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I have somewhat of open kind now with Ballard and I believe we have a few intriguing young players ppl might not fully realize that could help us  on D 

players I like an have upside 

Henry Anderson DE 

Hassan Ridgeway DT 

Antonio Morrison ILB 

Clayton Geathers S 

TJ Green CB / S 

Vontae Davis CB 


listed green as corner I'd like to see him at corner ? 


Move on from 

Dqwell Jackson 

Arthur Jones 

Darius Butler 

mike Adams 

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If we go into the 2017 season with Anderson and Ridge as our ends, we will need an interior presence. Whether thats a stud Mike backer, or a nose is yet to be determined. David Parry played well decent his rookie year, but he is no more than a rotational player. I like the idea above, but I doubt Foster is there at 14.




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59 minutes ago, Luckynumber12 said:

I have somewhat of open kind now with Ballard and I believe we have a few intriguing young players ppl might not fully realize that could help us  on D 

players I like an have upside 

Henry Anderson DE 

Hassan Ridgeway DT 

Antonio Morrison ILB 

Clayton Geathers S 

TJ Green CB / S 

Vontae Davis CB 


listed green as corner I'd like to see him at corner ? 


Move on from 

Dqwell Jackson 

Arthur Jones 

Darius Butler 

mike Adams 

You don't think people realize Anderson Ridgeway and Geathers can help this D. Most are waiting on Green. I think everyone knows those names. I think McGill King Rhodes Hightower Melvin Milton are guy's that "could"'help our D. Ayers if he resigns could help. You listed 4 guys that are expected to and Morrison.


You realize Davis will be 29 and in the final year of his deal at the start of the season. There is no could he did help the D. I'm not sure we want to give him a 2nd deal. I'd look at getting 2 CB's from this class or Green to CB. They were pretty certain he was a S when drafted but who knows. We don't want to get caught napping like we did at Edge. 


At least you didn't have us moving on from Langford. He's a vet that could really help next year. You won't  do better at 4M.

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18 minutes ago, akcolt said:

You don't think people realize Anderson Ridgeway and Geathers can help this D. Most are waiting on Green. I think everyone knows those names. I think McGill King Rhodes Hightower Melvin Milton are guy's that "could"'help our D. Ayers if he resigns could help. You listed 4 guys that are expected to and Morrison.


You realize Davis will be 29 and in the final year of his deal at the start of the season. There is no could he did help the D. I'm not sure we want to give him a 2nd deal. I'd look at getting 2 CB's from this class or Green to CB. They were pretty certain he was a S when drafted but who knows. We don't want to get caught napping like we did at Edge. 


At least you didn't have us moving on from Langford. He's a vet that could really help next year. You won't  do better at 4M.

Langford decent he's good if he's healthy ya I agree but Robinson was injuried most of year like to see him bounce backs 

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1 hour ago, Luckynumber12 said:

I have somewhat of open kind now with Ballard and I believe we have a few intriguing young players ppl might not fully realize that could help us  on D 

players I like an have upside 

Henry Anderson DE 

Hassan Ridgeway DT 

Antonio Morrison ILB 

Clayton Geathers S 

TJ Green CB / S 

Vontae Davis CB 


listed green as corner I'd like to see him at corner ? 


Move on from 

Dqwell Jackson 

Arthur Jones 

Darius Butler 

mike Adams 

What is your thought process as to why Green would be a good CB?


The tape (and PFF ratings) show that he was notoriously bad in coverage. He doesnt have many reps in coverage compared to most pro players so he should improve as time goes on but I cant see him ever being a player that can be counted on to shut down a top WR. 


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3 hours ago, Luckynumber12 said:

I have somewhat of open kind now with Ballard and I believe we have a few intriguing young players ppl might not fully realize that could help us  on D 

players I like an have upside 

Henry Anderson DE 

Hassan Ridgeway DT 

Antonio Morrison ILB 

Clayton Geathers S 

TJ Green CB / S 

Vontae Davis CB 


listed green as corner I'd like to see him at corner ? 


Move on from 

Dqwell Jackson 

Arthur Jones 

Darius Butler 

mike Adams 

I'm not going to be rude just state my difference of opinion: Morrison stunk this  year. Don't think that dude has a future here. Edwin Jackson does.

TJ Green? Im not a fan. I think he was way over valued by Grigson and I hope I'm wrong but I don't see the guy being a long term fit here.

Move on from Darius Butler? If not for him and his versatility the defensive backfield would have been even worse than it was this year. He wont cost much to keep. He's worth it.

I'm torn on Mike Adams, he may have a season of good play left in him but if they want youth I agree with that.

I think they are playing with fire if they go with Geathers and Green as the starting safeties.

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3 hours ago, Luckynumber12 said:

I have somewhat of open kind now with Ballard and I believe we have a few intriguing young players ppl might not fully realize that could help us  on D 

players I like an have upside 

Henry Anderson DE 

Hassan Ridgeway DT 

Antonio Morrison ILB 

Clayton Geathers S 

TJ Green CB / S 

Vontae Davis CB 


listed green as corner I'd like to see him at corner ? 


Move on from 

Dqwell Jackson 

Arthur Jones 

Darius Butler 

mike Adams 

You had me until you said Morrison was a player with upside... Nothing we saw from him last season would suggest that...

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Things Ballard said.   He doesn't meddle in how the coach uses the players, that the players have to earn the right to be a Colt, we should get at least 4 good players every draft, he likes defense, he drafts BPA.   


I see him drafting BPA and letting them battle it out for supremacy.  Someone like Morrison or even Ridgeway and McGill will have to fight for their spots. No job is safe.  If you assume 4 good players and he brings in a FA or 2 (he is cautious about this).  That's now 5-6 players this year. That in and of itself can change a .500 team into a playoff team in AFC South.  He and Dorsey turned around KC quickly.

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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

Also Vontae Davis isn't young anymore. He's turning 29 in May. And he hasn't been playing like he did in 2014 (spare with the "oh he was playing hurt" line). Colts need to think about not only a number 2 CB, but a future number 1.


IMO Davis can still play but he's constantly hindered with injuries. He's as you say ... he's 29 and this will probably be an issue going forward.

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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

Also Vontae Davis isn't young anymore. He's turning 29 in May. And he hasn't been playing like he did in 2014 (spare with the "oh he was playing hurt" line). Colts need to think about not only a number 2 CB, but a future number 1.

Vontae was pretty awful this year it's defiantly time to find a pair of starting outside CB's

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5 hours ago, akcolt said:

You don't think people realize Anderson Ridgeway and Geathers can help this D. Most are waiting on Green. I think everyone knows those names. I think McGill King Rhodes Hightower Melvin Milton are guy's that "could"'help our D. Ayers if he resigns could help. You listed 4 guys that are expected to and Morrison.


You realize Davis will be 29 and in the final year of his deal at the start of the season. There is no could he did help the D. I'm not sure we want to give him a 2nd deal. I'd look at getting 2 CB's from this class or Green to CB. They were pretty certain he was a S when drafted but who knows. We don't want to get caught napping like we did at Edge. 


At least you didn't have us moving on from Langford. He's a vet that could really help next year. You won't  do better at 4M.

Ayers is actually under contract. We signed him to a two year contract when he was signed. 

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Morrison's upside is he can straight up tackle.  Can he cover?...flat no.  Can he chase down guys in a sprint,...no.  But if he gets timing down and learns to read plays at the line of scrimmage, we could see a stud at stopping the run.  

On Green being a CB...IDK...his coverage has been iffy at best,..but then safety is a read position...IF he's playing man-to-man,...he might show some usefullness..idk.

Gotta keep Butler.  The guy might be getting older,..but he still makes plays at nickel, and surprose....Safety when called upon.

I love Ayers.

Langford got hurt for real, for the first time in his career...don't let that bog down what he has done.  He's a stud lineman in our system.

We need another solid corner,..and big, strong, NT..and pass rusher or 2, and we have ourselves a defense, imo.

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1 hour ago, dw49 said:


IMO Davis can still play but he's constantly hindered with injuries. He's as you say ... he's 29 and this will probably be an issue going forward.


What do you guys think Vontae would fetch in a trade? I think he has some good value for a playoff team that is close and needs a good press corner. Plus I get the feeling Ballard wants to get younger on D so getting 2 young talented Corners in the draft would be something I'd support since it's a great class. 

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9 hours ago, Luckynumber12 said:

I have somewhat of open kind now with Ballard and I believe we have a few intriguing young players ppl might not fully realize that could help us  on D 

players I like an have upside 

Henry Anderson DE 

Hassan Ridgeway DT 

Antonio Morrison ILB 

Clayton Geathers S 

TJ Green CB / S 

Vontae Davis CB 


listed green as corner I'd like to see him at corner ? 


Move on from 

Dqwell Jackson 

Arthur Jones 

Darius Butler 

mike Adams 

Why do so many people want to bail on Adams and Butler.  They are quality players on this defense. Adams is nearing the end of his career but I think he will be solid for at least 1 more year

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6 hours ago, theanarchist said:

I'm not going to be rude just state my difference of opinion: Morrison stunk this  year. Don't think that dude has a future here. Edwin Jackson does.

TJ Green? Im not a fan. I think he was way over valued by Grigson and I hope I'm wrong but I don't see the guy being a long term fit here.

Move on from Darius Butler? If not for him and his versatility the defensive backfield would have been even worse than it was this year. He wont cost much to keep. He's worth it.

I'm torn on Mike Adams, he may have a season of good play left in him but if they want youth I agree with that.

I think they are playing with fire if they go with Geathers and Green as the starting safeties.

I fully agree with you regarding E. Jackson and Morrison. Jackson has the potential to stop the run and cover over the middle. Morrison, as you say, has no cover ability and because of his lack of speed/quickness he will never develop good cover ability.


If we can sign Adams to a one year contract, I believe he has one more year in him.

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I mostly agree on that, but I think you have to keep Butler at safety and/or slot. 


TJ Green is still an unknown. 

Geather is awesome, but gets hurt often. He's also being used more in the hybrid LB role 

Adams is still decent (and I'm a fan of his) but relying on a 36 yr old safety who's lost a step or two isn't a great plan 


We still need a stud at NT

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7 hours ago, theanarchist said:


TJ Green? Im not a fan. I think he was way over valued by Grigson and I hope I'm wrong but I don't see the guy being a long term fit here.


To be fair, if memory serves, it was Chuck Pagano that personally worked out TJ Green predraft and it was he that became enamored with Green.  Ergo, my suspicion is that T.J. Green was more of a Pagano selection than a Grigson pick.  Just sayin. :)


I agree that I don't see corner being his thing, though.  I think he has potential at safety.  He's still very young and he dealt with some injury issues last year.  Way premature to already give-up on him like so many here seem to want to do.  He really is going to have to step it up significantly over the next two years, though, or this pick too will be yet another Pagano / Grigson bust.  I really hold this one over the head of Pagano, though, based on my understanding of the pre-draft vetting process that went down.

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48 minutes ago, Buddy Lee said:


If we can sign Adams to a one year contract, I believe he has one more year in him.

If KC doesn't tag Eric Berry or come to terms with him pre FA, thus allowing him to test free agency, I'd pass on Adams and break the bank for Berry.

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11 minutes ago, rockywoj said:

If KC doesn't tag Eric Berry or come to terms with him pre FA, thus allowing him to test free agency, I'd pass on Adams and break the bank for Berry.

KC tagged Berry last year didnt they? If you tag a player two years in a row, doesnt it become wildly expensive? Surely they are either going to make a deal, or he is just gonna walk to whoever else he wants to?

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2 minutes ago, Chucklez said:

KC tagged Berry last year didnt they? If you tag a player two years in a row, doesnt it become wildly expensive? Surely they are either going to make a deal, or he is just gonna walk to whoever else he wants to?



If they don't reach a deal, I am pretty sure they're not going to tag him.  Doing so really pissed him off last year and he's basically come right out and said don't you dare do that again.  I could be wrong, but I am hoping KC is in a salary cap squeeze that results in Berry being available in free agency.

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2 hours ago, BProland85 said:


What do you guys think Vontae would fetch in a trade? I think he has some good value for a playoff team that is close and needs a good press corner. Plus I get the feeling Ballard wants to get younger on D so getting 2 young talented Corners in the draft would be something I'd support since it's a great class. 


Maybe a 4th ? He has one year left on his contract at 9 mill. Not a ton of value considering the last 2 years of less than stellar play and the other factors we talked about.

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1 hour ago, rockywoj said:



If they don't reach a deal, I am pretty sure they're not going to tag him.  Doing so really pissed him off last year and he's basically come right out and said don't you dare do that again.  I could be wrong, but I am hoping KC is in a salary cap squeeze that results in Berry being available in free agency.

The problem is Berry is going to want to come to a 2017 super bowl prospective team and coach.  he has neither with the Colts....but would Ballard be enough to sway him?  If we have a shot at all, and I call it a VERY slim chance...those factors could kill the deal.  Then again, he could just want the money , I'd say it would take us about 15 mil / yr to sign him  that's 1/4 or our Free Agency money

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Seems to me; until Vonte Davis, Darius Butler, Mike Adams, etc., are the least productive of their position groups, they would stay. It's counterproductive to cut your top players, when you have no other player that can beat them out for the position.

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4 minutes ago, Douzer said:

Seems to me; until Vonte Davis, Darius Butler, Mike Adams, etc., are the least productive of their position groups, they would stay. It's counterproductive to cut your top players, when you have no other player that can beat them out for the position.

adams and butler are both free agents


butler is coming off one of his best seasons so i would bring him back


im torn on adams, and to truly make that call would require watching tape from last season

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13 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

adams and butler are both free agents


butler is coming off one of his best seasons so i would bring him back


im torn on adams, and to truly make that call would require watching tape from last season

It wouldn't surprise me if Ballard is the unidentified candidate who called the defense "old."  I'm assuming that any player over 30 who can be cut and provide decent cap savings, or who is a UFA, may be gone.

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2 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

The problem is Berry is going to want to come to a 2017 super bowl prospective team and coach.  he has neither with the Colts....but would Ballard be enough to sway him?  If we have a shot at all, and I call it a VERY slim chance...those factors could kill the deal.  Then again, he could just want the money , I'd say it would take us about 15 mil / yr to sign him  that's 1/4 or our Free Agency money

I think it's really premature to rule us out as a Super Bowl contender.  After all we finished 8-8 and about half the teams that make the playoffs were not there the previous year.  Look at Dallas this year with their great draft and the Giants with their FA acquisitions. We were in the AFC championship games a few years ago with our coach and we still have Andrew and now we have Ballard. I can easily see Berry or any FA coming here if we want them. They all want the money and for those that want to go to a contender the Colts I'm sure are considered contenders by the players in the league. 

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