, we get Luck fixed, bring him back slowly to see how he worked out after surgery, then the team gets satisfied with the results and see a lost season already so they decide to further tank the season and acquire a higher draft pick? That’s not the twist though. 


Now, let’s say that Luck is healthy and fine but we’ve sent him on this IR and overseas trip to make the illusion seem credible? Now, after all these “visits” and treatment plans, the team starts leaking out that Luck may not be fixed and the team may start looking at QB with its high pick, would that not raise the ante on a trading partner who thought before they could just trade up for the average trade on a high level QB prospect? Price gets significantly raised if there is a higher than normal chance a potential franchise QB gets picked up just 3-5 slots ahead of your pick, doesn’t it? 


Now i admit that it is far fetched but not out of the realm of possibilities. Maybe CB is shrewd and is planning on playing cards with big money pots waiting to seize on. Anyway, what else are we gonna do until after the draft occurs ☹️


This basically, to some degree, outlines Colin Cowherd's theory, except for the part where the trip to Europe was actually part of the ruse. Apart from that, it's not really all that unfathomable.

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I think one thing that people don't realize is that Andrew Luck at a point before he was sent to IR this season probably could have played in an NFL game and been decent/good if needed this season. The fact that we were thinking long term AND we were sucking terribly during the regular season allowed us to put him on IR and essentially give him the year off to completely heal. Remember this, Andrew Luck played over a year on basically a sore shoulder before his surgery. He was getting like 1-2 days off a week for his shoulder and yet he still played lights out for us in 2016. He'll be back, stronger than ever with hopefully a better offensive line and an actual defense to protect the leads he will be giving us. 

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I did label the thread as left field, meaning throwing wild and crazy out here. Do I myself believe this is what’s occurring, no I don’t. Just found an interesting twist of events to make something interesting in theory to think about. 

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No way possible this staff could come up with such elaborate plane especially since they can't even c0me up with a halftime adjustment.  Even with weeks of practice.  


So no....  no.... no.   And Luck is not that kind of person anyway.  Neither are the players on this team.... many of which are playing their * knowing they are not promised to be here next yr and could be auditioning for other team 



so again. NO!

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8 hours ago, Myles said:

I think the possibilities of this are slim. 

However, the effect may still be real.  While not intentionally tanking, we are still setting ourselves up for a high draft pick.  Personally, I don't want us to win more than 1 more game for this reason.  


I think giving Luck lots of time to recover was related to the Colts obviously not having a contender this year. 

I’m more intrigued by the progress this team has made defensively. Can’t imagine how good this team would be if the offense wasn’t putting the defense back on the field every five minutes...

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So here’s something to add to your conspiracy theory. Gruden and the Colts struck a deal last January  for him to be the coach next season. ESPN is cutting high salary employees and Gruden sees the writing on the wall but he wanted one more year in the booth. This is why the Colts stuck with this coaching staff this year. Part of the deal was to have a healthy Luck when Gruden takes over. Plus Ballard wants a high draft pick for Gruden. 


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18 hours ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

Have to agree, NCF.  I don't think Luck would at all be pleased with not playing if he could.  "That's not how he's wired", and I think he would literally squirm in his skin if he lied about his not being able to play.


I think this theory is more out in the left field bleachers - last row.  But it is something to talk about, lol.

I think Luck is definitely injured and I'm just hoping it's not career ending.  

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37 minutes ago, Colttodd18 said:

So here’s something to add to your conspiracy theory. Gruden and the Colts struck a deal last January  for him to be the coach next season. ESPN is cutting high salary employees and Gruden sees the writing on the wall but he wanted one more year in the booth. This is why the Colts stuck with this coaching staff this year. Part of the deal was to have a healthy Luck when Gruden takes over. Plus Ballard wants a high draft pick for Gruden. 


I hope your right. But what happened with Gruden his last year in Tampa Bay why did they get so bad?

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1 hour ago, Colttodd18 said:

So here’s something to add to your conspiracy theory. Gruden and the Colts struck a deal last January  for him to be the coach next season. ESPN is cutting high salary employees and Gruden sees the writing on the wall but he wanted one more year in the booth. This is why the Colts stuck with this coaching staff this year. Part of the deal was to have a healthy Luck when Gruden takes over. Plus Ballard wants a high draft pick for Gruden. 


This is an insane addition to my insane initial theory :lol: I hope to god this team doesn’t go all in with a Gruden hire. He isn’t current in coaching and his Tampa team was only good the year taking over the Dungy built team. I’m just not a fan of him moving into our coaching spot. Give me someone current and stove in the coaching of these new athletes. They need a bit more attention than they did 10 years ago. 

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19 hours ago, Swan Ronson said:

Is M Night Shyamalan writing the script for this?

No, if  M. Night was involved the post would have been boring and predictable.


I think the idea is plausible.  I think Pagano is tired and he has often said that when he is done coaching at Indy he is done coaching, so I think he wants to be done  But to make the transition of a new GM smoother they kept him on board for one more year. 


I think Irsay went one further though.  I think, when luck felt some pain, Irsay told the doctors to act like something is wrong and to send him overseas where the doctors there are telling him something is wrong.

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